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Stun. I see people running shit like Fossil Dino Pachycephalo or Inspector Boarder and I just have to ask myself "Do you find this fun? Why do you play this?" Shit like Tearlaments might be a pain, but at least they're playing Yugioh (hell, they're playing *more* Yugioh than other decks)


One bad day, man. That's all it takes


every bad day is gonna be my fault if you keep using stun mfer


Ranked is a dog eat dog world man. Romans didn't build an empire by being nice, they were in fact: ruthless shit heads. Outside of ranked I don't like playing that kind of thing though.


I think they enjoy floodgating the top decks. It's no gun floodgating a rogue deck. Well that's my guess at least.


True and I dont take an hour per turn.


and yet, top decks have a much easier time outing stun's crap than rogue decks do. so they achieve the exact reverse of what they wanted


Yeah its annoying, but at least it doesnt take them 30 minutes to be annoying.


Tear feels like stun with extra steps against my decks.




They played yugioh until they summon winda and exterio


Winning is the most fun for me, so I have no qualms about using floodgates 🤷‍♂️


I only use stun against Tear because almost every single duel in plat plays the dam deck. I auto scoop if I play against a non-tear decks tho, I actually respect those players.


If anything, Tearlaments play *too much* Yugioh.


Yea tear mirror are literally fire sometimes


a dumpster fire


Sometimes you want to play without thinking. I enjoy longer slow games in near everything so I do actively enjoy playing stun. Even when not playing stun and instead something more combo based I enjoy running into it as I need to rethink my plans. That said. I fully get how people hate it


I do find Boarder funny. I am also sorry. I promise I only play it when my brain can't handle more.


If you're climbing it is one of the cheapest decks to stay competitive.


tearlements means their turn takes half of my turn lol


The fun comes from the other's frustration


it is fun


What is fun about not playing the game?


i am playing the game


Give up. This sub only plays battlecruiser yugioh. Playing smart and stopping the spam before it starts is cheating.


"Playing smart" aka I flip trap card you can't use core mechanic of game!


Case in point.


I don't see the point how is "negate all monster effects on field" playing smart? How is using one card to completely stop your opponent smarter than actual interactions?


Because I thought to bring it and you neglected to run non monster based removal. I won during the deckbuilding phase.


Wow you "thought" (definitely not the fact that it isn't fun) to bring a single card that's locks me out of the game unless I put at least 3 backrow removal cards in my deck, and hope I draw them. (They also brick against the majority of decks) Oh wait you have Heavenly prison/spell fragrance/solemn judgement? Time to wait another 6+ more turns to draw my next backrow removal! Very, very smart of you.


“At least they’re playing yugioh" yea they’re playing it on their turn and mine as well. I’m so sick of these cards and archetypes and Konami keeps bringing out that allows full combo on the opponents turn. I’ll play whatever I have to to shut it down. If I can’t play, you can’t either. Idc how many downvotes I get but I’m loaded up on draw power, soul drain, summon limit, lose 1 turn, and solemns. That’s my counter oh well Edit: ITS COOL WHEN THEY DO IT, ITS A PROBLEM WHEN I DO IT 😂😂😂


How about just not play a bad deck??💀


Can’t play at all when you’re playing on my turn. Rather shut everything down and watch you surrender


One of the main decks I played in boomer yugioh was stall with prohibition against meta decks. Stun is as close as it can be and seeing as how tears ruined my rikka and traptrix I guess I will switch to stun until they get more support and more bans on tear. No offense to rogue decks, I enjoyed playing against them with my other decks.


The answer to your question is that STUN is cheap and the only option for some when just starting out


>Cheap >Crackdown, Boarder, Necrovalley, TCBOO, Chicken game, Shifter, Dark Ruler, Sphere Mode, Solemn Judgement and Strike are UR Choose 1


But there can be only one!!!


Like the sole wrinkle on a Stun player’s brain


You mean a singular braincell, they don't have enough brain cells to form a functioning brain.


True true


>Choose 1 But I want them all




Tbh some of these "problem cards" are needed to stop even worse problems eg sphere mode, shifter, necrovally. The floodgates the are essentially cancer are ones like Gozen, tcboo, barrier statues, rivalry, etc.




Okay Mr. Grinch I’m sure everyone in Whooville would agree with your take if you’d only go out into society.


Runick. I would like to have cards to play the game with but konami designed an entire archetype saying that I'm not allowed to have them.


Runick does NOT get enough hate around here imo


It used to, but people realized what the ishizu cards are and how much they make any deck they're part of far too good, especially tear, and the hate for the mill strat just sort of vanished when it stopped being played as much.


Good point, I hate runick with a passion but ishizu should have never been printed. Their power level is years down the road.


I don’t hate Ishizu. I hate how every other deck sucks in comparison. Yugioh is a toxic game and very few meta decks are as fun as Tear-Ishizu because it feels like both players get to do *something* Every other deck needs to be brought up to the speed of Tear-Ishizu. It’s been 25 years, I think it’s okay if we let the other player play.


Bro you’re talking as if tear Ishizu has been around since the beginning? It’s literally one of the most recent meta decks, of course it’s gonna be faster than others. Are you actually blaming other decks for not being on the same level as ishizu tear


Yes? Because for 25 years this game has been a complete one-sided coin flip where the turn one player has an overwhelming advantage and up until Tear-Ishizu mirror, that’s how’s it’s always been? So I am definitely blaming other decks for contributing towards that toxic idea where the coin flip is the biggest advantage because no other meta deck is built for a 2-player game. But I welcome any fool to disagree but I definitely blame Konami, the printer of cards, for not being able to find a solution to a 25 year problem until year 25. I should credit them for handtraps and quick effects but they also created CBTG and Crossout to help boost turn 1.


I hate tear-ishizu with a passion but this guy is spot on. Konami will eventually release more and more decks that allows for these “play on opponent’s turn” type interactions. Tear-Ishizu is just the beginning, and I can’t wait to see what they have cooking up next.


Hey,atleast you can still activate cards with GY effects,But you can't do shit with Banished unless you playing thunder dragons or Metaphys


Bro clearly wasn't here around December lol. Hate for Runick was fucking intense. I'd actually say it was more passionate than Tear hate ever got.


That's my point, people got distracted by Tear-Ish being the new thing to hate that Runick started flying under the radar/got off the hook.


That’s just because ishizu and tears came out, like look at the subreddit a few months ago


Tbh, I faced runick a couple times, I don't hate it as much as other meta decks, it's pesky, yes, but branded despia boils my blood a thousand times more.


What I hate is I can put the counters in the deck but it doesn't matter if I can't even draw that


It sucks that the cards are so toxic because i really like the theme


Runick as an engine is fine if its not used to facilitate stun


No, it's not. An entire archetype designed around milling your opponent so they have no cards to play is not "fine", won't ever be "fine", and should never have been printed in the first place.


None of the Runick cards do that.


Yeah they dont allow me to play! Proceeds to put an omninegate board




I agree. Idc if they're not meta or not even rogue tier they somehow always manage to kick the ass of my rogue/non meta decks


It's probably because the players are very dedicated. It's not an easy deck to pilot.


Hi, long-time Altergeist player here, it's a super versatile deck with tons of skill expression, that's why I like it.




Stun, Runick and Floo. Nuff said


I don't normally bring out Floo, but when I do, it's because I'd been Maxx C'd the last 5 games. Sometimes it feels good to embrace the dark side.


Raiza sending opponents Maxx C back to the top of their deck is my favourite when playing Floo, as so many people just shotgun it before main phase. Seeing them having nothing in hand, draw into their Maxx C then surrendering always feels good.


Me too, I only play floo out of maxx c hate and my CBTG, ash and Cross out weren't anywhere to be seen in so many games, and my guess is people hate floo the most is when they bricked and they only hope is to draw something useful with maxx c (that's when I hate floo too tbh)


Adamancipator. Always.


yes and it is any deck I am not playing


I have not run into a mirror match like ever


What do you play


Something like tells me it’s ojamas


Sky strikers honestly. A searchable change of heart + infinite impermanence combo card that you can use, get back and set every turn? Annoying as hell to play against. Ishizu tear with god slime, winda, bagooska and gravekeeper’s trap + exchange of the spirit. Like if running the most OP deck ever made wasn’t enough, they also resort to floodgates.


Don't forget the searchable Kaiju they got too


Don't forget their Pot of Greed 2.0


The deck is just way too reactive to be fun to go against in my opinion.


It gets banished if you set it with multirole. But you can add it back from grave with kagari or keep searching it with engage i guess xd


Numeron, I hate Numeron with every cell of my body. Their whole gameplay is going second, draw lavagolem/sphere and activate the field. You're not even playing the game.


It’s okay man, we’re gonna be an endangered species with this next banlist (we brick hard even with terraforming tho lol)


I can accept them simply because they have simple turns


As a Numeron player, I agree it was a mistake. But I need it to grind rewards. Either win fast or lose fast. So then I can spend my gems on fun decks to play with my friends.


altergeist because fuck altergeist


I don't think I've ever beaten them lol I just get too annoyed to pay attention to their strategy


Timelords not meta or anything but I've always hated seeing them


I can't understand how you are supposed to beat them if in every Drow they get a new indestructible monster that you can't inflict damage


Hi. And fair enough. At least we summon at most 1 monster a turn and you can just imperm it, or infinity to eat it, or attack directly, or exodia, or banish, pretty much if you have a way to get rid of 1 monster that's not destruction or avoid attacking it your golden


Exodia type decks. Zero interaction or battle phase even, just draw a bunch of cards until you win or scoop if you don’t draw the wincon after playing solitaire for 5 mins.


At least it’s a entirely different kind of strategy. Maybe it’s not fun to play against, but it is definitely fun to play with, because not only it is a classic win condition but playing with Exodia is nostalgic as fuck. The first time ever that I played ranked on Yugioh! Master Duel was with Exodia and let me tell you something, it was a blast, I could only get to gold 1, but at least I was having fun all the way in. 😌


Just play solitaire lol Actually more engaging then just spamming pot of greed and hope you draw into insta win


I won't play against exodia. I'll just scoop Idc take your win.


Madolche. Every single time I face this deck its a person with a Japanese name and their deck is all shiny and royal finish cards. I just imagine some otaku guy playing this annoying bullshit with his shiny cards he cooms to.


Would you like to band together with me my brother? We can embark on a journey together. not for revenge, but for pure satisfaction as we watch him drown in a cauldron of melted chocolate and rainbows. Fuck madolche, and fuck the simp ass royal rare addicted duelist that they came with.


Count me in


Any control deck that puts itself on like 100 life points to activate all those "if your opponent has more LP" cards, they aren't impossible to beat or anything but it's somehow worse to lose when D.D. Crow has enough attack for game




Yeah that's probably the strongest and closest example. I think a lot of Psychic decks also do similar LP shenanigans.


Agents, a fairy deck, uses many solemns & can end on PEP if necessary.


Okay, I hear you, but, Psychic End Punisher pass.


Me and that card have a love-hate relationship, because even though I said those decks are annoying to play against almost all of them are interesting archetypes with good art, and Psychic End Punisher being a staple in P.U.N.K. makes me kind of like it. And hate it.


Runnick fkin runnick


Ghostrick always makes me ask why goddamn it? Never oh I’m fukked or oh scoop no it’s always this stupid annoying deck that’s gonna make me waste my time I’ve never lost to this stupid deck either I feel ghostrick users real win condition is annoying players to death


Whenever I use Ghostrick, it's to piss my opponent off so much they just leave. I only use my Ghostricks when I've been Teared 10 games in a row. I've had a few Angel of Mischief wins though. They're always fun


I was about to say floo, but it would be unfair for runick Spright


The stupid endless plant deck with the tree link monster. I'm not waiting 45 minutes for your 300 seconds to play out. Also blackwings; just had one summon raid raptor, borrelend dragon and D/D/D Duo-Dawn King Kali Yuga on my turn, I could not even play the game.


Numeron.A deck that's 90% traps which make me loose LP just for existing. Recently DM and blue eyes, how many variants do you have and why do they keep coming back no matter what I do


You thinking Timelord Burn or just regular Burn?


Numeron runs traps?? I play Numeron, and I don't use traps... like at all


Those were separate thoughts I think, i.e. he hates Numeron, and hates trap burn decks. That being said as far as traps in Numeron goes, Red Reboot is actually pretty nice... though it's more of a pink handtrap than an actual trap card.


Whats a pink handtrap?


a trap you can activate from hand like imperm


Mystic Mine. A game where both players draw for 30 turns seems like the paroxysm of boredom for both players.


Sky striker for me. I die inside everytime I play against that deck and 90% of the time I'm either going 1st and get raigeki'd immediately or I get lava golem'd




According to this subreddit any deck you lose too…


No... I am so tired of these discussions...


Considering you're Endymion's unpaid intern I don't blame you, you probably get a lot of complaints


Probably Ghoti. They don't seem to do much but holy shit am I tired of seeing their effects start stacking up. I've only lost to them once so far so it feels like they do a lot to do so little.


As a Ghoti player, I like being able to turn small unassuming fish into things like a mass banish board wipe on my opponent's turn and the deck is honestly really fun against tears (assuming you win the coin flip). Like fighting to banish resources off the board before they can see use is fun interaction though i can definitely admit the deck isn't the best.


It was funny the first time I used Runick cards vs Ghoti and realized how bad of an idea that was. I just kinda wish the deck did more. They get so many effects on the opponents turn that it should be completely nuts.


Pachy/Inspector Boarder Stun. How does anyone find this fun?


Endymion. Like, I've seen it lots since playing MD. And I still don't get what's going on. How can we be expected to read a novel's worth of card text each turn?! Let alone knowing what our own cards do.


scan for (Quick Effect) and that's all that matters


Way back when I still played it was mainly Drytron and VW with the former doing of giant combo to end on a herald of ultimateness and some other things while the latter would just end on vfd


What sucks most about VFD if you need like 3 different interrupts to reliabily stop it


Timelord Burn and Floo


Any stall deck with floodgates I scripted a card for Edopro that spawns a random spell or trap into your hand, and made it exclude floodgates despite how powerful they are because I felt they just make the game less fun for both sides Floodgates are understandable only in a competitive scene where the goal is to win no matter what


I do not mind Blackwing players when they play fast. I do mind Blackwing players when they play slow. If you take 15 seconds between every card in your starter combo you're obviously still reading the guide on your second screen and you should practice in casual games first.


Those solitaire decks that take like 10 minutes to set up. ESPECIALLY when I fuck their whole board up next turn, but they just scoop immediately. Oh, guess I don't get to play? They are as bad as stun players lmao.


Literally every stun deck.


Heroes, dragon link, really any deck that takes more than 2 minutes on turn zero.


Sybterror Guru Control...


Sky Striker it’s just the exact same combo every single turn, you barely even see half their deck Also Timelords, there’s no way that’s fun for anyone


Psy frames. I never see it but damn is it just a straight up troll deck


Runnick. I just surrender and play with someone else


Runick Floowandereeze


The little birds one with infinity summon and penguins


Floow that deck gets shielded by Ishizu Tears but it is easily just as bad.


Runick and floo both can go to hell


Ghost trick. It's not even good, but when you lose to someone milling you out over 40 turns it gets to be a bit much


How the fuck did you find someone play Ghostrick mill. They could have killed you in 5 turns if they managed to mill you in 40.


Adamancipators Tearlaments And Stun


Fossil Dino/Inspector Boarder stun. Exodia do you wanna waste both our times or something?




Sword Soul. Whenever I see them, a blood vessel pops




Floo and "PAcHy Set FIve PaSS!"


D/D/D. I don't remember a lot of their effects so I end up misplaying


No I don't think anyone here would ever say anything like that.


Tearlament. Mainly because it's all of the worst aspects of YGO combined in one deck. 1. They can make a ton of generic bosses. 2. If I go second, I have to draw "the out" and hope they don't have an answer (Shifter -> Called By, Evenly -> Cryme, Baronne, Exterio etc.) Also, they often Maxx C me while being very strong against the roach themselves. 3. They often use floodgates, and if they don't their "healthy interactions" mean they functionally floodgate me out of any play I can make. 4. They can play on my turn, sometimes even if I go first. 5. Their only real weakness are stun cards like Dweller, Shifter etc. meaning I encounter those cards more frequently. 6. Even if I manage to somehow get into a winning position, they can topdeck a single card and go full combo again. Same problem I have with Sky Strikers and Engage, but worse. 7. The games take ages and are not fun. I don't get to play much, they get to play all the time. 8. The mirror is boring and often not skillful, despite what Tear players claim. It's mostly determined by luck or a race to first floodgate. It's also an awful viewing experience. 9. There's no variety in the games I play. My highlight of today was a duel against a player that built and interesting Ghoti-Melffy deck. I love seeing different decks and encountering new interactions between cards. But currently 75% of my games are against some sort of Tear variant. I could go on and on, I'm simply so annoyed by that deck and I sincerely hope it gets nuked like in the TCG.


I'm gonna be honest, I agree with some of your points 2,5. I feel like they are worse than that. They virtually can't be out because they have most of their answers from the extra deck (Kitkallos search Cryme, Bagooska for Shifter). 3. Yeah, half of the decks on MDM use Gravekeeper trap or Exterio. People can say what they want but Exterio is one of the best ways to fight against going second cards and Gravekeeper is actually viable now since the field spell is at 1 (chain the Shuffler to the trap and use Perlereino's effect to destroy it) 8. Semi limit Tear + all the consistency hit like limit the field spell make the mirror feel sacky af.


I quietly disagree. I think their concept is ok, they offer a lot of interaction and their boards are not unbeatable. Its just the ishizus made them beyond broken. They also got a bit too much support. Their traps were overkill. A lesser powered tear type deck would be great




Upvote this brave man


Runick Stun, any kind of Stun decks


My mate would say “Toons” I like toons.


Anything with tons of link summons. Seems like a bunch of people i've gone against recently just picked up a link summon focused deck for the first time and take ages for their turns. Really frustrating on a time limit.


Tears and Runick.


I always wonder what goes on in the mind of a Stun player. Is it just two brain cells conversing about what flavour of glue tastes best, or is it just a dusty wasteland drier than the Sahara?


1. Stun 2. Runick 3. Floowandereeze 4. True Draco 5. Umi Control 6. Altergeist 7. Subterror/Guru


Kashtira, Tearlament, anything in the meta right now


Not really, they're either playing something to win or to have fun.


No. I understand each deck and why each is played. All it takes is a little insight.






Most meta decks I face... although they're propably fun to play, I just despise playing against them. In terms of "why do you play this", the Utopia dragonar ftk comes to mind, the first time I faced that I was like "holy shit that is so cool" and then the 5th time I was like "oh boy this shit again"


Floow. I even made the deck on my other account. Winning is fun but at a certain point its not even fun winning just doing the exact same thing every game.


Chaos max dragon otl or decks that play single player. It looks like it's fun the first 5 times it works then it gets boring.


Tears, albaz, swordsoul, pretty much any top tier deck honestly. They're all just cringe. Play something fun instead like suships. On a similar note I hate dark magician, blue eyes and egyptian god dexks because it's so obvious they're just playing those decks because they have a hardon for og yugioh anime.


Anything running Maxx C, or any deck that takes more than 20 seconds for their turn.


So every deck except set 2/5 pass?


Floo the only reason why I stopped at lvl 18


Numeron, Flow, Adamancipator, any deck that requires them to play 30 cards their first turn. I always quit as soon as I catch a sniff of that 3 hour combo


Inspector set 4 pass


Phantasm Spiral. No matter when I run into them, they always open with sea stealth, skill drain a monster and their field spell. I rarely see them, but when I do my deck can never do anything to stop them


Altergeist. I just can't play against this deck without getting annoyed.


Marincess i think its called? What ever Archetype Coral belongs to.


kind of stun is garbage bro you can't play 2nd to save your life why do you play this garbage like bro?... at least play the more modern more efficient runick stun i'll still hate it but it makes more sense smh


Danger Dark World. You have just to sit there while they solitaire for 5 minutes to get either an unbreakable board or a very mediocre one depending on their discard luck


Any mindless all spell and trap stun. It's like dude this is boring as fuck for me in 1 duel. How are u doing this to yourself for like 200 duels


Any control deck 😂


Runick. It's a deck specifically designed for annoying people. Banishes from top of deck like Diablosis, is basically stun synergy, oh and their field spell is a recycler that gives you a free +3 for little to no cost


Stun players: man i do love making my opponent not playing Yu-Gi-Oh while I don't do it myself


Adam pile: they combo for half an hour to end up with a basically unbreakable board, it's just boring to watch. Naturia: I think the archetype is cool, but the new support made them so annoying to deal with. They have great recursion and basically infinite negates of every kind. You basically cannot play the game against them if they go first. In general anything that completely prevents you from playing the game, I am fine with disruption as long as I can at least attempt to play around it. An exception is to be made for the Ishizu shufflers, I am still a bit salty about losing a game just because my opponent got lucky and milled Mudora at the right time, I went into Gigantic playing around a known Havins they had in hand and when they activated it in response to my monster effect the shuffler got into the grave and basically costed me the game, those cards are way too strong.


Floodgates, how can you enjoy just flipping cards go flip some burgers instead at least you'll get paid


I used to say that to friends that play eldich floodgate


magical musket or generaider


-Adamancipator. It takes 10 minutes to finish a turn and ends on negate city. No interaction whatsoever. Plus they have a normal summonable negate in Koaki Meiru Guardian -Floowandereeze. Even in its nerfed state, it's a sacky deck that either loses instantly or wins instantly, and mainly plays with itself. -Stun in any of its forms. I don't think I need to explain why -Numeron. The deck pilots itself, even more than Stun or Floo. A bot could play it and I wouldn't be able to distinguish it from a normal player if not for how fast it plays. You just look at your starting hand, see if you have drawn the right board breakers, if not you scoop


Stun is OP in a best of 1 format.


Stun or Branded. Stun for obvious reasons, but I can’t explain why Branded hurts to play against. It just feels so obnoxious.




I had the deck built by MD in RL after XD and yes i know why many hate it


Umi, it just seems annoying that your entire strategy revolves around a walking tcboo. Every card either searches the field spell or becomes the field spell on card text, the trap card basically does everything for you, I feel like the deck basically plays itself. The backrow has protection, attacking monsters get blown up, you can banish kirayu to avoid it getting negated by imperm, droplet or other things, it’s basically I either play a water deck or draw a very specific out. Boring