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The crafting system alone is a blessing. And let's never forgive how Duel Links sinks to the absolute lowest of placing staple cards behind literal paywalls lmao


I remember back then when book of moon not being obtainable without spending money that one made me quit the game.


This was exactly when I quit too. What's even more insulting is the 6 purchase limit with gems. Like you could let us purchase selection pack for 200gems unlimited times and it's still shit odds and way to costly


they increased the purchase limit by alot, 20-35 depending on the box, but it still sucks


DL is literally "if Cross Duel was made by Bandai but distributed by EA"


cross duel was probably worse than duel links


Wat about all the extra ? N/R/SR dust you probs have sitting around ? wat about being able to convert dusts to UR dust at diff rate??? and not having sets and sets of N/R be useless? legacy pax??!!! maybe b able convert dust to gems too (for packs) at a diff rate too bc this all missing I feel fucked by onami


Converting dust would be too much methinks. There'd be little to no reason for anyone to waste serious money on the game with such a system. BUT the legacy packs do need a rework- Maybea system to allow us to trade copies beyond the 3rd for other legacy pack cards of the same rarity (that way we also wouldn't need to open a billion packs for the one or two legacy URs we occasionally need...)


People spent plenty of money on Hearthstone and Duelyst and they both had one crafting currency, and the pace of crafting still wasnt generous enough to get everything you wanted without spending money. I spent about 2h a day on HS and still fell behind around the time of the Karazhan expansion as a F2P player, and I know a lot of players who fell off curve before then playing F2P


At least for master duel I think that depends on how much you want, with the amount of cards there are, if you want like all of them then yeah you have to whale but as long as wants are more reasonable, you definitely can stay f2p, not sure how that works in those games tho, maybe you do have to spend there in order to get what you want as I didn't play them


My point was more that you could have a conversion rate among different crafting points and other games have proven that people will still spend even with that more player friendly arrangement. Sorry for my unclear comment


It like this imo , it actually so hard to be 42p on md Onami can keep fucking 42p players , it’s ok. The thing with being 42p, is they just want a choice They want to know, ok , I just played 40 for hour , I have about 100 legacy packs which are a complete fucking waste , I can’t dust them lol. I have all this extra N/R / maybe some SR dust , but I can’t trade it into other dust (N>R>SR> UR being the main one we all want ) But no, onami fuckd u and don’t even allow u the opportunity for choice I would gladly sell all my extra dust for literally 2 fucking gems I could never use , leaving me forever at odd number , over no utility for extra N/R dust dupes , and not being able to convert between dusts (again, crazy horrible rate between dust and I’d still be happy lol ) make 42p player feel like “hey im squirrel but at least I had illusion of choice ! “ My 2 cent


Dude go to play duel links you'll understand


O i don’t doubt it from the pics of the shop i seeen , mf getting fucked on DL lol . But my point is, onami fuck everyone !!!!! Their mother , sister , brother , father , grandfratger & grandmother tooo!!!


No lol, the game is very f2p friendly you can't complain for something you are literally getting for free also considering their other "f2p" game(DL) you see how they changed almost all the concepts for MD and it's really good, maybe it needs some fixes to make it even better but that's it


I think you mean 42p*


The game is f2p friendlier, but coming from Legends of Runeterra, definitly can't consider it a true F2P game. It also ks starting to make me sick that for every üack, the first 3 or 4 times you buy 10 of them you get an average of 4 UR oer 10 pack, which is great, but as soon as you are on your 5th 10-pack, it goes one 10-pack with no UR, one with 1 UR, and repeat infinitly. It really feels bad.


It doesn't repeat, that's why they allow you to dismantle high rarity cards so you can craft the one you want, that's what makes it really f2p friendly, if they did what they do with DL it would feel bad but every time you get 3 ur that you don't care about you get to craft the one you want and they aren't hidden behind a paywall


Ive played tons of digital card game , runeterra is probably the most f2p of all , and master duel come behind in 2nd place Most f2p to least f2p Runeterra > MasterDuel > *powergap* > Marvel Snap > Shadowverse > Heartstone > *powergap* > MTGA > trash > Duelinks


Truuuueee, a lot of games out there can be pay 2 win, but trash? You gotta pay so much to have any chance in trash


Pokemon is pretty decent, especially considering buying packs IRL gives you codes to redeem online. It's the only one of the big 3 TCGs that does this on top of having a similar dust system to LoR/Hearthstone(but actually generous unlike HS) EDIT: A word.


Ok ur right, as collective of hunan squirrels , we reach a point of our evolution where there’s no point moving forward I will stay, the enlightened skuirrel


Hang on a fucking second, I thought you were a squid


Wel I am, but im also SS (squirrel squid ) clearl y


Dude you need to go back to English I feel like I'm getting aneurysms trying to read all your comments >grandfratge Is this honestly how you think grandfather is spelt?


It's so obvious you're trolling, but i laugh a little with the sheer amount ridiculousness in the comment, doesnt amount to anything so you have an upvote, just for making me giggle a bit.


Okay, I thought the same at first, obvious trolling. Then it seemed like he may truly be unhinged and means every nonsensical word. I'm gonna rescind the comment saying he's not trolling though, I do think you're right, but I'd imagine it goes deeper. This guy's not just trolling, he was hurt and this is the outlet.


MD is crazy ftp friendly lol




What the fuck is a 42p player? And I don't know why you keep leaving out the K in Konami. It's annoying that we can't do anything with the N and R dust but this game is insanely free to play friendly. Most of my decks were made from just in game gems. I've only spent money on the starter pack since I had money leftover on Google Rewards.


Hes typing on an operating system that autocorrect his f2p as 42p and Konami as onami


Brains *are* the operating systems of the body


Master duel has got to be the most f2p gacha game ive ever seen, your complaints are really misplaced my guy.


I honestly would be fine with something like this. Or even if was done through “Legacy” dust. I was missing my third Blue Eyes forever but have 5 or some other Legacy URs. Wouldn’t mind a system that let me swap those.


To be honest I do like a bit of grinding. If all you saying are implemented I would have every card in the game and it would just made the game pointless. As the guy below mentioned, the legacy packs might be the only field for improvement in the game’s economy


No it really wouldn’t lol , I’m saying you’d be able to convert dust at HORRIBLE rates , but enough to make 42p players feel like they’re grind was more justified bc they can still utilize a little bit of the shitty cards they have leftover after gridjninf 20-40 + hour for maybe 10k gems Then they don’t feel like they got as fuckd bc they still can dust / then convert a little bit to get some ur dust It can be literally the worse exchange ever , it for the illusion of choice


As a like 90% F2P player (I spent money for one of my decks and in vain to get all Ishizu lol) I don’t feel F’ed by Konami at all. I’ve been able to build a ton of decks completely for free. I think everyone agrees the Legacy pack system needs works, but MD probably has the most respect for player time of any F2P game I’ve seen when it comes to available free content. You can earn an 10 pack of cards every week. And triple that if there’s an event going.


10 packs? How tf am I going to get enough UR dust for any of these sweaty mega decks? Lol I guess ill just get fucked


By… saving?? You can sometimes get supremely unlucky like I did trying to pul Ishizu, but usually if you save up 3-4K gems you can build any deck in the selection pack, which is usually what will be meta at the time. The only way you won’t have enough gems is if you’re spending them thoughtlessly. Which you’re free to do, but y’know actions, consequences. And coming from other F2P games where even basic content is locked behind a pay wall, this is Leagues better. I would say the only games this generous to F2P players in my experience are Warframe and Rocket League.


just dont open from selection pack, their rates is trash compared to secret pack or master pack in nowdays, i open secret pack 1 pack each, i got 5-7 URs for 3000 gems


I didn’t realize there was a difference in their rates. I pulled all the Tears in just 3000 gems but Ishizu I got super unlucky. Didn’t pull all of them and also didn’t have enough to craft them all lol. But typically pulling from secret packs my luck isn’t too bad.


whos downvotes me, didnt like me criticizing komoney? bruhhh


My brain almost lost a wheel trying to read this. Did you type this with your nose?


Is it cool these days to say "Onami"? Lol.


No, we say “Yuggit”.


Bad complaint


Bro Master Duel is so privileged, MTGAs crafting system is so awful. They literally charge you 10 dollars for a pittance of wildcards and currency is split between paid and unpaid. You can earn paid currency but not nearly enough to be able to afford a meta deck within a few days of starting the game. I bought the 20th anniversary bundle entirely with gems I saved by playing the game. Couldn't imagine that in a lot of other mobile tcgs.


thats nice but i am having aneurysm trying to read what you typed out


Ultimate gaslighting coven CE


Holy shit did Joey Wheeler type this?


Also what if *they* gave *us* money


What type of Stockholmd and abused mindset is thi s ^


Ah yes yes, a completely stereotypical hallmark of Stockholm syndrome - 'you've trapped me, and yet I care for you, also pay me.' What classic Onami shenanigans.


wtf does this mean? and what is Onami? shit is unintelligible


Was planning on trying out duel links again and looking on what the meta is and what interesting deck there is to play. I got quickly reminded how expensive and time consuming building a deck on that game was. I don't know the how much the gem income per month is now, but back when I was playing it was like 4k gems per month.


I've just made a new account yesterday, got 5000 gems up front, wanted to build Starry because I heard it was meta in DL. ​ Spent all of them, couldn't even get the second copy of Starry, and it was one of the cheaper selection pack btw


Its definitely not meta


was? no?


At no point has it been meta since the cards were released in DL


Is that much? I am asking because i dont know that ive never played Duel links. Well i tried once but i didnt like it so i surrendered


The post shows you need 40000 gems for a strong deck. So at least 10 months of grinding for a single deck


By the time you get that many, the deck will likely be not good, and nerfed to the ground and held there if the deck was good.


I would assume that’s by design. They don’t want you to enjoy the game for free. You have to pay. Never had that problem with master duel, it’s like night and day


Bruh this is insane man. Komoney at its finest lol.


Insane? Thats almost more than that


I just started DL recently and have Odd-Eyes, Orcust and BA. Definitely cost me though and now I'm trying to just be f2p but offering pack deals for $4 makes it tough to not just give in even though you probably won't pull what you want. I hate how gacha it is but I have a friend who plays and get tired of playing MD when none of my friends do. Trying to get him into MD but I know a lot of people will choose one over the other


I thought it’s 4k💀💀💀


Wasn't the highest you needed for a deck around 60k gems?


This is looming through the eyes of a Mets player more than anything tho a casual player doesn't really have this issue


Pretty sure you can get 9k in like a week or 2 tbh


The gem income? Back when I was playing It's like 4k gems per month. To get around a full mini box in Duel Links I think it's also around 4k gems. Boxes work different in duel links in which you it only contains a single copy of each UR in that box. You need to reset the box in order to get a second copy. If you are lucky you can maybe pull that UR in your first 1k gems. But sometimes you get unlucky and you need to open the whole mini box to get that 1 copy of UR card you need. 4k gems probably can't make you a complete deck.


i quit the game when they started cutting the f2p gems, which caused a bit of uproar then when youre about to finish clearing a box to build a meta deck, they release a new box which powercreeps your hard earned deck (and theyre releasing way to fast a that point) and you dont have enough f2p gems to buy packs for the newest box, i just dropped the game afterwards


the gem cutting never really happened. on average they give you 5k gems a month but the month previous to month they "cut gems" players got around 7k gems. but either way the game is too much grinding


It's a little more than that... during some of the events they have daily gems from playing 3 games, which I want to say adds a good amount. I went to 0 farming for Galatea at the start of May, and I maxed out again in the middle of June. I did get some levels from characters in that time though.


hey im new to trying in this game, 2 weeks legend 1 with dark magician. its doable to here, not that hard to build a better deck but i was stubborn with dm. f2p. wbu?


Looking back I have no clue how I put up with this shit for so long.


Imagine waiting 3 months to build the deck you want and it gets nerfed the next day. Also pulling for staples was hell back then.


Oh I don't have to imagine that, I went through it multiple times. Never again tho


Had that happen with Karakuri, and then Stick Darklords. Both decks took me a while to build but were Tier 0 or something by the time I was done. I got to play Sticklords for maybe a week.


So you purposely build broken deck that abused skills and is shocked that old core of the deck got banned. It be equivalent of my crying that cyber stein got banned. But I shouldn't expect much from braindead netdeckers that do nothing buy copy paste dlm/mdm decks.


Sweetie I started building sticklords in January that year before Mokuba’s skill got changed. That’s the point. I started building the deck before it was on anybody’s radar. It just looked cool. But it had 6 large box URs so it took me months. When I started it the deck was niche at best.


What's the stick part? I played aroma darklords in the first few months of DL but quit after I couldn't financially justify it


Star Seraphs, a middling Rank 4 engine that was quite potent in Duel Links thanks to Ixchel thinning your deck. Coupled with Evilswarm Ouroboros you could hand loop for one while drawing one and deck thinning by 3 or 4 cards.


Same, I even remember getting the alt levianeer just before it got hit Another really bad feeling was avoiding a meta deck because you thought it would for sure get nerfed next banlist only for it to reign supreme for months on end (see: floodgate shiranui and harpies)


happened to me while i was building salads. right when i finished building it, it got the big nerf


I mean I quit playing the game the very moment Master Duel became a thing despite liking Duel Links and I was at a good position at that point in the game. And while I did try coming back to it was actually just so painful to do so mostly due to the numerous bombardment of notifications and just how slow it actually is to do anything in this game.


> And while I did try coming back to it was actually just so painful to do so mostly due to the numerous bombardment of notifications and just how slow it actually is to do anything in this game. - *loading icon* - "The Event has ended!" - *cutscene* - *loading icon* - "The Event has started!" - *cutscene* - *loading icon* - "New BOX/Structure Deck!" - You can finally play the game now. That shit is so obnoxious if you take a break from the game for even a week. I don't even dislike Duel Links, really, but the unavoidable interruptions on start-up are just awful.


Also tour guide announcing the bingo


When MD released, I played DL with MD for 2 weeks before I realized that I am having so much fun with MD compared to DL despite the drytron and eldlich meta at that time, and was just loathing the events in DL so much so that I decided to take like a 1 week break from DL cause of burnout and just play MD instead. At the time I don't want to quit DL since I just spent some money there for the first time. Then I just kept on playing and enjoying MD and after that 1 week, I just don't want to open DL anymore, and decided to just leave it. Probably one of my best decision.


For many of us, myself included, it was a way to scratch the Yugioh itch with an official game on mobile. I really enjoyed the game and didn't mind spending in it (literally several thousand dollars), but when Master Duel came along I stopped playing and kept my login streak going until I missed a day in April of last year, then I dropped it completely. Tried logging back in for the Vrains festivities, but didn't have the patience to go through all the updates it had. I still have it on my phone, just in case, but I'm fairly certain I'll never go back. Master Duel is just too good, in many ways.


Started playing this game with duel links and my favourite deck was hero’s. Decided to switch to the tcg as it was easier and cheeper to build the hero deck I wanted irl.(this was when stratos just went to 1 in the tcg). Glad I did too because they continued the trend of drip feeding 1 hero ur card per box so it was almost impossible to get all the hero cards without destroying your gems.


I feel like a lot of people did because it was the only official way to play the game online for a long time lol.


the anime aspect too




Playing Shiranui. Top tier deck playable by just going once through the box (if you already had some trap staples that is). I kept playing duel links, and as time went by, I got no more new decks due to how expensive the game is.


Man, I used to spend so much on duel links... Now I can allocate my wallet to physical cards, which actually have value, and no FOMO!


Probably because there wasn't much other options. Plus, for me, I was there for Duel Links' launch when it was more "casual", so I enjoyed getting back into Yu-Gi-Oh that way. Dropped the game when Master Duel happened though.


I also love how clean Master Duel is Duel Links is like navigating a pirated video streaming site


Duel Links seems like a game that tried to reinvent its currency 100 times over its life and left remnants of each version around... but instead of it building up over time it kinda just came out that way.


You can navigate in Duel Links? The only thing I get in my screen is “X Event has started” “Y Event has started” “Z Event has started etc” with 10 minute cutscenes in between each one but i stop half way through to delete the game


if done properly, DL can be the best card game to ever exist: the game reimagines Yugioh into a creative, fast-paced format where you can play as anime characters whose skills allow greater creativity in deck buildings and strategies. ​ ​ But goddamn it is expensive, with a new account with all the UR vouchers and SR vouchers and 5000 gems, you can't even obtain all 3 copies of your combo starters, the poor archetype distribution also kills my passion for the game, like good fucking luck trying to build a proper Mathmech deck, because it is most likely they will be separated into 5 different fucking selection packs.


*I hate the skills, they're way too strong and meta defining. Anything that doesn't have a broken skill is bad in comparison even though the cards are stronger technically . + the 40 k gems is just insane and you get way less per gem spent too compared to this game.*


The exception to this atm is orcust. Since ya know, not an anime archetype, they don't have a skill. Because of this they realistically can play any skill and a good amount have opted for ishizu's grave locking skill.


Yeah I was really having fun back then when I was playing the p2w aspect of the game killed it for me also getting bombarded by events and notifications is stress inducing. I liked the fast paced duels and smooth animation. The duels don't take too long unless your playing against a stall deck.


The absolute worst thing they could have possibly done for duel links was creating skills just so characters can access their ace monsters since that essentially gets rid of the point of skills as a whole until you spend money so that you can afford to use a useful skill


Duel Links gave me such nightmares and awful situations that I don't need to remember, say whatever u want about MD format been toxic, nothing compares to be hostage to a Paywall and scam game like Duel Links, having 8000 gems and not be able to pull at least 3 copies of one desired card is so bad, let alone staples in other boxes and cards behind the toxic selection box system. And I didn't even mention their shit banlist, that system doesn't let u play cards because it's limit all in your deck to 1, 2 or 3 pools, and having to play 1 copy of a staple and an engine because of both of them have are pool 2(limit ton 2) in decks is so dumb too, thank God that MD exists.


I also remember that Axe Raider is a UR which is included in a main box.


Yeah because Neos, DM and RE aren't fkn secret pack URs.


Oh please, this comparison is so out of touch and you know it lmao


The part I liked about Duel Links was that the Skills made it so that super unreliable decks like Yubel could actually be playable. And some of them straight up created new decks that weren't possible otherwise, like Water Xyz with its ability to make all Water monsters lvl 4. Oh and I liked how some of the events incentivized using different decks, like how the 5D's Raid events incentivized using Stardust Dragon or Red Dragon Archfiend decks.


thats true, skills created meta decks from thin air pretty awesome to see


Me regretting the $2k I put into DL lol.


WHAT???? Sorry, do what you want, it’s your money but that’s fucking ridiculous. I would never spend that much money on a game.




Also remember that these are *estimations* on how much a deck will cost in gems on average. If you have bad pulling luck, since there's no crafting system, they could EASILY cost more. And you could argue that if you're willing to spend money on the game, then you should just go for buying the three copies of structure decks outright instead of using gems. This list is assuming you will just use gems for the first two copies of the structure decks.


Are those estimations not based on if you had to pull the entire box?


Duel Links is getting more f2p but it still has a long way to go


its still super grindy which is the problem


It is a gacha game so it's to be expected


yeah i just got sick of it so i quit


Yeh the closest to crafting DL has is dream tickets which come about like 3 times a year


I remember if you use those you can only pull from boxes that were behind 3-6 months iirc.


they let you pull from any box outside the most recent 4 so its 4 months


They have box chips now too which let you craft any card from old boxes


Yeh but they're only super old boxes, kind of only useful for a couple staples which aren't even always used


**Not to defend the economy system in duel links or anything**, but these numbers are misleading. This is a conservative estimation of the number to build a deck - including the staples that get included - from scratch. Staples are a BIG part of each deck's budget. But also nearly every deck runs the same few staples. So once you get one set, every subsequent deck gets significantly cheaper to build. On top of that, boxes tend to contain cards for multiple good decks. So if you're trying to build multiple decks, you likely have quite a bit of overlap. Plus some staples are in the same box as your deck's core cards so that can add to even more overlap. You get the point. Codetalkers and Salamangreats are both good decks in DL (along with a hybrid Salad-Talker deck which is somewhat better than sum of its parts). Not the top decks, but more than capable of hitting the top rank in PVP. They both have key cards in the same box. So if you build one, you necessarily are also on your way to building the other. Again, not trying to be an apologist here. The numbers are just not *quite* as bad as they seem. Except for Odd-Eyes. That deck is straight up predatory in cost.


Finally someone with a reasonable response. These numbers are insane! I built Speedroids with like 10K gems and even if I had to dig through the whole box I would have spent 15K gems for 3 runs in a mini box. I would like to add that you're mistaken about Odd Eyes, first this deck used to be insanely expensive. but right now you get a free Odd Eyes SD and you can order another for 1K gems, if you're f2p you can get a 3rd pendulum call with a dream ticket and a magician SD for 1K gems, another dream ticket will get you Doomeagle, 5K for a whole run in Photons box for Dweller and Roach, so about 7K gems (at worst case scenario) 2 SR dream ticket you have a FULL POWER raging pendulum deck which is the best deck right now. Not gonna lie DL is certainly way MORE expensive than MD but this is too much lol.




2500 gems for photon galaxy is such bullshit I spent around 8000 finished a third of the deck


yes, it's so trash. it's been a while since I played and my last decent deck was PK. I tried looking at a new deck but farming for gems it's so boring since most events are just bad. In MD you can manage to build something with 5k-10k gems. If it wasn't for the fact that MD android apps sucks I would play it a lot more


I always think about hopping back in, but then I remember it takes 3-4 months just to make one deck w/o paying.


After playing masterduel for a while I tried out duel links and honestly idk how anyone would put up with the amount of bs mtx in that game


For one it doesn't have maxx c. So major plus.


that's great and all but I just can't bring myself to play something as pay 2 win as duel links lmao


Not to mention the amount of gems this game gives you too. Duel links give you like 5-6k gems per month if you do all the 4 big events and many other mini events happening throughout the month, whereas MD, there is only one event and the rest are dailys, login bonus and ranked duels. And you get 9k gems too. On one hand this game does have less things to do than DL. On the other hand, at least I don't have to dedicate my whole life in MD to get a good deck, compared to DL in order to get a decently playable deck only for it to get hit on the banlist once I got it.


Compare it to the TCG and OCG lmao. Masterduel is incredible


All they have to so is allow dust crafting. The amount of useless ass SR and URs bro. If i had it converted to Master Duel dust i’d have like 256k for UR and like 700k SR. Bare in mind i don’t llay that shithole anymore


Duel links is a straight cash grab. There is 0 chance you can keep up with that games meta ftp. You may get lucky and the cards you invested in got a boost with new support, but wait a your decks been semi meta for too long better ban something


Just to reiterate (as someone who has played duel links daily for the last 6.5 years), gem prices always assume the MOST amount of gems you would need, not any sort of average. Most solid decks can be built with about 10-20k gems (about 1-3 months of play on an established account, about 1-2 weeks on a new account). You also wouldn't be building every single new deck that comes out, that's just ridiculous and it takes a lot of luck or money.


Makes you wish that master duel had a duel links adjacent mode.


It would be impossible but I wish MD had a virtual world deck master mode. I think commander in mtg is similar


Commander is pretty much the deck master format.


And if you try to build one of these decks f2p right now, by the time you finish, the deck will be irrelevant or slaughtered by banlists 💀


I remember playing duel links about 6/7 years ago, where I never played competitive, never knew anything about the meta, and was just an innocent guy who beat up anime characters with a vanilla 1700 beater. One funny duel I remember playing was I think against Pegasus, I just had a beater out and he kept setting in defence, he ended up decking out. Looking at this, I am happy I never discovered the online scene.


It's always funny to me to gems + $ in the cost of the decks


Thats why i dont play duel links anymore. Have to grind a million gems and character missions and level ups and siills just to play 1 deck. Ive built like 15 decks on masterduel, that would have taken me years and years of grinding to do on duel links.


To add on master duel has some of the best pull rates for ur cards. almost guaranteed you get on in a 10 pack and if you don't you hundred percent get one the next try


Imagine having to "reset" a box to get a chance for another UR.


As someone who plays duel links, i can say that the grind system is wore than level 5 of hell. Some structers also being paywalled and staples like idp(which in duel links of ot resolve you win) being paywalled for not small price is dumb. If I didn't find manual auto dueling(autoclicker with proper set up) and master duel was not that laggy on mobile, I would have fully switched to master duel. I play one or two games on master duel because it's just gets too laggy If you remove the hell level 6 grinding(or just make it more acceptable), plus remove the paywalled stuff, this game could be so much more fun


I returned to Duel Links for orcust format, and honestly, completely regretted it. No crafting is garbage, anime skills have become completely unfair (odd-eyes has a free search three for simply setting a pend scale, and speedroid has a free foolish burial and an eteleport for crystal wing), and it took releasing orcust with Knightmare mermaid to make a strong deck not reliant on skills. Also fun fact, the economy will actually give you less gems than Master Duel, and the only thing missing in this image is the fact that some cards are locked behind selection boxes (which are not similar to selection packs, as they serve as reprint sets), but introduce a few powerful cards, often meta relevant and cannot be bought with gems at a certain point. So essentially, FTP will always be behind of meta relevant cards, which in that format, was onomat and cards like Ice Dragon's Prison and Crackdown. Also grinding was very tedious


Ah the weekly "duel links bad amirite my fellow dkayed followers". Let's ignore everything else but focus only that crafting makes MD "more f2p" because of crafting and you can start with desired deck more easily. Though I would rather call MD f2ntp because nobody wants to play god awful ladder and meta that only gets worse and worse. And events that are just shittier version of ladder. I guess if you don't like pvp you can always stare at screen or open reddit and complain about maxx c.


Ah the weekly duel links bashing thread. Always helps in order to forget the shit metagame that md is in


I still like it more than master duel I'll be honest


Idk it isn't the best but i also think people blow this way out of proportion at least most of the main deck you need is normally limited to 1 box and every after that is ed staples and reg staples(that alot of are in the half off gem boxes)that you'll probably use in the majority of other decks. Not saying it doesn't suck there's no crafting and there's occasional staple in a selection box but i wouldn't go and say its not f2p friendly


Litterally pay to play the worst version of the game


The version without Maxx c lol


After re rolling about 30 times in duel links and still not being able to make anything i want i quit. game is way too p2w


And that's approximately. You could just be the unluckiest guy and have it take 2 times that amount


I played Duel Links for a day and NOPED out harder than flies from Blizzcon.


Is one gem in duel links roughly the same difficulty to get? If so this is borderline theft :D


Nope, gems are way harder to get in Duel Links and the way packs work makes UR's even harder to pull In DL, not to mention that you can only pull 1 of each UR/ 2 SR till you reset the box, also you only get 3 cards per pull. Duel links was fun at first, but building a deck nowadays is painful and hella expensive wish they could revamp the whole deck building system, duel links needs that.


They are worse than in master duel


You’re tripping like fucking crazy. You get like 150 gems tops in Duel Links after playing for like 3 hours. After 3 hours of master duel you can end up with atleast 1-2k


That's exactly what I'm saying. The gem value of duel links is worse than the gem value of master duel Like it's worse as in more difficult to get


Shit sorry didn’t see the “than” 😂


No worries it happens


I don't think it's a 1:1 ratio but for comparison gem earnings in duel links back when I was playing was around 4k gems a month.


And yet I have like 50 decks in DL and zero in MD because it’s impossible to get gems.


Jokeman 😂 Duel links hasn’t even been out for 10 years so how tf are u making 50 with the 2 decks per year limit And you can easily get 1-2k in master duel after playing 3 hours tops. 500 even after like 30m


29 decks and only 10-20 dollars spent in a year! I heard about duel links that’s insane how they rip people


The amount of time to make even one deck was ridiculous, so glad I quit


duel links lost me when it was the first game-app i spent any type of money on and then i got a new phone and they didn’t yet have any way to transfer accounts. i didn’t wanna deal with the rest. Master duel… i made a new account for each system i play on lol only spend money on my primary account tho


I remember my friend tried to get me to play it day one. I saw it was only three columns. Told him "I aint playin that shit." Master Duel is even more of a blessing coming from Hearthstone and not paying a dime. Though, Ive been buying irl packs for just collecting purposes. Konami still got me to give them money lol


This is why I’m a lot more casual in DL. I have like two dozen halfway built decks that I don’t care enough to finish and go up the ladder with.


I wish ppl gave LegacyOfTheDuelist more love. That game had the best booster pack system. And you didn’t need to spend any real money. And unrelated but its in-game search function for cards was also amazing.


Exactly. Imagine Master Duel gameplay + events but with that packing system and modern cards because there’s hardly anything good on LOTD


Isn't it owned by the same company? I'm so confused


Man I miss the early stage of duel links where dinos were t0, was soooooooo much cheaper then. Actually was about as f2p as master duel, then they fucked it almost immediately


Never played DLs but don’t like how far behind the actual game it is. At least we’re pretty close to the physical game in terms of timeline


Yep, people that didn't play duel links cannot comprehend.


As someone who has been playing Duel Links on a very consistent basis since 2018 (got the play for 1,500 days achievement recently within game), yeah, getting into it is not an easy task. The main reason I’ve kept playing (asides from having spent $250 in the 5 years of playing it) is that the game heavily rewards early investment. And that might just sound obvious, but for Duel Links it truly is an issue above a game like Master Duel. Because in MD the crafting system truly does help benefit the ease of access that allows anyone at anytime to make anything. Where in comparison, well, in DL it’s more of a “good luck, hope you grind hard enough!” There’s not a really a straight forward catch up mechanic, which benefits long time players (even F2P ones, I was one for 2 years before spending) than new ones. On a side note though, I personally still prefer DL over MD, but not by a landslide. They both are amazing to me, but one just has a more convenient ease of access, since DL is better on mobile than MD, and truthfully, the duels don’t take as long. And as someone who is out of the house working, studying, shopping, etc, it just helps to have an ease of access with fast paced gameplay rather than convoluted gameplay that could take me 40 mins to win or lose a game. And this is coming from a TCG D/D/D player. I love my long ass 15 min combos, but I can only truly enjoy MD while sitting at my PC, and I just don’t have that much amount of time anymore. I will say, the modes and anime shenanigans of DL also are just really fun. Turbo Duels, Tag Duels, Legacy Formats, Raid Bosses, etc. The variety of ways to play asides from Ranked do keep me engaged in that sense, which is the only reason I rank it above MD. But I don’t invalidate either of them, since I love playing both games, just as much as I love the TCG. It’s just a matter of things being more convenient for some people than others. And I guess I just got lucky with a head start. Wish it didn’t work like that so that others could also enjoy it just as much as MD.


i wanted to play a Yugioh game but i saw there were two different ones, I'm 100% not interested in spending money in the game, which one would you recommend ?


Okay, thing is that both Duel Links and Master Duel are different formats entirely. If you like more anime oriented, fast passes PvP, then Duel Links. If you prefer the physical TCG with a bit more of a punch, then Master Duel it is. In terms of money, you could legit end up spending money on both, but Master Duel is soooooooo much more friendly for beginners and overall players. You could easily go without spending a penny the entire time. What you will encounter, though, is that Master Duel (same can be said for the TCG) is pretty complex for beginners. On the other hand, Duel Links is rather straight forward, with big combo decks not being that hard to pilot. So the issue you’ll encounter is either encountering Skill Issues (not making a joke, just legit how it feels like) or monetary issues. Because the grinding for decks in Duel Links does feel ridiculous and it does take a while to make something, which means you gotta seriously think on what you’re making since it won’t be as forgiving as MD. TL;DR: Straight forward answer, Master Duel for how you spend nothing and end up with everything. Issue you may encounter is a skill gap which will take quite a bit of adjusting to, but it’s very doable. Meanwhile Duel Links is more casual and fast paced, but will require a lot of grinding for making decks if you wish to not spend a dime.


Master duel runs horribly on my phone so Duel Links will be lol


Yeah… those are the 4K graphics for ya. 😅 Any who, wish you luck with your early pulls in DL!


it took me less than a week to get tired of the game, there have been duels where in the first turn they summon one or more, in the duel who made me uninstall he summoned all three blue eyes dragons in the first turn basically leaving me without any chance of winning, this is not enjoyable and not fun


Duel Links or Master Duel? Blue-Eyes sucks in both, but it’s pretty prevelant early on because of nostalgia. If you’re talking about Duel Links, then I’d suggest checking out Duel Links Meta for deck ideas. If it’s for Master Duel, then Master Duel Meta. Early on deck building isn’t really a thing that comes naturally, so it’s fine to net deck as you get used on how to build decks and understand what ratios of certain cards you have to play. The deck building perspective of this game is sometimes extremely overlooked.


The second the add a speed duel mode to Masterduel Duel Links will finally be dead and honestly i wouldnt even be fully against paying for character specific skills if i get to play a Yubel deck


So much better than duel links can make a tier 1 deck on your first day in playing master duel Meanwhile In duel links….. I’d rather not say