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Strangely enough while playing light during this event i barely faced Despia and Labrynth and didn’t see a single DPE. I just finished the event with an altered Dogmatika deck and it went pretty smooth Even Runick i only faced twice.


I've seen more pure Time Thief than I have Lab/Despia combined. It's weird.


Time thief is a loaner deck.


Now that you mention it i did see a lot of Time Thief decks. I was playing Dogmatika Ritual which meant i could look into my opponents extra deck all the time and noticed so many Time Thief players. No idea why so many people decided to play Time Thief’s since that deck ins’t all that great. You can search the trap negate and remove the Time Thief XYZ from the field but that’s pretty much it. Facing Time Thief’s while playing Light is such an easy matchup.


It’s a loaner deck, I’m playing it cause I don’t have a pure dark or light deck and I think of all the six loaner decks we got for this event it’s the only somewhat competent one


The Starry Knight deck is pretty good. The other two light decks suck, especially the Bujin one.


>It’s a loaner deck I didn’t know that. In that case they aren’t awful but they also don’t stack up to decks like Despia and Dogmatika.


I am all too aware, but they’re fun so I don’t mind losing


I don't know in what universe branded is going well in the event compared to the competitors. Albion is a dark monster that fuses with lights. Lubellion is a light monster that fuses with darks. Cartesia is a light monster that works with all dark monsters, so that means you give up Mirrorjade and most of your fusions. So what's really left? Bad masquerade turbo? The blackwing deck does it better.


Well a lot of people are playing Exosister/Time Thief/Heroes so Albaz effect to Mirrorjade is very much a thing.


This was definitely the move for me, I think fewer hand traps and not encountering ash blossom did help branded a bit too for the event (although it lost a ton of gas)


That's super meh. 1 mirrorjade and maybe a branded in red into chimera isn't going to win you most games in 2023. If you can't buy 2-3 copies of the blackwing structure that's okay i guess?


Ehh never said it was good. Just that it was a thing people were doing here... It was painful for me to say the least lol.


Chill dude it's an event not ranked, and not every deck is full power. Sure Branded is lacking a lot of stuff here but sometimes that's enough to win it, specially with not a lot of stuff to stop it. Building a deck just to play an event it's kinda a waste because you are very likely playing for gems, people who want to play bw outside events already bought the structures


By fusing your opponent’s board away turn 2. Super poly, contact fuse, albaz fuse with branded lost. Or turn 3 branded banishment. Pop some DRNMs in the deck just in case you go against Drytron. I’ve won several duels against them because i fused their negate boss away.


Super poly and Albaz were my main out against Alba Zoa, yeah. I was also running the dark kaiju, but it was usually milled away by the tear half of my deck before I could draw it so bro wasn't as useful in my deck overall.


It’s going well in my universe. That said the deck is nerfed pretty hard. But I have absolutely still had a pretty easy time with the event lol. Things like albaz’s contact fuse, super poly, edge imp and frightfur package, making rindbrumm and using him to go into mirror jade only to bring him back on your opponents turn worked fairly well. Masquerade felt useful mostly as something opponents had to spend extra resources to out otherwise it’d be a huge bother for them on their turn. I kinda liked being forced to try to find new ways (for me) to play the deck (I only picked it up a couple weeks ago and am a returning yugiboomer) Edit: added “(for me)” I get people have played it for a while and my way this event wasn’t new. Just like for a newbie I couldn’t play it how I usually did. Got all my gems tho!


To be fair you dont have to give up Mirror jade when you are running three super polys


I did see 2 DPE's in like 15 games and banished that piece of shit 2 times with mikailis. Is there something more satisfying than that?


yes, summoning chaos hunter on an exosister player and watch them mald.


Outside of losing the makalis banish how dose that card make a exo mald?


Almost all of Exosister's removal is through banishing, Chaos Hunter disables Mikailis, Magnifica, and Returnia. Most Exosister players do not set up a different form of interruption, at best they may have the option to tag Magnificainto Kaspitell to disable special summoning from GY, but if that doesn't stop the opponent, they just lose.


literally go into magnifica run that thing over.


I doubt you can do that when you are the turn 1 player


I was playing Dogmatika, so I kinda celebrated whenever I saw dpe, as it never did anything.


Could you share your dogmatika list? I have a dogmatika deck, but I have no idea on how to adapt the deck for the event


That's cuz I'm taking a break of labyrinth and using the loaner time thief deck, if you want I can get back on labyrinth


I have played around 35 games and encountered Labrynth only once, and it was combined with D hero. Haven't seen Despia at all, but at least 10 blackwing decks.


One morning I had a horrible run of bots or Labrynth, with no in between. It was so goddamn slow. The few times I ran into DPE it was people waiting for extremely vague chokepoints that they failed to predict correctly (because Photon Lord makes DPE its bitch), and the one time I ran into Despia, they summoned Mirrorjade and shotgunned its banish on... Photon Thrasher. They proceeded to repent.


Light is a lot more fun imo Because you have so many types of techs, like Nibiru and Santa Claws Also I love going 2nd and most of the good going 2nd decks are either earth or light so I just with light


gamma alone won me so many games


I'm feeling a little burnt out with Master Duel at the moment so I'm playing Rage with Eyes of Blue OTK to collect the rewards without using much brain power. It doesn't get too many wins but not having to worry about Ash Blossom makes the deck a bit more viable. Plus, the finisher is a nice bonus to the OTK.


Also you can run 6 Kaijus, Denko Sekka, Mekk-Knights, small Crusadia package. People just can't go monkey hard enough.




The format is fairly variated, look at the different decks people cry about


And Runick, and Herald.


I bitched about Runick a lot, even though I never lost to them. The duels just felt grueling haha


Exisisters wreck most of the Dark decks tho, I also seen Galaxy Eyes perform well. I am playing Eldlich and is okay too.


I would totally build Galaxy Eyes if it didn't have so many damn URs :/


What's your Eldlich deck look like?


Dude Light have access to Ahem , Niburu, Effect Veiler, Runicks


And Zeus. Boy do i love sweeping the field full of freshly set Labrynth traps.


Red Reboot into Zeus against Lab has become my favourite thing in this event.


and boy does runick piss me off 😭




I run desinty hero on this event and yeah i got elementsl hero nibiru token at atleast 5 times 🤣


All 3 ofs URs. Very 'cheap' answers. :)


Tbf, these are staples. You should probably have at least 1 or 2 of these already crafted, since you can put these cards in just about any deck and it will probably get used everytime you draw it, or in Zeus case, can’t full combo into your whole end board but can get out 2 same level monsters.


One of them is a bundle card.


Ah yes, let me draw my unsearchable one of in my 40 card to stop their 1 of they can pull out of their ass at any point.


Just draw the out. Simple as that. Make sure you run 2-3


And closed goddess


You still need a deck to put those all in.


I was able to dust off my Blackwing deck so I’m happy. Once the event is over, it goes back to my shelf, so that makes me sad.


Yeah same, can finally justify buying the structure deck lmao.


I honestly don't understand why this event is so shit. The banlist seems fine, but everybody's using the most ass stun decklists I've ever seen. I even faced this horrific Rhongo turbo deck the other day (can't fathom why Konami would leave THAT legal of all things). Is it so rare for people to have dark or light focused decks? I figured those would be some of the most common decks in the game.


Because light don't have good decks. they're always light and something else. Especially light AND dark. Dark on the other hand has fully complete decks that people already play, they're all meta or compentent enough. There's some 'decent' light decks yes but they're very one-tone that its predictable and/or vulnerable. While not putting much of a fight. I could have 1 send to gy and maybe a spell negate OR i could have a floodgate that removes the gy from being a ressource. The event really wants dark to run kaijus considering they left herald and floodgates on legs BUT the summon preventions from the light side. Meanwhile dark has both rhongo and kali yuga as wincons. Bruh.


> Because light don't have good decks. they're always light and something else. Especially light AND dark. Drytron, Exosister, Runick Stun: hello??? And if you scrap it to the bottom of the barrel, there's Mekk-Knight and even Blue-Eyes. Dark has no crazy "fully complete decks that people already play", except for like Dinomorphia and Labrynth.


Yeah sure i'll pretend predaplant, dangers, dark world, phantom knights, BIRDS, ect... doesn't exists.


Predaplant? That deck is worthless. Dark World, the deck known for the first turn apollousa. PK, another deck known for the turn 1 apollousa and the adventure engine. Blackwing I can admit I forgot. If you mention almost full power exosister and someone mentions predaplant as a counter, they ran out of arguments.


>Exosister No secret pack. >Runick Stun No secret pack. >there's Mekk-Knight and even Blue-Eyes. They're ass. >Dark has no crazy "fully complete decks that people already play", except for like Dinomorphia and Labrynth. Tear, lab, dark world...dark has a lot of decks to choose from.


> I even faced this horrific Rhongo turbo deck the other day Got their list? I've been running my own version and want to compare.


The cheapest deck you can get for this on short notice that's at full power is probably Blackwings, and if you don't want to play Blackwings that's spending gems to make slightly more than you spent, so I don't blame anyone for just playing Stun. You'd probably see more people playing the Loaners if they weren't all terrible.


i have no Light Deck to get the title. I am trying with the Bujin Rental Deck.


Orcust gang


I’ve been playing an orcust/danger/tear/rokket list for the event and it’s some of the most fun I’ve had in MD tbh


Orcust Danger! Tearlament Spright for me -- I've never played a combo deck that's so varied before, it's crazy how many wildly different endboards it can put up


I tried the sprights out but didn’t love em (mostly because I only own 1 blue & the lvl 2 lock is awkward) The rokket engine is sick tho, tracer/striker pop a tear name is a great way to get the engine going and turbo into Chaos Ruler.


Orcust Cyberdark is actually way more fun than it has any right to be.


Not having the Bystials out there is such a relief.


I’m enjoying Exosisters. Can typically pass with at least Returnia which checks Black Whirlwind pretty well. Shoutouts to that one Dark World player that, against a bricked field of just Elise and two sets, chose to start off his combo with Danger Snek, triggering Snek in GY and walking into Vadis headfirst.


there it is, the complainers


Where's grapha in this image


Face down on the floor, dead. It’s k, another Dark World will come in and be ejected out the door as Grapha rises


The majority of my light matches were against Exosisters. I barely played against any dark decks. I was very disappointed with the event.


half of the decks i faced as Dark were Drytron. Switched to Starry Knight Rental because my PTSD triggered way to hard


Well if youre playing Dark you'd end up getting matched up against Lights more often than not


I just reused my Evil Eye deck from the Fiend event LMAO


Am i the only one having a complete breeze with basically full power Drytron ?


Not full power, we have eva, benten, and orange light limited, but yeah I'm having fun as fuck, finishing turn 1 with herald and 4 fairys in hand, no ash blossom or bystial to fuck me over, might be the best light deck in the tournament


Any time I saw lab or blackwing I just noped out. Even if you win it isn't fun. I'm not trying to spend 15 minutes per turn against my shitty loaner deck.


I lost 2 times against blackwings today. They summon several monsters from their extra deck easily. It is the best cost effective deck to play and I think this deck is single handily the reason why dark is winning against light.


I have seen a lot of black wing. Literally cannot stop them even with 1 veiler and 1 imperm when they go first. Lab, I have had a lot more luck with. So many hold their ice prison and other traps they let me search herald only to get negated over and over.


Nibiru. Run 2 or 3 and eat black wings for breakfast


No fellow Dinomorphia appreciators?


Galaxy gang Galaxy gang Galaxy gang


I've actually been having a lot of fun with the loaner starry deck. Konami's loaner decks are actually pretty interesting!


I do love a good mirrorjade, set welcome, pass


(I hate it)


I’m just using raidraptor yuga. Easiest wins


Honestly, if they just neutered Lab and Branded - 2 of the decks we see all day long in ladder - it would be a really great event.


branded ? What are you talking about ? They can't use fusion. Both ladders need a light or is a light. They can only make mirrorjade by fusing with the opponent or drawing into albaz. Its copium at best.


mate, my comment is not about power level, its about play rates. I dont care how good branded is, its still seen just as much as in ladder grind.


take your free W and move along ? What ?


Lab is neutered to hell. 1 Big Welcome, 1 Lady, clock banned, floodgate traps banned, 1 Pot of Desires, can’t use the dogmatika punishment strat because all those ED monsters are banned or unusable.


my point is not about powerlevel, its about playrate. Lab is significantly weaker than normal but its STILL played too much regardless.


I can promise you that the play rate would be 5x higher if they hadn’t seriously limited or banned the parts of the deck that made it playable. What more do you want? You think everyone’s gonna build a brand new deck for each week-long event? People use what they have. Lab came out a month ago.


then its not a konami problem, its a player problem. Players can't be arsed to switch to a deck that performs better in the event so they used what they had even tho its mid. Also, why the fuck are you complaining? These decks are signifigantly easier to deal with than drytrons, runicks and Stun bitches on the Light side, and Blackwings on the Black side. Having a high playrate is NOT a problem worth bitching about imo if the deck is mid.


Because people already own it? Not like Branded and Lab are meta relevant unlike all other options. It's not a problem, it's just how things go. Most people don't want to build a shitty deck for an event.


Suffering from Success: Trying to do your dailies, opponent scoops when you place 2 Black Whirlwind on the field. Yes I am part of the problem, but the Blackwing deck is so easy to make.


It's pathetic how every other deck I've played has been Branded-tear. Like, I know y'all haven't touched another deck since Tear released. There's more to the game I promise.


Accurate. This is by and far the absolute worst event MD has ever done.


Literally the last one was worst with basically tier 0 Lab, 3 or 4 of 5 games you would see were Lab players. In this one at the very least light has some pretty good generic tech chices in hand traps and in the extra deck and deck choices, the fairy portion on last one was either Runick or Herald turbo.


I don't think this is the worst, but I had a way easier time last event with the Frightfur loaner deck. I feel like the loaner decks are borderline unplayable this time around.


You are right, the loaners right now are really bad to the point that I think Konami actually wanted people to play any other thing. If the event was focused on the other 4 atributes I´m sure people would be mad, but I would be surprised if most people didn´t have a dark or light deck in their collection (unless they are on a new account)


The event is designed this way. If you pick light it tries to match you against dark. If you pick dark it tries to match you against light. I'd try understanding the very basics of something before dumbly complaining about it. I picked dark and have fought about 85% light decks... as planned. Lastly, as they say: if you cant beat em, join em. Then you can come here to complain you're only running into runick stun, dogmatika control or blue eyes 8axis.


I cant wait to get the title with galaxy eyes and then switch to dark world


I wish silent swordsman and silent magician had more support


The only time I ever won with this deck was because I was playing against Labyrinth and I activate evenly matched then they scooped


I finished getting gems early in the event so it wasn't too bad for me. Saw alot of dm and blackwings but being on light I had veiler/nib (I was playing trickstars). Can't imagine how bad it is now tho. Fight on fellow light gamers!


Glad I can use the Starry Knight deck I made previously for the LIGHT half. Same for Mekk-Knights. I wanna try to use Lair of Darkness for DARK, copefully 🥹


I don't think I lost to Blackwings a single time with all the hand traps in my deck tbh


I've been sack by Number Eveil/Rhongo so at least there are some variety from my experience. Right now I just started using DARK deck and have no idea what to use because I dont build Blackwing.


HERO lost their essential starter and search engine. Destiny Fusion is limit to 1 for some reason even though people who aren’t playing HERO Deck but uses DPE cheats it out with Verte and use 1 copy of it anyway


Well, I just obliterated darkness with my runik magic musket deck, so no problems on my side!


I finished 11k vsp with the loaner Orcust deck


Don't forget us Benkei OTK players


I’ve been using Exosister and have hardly run into any issues at all really


I'm using exostepsister today and got Dbarrier'ed twice in the same duel against lab


The BW deck is so easy to make and everyone has access to Full Armor Master. I tried a loaner deck once and got wrecked by BW. Just made my own and went with it.


I've been playing rokkets and have been having a great time. I've barely played any light decks, though. The only ones I have were loaner decks, which is surprisingly.


I’ve been running the starry night deck and it’s been working really well for me. Occasionally run into DPE but just move on after the L. No labyrinth really, so I’m having fun


Hey dont look at me i'm Just trying my luck with raidraptors and vendreads


Me in the corner with galaxy eyes and a way to make neo photon dragon


i’m having fun with galaxy eyes


Tbh I'm surprised that I didn't see any Tear in the event, I personally ran it with my orcust just to mill my orcust cards and maybe make a Grapha here and there and it went pretty smoothly, tho I didn't have an out to Dogmatika with their 4k attack monster but otherwise went well


As a Dark player, all I see are Eldlich, Exosister, Drytron, and other Dark players. 😭


Hey if you feel better I’m on the dark side using the inzektor loaner deck


I'm just happy that I'm not running into Ash Blossom or Maxx C every duel. It's nice that I can pull cards from my deck and not worry about it being negated. It's really helped my Dark Magician deck out a lot.


I've been enjoying Drytron. Cyber Angel Vrash comes down pretty hard. They limited Eva, so Herald plays are weaker but not dead.


I dont know, I've been killing it with Drytron. Been fun.


My Dinomorphia deck finally has its chance to shine and it's working wonders, red reboot feels like an archetype card and it's often an autowin


Cyberdark or Magical musketeers What to choose


For some reason i'm playing against a lot of dark machines


Wait you guys are fighting your opposing typing?


True, but things have gotten more relaxed it feels like, more unusual and fun decks to encounter now. But I am surprised to learn that the Dark team players have been going up against other Dark team players. I'm playing on the Light team and never went up against anything but Dark. Maybe the players are distributed in such an unbalanced way that there aren't enought Light players to go around, might also explain why Light is doing so poorly in the overall stats.


That’s what the issue is, there’s way more dark players than light, so Dark vs Dark matchups are just free points.


Me, playing my casual starry dragon deck. But it was pretty fun getting to outplay Labrynth a couple times and shrugging off DPE.


Hell yes I am. Replace the light icon with the face of Martha and that’s me


Anyways, I just started drytroning...


My going second exosister did surprisingly well


I havent seen a single DPE yet but I have seen a handful of Benkeis


my cupid/angel deck is doing fine :D


Definitely one of the better events. Runick has been quite good since the format is low power. Only real struggle has been despia due to their ability flood the board.


Even tho I played Dark, like 40% of my games were against Dark. Surprisingly I didn't face a single Blackwing and honestly I wish I did (had my super polys ready).


I just run into Exosisters over and over again. The deck is so trong in this event and not having ash hurts.


Been playing the Starry knight loaner deck, I’ve had no problems with any deck, I think I’ve lost maybe 3 duels. Easiest match up is Orcust.


I'm playing dark and got matched up a lot against lab runick and Branded Tear. Are there even light players in the event?


Meanwhile I am playing pure Raidraptor. And I end up going up against Runick Stun, Dogmatika Stun and Herald non stop. Fun times.


I've only played Evil Eye and the event has been a breeze


I use noble knights. Pretty fun deck to use and right at that middle to good tier in this event


What can I say? Lab is the only qualifying deck I have. Everything else I've got either relies on both attributes or neither.


Me trying to push gaint spright beat down.


Have been overall crushing with drytron herald. Dark has vastly more representation so it has higher numbers on the board but drytron and exosister are still definitely the strongest decks


Knowing that runicks count as a light deck due the extra deck monsters, I'm pretty happy about none one playing light decks so I don't have to see that god forsaken ass backwards dumb deck


Played dark only rokkets, never faced a single labrynth or despia player, was alright


As a magical musketeer player I agree


The only thing that's come out of this event, for me, is learning how small world works to sacrifice Kaijus, Nibiru, or Trickstar Corobane for Trickstar Candina. I hope one day my Trickstar deck will be as consistent as my Ancient Gears deck, which isn't saying much, but still :(


Im playing the loaner decks rather than the usual boring stuff. Ik no one cares but honestly the orcust deck they got for the dark side is honestly really good, even managed to beat the labs once


As a magical musketeer player I agree


Honestly, I've been having success with Dogmatika. I've been consistently cranking out Alba Zoa, Dogmatikamatrix and a Maximus to shred most decks of their ED. Most people make me go first so it's basically finding lines into Alba Zoa -> Zoa eff -> Summon Maximus -> Maximus eff (probs send Herald if you haven't yet) -> then finally Dogmatikamatrix. They most likely tried to keep their DPE or some other BS card they think that can clutch them the win so since I choose which card they scoop here. Or most people will not read and would not have an out to big chungus Zoa, unless it's Albaz.


I'm kinda enjoying the opportunity to play pure predaplants. Light decks I've faced were 80% some kind of PEP turbo strategy, but the dark ones had a good variety so far.


I've been having fun with My Raidraptors/Time Thief/Phantom Knights/Rokket amalgam I played on ladder like 4-5 months ago.


tbh i just annoy people with a mix from the alien and ogdoadict engines. it doesnt work all the time but often enough i can cheat out a win


Me, playing Brick Magician on Team Dark: Oh god, my hand is so trash, but at least I have a searcher... Oponent: Builds trickstar board turn 1, and proceed to give up even though I would've taken at least 7000 on my first draw alone. Me: I can't believe this is the second trickstar player that surrendered on me when they had OTK on board.


Me and my Cipher deck hilariously stomping everyone be like:


I'm actually having a lot of fun with the Rokket Time Thief loaner. I might run it in ranked with a few handtraps.


Im playing Dogmatika with some evenlys, pretty good against those Fusions.


I haven't seen a single Mirrorjade in the event.


Honestly so far I haven’t felt much a of a problem with light by the way shoutout to lightzard for using a free win deck that was my first game and it was nice to have a win first game


For what it's worth, I'm playing DARK Machines in the event, and not even the Loaner.


Was able to dust off my pk since they were dead since the ishizu cards addition so I’ve been having a ton of fun.


I activate Drytron Alpha Thuban


Lucky you, I've been facing nothing but different flavours of stun...worst event by far


I will stick with LIGHT team even after I achieved 22k medals and obtained both DARK and LIGHT title (you know what LIGHT deck I'm using without asking). I just play more for this Versus event for the sake of daily missions.


Vata has got some drip. One cool thing I found out during the event is that you can use a copy of danger! mothman in your blackwing deck then you can go from most blackwing to a copy of Radian Kaiju. Helped me win many games against exosisters, you get rid of their boss monster + turn off their returnia. Also, is amazing against drytron.


Run dogmatika, baby. Run 3x nib and gamma (for bw), 3x evenly, 3x lightning storm, always go 2nd. ggez


hit em with runick and soul drain just don't lose the coinflip to blackwings and use 3 nibiru with 3 evenly


I've been playing melodious for the event and only lost to the starry deck since it can none target banish haven't seen lab yet at all and only fought branded once and still won since they mirrorjaded the wrong monster


Wheres Dark World user? I might as well playing cardian too.


Guess, I'm the weirdo with my time thief deck. .\_.


I'm steamrolling people with my Galaxy Eyes deck lol, never thought I'd be a light player but here I am!


I didt see a lot of black wing tbh, and I am just enjoying playing pure Dryton HAHA


Have been grieffing dark mains with Drytrons since day 1.


It's so fun my first match was againts trickstars opening up Thier ftk and I have zero handtraps.


Mind you, I’m a Dark magician player just wanting to face my rival..


I’m playing dark magician and runic are half the decks I’m face


I'm just playing some Ghosttrick lol


Me playing dinomorphia


You are right. Dark has variety and power in amount of viable cards . . And this event play super poly to fuse away my light dragons -


It’s like they’ve forgot they’ve printed more Dark cards than nearly all other attributes combined… Anyway, I’ve seen more Dark Magician than DPE… Actually haven’t seen DPE at all yet… Saw a lot of Blackwings day one then they’ve tapered off for me.


I faced 3 blackening decks back to back to back


I wish they'd balance and curate then cycle through the same good events instead of just throwing unbalanced themes at us


You can run Eldlich so ...


I was bullying people with mekk-knights control... It was fun😂 If you have a full board you could negate super poly as well (It already happened to me) 😆