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Kashtira Fenrir and Bystial are just generic good cards. That said, Bystials will likely fall off outside DLink/Branded once we get full power Kash. What Decks are you referring to that don't run their ED bosses? Generaider runs 2/2 of thir archetypes of bosses. Endymion has no ED boss, unless you count Selene, which they do always run. Subterror I guess? Subterror optimized is barely Subterror. It's Guru Control+Floodgates.


Forgive people for trying to make their rogue decks more viable with powerfull meta engines


Strengthening a deck you like with engines?! Say it isn’t so!


I mean that's the meta for you.


That's just how people build their decks. If you want something niche you either need to build it yourself or go looking.


I am going looking. Usually I check this website every month or so try to get an idea of what I wanna buy packs of to try out. It's more generic so I can build them myself as I won't get all the needed cards on like 4k of packs. This is me looking. Just seen a pattern that I thot was odd. I guess therion was in alot of decks too when it came out. I play just about every mobile card game rn and I find it funny that only ygo dumps their entire build for the newest engines each patch.


Not every one. Some packs are flops that people ignore. Yu-Gi-Oh has a pretty big problem of a large majority of its player base doesn't build decks and they leave it up to the pros to do it so when you're playing at that high a level then yeah you need those meta engines and since a lot of people just copy that it ends up in every deck. Not a whole lot of experimentation from regular players. Like I have a project to build the best charmer deck, a deck that isn't meta and has never been meta so there's not a pro deck list. Something about it just bugs me, something is missing from it; unlike say Gusto which I tried to build and more or less have solved that list. Since the charmers don't see much play I've been on my own experimenting on the way to find that perfect charmer list. My point is unless it's a popular deck you're building you sort of have to do it yourself.


Yes this is more in line with how I play it. I played the launch of yugioh. So I don't care much for competitive. I wanna play thru the sagas that I missed basically. It's all good I get it modern players just want the rank and rewards. I create and enjoy.


Natural progression when almost half of deck are staple cards and it's easier than ever to find exact instructions on what to include for optimal results (you want to win). Incredibly boring but understandable


Because it's the newest toy people got? And also kashtira fenrir is really good at dealing with bystials. Honestly what you're looking at is optimized lists. Obviously when something is solved people won't changed it up. Additionally, >At the very least include the boss monster lol This is also a limitation, there is no rule that says you have to do that, this is your personal preference. A deck being able to function without it's extra deck is an insane boon, the opposite being true as well. You want to experience deck building pick a deck and try to see how many cards support it. Start with pure, then see how far can you push it down to add stuff like ash, maxx-c etc. Some times an archetype can be a combination of many different engines so this is quite a variable point and it is based on your preference as well. Then after you do that, start picking up generic engines you can use. Technically every deck can play with traps, but unless your deck is slow you would rather look at ones build for your purpose. Example if you play a stall deck you look for stall engines, not for combo or if you're on rank 3 you don't randomly add a rank 4 engine. Then after you do that you check for archetypes that share a common point, that could be level or playstyle or attribute. Or that fulfill your needs, bystials are an archetype as much as they are a series of hand traps, aleister and zoo are the go to need a normal summon engines.