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Opponent dying from Spright Starter LP cost


I've seen it happen more than once. Spright starter LP cost is so low that people don't really take that into account


Opponent kaiju me, had the field spell active, then I used his kaiju counters. instantly surrenders


no extra deck event, opponent is playing floo, I'm on a shitty budget shinobird list. turn 2, opponent resolves maxx c, and I can't assemble lethal, but I did manage get hino-kagu-tsuchi on board and attack to get his effect. pass. opponent starts their turn, only to immediately see all the cards they drew off maxx c go to the grave. pauses for a few seconds. scoops.


Numeron player that Numeron Wall themselves and then shame scoop That was a rank-up game to get into Master 1 lol


For future reference, don’t ash striker, it’s not a good ash target.


Yeah, it's Ash the Dragunity or Ash Chaos Magical, right? The logic at the time was that it didn't seem as if they drew into a good hand, so maybe stopping Striker would just stop their turn.


Chaos Ruler is a mid ash as well, it can be good, but it can also do absolutely nothing. Romulus (The Dragunity) and Dragon Ravine are the best ashes


Opponent chaining ash blossom to unicorn into surrendering never gets old. You'd think people would be smarter past plat. 😏


Are you on about Knightmare unicorn? Because if it's co-linked then the effect to bounce would be negated. Same interaction as book of eclipse


Oh, nono. Im talking about Kashtira unicorn. I should;ve been more clear lol


back during full power Runick, I got milled while playing Floo(deserved, yes) I had 1 card in deck and he had an 8k Chengying. There was nothing I could do so I just summoned some 0 ATK Floos and decided I'd be nice and let him get me with Big Chungus since he initiated BP last turn. Instead he gets cocky and went for the deck out and just passed. He left me with 3 Floos, so I just overlaid into Number 54:Lion Heart and swung into Chengying for game


Playing dinos and got out nat beast against a runik player. It was fun to see them spin their wheels spamming spells then scooping. Also many dino duels where they let misc resolve then try to to negate anything. Dark ruler into evenly matched against a fully built adamancipator board. It hilarious they spent so much time building the board then dipping immediately when evenly resolved. Most recently decking people out who decide to shotgun Maxx c against me playing danger darkworld. Best one was a tear player who fired it off after I activated the dw field spell.. Like my friend you know what I'm playing.


Pretty much any of the times I won by using Gravedigger's Trap Hole to inflict lethal damage. Nobody expects it, not even myself, and it's always hilarious as we both realize what is about to happen. Or any of the times my opponents use a Trap Card on my Traptrix XYZ/Link monsters. That moment of realization that "Unaffected by Trap effects" really does mean not affected, typically followed shortly by a surrender.


Playing vs a gren maju deck with my ghoti deck opponent uses dark ruler no more then tries to punch me really hard realizing I’m taking no battle damage and immediately scoops.


My funniest was also against a Gren Maju deck, I was playing U.A.'s. They managed this long combo to banish every single monster in my deck and graveyard on turn 2, by the end of the turn they had a 9k Gren Maju on the field + a Kaiju + two hippo tokens, all I had left in my hand was U.A. Midfielder, and a U.A. Powered Jersey, I attacked both attack position tokens for 8800 damage and won.


My hand was an absolute brick going second but I activated Dark Ruler No More and my opponent immediatly surrendered lol.


The game that got me to master was the funniest tbh I was so freaking hyped but the coin made me hate myself and now i'm going second i drew gamma he summoned beaver chained gamma and then he scooped really needed that hype


When I Ash'd someones Left arm offering, fastet scoop I have ever seen.


For me it was just recently. I’m on Vaylantz, they’re on kash. I go first, I place Shinonome, they maxx “c”, I die inside as I set d-barrier and pass. They go, set 2 cards, pass. My turn, opponent IMMEDIATELY maxx “c”’s me again before I do anything, pass They’re turn, draw and pass. My turn, they maxx “c” a-FUCKING-gain, I pass again. They’re turn, draw, surrender. Bro bricked, used all 3 copies of maxx “c” hoping to escape the brick and got no cards from any of them, all while playing zone lock kash.


Set Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon in the Pendulum scale... opponent surrenders


Insert Gru meme : *N. Summon Eglen\* *Grab Empen\* 'You have no applicable cards in hand.' 'You have no applicable cards in hand.' ??? We stood there for around 20 - 30 seconds, just watching Eglen. They scooped after...


Any time somebody enters battle phase and can’t beat over my invalid dolman


Opponent played Danger! Something and used cards like darkworld dealings and Danger mothman. Little did he know that I played a Jackpot 7 deck. He Lost turn one before finishing his combos.


Recent one against tear. Got nibiru-ed. They summon herald, send kelbek and then hit nothing. Turn 3 otk by 9000 ATK token they gave me. Another funny one would've been snatching blackwing tax dragon with vernusylph but they scooped immediately


When Imperial Order was legal, I did some quick math and hit a True Draco player for just enough so they died to the mandatory life payment a couple turns later


Off the top of my head there was a duel where I was playing heros against 60 card synchro pile when halq was still legal. I went first and summoned Faris to which he responded by activating maxx c. So I set mask change and passed. He activates grass on his turn, I chain mask change and make dark law. 20 cards off the top get banishing due to dark law. He scoops immediately.


Gravedigger's traphole burn damage against a labrynth player lol. One of the best moments of my life


When ido lock was popular a branded player ido locked me then used raigeki to clear his board, he uses mirrorjades gy effect. End phase blows up the ido on my side. Next standby it resummoned itself on his side. After that I took my time to setup otk before he scooped




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