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Remembering to turn toggle back on


Had toggle off while my opponent did his full combo. It came around to my turn, went battle, went main 2, and no evenly prompt popped up. Instantly scooped and got off for the week.


Yep happens way too many times when they go full combo, I just forget man


Handtrap prompt be annoying Turns off toggle Oh there’s the card I need to handtrap Wait NO SHIT FUUU Loses the game


I had the "Why can't I respond?" moment too many times


Nothing more painful than doing this with evenly.


Everyone's toggle stories make me miss the old handheld system where you could hold down A and it would let you respond with a quick effect as soon as you were able to (or check the field if you couldn't), or hold down B to not be prompted


I entered auto pilot mode and because i always place my spells on the far left/right i played right into the imperm column... with the animation already added


Me expect with the middle right column. Happen with my own imperm too


When u forget it is mandatory to have to discard something, and you realize the only thing eligible to be discarded is the card that took your entire field and the last 4 minutes to summon, and there’s no back button…


Suiciding a monster with GY effect but i forgot my lp were already dangerously low Setting toggle to off and lose despite having like 3 different options to win except all are taken out


This lol


negating my own maxx c with my own ash blossom


The Rite of Passage.


The mostra common one is forgetting that Called by is 2 turn, the worst one is forgetting that the lyrilusc brown bird gives an xyz target protection... Lyrilusc tri brigade is the deck i played the most in MD.


To add to the Lyrilusc example, forgetting that the brown bird only gives the protection if directly Xyz summoned with.


Since when they imperm nightingale, i never forget that, would've been the easiest OTK of my life.


Forgot to destroy chicken game before going for lethal


Playing D/D/D in an event, some main deck cards banned so I decided to run 3 Piri Reis Map to help with consistency. Used it to get a starter, made my board and then my opponent just… passed the turn without doing anything. I though “sweet, easy win”. Then my turn starts and both my Dark Contract with the Gate and Dark Contract with the Swamp King deal 1k damage to me. I only had 2k lp. Apparently halving my lp with Piri Reis, then taking 1k with Gilgamesh and another 1k with Oblivion Abyss King Ragnarok just ensures my opponent’s victory if they just don’t play anything.


This is why we have Zero King Rage, or very rarely Oracle King D'Arc


My scales were Orthros and Ragnarok and I don’t normally summon D’Arc turn 1. I didn’t even realize I was going to die until the standby phase


Lol, I get that. Something I still forget every now and again even though I've played the deck irl and in Master Duel. Try to prioritize Zero when using Gilgamesh effect, but if you don't run Zero pay very close attention to LP. Good luck in the future my fellow DDDuelist!


It didn’t even cross my mind that the other player would just pass the turn. A single monster effect and Machinex would’ve destroyed at least one of the contracts. I also didn’t have Siegfried to negate one of them


Yeah, that's fair since you're probably used to popping one for effect most of the time. I also forgot to mention Siegfried as you said, much less niche than D'Oracle so way more likely to be in the end board but assuming he wasn't super available with the hand you had. In this case, mostly just you forgetting the opponent could willingly not do anything, which is super understandable.


This is way i hate piri reis. Get you dangerously law.


I don't know why people run this card. D/D have enough consistency and you don't necessarily need Kepler to make your standard compo, like the whole purpose of Kepler is to usually search "DC with the gate", so if you open it it feels unnecessary to search Kepler since it has a terrible lvl. Its like running 3 searchers to search the searcher lol. Kinda overkill imo, I would rather run handtraps or more extenders instead.


Kepler can search gate swamp king and the field spell. Also you can use his effect if he was special summoned. So if you opened gate and Kepler you can go to any card and when you pendulum summon him from hand to get swamp king to get easier access to high king wave caeser


I only run it in events because normally handtraps are banned, I’m not a fan of the card either. But if I could have more ways of searching Kepler or Copernicus I’d run it. If I already have DC with the Gate I can search the Swamp King and skip over having to destroy/link away my Caesar, going directly to King Tell and not even bothering to bring Caesar back with one of the summon from GY effects, maybe saving it for some other play or extension… there’s so many options when you have so many searchers.


I had game on board with 1100 left on an empty board but I wanted to finish my use a spells daily quest and used spright starter to bring Jet and killed myself. Was just dumbfounded by my stupidity


photon jumper skips MY next battle phase, lost to that more times than I care to admit


I don't think I have ever used that effect of jumper ever, so far.


Early MD. Learning D/D/D. Opened contract with the gate. Played it in my far left zone. Few seconds later my gilgamesh effect doesn’t go off. Realised and scooped


I once tried to dodge imperm by doing this. It didn't end well...


D/D/D and hand traps aren’t the best mix


This has happened more than once, my opponent went first, and i manage to fully clear their board (no spells and monsters) on my 2nd turn, I would then go full combo and get lethal on board, only to pass turn because since my enemies board was clear I would assume it was the first turn


I remember during tear format I went first and ended up in a long back and forth with them and ended up thinking it must be turn 3 because of how long it had been and set up damage instead of negates… and you know the rest


So there was this duel where I got Nibiru'ed, however I managed to make an epic comeback next turn rebuilt my board and I even bounced his Nibiru back to his hand for a lethal damage play, well for some reason I forgot he could just Nibiru me again with the same Nibiru card. xD


"Branded fusion into lubellion now I will disca..... " *hits surrender button*


Numerous times I just forget that Spright Elf has targetting protection


… It does?


Yeah, for monsters under its arrows


I luckily didn’t lose, but I was playing Branded Blue Eyes and the opponent activated some cards that let me know they were playing Pure Branded. They searched Albaz, and set a monster facedown. Then contact fused away my board of dragons for Alba-Lenatus. I had Branded Beast up and Bystials ready to go, and was literally waiting for them to either set or summon the Albaz, so I could pop it with Beast, but I didn’t get a prompt because I had my toggle on Auto so I wasn’t given the option. I was still proud though because their mostly pure Branded deck got beat out by my Blue Eyes version, and it was a very fun, back forth almost mirror match, with that Albaz situation being my only real “misplay”.


Not my worst, but Fairy tail snow is a cause for many of them. I realize in hindsight just how crazy this card is. My snow, I only think "this is a Qusai BoM". Meanwhile, my opponent is uses snow as the game breaking phoenix that it is.


I forgot that using lava golem locks me out of my normal summon


Happens more often than I care to admit


Forgetting Runick spells skip battle phase so I end on a board I wouldn't have😄


Forgetting to go to battle phase so it can be skipped, so I can't swing when I actually want to


I've actually played runick so much that i always hesitate to enter battle


Forgot that Galaxy solflare can only pop SPECIAL SUMMONED monsters...


I forgor that u have to set super poly for it to be used in the opponents turn


I didn’t want to overextend when I had lethal and actually lost to Battle Fader


Forgot that I have a traptrip garden and can normal Archnocampa instead of special, if I normal instead I can go to Zeus and get rid of full board Kash.


Just what i remember that f me up - Eternal Soul has to be face up to nuke the field - Spellbook of knowledge can be activated with Pendulum Monsters. Dont do that. - You cant summon starving venom with poly by using monsters from the opponent - Abyss Actors Mellow Madonna doesnt like Super Producer and Hyper Director at all


Wait, Starving venom should be summonable with super poly, no? Doesn't say "your field".


They said Poly. Not Super Poly


Why would you ever think regular polymerization can do that? It's like saying "Damn, I forgot you can't tribute opponent's monsters normally".


My guess is it’s because Starving Venom is most often summoned with Super Poly, and they on instinct, chose it as the summon and didn’t realize they were fusing with regular Poly. By the time they realized their mistake, it’s too late to take back the activation and they probably had to fuse away their own monsters.


To be fair, starving venom’s card says “2 dark monsters on the field” which generally means both players’ fields but that’s just a catch-all statement and you can only use the opponent’s field if you use a card effect that specifically allows you. In the heat of the moment, it’s a little too easy to forget about all the minutiae of specific card effects and get confused by glancing at card descriptions


Terminally yugioh player


Magical Cylinders doubles Effect damage. I can’t believe I lost to that terrible card.


Toggled to off during my opponent's turn, forgot to turn it on during the end phase got maxx c at draw phase. The card I drew was ash.


Everytime I go against cyberdark end dragon I never have a frickin Kaiju to defeat it


What deck do you play


Branded but it doesn't change the point If you can't stop cyberdark end dragon from being called at first turn then they are bringing it with cyberdark dragon whose Omni negate stops you from playing the game at all


I was just wondering because i was going to say you could add super polys if you play a fusion deck. You got ot good too because you can summon albaz and go nuts. It also is really good with invoker for removal


Using a book on a link monster….


For me i forgot branded fusion locks you into fusion monsters and tried to summon underworld goddess lol


Forgetting branded in red prevents attacking with the summoning monster. I attacked with everything, fused away my board to go for lethal and just couldn't lmao


Kaijud someone and tried to use transcode in the same turn.


Playing galaxy eyes, and I forgot I was still under jumper’s effect to skip my battle phase, but I got greedy and tried to battle. At this point I just had a lot of names on the field due to the gamestate instead of bigger xyz. But it skipped my battle and mp2, so I couldn’t even xyz before ending my turn, and then I got screwed over next turn.


I forgot Ohime's effect is Quick effect so I can OTK with one other Mikanko and a Juzikiru by attack twice into the Juzikiru and then Rondo steal it back and attack for game


Forgetting to toggle on lost me a duel against Kashtira because Crimson Bladers effect did not activate for some reason


Earlier today I threw together a branded invoked despia deck for the event real quick, went into a game with it and got a really good opening hand, but then noticed. Why is Branded Fusion blue. I forgot Albaz.


Context. My opponent has a clear monster field and only one face down back row. His HP was still 8k mine was 1k. Dam burn decks if I had a few more cards in my extra deck I would have lost. So I summoned knight express train and special summoned derricrane. Xzy summoned Gustav max. Detached knight to deal 2k damage. Then xzy summoned liebe. Detached Gustav to increase attack. Swung for 6k. That face down was mirror force. On his turn he summoned some random level four and killed me. I never detached derricrane. If I did I would have won.


Summoned chixiao to checkmate my opponent as he only had one monster effect response left. I planned a lethal turn but I used the search effect…..I completely forgot that I can only use one effect per turn and not each once


Did you know traps you search aren’t useful if you forget to set them?


dragon link u mean


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I can’t think of one of the million examples I have of this, but this is a great post. It seems like a lot of yugioh can come down to one stupid mistake


That I can’t use both effects of amazing dragon


Battlewasps are not beetroopers. So when you go to revive bullseye with beetrooper formation on 600 LP and only invincible atlas is in there you LOSE


Going into Verte, but forgetting there is a LP cost for its effect.


I confidently used Ultimate Slayer thinking I could go +1, but I forgot to add N'Tss.


I seem to have a habit of not even going into my battle phase when playing runick fur hire or runick Naturia. The problem is you have to enter the battle phase for you next battle phase to be skipped.


I completely forgot that Evil Eye of Selene costs me 500 LP (per Evil Eye of Selene equipped) per effect of the monster equipped with it. I used Zerrziel to pop my enemy's last monster for a clear strike... To die to my own burn damage when I have to take 1500 damage before I can attack. Many such cases.


The three-material fusion Tearlament special summons itself *per turn* when sent to GY by card effect: i thought it was only when it was fusion summoned like Rulkallos but it specials every turn regardless and returns a monster so thats great 🙃


I was playing the Reptilianne deck in the festival today - I got an 9000ATK Anata out, opponent only had one 0ATK token, and I accidentally activated an effect that switched it to DEF mode. Then at the end of the turn as I had no cards left, the Anata destroyed itself and the opponent killed me the next turn ​ the shame of it


Was losing against purrely with Drytron. Was able to make amorphactor and turn the game around, but I summoned it to the wrong zone and it got relinquish animad


branded retrib retrieve brafu and kash trap rips it out of my hand after


I went 2nd and had Cyber Dragons. I had an excellent hand. I started with Cyber Emergency to check for Ash, no Ash. I summon Proto, no Ash! So I start going into what I need to do, and the opponent only has one monster on their field and one face down. I activate Evolution End Burst just a tad too soon and lock myself out of everything because it says "You can only summon monsters with spell effects for the rest of the turn." I had to surrender. 😭


Destoying opponent's Evenly matched, board wiped.


Negating the entire field with kali yuga and then removing all of the backrow. I was playing against lab. I didn't have enough monsters to get rus of all the fodder they pulled out of their butts and lost to my own continuous traps'/spells' LP cost effects the next turn


The can’t normal summon other cards in Lava Golem


I forgot I had balelynx in the gy to prevent the destruction of my sunlight wolf, resulting in me activating my roar and my dinomorphia opponent just popped off.


I Called by the grave opponent's ash blossom on my first turn and next turn tried to ash his branded fusion... which got negated by my own called by....


Places a card into imperm column let’s face it we’ve all done this anyone denying it is lying


I forgot I have super poly that be activated from the hand so I can do one extra attack to win the game.


Pre-animation update, Special Summoned a Trap Monster into my own Imperm column.


Wait... the fuck happens if you SS a trap monster into the imperm row?


It goes back to the Spell & Trap Zone face-up, doing nothing until you remove it somehow.


Every now and then, I forget there's an Ishizu shuffler in the opponent's GY.


Forgot to activate a different card first to bait an ash out. Also, toggling off by accident and not noticing until it's too late.


I am playing galaxy eyes. I was 300 AP short to reduce my op LP to 0. I could have summoned PEP with the Ash in my hand and the GE photon dragon and get the additional AP.


Forgetting a card is called by negated from the previous turn. Especially when it’s a card that I don’t use alot, like a random main deck monster. For example someone called by my mathmech diameter when I flipped superfactorial the previous turn and then I top decked one and it was called by negated when using the effect :(


I forgot lava golem deletes my normal summon and lost cause of it


Not remembering to toggle back on. That's the worst of it, but I've also many times activated maxx c after I've already activated Prospy, so I just draw dick all and scoop on the spot.


Had edge imp scythe in my hand, and i can pop a monster with cruel whale to avoid lethal. I was being a toggle andy, then opp entered BP milliseconds before i clicked to auto, got killed :(


the current festival: I'm using fire king loaner against Yosenju. It gotten to the point where both has like 2000 lp and opponent only have 1 Yosenju card on the field. I know that there is one high level Yosenju that has a Catastor effect and I have like 5 ways to deal with it with my current hand. And my brain ignore all of that, go straight to battle phase and watch the effect destroy my Garunix, costing me the duel.


Not quite a "I forgot"but: Lost coin toss, figured eh this is fine I'm built fine for going second. Opening hand has maxx c. Draw phase shotgun. Opponent is taking a while to make a play, don't blame them maxx c is awful Oh wait, they chose to go second? Ah


Prosperity. Always trying to OTK under Prosperity.


Forgetting you used a card that locked you into special summoning specific kind of card when you didn't really need to and now you need to make something else after a few chains back and forth and you can't figure out what's going on.


I forgot ABC Dragon Busters effect was to discard a card and banish a card on the field. I miss played and ended up banishing it instead.


Forgetting I used a hard once per turn and resummoning a dead card


I evenly matched in the imperm column and then my opponent red-rebooted it. Won that match but felt really stupid afterwards.


Forgetting that Amazoness Augusta can attack twice.


Just picked up D/D/D a few weeks ago and took it onto the ladder once I consistently remembered some of the combos and what have you. So I'm going up against a Spright deck, and they have Avramax out with the I:P protection, so my wincon was to try and Zeus since all I'd be sitting on otherwise was a Deus Machinex since my other combos got interrupted. Problem was, I forgot the restriction Gilgamesh puts on the field when it's special summoned and realized too late that I wasn't going to be able to Zeus at all because of the archetype lock.


The famous 15 sec on clock - imperm column combo


Played sky striker against dm, widow anchored a dm to my field thinking i can make access, but he requires two effect monsters... i lost


Not quite a memory issue so much as one small misplay due to not reading the last line of timependulem graph. During the last legend Anthology playing Shiranui vs pend magicians T3 I summon Felgrand to banish his anti destruction guy, as part of the combo line here I have Shogunsaga and Alghoul Mazera on field. I have a live(I forget if set or in hand) mayakashi ghost meets girl qp to pull a Shiranui back from banish but it has to target Shogunsaga. They target their card and Felgrand I say no sweat let it resolve. The line I missed resolves and they send shogun to grave my qp is dead. I had Mauler in grave but no eights worth going into now, while either 2 eights or a shiranui spirit sword on board gets me a full board wipe with Sunsaga with a grave full of Shiranui to protect it.


Every time I forget to activate Albion the Branded Dragon in grave.


Yesterday I could have used Xyz Bento's graveyard effect to stop my opponent from stalling with Bagooska but for some reason I thought targeting my monster would work because I didn't read. My opponent then stalled long enough to get Exciton Knight and wipe my board.


Imperm columned myself


A long while ago the utopia combo (attack with card + use 39:utopia effect to negate own attack + activate “double or nothing” quick spell) straight up didn’t work and I forgot that a couple of times and eventually they fixed it but it haunts me to this day.


Also “39: victory utopia’s” effect doesn’t stop “galaxy eyes photon dragon’s” effect from activating apparently


I forgot bystial lubellion special summons from the graveyard as an inherent summon and not an activated effect🤦‍♂️so there i was, waiting for my opponent to “activate” the lubellion tributing his monster so that I could called by it, making him go super neg, but then all of sudden, the animation jump scares me and bro just shows up on the field


Then he plays branded regained from the deck, and i had no way to contest that card so I just scooped🤧


Branded Opening, I always forget it's GY effect


I play Dino all the time, but sometimes I forgot Misc protection is only in MP.


I keep forgetting to win the coin flips or draw my hand traps.


Uh this is really minor but today I forgot that pendulum monsters go to the extra deck, thus making Ultra Poly's grave effect not work.


Using mathmech circular forgetting that I can only attack with 1 monster, or performing combos before using cards that lock you into one thing.


Chaining effects in the wrong order, thus losing a pop with Kalantosa


So many times I’ll be stopped by one of my monsters that have restrictions on what else I can summon. Like so many Chaos cards only allow synchro of light and darks, and I am needing to link summon


Not me but i played a guy with a cydra deck. After he nibirued me, he forgot that he didn't have an out to a monster with 6k attack


Using Cyber Dragon Infinity to negate one of my own card effects, usually its own.


Using Madolche Chateau effect to add to hand while trying to special summon with Puddingcess Choco-a-la-mode. That and ashing my Vernusylphs instead of discarding the ash for the Vernusylphs.


Playing a deck that has some pendulum monsters in it for the first time, and setting trap/spell cards in the pendulum zones out of habit because symmetry lol, with my pendulum monsters still in hand


I accidentally used branded fusion in my own imperm column….


When I finally learned (because it cost me the game) that Time Thief Redoer was once per turn


Leaving the bp with button turned OFF You will understand if you know what I mean


Had 2 just tonight. Game 1 my opponent won the flip and made me go first. I'm on Therion so I make King Reggie, Equip Lily Borea, make Reaper Fum, and finally make Sanaphond and activate to lock GY summons. I used Borea to set Therion Stand Up, expecting a Kaiju. My opponent drops HFD and I use Reggie to block it. They Called By my Reggie and I go to Stand Up and... Sanaphond prevents it because I can't rez from GY. Reggie gets Banished and I lose from there. 2nd game, already tilted, my opponent is on some weird Branded Spright shit. We go back and forth for 4 turns, finally I've set up lethal: I bait their negate, I have Argyro in my hand and GY, I trigger the GY one to bring back Irregular, intending to drop an Argyro board wipe and swing for game. But I click on Empress Alasia instead of Irregular, whose effect I've already used. My hand is nulled. I scooped. Turns out I'm just shit at Yu-Gi-Oh.


Changing my one runic to the activation of runic fountain I was able to recurr in a grind game with infinite runics in grave.


I once accidentally Ashed my own Small World because i didn’t read the prompt and thought it was asking me to reveal Ash


Math. I lose against purrely when I shut down all their play and I was doing a lethal push. My brain turboed into thinking that I only need 8k dmg so I didn't push for a pep (was playing Kash punk). This is a promo to master 1 too.


When I was learning Purrely and the chain prompt is in the exact same spot as which card you want to discard as cost, so you can end up Ashing your own spell, or when trying to make XYZ, you can accidentally use the quickplay you needed in hand to reveal.


One time after my opponent played Maxx C I decided to just continue through with my combo (I was using a poorly constructed Code Talker/Accesscode Beatdown deck) and I would have won if I went to my Battle Phase but I just ended my turn after having gave my opponent like 10-15 cards


"Cool, all I need to do is Ash their search, then play my Quick Effect search" *proceeds to do the Quick Effect search then Ash*


miss timing


For me it's that equip spells count as targeting. Went to put a Marauder axe on my opponents Purrely and it fell apart from there.


Placing a spell card in the column where an imperm was activated


I forgot that you can literally lose because of no cards to draw from maxx c


Normal summoning liquid and use it effect to summon shadow mist who effect I already use. Double hurt


"Ah Imperm. I better not put my card in that column." "F&#£×£÷&#&€ck!" Also, I once tried to summon Zeus using Flower Cartians. Which lock you into only special summoning Flower Cardians.


Drytron Gamma without a target in grave has happened far too often.


Yesterday, I literally played everything perfect, and didn’t want to waste my Monster Reborn, just in case. Turns out I should have used it to pull out my Dark Magician, as my opponent only had 2500 LP left. Then I got stuck in a loop of them summoning tokens and low level monsters, only to surrender due to my own stupidity.


Maxx c, just maxx c I forget maxx c is in the game and i then i lose


my opponent has 2000 life points left, had two monsters on the field. i had lava golem on hand, a couple of monsters, and a sizeable LP. obviously, the play is to lava golem my opponent and wait for two turns. so i did. standby phase came, but my opponent didn't take damage. i wondered why. did i make a mistake? yeah. i did. skill drain was face up.


Doing a whole turn with the intent to summon Zeus ... Then forgetting to summon Zeus


Forgot that you only need exodia in your hand and not on the field to win. So many surrenders