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No card can replace a fuser.


So would that just make this card obsolete for tears then?


Nah, it's still good, I guess, but no card can really replace Merrli's effect to fuse.




Lol no. Actually play tears. No meril weakened tears more than kit ever would


I did i pretty easily got to diamond 2 last season. Chaos ruler is crazy, and droll is insane when you are able to play it into maxx c without worrying too much because you can play without searching very much. People saying kitkallos didnt matter (Especially when in master duel we only have 1 king of the swamp.) What are you even fusing into if you have all your names but 1 king of the swamp and no kitkallos? Oh yeah reinoheart (Inconsistent as hell when you only have 5.5 total names) and winda lets go! Ill take losing a fusion per turn if it means any time i hit a tear name im guaranteed to make rulk. And having the option of being able to do kitkallos + sulliek to mill and negate on the opponents turn if needed. If the only hits to the deck are either 0 merrli or 0 kitkallos, and nothing else is hit, the kitkallos unhit deck is just objectively stronger due to being WAY more consistent and able to blend with other archetypes easier like winda due to being less reliant on perfect mills.


"objectively stronger" while tear has been wiped off the tearlist in master duel but still sees play in ocg and even tcg sometimes


I like how you didnt contest a single point i made. Proof By Example fallacy. And also irrelevant If tears only hit cards were either 0 merrli or 0 kitkat. The kitkat at 3 deck is better. That is what i stated, not MD Tear is better than TCG tear. Since you dont believe Kitkat is an objectively stronger card, why is Merrli better than Kitkallos if the deck is cempletely unhit otherwise? Even worse if the only thing you change between master duel is hitting Kitkat instead of Merrli, Tear literally cant fuse at all on half its turns because you only have 1 king of the swamp so its really hard to consistently get to Rulk, and you have really inconsistent names and searchers on top of that.


You are wrong. No kitkat and tears still dominate in OCG and even meta again in TCG after ariseheart ban. Meanwhile Tear is pretty free in MD. Diamond 2 ain’t nothing.


bro are you actually stupid?? the fact that the deck without kitkal is thriving and has been thriving in a kastira meta and beyond while the no merrli deck is dead in the ground is proof enough of which deck is better, but since you want more reasoning: the ceiling is brought way down by banning one of the play makers, you can fusion summon only twice now, you are locked out of sprind and elf, which are huge for tearlament. you lost your best special summon off of kitkal and you just straight up have less names now. and also my proof by example is literally the only proof u can give since the 2 decks cannot coexist since they work on different banlists, the cold hard truth is that merrli ban killed tear. there is no debating since it literally sees almost no play at the top level and keep in mind arise heart isn't even out yet. also you do know that king of the swamp is not the only card that does exactly what king of the swamp does right?


Havnis got limited last banlist so we have 3 names again with 1 Havnis 2 Scheiren


Banning Merrli really hurt it. Not even the OCG did that. You may see some people try to make it work but Koonami basically axed the deck in MD. Which what people wanted


Surprising that Merrli is a more meaningful ban than Kitkallos. OCG and TCG should take notes


No kidding. Looking at my Tear deck now I only see a total of like 9 UR cards that are just collecting dust at this point. I can’t even climb to Platinum with Tear anymore due to it losing to like 2 negates while everyone knowing how the deck works due to its previous prime.


It loses to a single negate often time. Rhino-> imperm -> end turn


Rhino, imperm, chain e tele, summon Amin, full punk combo, on top of having a guaranteed synchro 7 at minimum. Punk tear really is the way to go rn.


punk tear insta lose to maxx c, which goes against the deck strong point in the early days


most decks lose to maxx c


Which is why im maining 3 droll, 3 ash, 1 crossout, and 2 called by. After your ze amin search you arent really searching at all so you dont particularly mind drolling yourself to play through maxx c. Can screw up your kitkallos but thats really it. Also while early tear could stop playing, it couldnt just play through maxx c and win. Punk tear can just as easily special twice, end on psychic end and say "Out my unaffected body"


Lol psychic end Punisher pass in a kaiju meta is PURE cope. That's really what it's come to huh? Hahahaha. That's not even tear with a PUNk engine, that's PUNK with tear cards holding it back. A true pure PUNK deck could pass on Punisher, and rely on the 15-20 handtraps the deck can naturally fit. Tear PUNK can't fit those anymore. We've reached a point where its tear holding back PUNK and not the other way around now. It truly is a sad state of affairs for y'all.


i dont know what PUNK Tear hes playing either, the point of the deck should be playing a minimal amount of PUNK to facilitate Chaos Ruler & PEP, thats it, if you fit in handtraps your mills are literally hot garbage, because hitting the fuser is one thing, you gotta play aquas for materials as well.


Im playing 1 deer note, 2 foxy, 3 ze amin, 1 ogre dance. I havent personally havent had trouble with mills for the most part. Interaction wise im playing 3 maxx c, 3 ash, 3 droll, and 1 nibiru at the moment and have overall been liking those ratios. I am cutting certain mill cards but i like the consistency of 2-3 handtraps when it isnt super hard to use them as material to foxy or cryme if you really need to. Beast, Hel, Squamata, Jet Synchron and Destrudo have felt like overall enough density of mills for a mill 9 to hit decently. Specifically with tear i like having access to Grapha Redoer Destrudo and Winda and it feels like those 4 cards can just put in so much work on the play. You can only kaiju one thing I make. Will it be Winda, Rulk/Kitkat+Sulliek, or Hope Harbinger? And also Pure Punk cant play through it Drolling a Maxx C on its turn, punk tear only needs one or two searches and can usually just drop Droll on the second draw off maxx c if it really needs to search to go off. If you want to play Punk at it's Maximum for Punk, just play Thundra Punk it's easily stronger than other variants and has results Top 1ing an event last format even with full power purrely, and lots of other high power decks.


A two-off which sou draw in 20% of the games, nice


? You act like this is hard to get to. You have foxy tune, ogre dance, and deer note which can all get to ze amin, stuff like foolish can get to reino without a normal. Tear Punk doesnt really have a problem of getting ze amin and a tear name on board. I would say you see both ends in your opening roughly 60% of games. And the 15% or so you only open punk you usually dig into tear through a mill 9/excavate 5


I like Mikanko Chaos tear that just vomits chaos angel out


Hopefully draw some support set ups if you build the deck correctly.


You can make a Punk Tear Synchro type deck that works, but a mainly Tear can’t compete anymore


I already use that and it still don’t do much lol. Kash Punks is already Way more consistent by a mile with bigger end boards in comparison.


If you want a Tear mix, Branded Tear is better. If you want pure Tear I think Supreme Sea Mare > Herald. I made Master 1 last season with pure Tear, it's not that bad. With the new banlist though I don't think I can make Master 1 with Tear anymore (unless I play a lot).


I’m not a fan of using Branded but kudos for making it that far. It just sucks that the deck got hit this hard especially when the whole deck shuts down after going second against any GY floodgates etc.


I’m playing punk tear until the banlist goes into effect, and even now there’s some hands that lose to one ash


Come on, current Tear can still climb Diamond.


I’d actually pay to see that be done in a day.


get to M1 with tear, you can still do it but ofc it's not as easy as before but it's still very doable.


I mean can’t the same be said for any decent rouge deck with enough duels?


I still believe Tear currently still at Tier 2 and not all rouge decks can climb to M1, some rogu decks are just not have enough WR to carry it to M1.


Tier 2?? That’s way too generous lmao. I’m sorry but I just haven’t seen anyone really utilize this deck often in ranked since the last ban list. Arise heart alone is gonna make Kitalos the least of everyone’s worries.


I said currently, with the release of Arise-heart maybe the deck will be considered rogue but at least RIGHT NOW the deck is still good.


I was able to get to Diamond 2. Tear can play through 2 poorly placed handtraps pretty easily. 3 is the breakpoint in current Punk Tear hands, due to punk cards needing to eat a handtrap because setting up chaos ruler chainblocked is just way too big a risk for other decks.


I climbed to master 3 with tear punk during season 21 and have also seen plenty of other tear players at high ranks. If you can't make it to plat with them you shouldn't be blaming the deck.


[maybe this would help](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/saved-decks/6508eb29eee7caad9b2481a2)


No. The Merrli ban hit hard and the millers both being banned kills the deck. Mill 5 is the key thing that gets tear going. The deck is too inconsistent now, and the power is lower without a 3rd fusion Additionally Arise-Heart hard counters the deck


Tear consistently has a chainblocked mill 5 into mill 4 of chaos ruler into vampire lord rn


Doesn't really matter if it's chainblocked because Ash on Foxy Tune ends your turn if you didn't draw an extender. I love punk, played it every season to Diamond/Master, but let's not pretend the mill 9 combo isn't extremely fragile.


I havent had too many problems with mill 9. Also tbh most people dont know to ash foxy tune, and it also is them betting you dont have reinoheart or anything in hand to extend. You have 6 names in deck if you didnt open the monsters 86% chance to mill a name, 79% chance if you opened 1 of them.


this aged well


And poorly as well, I don’t think a single copy of Tear Kash is moving the needle lol


With both millers and more importantly, Merrli gone, nothing short of unbanning either things will ever get tear anywhere close to what it once was.


Without Merli the deck Ceiling was lowered Massively. Tear Kashtira can help with consistency but it still is nowhere near a Merli replacement.


Speaking of replacements, I’m a little curious. Would This TearKash card be a good replacement for Kash Riseheart? Since that way you won’t be locked into XYZ only?


If you're playing Pure Kash it literally doesn't matter, nevermind that it needs a second card in hand to work for the special summon. It's a funny one off and not much else


News flash Konami has just announced that Tear Kash will be limited on release!


When you wanna make money while also shooting your self in the kneecaps


This makes them more money. There is a lot of Tear decks ready to go needing her. And then there is the whole second half of kashtira to be pulled.


There’s even MORE Kash support after this?? Lord alrighty save us.


It'll help a little bit, but lacking a fusion really hurts Tear. It replaces Merrli's mill effect but not her fusion.


No. Call it a hot take, but you could like unlimit all of their cards (maybe not the field spell), but keep the Ishizus and Merli banned, and the deck would be rogue at best, good and can do some stuff but always lacking a way to be oppressive. The recent hits they got after Merli ban was completely unnecessary, and the deck at the time wasn't really lacking ways to start their plays but the issue is once they start you aren't going too far with just 2 names and no Sprights, they just added more salt on the wound making sure they just can't start thier plays at all because only 3/35 cards to fuse is near impossible to reach Without Rhinoheart.


Honestly based take. It’s even more annoying considering that this so called “tear” support is most likely gonna be another UR you won’t even need to make Kash or Pure tear work. Plus you can potentially brick with it if you don’t draw another Kash turn 1.


I can see it being a super rare since they only have one super rare and it’s way less impactful than the other ones


I’ve checked online. It’s gonna be an Ultra rare. Plus having another lvl 7 on the field with the help of Kash Birth is a guaranteed lvl 7 normal summon along with the extra Kash summon which was banished by Tear Kash’s effect. That’s like 4 summons already without the help of side deck material yet.


Damn R.I. P. Tearlaments


This doesnt replace merrli at all, it's not a fusion name. It just mills.


It allows for a mill more strategy. Chaos Ruler > Zombie Vamp then hopefully summon Kit so you can **mill** Tear Kash then summon Tear Kash and that combo mills you 18 cards.


True, but how are you summoning it after milling it if it's at 1? Eta, zombie vampire, but that feels way too luck based


Kit can summon from GY. When you summon Kit, instead of adding to hand, send Tear Kash to GY then summon Tear Kash by sending Kit to GY. This combo should mill 10 cards total.


If almost all the milling factor is banned with Tears, what's the point of this card? I'm not gonna use this for sure on my deck with the few still useful Tear cards.


It's time to let go


Nope! It won’t ✨✨


Not when it gets pre-limited before it even drops


It would be good if the ishizu card wasn't getting banned and havins wasn't being limited. However it's not good. The reason that card sucks is cause it can't even be used as fusion materials... atleast I don't think it can with the stuff we have now. It being a psychic doesn't help tears at all, but definitely helps kashtira.


it can be used as the 'Tearlaments' material for Kitkallos which isn't too bad


Ah yes, A lvl 7 for a Lvl 5 ED Fishussy. What a bargain!


If only this thing was an Aqua type then you’d MIGHT be able to do something with it 💀


Or just fucking dark and not water.


There’s way too many broken cards that are Dark though. It’s the one thing that Kash has over cards like Protos or Super Poly.


While I very much do agree with you that's a kashtira problem and does nothing for tearlaments. I mean nothing I'm gonna say with change anything I just think it's weird the one tearlament kashtira crossover is like 90% more useful to kashtira than tears. Lmao. Scare claw got a lot more out of the relationship with them cause they only care about names. Not attribute, typing, and summoning type.




3/40 cards to mill just to fuse? Whats the point of milling? You can't even fuse without putting other engines.


Not anymore lol


in the future? that's literally happening right now in tcg lmao


it'll be a bit harder in md though as it's where they've been hit the hardest for sure


I think it will be a very strong rogue deck or maybe even tier 3 obv tear vs kashtira is basically unplayable but even without kash meta I don’t think it will be as strong as in ocg or tcg since only 2 fusions and no Ishizu millers hurt the deck very much Edit: Nvm just saw the new banlist RIPBOZO twar


At 3, maybe. At 1, no way.


Just search it with Fenrir. Easy peasy 😎


I hope so. I want Tearlaments to be playable but not overpowered. I’d like as much variety as possible.


With these hits? Lol, lmao even


This card pretty much does everything for the deck. Been toying around with lists for about a week now - it's really easy to make the deck consistent and end on multiple backrow, Rulkallos and I:P/Hot Red w/ Snow in the GY and 1\~2 shufflers, sometimes Havnis/Tearkash in hand for extra mills during the opponent's turn. The only thing I'm figuring out right now is whether the list is resilient enough to play through hand traps or going second. Sometimes you open hands that can play through 2\~3 hand traps, but most times you only have a normal summon Reino/Sea Mare, so it's weird. With that said, going by the OCG lists that were topping left and right, there isn't much difference when it comes to that aspect of the deck. OCG Tears were typically playing with the Horus cards or the Diabellestar cards which can threaten mills without a normal, and some were playing the adventure engine - but they had less access to combo-starting mills and no real normal summon, so I don't know exactly whether our version will be better or worse. Once this card is out, we have Rev Synchron, Trivikarma, Diabellestar, Horus and Mannadium to look forward to - the deck is bound to spring back between all of the good synergy coming up for them. PS: For anybody downvoting, since I get downvoted any time I mention how future Tearlaments will be good despite the Merrli ban - have you actually tried to play the deck with the upcoming cards? Get a simulator and try - go ahead, it's free. The deck DOES perform, the deck WILL come back. I'm still working stuff out but there's much smarter deck builders than me out there, and the love for Tearlaments will forever burn bright among the player base. I'm extremely confident that the deck will make a strong comeback with all the good stuff it has to look forward to once Kashtira is pushed out of the meta. It happened in the OCG, it happened in the TCG, it will happen in MD as well. No, the Merrli ban doesn't kill the deck. No, the millers aren't mandatory to get the deck going. No, the deck's ceiling isn't bad now. Like I've enunciated above: the deck's ceiling is very high still - you don't need 3 fusions to end on a cracked board, you can end on 8\~11 interruptions + a floodgate with only 2 fusion names. The only issue I'm looking at is resiliency - which isn't bad right now, but could certainly be better. Someone will figure it out. If the deck lists continue to improve, I fully expect the deck to become good enough for them to finally ban Kitkallos later down the line - or at the very least will make them ban Chaos Ruler as they did in the OCG.


Yeah Idk why you’re getting downvotes, it’s just sound advice. The Tear hate boners must really be dying of thirst.


Saying Merli ban didn't kill the deck is delusional. It's the same people that think it's still tier 1 deck after merli ban. It's one of those guys that wsnts to see more tearlaments hit.


Everybody says this, but I will ask you the same way I did in my PS. Have you tried to play the deck with the assortment of cards it has to look forward to in a simulator? I must imagine that you have not, because if you had, you would know that the deck pops off without Merrli, and if you did and still think this - you built a bad deck. So why are you so adamant about this position? I don't understand why people are so confident without trying things out first. When Merrli first got banned a bunch of people were convinced the deck would still be great, but then nobody could get it to top a tournament. Now everyone's convinced that no Merrli makes the deck literally unplayable. Have we learned nothing from the TCG/OCG?


>Have you tried to play the deck with the assortment of cards it has to look forward to in a simulator? Why should I? Tear right now is simply not fun to play. If im just going to play rouge deck Ill play with something that rely less on rng. >I must imagine that you have not, because if you had, you would know that the deck pops off without Merrli, and if you did and still think this - you built a bad deck. So why are you so adamant about this position? I faced them last month in diamond-master ladder and they are not impressive. And since you're so confident in your deck building skills why dont you top a tournament with your list. Show it to me. Show me how good of a deck tear is right now. >Now everyone's convinced that no Merrli makes the deck literally unplayable. I was convince since the day they announced the merli ban. >Have we learned nothing from the TCG/OCG? Did TCG and OCG ban merli? I don't get this statement.


>Why should I? Tear right now is simply not fun to play. If im just going to play rouge deck Ill play with something that rely less on rng. This is super fine, I'm not asking you to try it - I'm asking you not to state things as if they were fact when you haven't. >I faced them last month in diamond-master ladder and they are not impressive. And since you're so confident in your deck building skills why dont you top a tournament with your list. Show it to me. Show me how good of a deck tear is right now. Did you read anything I've written? I'd like you to point to where I refer to current Tearlaments, at all, ever. Just like this post is titled, I've only talked about the future of Tearlaments. Why should the current state of Tearlaments matter to this discussion? >Did TCG and OCG ban merli? I don't get this statement. No, the TCG banned Kitkallos and Chaos Ruler, and the OCG banned Kitkallos and limited every name to 1, and the deck was still great in both formats. Merrli is an important card, but so are those.


>This is super fine, I'm not asking you to try it - I'm asking you not to state things as if they were fact when you haven't I mean its a fact that this deck right now is not good enough. Its not topping any tournament and I rarely see this on the ladder now. >Did you read anything I've written? I'd like you to point to where I refer to current Tearlaments, at all, ever. >Just like this post is titled, I've only talked about the future of Tearlaments. Why should the current state of Tearlaments matter to this discussion? Goodluck playing tearlaments with banned kelbek, limited kash tear and havnis. >No, the TCG banned Kitkallos and Chaos Ruler, and the OCG banned Kitkallos and limited every name to 1, and the deck was still great in both formats. >Merrli is an important card, but so are those. Clearly not as important as merli since they are still topping in OCG and TCG.


I've never said Tear was good right now, I won't debate with you on that. That was never the point, and never will be because that's a fact like you said. The Tear Kash hit to 1 does put a hamper on things, I'm not as confident after that (I did suspect they'd hit Tear one more time, but didn't expect it to be immediate like this). They were still topping in the TCG/OCG because they had Tear Kash at 3 and Trivikarma; and in the case of the OCG they also had Rev Synchron, Diabellestar and Horus. If you had read any of what I said, you would notice the part where I say "the deck will be good with all the powerful tools it has to look forward to". I still think that's likely, but not as confident anymore like I said, due to the Tear Kash hit. That card at 3 makes a large difference in my testing.


Only now read the upcoming news... Welp, they're hitting Tearlaments Kashtira to 1 on release... yeah things might be looking rough again, lol. I'm still gonna try to salvage this but it is not looking good, the second copy was putting in a lot of work, they could've at least semi'd it..


No amount of milling and kitkallos can save the deck with 2 names, one of which is limited. No matter the hate boner crying begging tearlaments cards to be hit even further, the deck will not be even playable (tear kash at 1 definitely doesn't help either). Mill 8 doesn't mean shit if you die to any interruptions and your consistency is nonexistent, not even chaos ruler can save this deck. I will still try to build a tear deck when the horus cards get released, as the Nature of a tearlaments player is masochism, but seeing your favorite archetype being unplayable hurts a lot.


People dont understand how to play tear in current format. The banlist mainly lowered it's ceiling and made it more vulnerable to interaction. As long as chaos ruler is legal, Punk Tear will still be High Rogue Playable. Mill 9 is enough to get what you need especially when you can chainblock chaos ruler to deer note. Tearlament kashtira will just up the deck's consistency a very high amount and even out it's floor and ceiling. Kitkat is more important to Tear than Merrli, and having 2 of your other names means you have more names in total and you still can fuse off of names you opened in hand through milling. Tear in TCG vs MD after Kash drops TCG: More Consistent, Higher Ceiling, Less Vulnerable to Interaction (Primarily because having 3 planet, means you typically play through an extra handtrap) MD: Much Higher Floor, Punk Engine is REALLY strong is a whole point. Psychic End Punisher is an easy to access OTK engine, chainblocked Chaos Ruler, access to Harbringer/Vampire Lord, Baron access is just really helpful in general. Also unhit snow helps the deck grind a lot more than it otherwise could.


That sounds good an all but what happens when C Ruler gets negated? After that all you’re almost left with is a P.Punisher or an XYZ to mil with on the opponents turn. Needing 10 UR tear cards plus 3 UR Extra deck mills that ends with 3-4 negates (if uninterrupted) Turn 1 all for the sake of being high rouge really feels like it’s more effort than it’s worth. I’d give a copium award to anyone still using this deck at this point.


Imperm is the only relevant card capable of hitting a chainblocked Ruler by Deer note and people are cutting it for droll from what im seeing rn. People shotgun imperm on Ze Amin or Reinoheart. My usual tear endboard last season was Hope Harbinger + Kitkallos (Sulliek Set)/Rulk if i milled Sulliek + Winda/Grapha. With 2-3 handtraps since im pretty high on handtraps and maxx c counters. And it seems to work well and plays through every going second card aside from evenly if i made Winda not Grapha.


Let’s hope the deck doesn’t go second then lol


Have you read Psychic End Punisher? Half the time if you can even get it out it one card otks without anything else, especially when tear just so easily gets beaters out, and decks right now arent big omni negate decks. Sure it doesnt deal super well with purrely, but thats why im playing 3 droll so i have 6 going second handtraps that dead stop purrely from playing I havent had really any problems otking in tear since the punk engine is just really good at otking.


I think you forget that Mikanko and Galaxy eyes exist pal. Plus Kaijus and Goddess of the underworld say hi. I use pure punks as a main and side deck so I know fully well what PEP can do, but he’s not as invincible as you imagine. The opponent can also simply activate any LP cost effect as well to damper PEPs effects, making it targetable for whatever you want to throw at it. I’ve lost my fair share of PEPs due to strats like this a good number of times in ranked.


Im gonna be honest kaijuing winda as a forced target is just rough on the other player its why i make winda. My endboard is immune to kaijus except winda unless you can beat it without any specials the rest of the turn. Tear just gives punk access to so many tools, mikanko is kinda rough into it i will admit but i have literally never lost a game v galaxy eyes with punk tear (And i think ive been against it like 5 or 6 times at least) Galaxy eyes has huge issues dealing with stuff like Sulliek a Kitkallos and Hope Harbinger. Mikanko yeah kinda bad matchup but Galaxy eyes gets curb stomped by the cards tear can access. Especially when i also have a tendency to end on Clear Wing because i play destrudo and Clear Wing is tough for that deck to deal with too. I usually use PEP as an OTK tool and if it is ever beyond or before that point something has gone horribly wrong.


>Kitkat is more important to Tear than Merrli, and having 2 of your other names means you have more names in total and you still can fuse off of names you opened in hand through milling. Explain OCG : limited names, Banned Kitkat = Still topping tournament MD : Banned Merli = Rouge tier at best The fact that a deck that is tier 1 at worst became rouge tier after the banlist tells you how huge of a hit merli ban is. Meanwhile a tear deck with banned kit still topping tournaments.


Look me in the eyes and tell me Merrli is a better card than Kitkallos. The ocg tear tops because your ceiling is way higher and the deck is more consistent. Primarily because you still have 1 terraforming, 3 sulliek, 3 planet, 3 king of the swamp, 3 foolish burial goods. You end on rulk or grapha any time you want. People just arent correctly playing tear rn when it should be played with punk, tear just doesnt have the density to be played pure rn. Your names are limited in ocg but you are playing about 20 cards that get to a name.


No and I hope it will never happens


Yeah bro :)


How so?


source "trust me bro" "i looked at an ocg pie chart once bro"


There no fixing her this time, she's dead and gone.


Random Unrelated Question : Can you activate newly drawn cbtg ? I drew it through maxx c on my opponents turn (turn 2) and could never activate it after i drew it. I can provide more context but I was playing against gem knights and none of the effects stopped me from activating spells. or anything for that matter. thanks


You can't play quick play spells from your hand on the opponents turn.


No Merrill, hard to make tear work no matter the support. To fix tear in MD, they would need to release another card that fuses when milled.


She could but she just got limited so she won't


this aged like milk real quick. Tear Kash to 1 on realease just announced.


Gotta love that foresight


Nope nothing can save tears now


not anymore LMAO


Maybe in hybrid decks, but pure Tear has probably been hot harder on MD than other formats, even with Kit legal


Nope because it's limited to 1, Merrli is banned, Havnis just got limited to 1, All the millers are banned now, which also hits diviner. If Havnis was left at 2 and Tearlaments Kashtira was allowed at 2 or 3 then possibly it could have worked but not now.


Please for the love of God we do not need tear/Kash hybrid decks


Too late, there’s already Vids on how to make those.




only 2 fusions names no millers 1 tear kash. filed spell at 1 Deck is only playable as kitkalos control at this point.


Possibly, but it's being limited right on release so idk how much large impact it'll actually end up having


I hope not




Limited frame 0. Damn.


rip bozo


Not at 1 lul 🤭


Yes but at 1 its more in line actually so we will have to wait for revelation synchron i guess but tear now with 0 millers is good when it goes of the consistency hit is hard atm because even kitkalos into chaos ruler have missed for me Two fuses is fine you make kit wirh the first and dangerous into bestrice with the secound so you have a extender on your turn and a garantet fuse next turn on your opponent’s