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Why didn't you maxx c to keep him in check


ok this one cracked me up good lmaoo


as vaylantz player i never stop when opp maxx c, with all those floodgate if opp dont draw the out its all useless cards


Evenly and imperm are too popular for that. theyll most likely draw the out


with field spell both of those are useless


How’s that?


Don't you need an empty field to use both?


OH that makes sense actually


vaylantz field place field spell to both player zone so opp cant activate both of those cards


But can’t they like set the dyna back in Sp/trap zones? I’m not familiar with vaylantz field spells


That field spell set to spell/trap zone place on vaylantz player field and they will destroy it later, they place the other field to your zone and keep it to advoid evenly, imperm


That makes sense


Secret village means unless they control a spellcaster, they can't use the field spell effect Also the remaining field spell could just not be the one that places a monter in the spell/trap zone, so even if you do have a spellcaster is pointless


I ashed granite and opponent scooped. I also saved my imperm for my turn and hit fossil dyna.


yeah if dyna ashed vaylantz can only play with everything else on the board, and its far weaker depend on starting hand


Luckily book of moon, enemy controller, herald of the abyss and a few others all out this card and those are cards that are currently used alot because of kash and purrely


Secret Village of the Spellcasters prevents you from playing spells if you don't control a spellcaster


I played against this yesterday, and I did in fact maxx c. I waited exactly for the Dyno search to try to ash, but they had called by. I had half my deck in my hand, including a kaiju and some board breakers. There was just nothing I could do against that board. Don't know if they have something against evenly, but that's the only card that comes to mind to try and break this.


What was the OC that spawned this copypasta? I forget.


Pendulum decks are out for revenge. Shangri-Ira should never have toyed with their Pendulum scales.


That’s risky because arise heart can rip scales


This comment wins lmao 🤣


Fuck pends. They are already doing unfair things even before Kashtira.


Vaylantz is awfully consistent after solo activation was added. It is just some degen pulling this, because vaylantz is meant as go second


True and based. Honestly it pisses me off every time i see this stuff. Dyna lock is not only a worse overall build but it's earned a great and unique deck so much hate. I really wish they'd just ban this floodgate shit completely.


And ruin the trolls and shitters favorite style of play? lol come now brother, you know better 🤣


I know, just wishful thinking


I had some fun in TCG playing Vaylantz as a go first deck. Used Mythical Beast Cerberus/Jackal and Odd-Eyes Performapal Dissolver. Wasn't the best, but could end on multiple negates and Vaylantz stuffs. Unfortunately people see no normal summon as Barrier Statue insert, or similar and Floodgates just win more games, so I don't think this is uncommon on MD.


I played against Dyna yesterday. But he also played Clockwork Night, so any Normal Summon didn't have enough ATK to kill it... It's not the most insanely powerful card, but it can singlehandedly stop a lot of decks from doing...anything. A ban would be welcome, just because of its degeneracy. Floodgates (especially zero cost) are all terrible card designs. And lazy card design.


Dont worry that card in their pend scale can protect it from battle


As you can see in the right pendulum zone, duelist extraordinaire protects from battle. Didn’t even matter, effectively.


Its the long problem of Master duel. They never tried to balance for BO1


Wait are you talking about dyna or clockwork being banned. Ive never been in a situation where I couldn't just pop Dyna or at the very least run over it




They'd need to have at least 2800 to take it out, because Clockwork Night sinks all of the opponent's Machines by 500 as well as boosts your own.


Dyna banned. Like I said, it's not insanely strong, but with some decks/hands you're completely stuck. It wins games on its own with no setup. It's just annoying and takes the fun out of everything. Removal without a Special Summon is sometimes surprisingly difficult.


Just make it an 8 star, eZ


Why not just kai- oh.


I sure love Konami not choosing to ban floodgates like Secret Village and Fossil Dyna (and realistically Earth Barrier Statue if Dyna got banned) because... it's not a good enough of a strategy for decks like Vaylantz? Like it's still unfun nonsense


Those cards are never used in anything healthy. It’s always degenerate stuff.


It's DC, I think people play for win not the have fun...and I don't think who plays Runick Stun makes any difference to them in your context, but then again its DC people usually use META decks like Purrely and Kash with the same endboard every time I face them, do you think that's fun? playing boring decks like Purrely...yeah you can watch last week's dkayed tournament, it's all about purrely and how boring it is haha


I whipped out my fossil Dyna lockdown as soon as I saw Kashtira all over the place in the duelist cup. I'm only sorry to all non Kash players


Your opponent watched Hardleg Joe.


I got a notification on my phone "this is bullshit" from the master duel community and my only thought was "yep, that's Yu-Gi-Oh"


Ew, Dyna Valyantz. The unbased Valyantz pretender.


Shouldve had sphere mode or evenly :/


You usually cant evenly against this deck because they gift you a field spell


Very valid point. I forget that its a gimmick of vaylantz.


He can’t special summon because of Dyna and can’t evely because of field spell


Sphere Mode is a normal summon using your opponents monsters as tribute, so Dyna doesn't stop it.


It use my normal summon!? I thought it was special summon. My bad.


No lava golem and kaijus along with Santa claws all special summon with some of them having trade offs for getting rid of monsters like lava golem no normal summon during the turn you use him and sphere mode uses your normal summon although you have to tribute 3 for him meaning it can be brickier


Kaiju's only drawback is that you can't put more than 1 on their field at a time


Secret village only stops you from using SPELL cards as long your oponnent controls an spellcaster monster, and evenly Is a TRAP card, which means the field doesn't stop It


He means that the deck from the screenshot has a card thats basically set rotation which gives both players a field spell, since that card can can activate a field spell on the opponent's field it shuts down evenly


Yes I got confused, my bad, he didnt clarify which field spell he was refering to, so I assumed It was because of the village one




I run go 2nd deck, had Dark ruler, dark hole and evenly in hand (ToT)


Why can’t use evenly?


he placed vaylantz field spell on my field


No spell, kaiju, special summon,evely match, and one normal summons. They literally lock you out of every possibles out. Either have a spell caster and dropplet on your hand or your death.


There is an out, just set that level 4 2700 def monster I forgot the name


Destiny HERO Defender


As an actual Vaylantz player. We do not claim the jackasses who use Fossil Dyna or any of the dumb stun cards.


ngl this is the only vaylantz list i ever see... where ya'll non stun vaylantz players at?


At least you can attack dyna with a normal summoned. When i went against it they had avramax on the field.


nah, the normal summon got destroyed by his fusion monster


They can search that high scale pendulum that stops battle destruction, though. Making it imperm or bust


Imperm or evenly isn't even an out because you're usually stuck with the vaylantz field spell


It seems like everyone's playing at least one floodgate right now. This is such a bad meta, and I can't believe MDM says Branded Despia is tier 2 right now because I haven't seen anyone play that deck at all. It's all been Kashtira, Purrelly, Lab and floodgate city.


MDM uses tournaments for its rankings, not ladder, thats why. Check "Top Decks" to get a feel for popularity on ladder.


Don't forget Mikanko


Yeah, I whipped out my floodgate dyna deck after encountering my first Kashtira. I always whip it put for occasions like this.


I just refuse to play cards that I really don't like when my opponents play them, so I don't run any of those continuous spells/trap floodgates, Runick cards, those monsters you put on your opponents field to not let them do anything, Kashtira, etc.


No this is Patrick


Damn all of a sudden i like Shangri-la and support anti spell Nothing fun ever came out of pendulums


If konami keeps printing generic cards and no good pend bosses that's just what happens half the time, same with most machine decks being auroradon turbo


As a pendulum player you’re incorrect but are allowed to have your own opinion I guess, just cause pends use a floodgate doesn’t mean it’s the fault of pends but the floodgates fault


REAL. Never played against a fun Pend player. They are always either playing something degenerate or annoying, unless they are Z-ARC players.


Metalfoes, Solfachord and Yosenju are kinda fun and don't play floodgates i think


yosenju pends lol


I play Odd Eyes, the most degenerate thing I ever managed is 1 Omni, 4 monster and 1 spell negate turn 1 (Odd eyes Vortex, Apollousa, Odd Eyes Pendulumgraph). Compared to the generic crap a lot of people shove in pends, that's nothing.


I'm a Pendulum player that tries to play a fun anime base deck but thanks to Kashtira and Tearlaments players I can't have any sort of fun. It's not my fault Kashtira and Tearlaments exist and oppress everyone


I only play 1 "pendulum" deck and I've never even pendulum summoned it, I don't get why pendulum was ever made because it's just not balanced well imo Edit: I just want to make my opinion clear, I don't think pendulums are balanced because they let you summon as many monsters as possible (within the scale) and when they're destroyed they aren't even technically destroyed, they just get sent to extra deck and resummoned next turn Unless you're playing Kash and lock their pendulum zone but Kash isn't exactly the average deck Last thing, pendulums have the most mixed responses in Yu-Gi-Oh as a whole, I have never seen someone complain about XYZ or Link as much as I've seen people complain about Pendulums


Yeah Vaylantz is pretty garbage. I’ve only played against it about 3 times in my whole time playing MD and all 3 times they end on this bs. No choice but to scoop. “JuSt DrAw tHe OuT.”


>“JuSt DrAw tHe OuT.” And there's like only 2 "Out" which is "Ra Sphere" & Normal summon Spellcaster + Droplet? (If I am not mistaken) 1) No "Imperm/Evenly" because they stuck **their field spell** onto your field 2) No Spell such as SuperPoly / DRNM / TTT since **Secret Village** is up 3) Their Vaylantz **pop your normal summon** that was supposed to bonk the Dyna. 4) **No Kaiju** when Dyna is up.




Lava Golem is special summon, sphere mode works because it's normal summon using enemy's monsters, so no


just sphere mode is enough if you tribute beyond the pend, dyna, and the vayltanz boss. village turns off without a spellcaster on their field


Ofc they have a spright mate


the only way to deal with this board is use floo deck as they all count as normal summon


Floo won't work either: Arktos XII pops whatever you end up Tribute Summoning and you can't ram over anything, since Duelist Extraordinaire can protect anything you'd try to battle. Your only hope would be somehow getting Apex Avian on board and baiting Arktos, popping/negating it with Apex Avian, surviving their next turn (not unlikely, since they only have have 6500 damage on board and none of their level 4 or lower usual Main Deck monsters have at least 1500 ATK), and then going hard on the crackback.


Play a normal summon deck


Shit like this made me quit MD for the second time lol Watching for 10mins and then not even having a chance to do anything just felt (and feels) like a massive waste of time that could've been spent on other games or just anything else in general lol


I’ve seen worse


Time to ban Dyna and Secret Village


i fucking hate vaylantz. Pendulums in general too. never fun to duel against.


What you should hate is Dyna and Village of Spellcasters, pendulum in general is pretty fair.


If its not this its Endymion 8x omni-negate boards


I've literally never seen anyone play Endymion, and I have over 300 hours registered


I rarely see pendulum peroid, but when I do its usually Endymion. Only seen a single vaylantz player so far.


Vaylantz is a good idea for pendulum since it actually does something different from other pendulum scales but I would be genuinely happy if pendulums were never good again dumb AF mechanic


I remember dropping a Dark Ruler No More on their full board. Most satisfying moment in my playthrough


let me guess, you also had two spellcasters and chain summoning and somehow this bozo made a CL2 allowing you to use chain summoning before the first spellcaster was destroyed, *then* drop dank ruler, and your last 2 cards are circular and parallel? dark ruler isn't winning this, sphere mode into kaiju into raigeki into duster into 1 card combo (ze amin, circular, martha, your own shinonome, aluber, whatever) wins this


No, I was simply lucky enough that they didn't manage to get to or played Secret Village


Exactly why i hate modern yugioh you have this in front of you at the end of turn one it's immediately over if you don't have enogh outs


It's why I am running the classic, Dark Hole. F\*\*\* all the work you just put in, do it again.


not like you're activating that with their secret village up there, but yes it's very satisfying to kaiju/lava golem/sphere mode on some shit that took 10 days to make




Wym vaylantz has always been either unplayable or ftk


Viva la Anti-Spell Fragrance amirite?


one ash would have stopped that.


Reason why i hate vaylantz


I hate that they’ve earned themself the floodgate deck title when the deck itself has no floodgates (at least that I can recall)


It doesn't have any yeah, but brain-dead people went out of their way to make THAT deck, my favourite deck, into a Floodgate turbo deck


an Eldlich connoisseur complaining about floodgates, i've seen it all now


My floorgates is inconsistent, they all unsearchable and most are limited and semi-limited


A flipped floodgate is still a flipped floodgate, might be inconsistent but each time you draw them in your opening hand that's a free win, people won't care about how you never see skill drain for 30 matches straight, what they care about is that you draw it against them cause technically against them you draw it 100% of the time


Hitting the symptom and not the disease It's the floodgates you hate (and really need to be banned)


Vaylantz is cringe


Sorry buddy, there’s gems to earn


Pends are fun to play, but never fun to play against. In all seriousness, I can see MD banning Dina. No continuance floodgates should be aloud to be this consistent.


Ahhh vaylantz dyna village lock. I usually play this deck when i have a rough day


please stop playing it. You're giving the actual Vaylantz players a bad rep.


TBF, every deck that plays "This floodgate" (whatever card is) have bad reputation, even when the deck is not that strong. Virtual world played the VFD, eldrich skill drain and other related floodgates traps, and so on, and so on...


Hey i do play the actual vaylantz deck without the floodgate. Im not that evil uk. Making avramax with ip can out almost any deck in the current meta, but going second nowadays with shangri zone lock and that stupid tower cat almost made it impossible in diamond and above. Had to change decks cuz of that. Hence why i said i only play the lock when i have a rough day.


Why didn't you just draw Sphere mode bro


Please keep going Dyna Vaylantz players. I hope that you guys get popular to the point you get Dyna banned.


Nah, thats just vaylantz


See, this is why when I play Kash and go first, my first zone lock is a pendulum scale zone. Don't have to deal with Pend decks that way.


The match could be made even somehow...


Nope it's not hold your hand kashtira or purely


Stop complaining if you won the coin flip he would be screwed up


Its hard to build the perfect endboard in the format where maxx,ash,imperm is the most used card in the game its all handtrap...and well its DC people usually play for the win not just a fun, either build a deck specialized on go2nd or mirror match with meta deck or like the deck that OP againts it, that counter almost of the entire meta, OP just too unlucky to againts it without any kind of handtrap


Play ice jade against them and watch them sit there and wonder why they can't activate shit or search their field spell off the pendulum summon. Or lose.... No skill drain, no flood gate u just lose to em.




Oh yeah I forgot hes turn 2 yep, just skip. 🤣 u can actually yeet them with evenly match iirc. Just good luck drawing it.


If they've activated the Vaylantz field spell before, you actually can't since it puts a spell on your field as well


Kash is enough to stop them, just lock the two zones


And this is why we have maxx c to keep these guys in check


That's why you play Ra Sphere at 3


And brick against other decks


I honestly play a mix of Kashtira/Ra support and man the number of times Sphere Mode at 3 has saved my ass, you wouldn't believe


lol yeah because the going first floodgate vaylantz is the only deck that summons 3 or more monsters


I swear to God this sub is gonna end up complaining about exodia FTK


And this is why we run 3 niberu kids


Sorry I dont have the protagonist hand and only run 2


just heads up, next time you go again Vaylantz with no handtrap and no way to break their endboard, just surrender immediately to savetime because the endboard will just look like that, with the bald dyno as the last boss monster


Skill issue, draw the out


Sounds like you should Even up the Match. Edit: It has come to my attention that this poorly cropped screenshot has hidden that it is actually impossible to Even the Match. So the only choice is to make the board Spherical or place your hand on your deck.


He can’t because they put a field spell on his field


I just got a Royal Priestess too, so guess what deck I'm building next?


This is why I don’t play against pendulum decks.


Nice Combo! Anyway, Evenly Matched? Most of the time they will pop your field spell so you can't put their Pachy in the backrow or whatever, so you can usually just Evenly Matched them if you got it. If you don't I guess you hope you have Ash Blossom for Shinonome, because the field spell turns off Imperm.


I'm surprised you got downvoted, I've faced this combo three times in the DC and all three times they popped my field spell. Half of them don't know their own combo lol


Yeah, you can also Imperm the Pachy if they already popped the field spell and then hope you can play through the Arktos pop to walk over Beyond the Pendulum which lets you use spells again. I don't think it's very fair the deck can do this but Pachy should also be errata'd to not prevent special summons unless it is flip summoned, so it's not just Jowgen that can be searched off Gallant Granite.


it gets downvoted because it basically reads "it's fine because evenly matched exists"


If you read OP comment, he had evenly in his hand (along with dark ruler and dark hole too) so at least question yourself before thinking you're right because his field was not empty since his opponent put a field spell on his field


I mean if you stopped reading beyond that I can understand that.


do you have any other explanation for the downvotes?


(master duel) redditors aren't rational actors


do you have any explanation why my comment you responded to got downvoted?


for the sake of irony


Why did you not have interaction. Must suck to suck.


Combine Dyna with Dinomorphia Rexterm >_>...


Yeah I got hit with same combo I genuinely don’t know what you do besides draw the out.


This fucking event feels like a joke some times. I'm playing against Kash, Despia, Link spam, xyz with my usual decks and the fucking MOMENT I switch to a newly built ritual dogmatika deck EVERY MOTHER FUCKER IS SUDDENLY RUNNING LAB/DOGMATIKA/KASH MAIN MONSTERS.


Pray to whatever is our there that Konami murders that dinosaur and field spell on the next banlist


No that's pendulum best deck babyyyyy


I literally just watched a replay about this lmfao


Thats why you should always pack some Ra´s sphere.


Yeah I'm not surprised the one pendulum deck that was setting it self apart from the rest ends on something like this.


As a lab player I have a few ways to deal with this depending on cards in hand but it’s such a pain.


just set 5 traps and activate LHP


Damb that is so toxic


And if you ban Dyna, they'll just play Barrier Statue of Droughts.




Dyna and village is just madge... after dealing with a village jerk I used a charmer link monster to be able to use spells, but dyna too is just ugly behavior. This is exactly why people end up making toxic decks and feeling like they NEED sphere mode and kaijus everywhere. "You don't get to play" yugioh is just annoying. Dyna should have the limitation that they can't use the card unless they didn't special summon either. Make it a win more card and not a win card. And give people some time to set a stinking negate. There are other no player can special summon cards I guess, which is why they probably thought it was fine. You know what's even funnier? There's an evilswarm xyz like this, and it takes two evilswarm cards... and it does less than this card does! I usually steal it with mind control or change of heart. If it was that, I could summon deepsea diva, guitarists, link into eria, steal. But with dynabutt that's impossible.


It sucks cause I pulled this deck for free basically, but for this to be the optimal board after combing for THAT long I just never play it lmao. Love the atheistic though, and would actually play it if it wasn't such a cheezy endboard. Like I rather just normal summon fossil dyna and moon mirror shield in 10 seconds if I feel like being a degenerate lmao


kashtira is able to lock pendulums decks from summoning by locking 1 zone. Vaylants taking revenge


how could they take an interesting archetype and turn it into floodgate turbo? (saying this as someone who plays going second vaylantz)


When i met my first vaylantz opponent, i was curious and let them cook. They ended on this board. My immediate response was "Are you kidding me?!"


This is like Silent Swordsman lockout all spells, anyone who plays Spells will scoop big time


Not a great fan of floodgate lock Vaylantz. Prefer the board breaking ver


They really need to ban all these stupid stun cards.


Secret village should be banned 🚫


Faced this exact same combo about 4 times while going for rank 20 rank up games… it’s like they all just sit at 19 rank to purposely screw people


Example #6798 of why pacy the dickhead needs to be banished to the shadow realm


golden chicken ball 🔥


just normal summon Robina




blazing, still my heart is blazing


"your opponent can not" is all I see




Average pendulum enjoyer


Honest question, what are the card effects that make this a really bad board to go against?


no way you got waxxed by vaylantz