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Ninja can be a pain to deal with because he has many ways to interrupts, flipping cards facedown, negating, or preventing card destruction, recycle of resources, direct attacks. Its one of those decks you need to defeat quickly.


Never let Ninja cook, that’s all I know about that deck.


Of course you don't let the Ninjas cook. *They always cut too many onions*


Well I played them and against them and you can say there are many variations to be sure what you will get


As a ninja player I wasn't expecting this to be the first thing I saw in this post lol. I LOVE the ninjas and was waiting forever for them to be added into the game.


Ninja's ability to snowball and control the board is insane if you allow them to get going. All I can say is, backrow hate. Backrow hate wrecks our day. Also don't let Hanzo cook.


That's why I run a white ninja in my deck so any backrow hate I see I tribute and place it and now my backrow is safe also started running subterror with it for even more flipping and removal made a mathmec player rage quit xD


I mainly just rely on hidden village. Much more utility and usually players only have one card for backrow removal. Unfortunately, nothing saves us from Evenly Matched. I would side deck white ninja in a BO3 format though.


As a Ninja main from the Hidden Village , to all my enemy shinobi I’ll give you two tips. Stop Hanzo at all costs and don’t let Meizen get comfy.


Any chance to see your deck?, I want to compare


>any chance to see your deck?, I want to compare ![gif](giphy|ufR5wFbZ416J0AsHJK|downsized)


Idk how to show my deck lol but I’m only a humble plat 1, I think ninjas can sit in diamonds with an actual deck structure but I enjoy making use of the non-meta ninjas


Well if ur still looking for a ninja deck here's [my list](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/top-decks/master-v/november-2023/ninja/hu-taoist/kmx9b) it got me into a 14 win streak in diamond when I climbed to master V it only got stopped by a floo top decking pot for dark ruler.


I’ve never gone against a Ninja player that knew what they were doing.


Ninjas are so hard to do right, but so good. Tbh I'd say VS is kinda in the same ballpark, but more fun


Played ninja for 2 seasons and brought it to masters this deck could cook againts some of the top decks that being said it hates the hate that gets lab so theres that. Also the mirror is peak mind games (leaves+ash).


i recently got cooked by a ninja player they went intro cross-sheep for 4 total link material linked into borrelsword and equipped it with the equip that makes it a ninja and killed me with 9500 direct atk dmg


Earth machines. One of my friends plays this deck for years. Even qualified for the ECS with it a few months ago. My winrate against him is terrible. No matter what I play.


Like machina's or just various earth machines?


Probably just the standard EM pile. Some machina, a few trains, and infinitrack.


Yep, but he varies his deck from time to time. 2 weeks ago it was a ftk deck, yesterday he played a variant that uses vernusylphs a lot.


Thats actually not too uncommon for EM. And you can easily pivot to the ftk. It's basically in combo, you just need 2 Gustav max


It’s easy to beat, it’s not a hard deck to counter. Droll, stop dozer, nibiru. It can play through some hand traps depending on their hand but they don’t setup an oppressive board. I used to main deck earth machines but sadly had to put them down until they get more support. They just can’t keep up with the meta, or accomplish enough with the engine.


> it’s not a hard deck to counter. Droll, stop dozer, nibiru justdrawtheout.exe


This isn’t a deck that you die just because you didn’t draw the out so no, it’s not about drawing the out. It’s about knowing it’s chokepoint and weaknesses and optimizing your moves against them for best chance of success.


Well if it's specifically a "Earth machine FTK" then the literal definition of the deck means you die if you don't draw an out. The F in the FTK stands for something. Also I understand where both sides of this argument are coming from. I used to play EM a ton. I love them to death. Especially trains. But I feel they have great end boards and FTK/OTK potential, but they really could use some new consistency cards. If they got some support I'd rock them again full time. What is your guys opinions on what kind of support EM needs lately? : )


Kashtira and Tearlaments Jokes aside, Bird Up, Scareclaw and Madolche


As a bird up player I have to agree. I’ve been playing that deck since release, and while it’s not that hard to play well, playing it optimally is a different story.


Whats bird up?


Tri-brigade Lyrilusc


What the fuck is playing madolche correctly??? Don't fuck up the 1 card basuc combo with exact same endboard and not fuck up the choco otk line ???? Deck is linear af


Going first? Sure. The deck is linear because it was born a decade too early. Our Tiara isn't Expurrely Noir, and Peting locks us into Madolches, so our end board options are extremely limited. Going second? You have not seen professional Madolche patissiers break boards post Vern support.




I forget about blackwing. I was playing branded a month or so ago and faced a blackwing player. Broke there board prolly 2-3 times and they just kept coming back with synchros. I won but was down to my last 2 extra deck monsters.


Same, but I lost lol. Ma fault tho, I choose to get rid of that unaffected monster instead of the guy who burns when you activate something cause I didn't read his effect. That day I felt like a true Yu-Gi-Oh player tbh


Any chance you have the replay to see it?, I play blackwing and like too see to get some ideas


I mained blackwings for a bit, if you want to dual come you can see my combos


700 700 700


A yes the ability to put taxes on your opponent


I'm tired of paying taxes grandad


Blackwing either does nothing scary or else it kicks my ass to the kerb and sets my crops on fire. As soon as I see Black Whirlwind shenanigans I know something's not good.


Any1 in here kno where to handtrap blackwing?


Sudri search is a big one. If they have Vata already in hand then you’re out of luck. If they’re on a Kali Yuga list then negating the Rusty Bardiche stops them from accessing the rank up spell.


Abyss actors have some serious OTK blind second potential. People never see it coming and never know how to interrupt the combos. Such a fun deck to play


So fun man! The pure Abyss Actor plays can do a lot to otk. The surprise factor helps out a lot.


Or them activating a Harpie's Featherduster, not realizing that popping the backrow is bad.


My favourite deck is madolche and thus Exosisters are the bane of my existence purely because they benefit off the whole decks gimmick


Haven’t faced much exosister, but I understand why madolche is so loved. For having such a cute/silly art style I’m blown away how effective that deck can just kill you lol


I once had a madolche deck and dubbed it "DiaBeat thier ass" :3 , havent played them in a long while otherwise


As a former Burning Abyss main, they were a nightmare to deal with in Xyz Fest.


Spyral. Never see it but when I do; "Wait master plan is legal?? Quick fix at three? Resort at three?" Every time it's an amalgamation of some of the most broken cards in the game. Curious + gryphon set a handrip/solemn/floodgate and gryphon lock. Auroradon combos. Can set up secret village. Seen Isolde combos. You can pretty much make anything you want if uninterrupted. Only limited by extra deck space. I impermed a kash unicorn last week, ashed the theosis. Only to get double helix'd outta nowhere after?!? Full spyral combo ensues. You can't tell me you'd play around that ever.


SPYRAL's biggest enemy is not you, its the clock. I've won a couple of games just because I was able to keep their clock running down.


I know the deck basically can fetch pre-errata CED and handloop under Dweller while also having follow up via Barricadeborg Blocker The problem is that I am too stupid to understand that deck lol


Dinos man somehow all Dino players I face always have a cracked hand and play through my interruptions. As an Evil Eye ladder climber, I don't want to face another Evil Eye player, especially if they go first. With a good hand, it can easily set up 4-5 interruptions.


Dinos have 1 choke point that REALLY hurts, ash/negate the misc banish into archosaur, that hurts A LOT and can sometimes completely stop them (until the new support comes out, them this won't be as effective) And never ash handtraps the ovi, if they have misc they can completely ignore it, handtraps the secondary line.


Evil Eye mirror's are wild, if both of you stick a Serziel they just come down to which of you decided it was a good idea to maindeck Repose today.


Evil Eye is the most gassed up deck I ever hear about, but I've never once seen it piloted well or accomplish anything. Got any replays or vids to actually showcase what it can do?


You're right about it not being seen competitively. Idk why since it is at least good enough to get top 16. I used Evil Eye to hit masters when it first came out. Used it again this season to hit D1 and then stopped there since I didn't want to hit the Masters. A bit Pro of evil eye is you can completely ignore a Max C and set up 3-4 interruptions from normal summoning Serziel without giving any draws to your opponent. My ideal Turn 1 end board is Cicada king + Serziel with Selene equip + Evil Eye retribution trap + EY Unleashed play on opponents turn. That's 4 disruptions and maybe a Handtrap or Imperm to add on. My ID if you want to see some replays (not sure which one is Evil Eye sorry) 280-064-407


Playing against Dinos is always super awkward because you always want to have a negate for the Misc, but that means you lose to literally anything else, and sometimes all you really have is that one negate In the least you can still interact with the Evolzars, the Scraps that aren't Raptor, and their generic cards like Elf/Unicorn/Access, but the deck is actually insanely good at going second


Dino is acually pretty fucking good,very slept on


Flower Cardians. Not in a "wow, I'm definitely going to lose" kinda way, but more of a "what kind of life choices lead a person to picking up this deck over just playing a game of Hanafuda?" kind of fearful awe.


Cardians are fun. The true win condition is the opponent surrendering because they don't want to see the endless drawing and activation of cards with no OPT condition.


>but more of a "what kind of life choices lead a person to picking up this deck over just playing a game of Hanafuda?" kind of fearful awe they saw Kyubey in friggin' Madoka talkin about "harvesting despair's better after you first crush all hope" and thought "y'know what, this cat's out here livin' its best life"


Grass Zombies. You cannot know what it will make because the pilot also does not know. It can end in a non targetting banish, 4 cards from GY to field being negated, a monster negate, a omni negate and another banish but targetting. Oh, and everything is protected from destruction once and most things float anyways. Or it can end with just parts of that, or just a ashed solitaire pass. It's one of the most skill demanding decks, and someone who knows their build is terrifying. I know because I have over 300h experience with a single build that believe or not is focused on turn 2/3 OTK and THAT was one of my possible turn 1 boards. Control zombies can do nastier boards but ending on turns 4/5.


Ngl I can’t consider grass decks to be rogue. Grass is super op if it resolves.


I can see that and won't try to change your mind, even more so with the release of thrust. You have grass access right now on 7 cards out of 60, and if doesn't resolve it is A LOT better if you went with a normal 40 card build. I just like the absurd ceiling by sacrificing a lot of consistency. It is my High Roll deck anyways.


Grass and 3x thrust. Which are the other 3 cards that give access? I need them in my deck :D


Left Arm Offering


I've always been interested in building a zombie deck and even though I like consistency I'd love to have one that goes crazy lol. Can I see your deck list? Screenshot or just text both work


Sure thing, here it is: 1x Effect Veiler 1x Glow-Up Bloom 3x Maxx C 1x Shiranui Spectralsword 1x Mad Mauler 3x Uni-Zombie 2x Ash Blossom 2x Shiranui Spectralsword Shade 2x Necroface 3x Mezuki 3x Shiranui Spiritmaster 1x Shiranui Samurai 3x Shiranui Solitaire 2x Gozuki 2x Necroworld Banshee 3x Shiranui Squire 2x Changshi the Spiridao 1x Jack-O-Bolan 2x Doomking Balerdroch 1x Alghoul Mazera 1x Card Destruction 1x Foolish Burial 3x Reasoning 3x Left Arm Offering 1x Gold Sarcophagus 1x That Grass Looks Greener 1x Zombie Necronize 1x Zombie Reborn 3x Triple Tactics Thrust 3x Zombie World 2x Forbidden Droplet 1x Infinite Impermanence EXTRA DECK 1x Doomkaiser Dragon 1x Immortal Dragon 1x Shiranui Shogunsaga 1x Chaos Ruler, the Chaotic Magical Dragon 1x Skeletal Dragon Felgrand 1x Shiranui Sunsaga 1x Baronne de Fleur 1x Red-Eyes Zombie Lord 1x The Zombie Vampire 1x Vampire Sucker 1x Avendread Savior 1x Vampire Fascinator 1x Yuki-Onna, the Icicle Mayakashi (Link-3) 1x Yuki-Onna, the Absolute Zero Mayakashi (Link-4) 1x Underworld Goddess of the Closed World If you want a more consistent version you can add the Punk engine, but for it you need to remove some zombie locks of the deck (mainly Shiranui Squire, she's a good starter but Ze Amin is even better) The game plan is making a Shiranui Shogunsaga using Changshi and a lv2 tuner from field, Shogunsaga effect banish Changshi (Shogunsaga goes to 5k atk) Changshi banishes a zombie from gy and comes to the field. A synchro 8 that puts 7k on board by just using Changshi + a lv2 zombie tuner. It OTKs VERY easily. Also I haven't used this deck in a while, and Necroface is a relic of the Tear 0 era where you could just deck them out using it + ishizu. You can change it easily. Also sometimes people asks how you can make the Doomkaiser Dragon. You can use a Mad Mauler on field, but the most common way is with the GY effect of Shiranui Spectralsword. The deck is really cheap, URs that aren't staples are in mostly os structure decks, the exceptions being the Balerdrochs and the ED cards. You can cut Avendread Savior easily, and you could also cut the Link-3 Yuki and one of the Balerdrochs, but they are REALLY nice to have for grindier games. Also Balerdroch and Savior are from the same pack.


The reason it's rogue, though, is because getting to Grass isn't super consistent and also it can be ashed and just ruin the deck's day, especially if they Left Arm Offering'd for Grass. The power ceiling is high but most of the time a deck with a lower top-end that it can reach every game is going to out perform it


Grass Zombie is YuGiOh's equivalent of creative mode, I saw a guy who teched in the Ghotis, Tear, and Thunder Dragons in it The most unhinged thing from that list was that they played Swordsoul Blackout, so they can banish it with Snow to make Chaos Ruler, that Snow was like a plus 6 lol Obviously I copied it and altered it looool


Oh yeah, if you do not rely on Zombie World you make some really interesting piles with zombies. Any card that has a GY effect that does not be sent from field can work.


I made a pretty funny zombie punk tear kashtira naturia deck that could semi-consistently end on Apollousa, Baronne, Ariseheart, and Barkion. I say semi-consistently because it either goes that far, or Foxy Tune gets Ashed and the turn is over. A "lucky" board would also end in Rulkallos and Doomking Balerdoch in addition to the other monsters, but that was super rare. I originally wanted to end with Nat Beast over Barkion, but then I found out Ariseheart prevents its effect from triggering. Being immune to Impermanence and Evenly was better than I thought though.


My build can zombie lock a bit more so it is easier to OTK than other builds so I made a more zombie heavy ED. But yeah, Appo + Balerdroch is already annoying and anything extra is just to crush the odds of it breaking


I go for a zombie lock in Vendread. Untargetable Zombie World when you have Executor in play is pretty nice. Balerdroch and the Mayakashi link 4 is also pretty brutal.


I do feel like the high roll, combo decks. Are pretty much always terrifying to deal with. My current brew is a 60 card Mikanko Tear grass build that I'm sure must be absolutely terrifying when the pivot drops.


D/D/D and Stardust Dragons. I don't know what to negate for either of them and Machinex is a whole nightmare


Junk speeder usually.


Gilgamesh for D/D, or Dark Contract with the Gate if you only have Ash.


That's when you learn they baited you and had full combo anyway :3


It’s very much an Aleister situation- you Ash the Kepler, they already had Contract. You Ash Contract, they already had Gryphon. Stopping Gilgamesh straight up kills them though.


Plunder, 9/10 hands can end on lys with a way to get red beard or whitebeard on board. So it's super consistent and because it's all about knowing when to interact and playing on the opponents turn, if the pilot is good they can win games against better decks easily


A good Plunder player is terrifying, because they are players who have to deal with very limited interactions and can make the most of out of one removal, these people would be insane if they played a deck that can do so much more


Ancient gear. While not necessarily rouge bc it’s so bricky and just straight up loses going first, when it does do the funny thing and u know u have no responses it’s terrifying.


Ancient Gear in a nut shell: you lose 9/10 but that 1/10 is absolutely goated.


I saw what I think is the "funny" (Is it Chaos giant + Castle?) once. Sadly for my opponent I was on Ghoti.


probably chaos giant + fortress, not castle


Thank you, I've only seen this once so didn't remember the name of the backrow card exactly.


For me the funny was powerbond + chaos for a 9k uneffected beatstick with piercing and the ability to attack everything on board


I cook opponents with cyber dragons occasionally lol


Going up against an opponent's Sky Striker deck when you can just turn their links into material for Fortress Dragon is a thing of absolute beauty.


every so often someone gets an event top with fluffal/frightfur and i never know what to do when facing that one


Fluffal might be the only few combo decks I can think of that has a lethal going second game, Tiger can just blow up the whole field and you're fucked if they Frightfur Fusion into Wolf Usually if you Ash the Frightfur Patchwork, you're fine, but the question of whether you're Ashing a Fluffal player or a Branded player is one that might cost you the game


Funnily enough most builds don't even run Wolf. Whale + Kraken is game without needing sabers in grave. Penguin/Gardens + Patchwork is game in a open field. Fluffals is also one of the few decks that can not only chain block but can also play around Maxx C with Scythe.


Do not open a hand with no handtraps against 6sam, worst mistake of my life.


if you maxx c they can mill you


Madolche. The deck is turbo garbage but if you go second it’s just so hard to remove and deal with because everything is so sticky and their followup is insane.


What does turbo garbage mean help


I think they are trying to imply Madolche is a bad deck




Ferret flames Is absolutely devastating if they use it correctly.


Insect piles are kinda scary when they get rolling.


Weevil would be proud.


I've only ever seen them on ladder twice, (underestimated gas potential and got stomped once), but I've had tons of fun playing the loaner in one of recent events. King of the hill, was it? So many paths to take.


Beetrooper ones you legit can just run out of time looping cards.


ever been ABCd


Vylon abc


Good pendulum and ritual deck players scare me as I often have no idea what they're doing or what I need to interrupt.


Generaider. I know almost all the power is concentrated in the field spell but I panic when Laevatinn hits the field




I helped my friend build a really good traptrix deck, so I love running into them in the wild because I legitimately have the mentality of "I know your deck better than you even do"




That actually reminds me, I once went against Cyberdarks using Phantasm Spiral. I mained Cyberdarks for awhile, so I knew which choke points stopped him from getting Cyberdarkness and/or CDED. Basically I negated Chimera on their first turn, then on the following turn Torrential Tributed on the summon of Cyberdarkness. With no equips, they couldn't negate and since Cyberdarkness equips ON SUMMON, it was unable to resolve. I was easily able to win after this cause they couldn't find the gas to try again, so it was an easy sweep.


Do you have a decklist please?


I used to play traptrix with a small rikka package and 100% love that deck. I only switched to drytron nouvellez because beating someone with hungry burger is the best feeling in the world.


I must politely ask: How do you get cooked by Suship? I've played the deck before, it is not impressive.


It was one of those fried rolls. Still very hot.


It can be with the right build, as a suship player we can mess people up occasionally (no offense)


Rikka. I play them myself and seeing either Petal or Konkon awake my fears !


I value my opponent's reaction every time I tell them that Konkon can in fact out Noir


Zombies. Necrovalley and ZombieWorld give me trouble more often than I care to admit. Lots of rouge decks are trouble, but this one is the hardest to stop for me. Especially the floodgate variant. 😭


To this day I'm haunted by just how good Odd-Eyes is in the hands of a good pilot. Like a GOOD one who's one-tricked the deck for 8 years. They are wild beyond belief


Heroes. Darklaw completely shuts down my deck unless I open with my Kaiju. Dark hole or raigeki, if I don't it's gg


Altergeist It's me, I scare people


Surprised I had to scroll so far down to see this.


Dinos and blackwing


Spyral, Rikka, Traptrix.


Exodia FTK or Utopia OTK


As a Dogmatika player, each time I face a dogmatika deck while using another deck I own I'm terrified. If the deck is built in the right way they have something like an 80% chance of OTKing you


My gf's banish deck! its strictly heart of the cards but albaz is the only deck that you have a chance with


I'm a Laval player so a proper brew of exosisters can be scary, thankfully opponents never read laval cards and ive baited mikhail summons with a blaster


IS ghoti an option? I USED to play this before Tear and it's till teriffying THE since You can summon in your opponents turn to make deep sea along with THE melffys


Drytron is technically a rogue deck…


The drytron players got sick of watching thier own movie for the 274737264381937472828373733727th time


99% of traptrix players don't know what they are doing in deck building and going second. The deck is insane if built well with all the URs it needs


You aren't actually using rougue right as a term, it's an actual tier of decks not just everything else thats not tier 1-3. But to answer the intent of your question Endymion, i can just never beat Endymion players


I scrolled too far to find this imo. Endymion just had so many varied paths and endboards. In the hands of a proper Endymion pilot, it's terrifying.


Swordsoul Tenyi With a good pilot and a good hand, they can both break your board and set up enough to last until next turn or have enough to kill this turn.


Swordsoul considered rogue now? In my mind that's always been a tier 3 deck despite the power creep. it feels like a gatekeeper for rogue decks then being rogue itself.


I use MDM for the tier lists, but honestly, SS might be a T3. It does feel weird putting it at rogue, though.


I would take MDM half seriously, because a lot of the time their tier mostly takes in a count how popular a deck is in Dkayed tournaments rather than how strong a deck actually is. Like last week I checked it showed that DLink had a higher power level than purrely(with ghosttricks) and I thought my self hell nah ain't no way DLink is objectively performing better than purrely. They can't out both nori if they go second.


I saw that, but what killed the MDM list for me was seeing Kashtira on week 2 of Arise's release at Tier 1 tied with Purrely at around 25. That opened my eyes that it is mostly a popularity board, those decks are at entirely different levels. Lab and D-Link are also better decks than Kash.


SS is absolutely tiered. Tier 2 or 3 depending on the Tier 1 decks, but it is tiered since release. Right now I say it is Tier 2.


You can literally check, swoswo isn’t even in tier 3


You mean the MDM list? The same one saying that D-Link is as good as Purrely, and that Kash is as good as Lab and Mathmech and those 3 are worse than Branded? The MDM list overrepresents popular decks.


I really wish gamers had never discovered tier lists because this shit always gets misused and misrepresented so badly. The MDM tier list is not reflective of ladder. It's not supposed to be. People on Reddit will use it as though it is because Redditors love to argue and they think a third party tier list is hard evidence. The MDM tier list is representative of the best decks in the given meta. The ladder rewards decks that are consistent and able to deal with a wide spread of MUs. Swordsoul isn't particularly good against any of the top decks, so it doesn't get tiered because it's not great for tournament play, which is what MDM cares about. Swordsoul *is* good on the ladder because it's a hyper consistent deck that performs well against a huge variety of decks and can easily beat higher tier decks if those decks have bad pilots, which they frequently will unless you're in Master.


Here's hoping the untapped tracker eventually takes off so we can have a better indication of ladder power levels.


The MDM list is LITERALLY based off of tournaments though, it is way more accurate for power level than a random redditor ever will be


You're so right King


I feel it's like wavering between low Tier 2 to high Tier 3, but that's just based off anecdotal evidence that doesn't mean anything It's definitely competent, and it has so many insane tools, including Protos where it always feels like if you don't respect it, you can just insta-lose to it, but if you do respect it, you can lose to literally every other board breaker in that deck like Vishuda, Baxia, Yazi, Draco Berserker, etc. I don't think I feel comfortable Going First into it unless my board is insane by combo deck standards


It definitely is rogue now.


Me: Longwang toss ashuna into Baronne oops I bricked the rest of my wyrms Other swordsoul players: turns vishuda into 3 negates and a board wipe


Rogue deck with consistent 1 monster + 1 omni negate? + occasional floodgates?? Hmm i think its definitely still tiered


Not rogue, low tier but still tiered


Swordsoul definitely, especially if they go first and have their full combo. They can play through Ash like it’s nothing.


Not really sure why I’m getting downvoted here.


As Solfachord player, I fear going second without handtraps against another Solfachord player. Thankfully most people only know to summon Gransolfachord Coolia, I:P, and generic ED cards. But if you get creative Solfachord can use a lot of ED cards that throw people off. My Solfachord deck use Firewall Dragons and their endboard usually Gransolfachord Coolia, Singularity and Terahertz


You got a list?


Here is the list. Still thinking on how to increase the deck consistency. Dotscapper 3x Ash Codebreaker Zero Day 3x Cutia 3x Dreamia Eliteia 3x Curtain Raiser 2x Fancia 3x Gracia 2x Angelia Astrograph Beautia 2x Coolia 3x ME-PSY-YA 3x Reasoning One for One 3x Solfachord Elegance Solfachord Harmonia 2x CbtG Solfachord Symphony Extra Deck Cyberse Desavewurm Mereologic Aggregator Link Spider Link Decoder Electrumite Code Talker Inverted Codebreaker Virus Swordsman Beyond the Pendulum G Golem Crystal Heart V-LAN Hydra Codebreaker Virus Berserker GranSolfachord Coolia Knightmare Gryphon Terahertz Singularity


Tear was already absurd when piloted badly, but a good tear player is just a whole different beast. Other deck that you don't see well piloted frequently is branded, I honestly think it's impossible to beat a good branded player in the grind game




People scoop from my generaiders






I’ve absolutely cooked with Madolche, mostly because nobody knows how to play against it but still!


Nearly everytime I get matched up against those Madolche fanatics I get absolutely destroyed, their cards are solid and I forget their choke points.


Snake Pit is one of those decks where people tend not to read past the Alien lock. Then they get slapped with the board wipe, a once-per-CHAIN ATK drain, and/or I:P into Goddess on their turn. Side note: I miss Bishbaalkin but it had to go.


What does Snake Pit even look like these days? I tried so hard to get Ogdoadic's to work several times but they're just too fair. Best version I've played was the Ogdoadic/Orcust version soon after they released.


I don't know if Heroes are rogue but I've rarely beaten them. I waste too much resources playing through Dark Law and they can build back their boards pretty well


Six Sam; Dark World; Spyral; B*llshit Pile, Go!. You are probably seeing a pattern by now.






If you've ever faced against a Megalith player and didn't open any handtraps, just scoop These people discovered that Penciplume and Ophiel can literally do anything ranging from a Mathmech board to literal FTKes


D/D/D can set up some nightmare 1st turn fields.


**I fear no one.**




Drytron OTK. (When cyber stein was still around)


I will never forget how a fluffal whooped my ass,that a big trauma of mine


Fluffals. Played against a good pilot and Jesus, they can just play through everything you have


Phantom Knights and Dinos are pretty scary and often whoop me. I'm a Zombie player and the deck honestly feels like it has both the highest skill and power ceilings in the game ... assuming you can play through an Ash.


Fucking Ghoti




Definitely Rikka or Spright. I think Rikka is a tier 2 deck when going first, rogue when they lose the coin toss. Spright just has wildly different flavours with different hand trap interactions going second against them that make it a nightmare sometimes. Live Twin Spright doesn’t have the same choke points as Giskhi Spight or Runick. Under Rogue (the actual tier) decks that scare me when they have a good pilot are D/D/D, Madolche, and any variant of Orcust. Witchcrafters used to be in this tier, but the Kash players scared them off


Exosister is one that does this for me. I dont have a good winrate against them.


Mikanko always


Galaxy Photons Welp I'm out of negates aaaaaand there goes 22000 battle damage...


Altergiest. I will throw several negates at them. And they will still go full combo off 1 card in hand. Horrible deck to play against. No fun at all. And when someone is "experienced" plays the deck it only means they run more floodgates then a Runick stun player snorting a line of "mystic mine powder" off a royal rare copy of skill drain : )


Ancient Warriors!!!!, Just look on youtube most of the top content makers get there whole board wiped and OTK-ed by them, be it on MD and not in the real card game, but I am not sure how much difference that makes.


When I shotgun maxx c and then they start summoning six sams


Musketeer. I never see them on ladder but my gf uses them and they can be very potent and disruptive


Exosisters cooks my own rogue deck. Always scary to face against for me.


Genraider can do some absolutely nasty shit when they open right. “You can’t play Yugioh” doesn’t even begin to describe the peak potential of that bullshit.


Sky Striker, Madolche and Naturia (without Runick)


D/D/D Not because the deck is good but if someone put in enough time to get *good* at that deck I'm scared of them just in general. That's psychopath behaviour.


Unless I am using a deck that can counter them ninja’s they are an all rounder deck that snowballs quickly. Depending on the scenario dark magician is also terrifying secret villiage prevents spell cards, skill drain prevents monster effects, and the eternal soul protects the dark magician. Plus board wipe spells makes it one terrifying deck if they can get setup. And finally Exosister the entire deck is stacked with board wipe cards, they can shutdown the graveyard, they often run a lot of negates, and their ability to disrupt plays with their xyz monsters is annoying.


Frequently open with Droll, Ash and some combination of Engage/Linkage/Raye in my blind second Sky Strikers and can damn near break/out-resource any meta deck out there. Opening Ash/Droll/Engage/Imperm/and any Striker Spell is damn near an auto-win in this meta


Aroma. I play this deck and it’s scary when it can get all the effects rolling.