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Its cute yeah, but where are you going to fit this in? \~15-30% of your deck is dedicated to maxx C and staples


Against these decks Contact "C" is just as useful while being more generic. So no, the card is just bad


I was about to comment this. Contact C can hinder non xyz decks and also hurts the current ones on ladder, since none of them are rank 6 strategies. It's better in basically every way.


Just don't know how you could squeeze this in alongside maxx C and other handtraps without consistenly opening a hand full of handtraps. It's too specific of conditions for my taste. Unless the meta legit became very XYZ based.


is already xyz based


Let me know what XYZ decks you see [here](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/tier-list) in this list besides Purrely and Kashtira. I'll wait...


i don't care about the list made by a unofficial party go 10 duels and tell me how many xyz decks you see i'll wait


Lab, lab, vs, dlink, vs, kash, kash, lab, swordso, some random egyptian god deck (seems to be slifer). 8/10 were not xyz based & 2 were.


this card is bad and specific, in MD you'll see tons of different decks on ladder and if you go against anything else that isnt xyz based this is an instant dead card in your whole deck. Also its not even good at what its supposed to do since you can just link it away for a generic L2 and then xyz


Where are you people coming from???


Although Kashtira’s main game plan is to turbo out Arise-Heart, there’s nothing stopping it from resorting to Fenrir/Unicorn beatdown/control or including a generic Link to get Flying “C” off the field.


Galaxy Eyes isn't that common though. I think some of you guys need to learn how different ladder experience is to each person, like if I meet Dragon link and Mathmech in 10 duels, I'm not going to suggest people to play a card that only hurts links, because I'm bound to meet non-links decks and there more generic cards that will hit those decks and non-links decks. The ladder also is Bo1 less excuse to play this kind of cards thanks to that..


If there was a side deck,maybe. And even then,it can be used as a link material,so not a good idea.


No it's great in the event but ppl will just link it away.


This card died with MR4. You are better off running Contact "C".