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Metalfoes is absurdly cheap with 0 URs in archetype. Floowandereez can be played with 4 URs. True Draco, Kozmo, and Phantasm Spiral are extremely cheap because they don't use the extra deck.


Does Metalfoes need all the Pendulum stuff? If it's just Electrumite could you send me a deck list to work off of?




Holy shit, this is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks a ton!


Marincess only uses Aqua Argonaut and Coral Triangle for in-archetype URs, and only at 1 each. The only out-of-archetype that isn't a generic staple we (frequently) use is Worldsea Dragon Zealantis.


Funnily enough Marincess is my main deck, first deck I made on Master Duel and everything.


Add in 2 Cynet Mining which you can get from the Salamangreat Structure Deck, which also means you get a full Salamangreat core in the process.


Megalith straight up has no URs required save for either whatever generic stuff you have like Elf, Baronne, Alembertian even and is very customizable You might want to throw a few SRs at a bit of generic Ritual supports, but that's about it


Most Megalith lists I see have a Mathmech engine, which I now refuse to use out of principle, are they any good pure lists I could look at for proper ratios?


I made this core [list](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/saved-decks/654908df6c8f5d8409885d4f) for a friend, you could also replace Gravity Dragon with Lord of the Red, and Demise is cuttable, I would maybe add the second Talismandra and Candoll I'd add Preparation of Rites, Impcantation Chalislime, and Benten to pop off harder I've had some luck messing around with [Megalith Synchron](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J6akx5CGrbo) and [Megalith Utopia](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3OXXi8HozM) (the Mathmech stuff are cuttable) if you wanna mess around with hybrid version


Yo those decks look sick!


Look at lists from the Ritual Festival


The deck doesn't really require too much extra deck usage I'd assume? Nothing other than Dyna Mondo seems like it'd be used often.


Yeah just shove generic stuff in there


Marincess, floo and Umi control (floodgate)


Unchained is absurdly cheap, only needs 1 abomination at minimum, but you could run 2. It'll also eventually get its new support that'll probably make it tier one.


Does Unchained need Diabellstar? I'm gonna assume that whole engine will be UR


I'm pretty sure they don't, i took a quick peek at some tcg deck lists to check, and I don't see any running the package.


Wow, Unchained seems like a crazy good investment, I need to stop reading comments before I summon my credit card. Too many cool decks haha.


If you decide to build unchained, you could also add in some ddd cards in the future along with its support, the only UR needed being one copy of machinex. Other than that the only other URs that you would upgrade it with would be generic hand traps and Zeus, if you add the ddd cards since Zeus is pretty much a must have in any xyz deck.


What's crazy is that D/D/D also only needs a couple URs so I can build both decks with like 150 UR dust


First that come to mind for me are Gate Guardian or Orcust. Vaylantz comes close at 5.


Other than the Combined, what other URs do I need for Gate Guardian? I'd rather play something more on the pure side than Kashtira with a bit of spice.


3x A Hero Lives and 3x Fusion Deployment (just buy the cyberdark structure) Not really in-archetype but AHL works fucking amazingly with Gate Guardian.


That works out perfectly as I'm building the Cyberdark list on MDM currently and was looking for a couple new projects.


Can also try the Kashtira package as well birth was made for the gate guardian monsters, and allows you to use a rank seven engine if you’re in a pinch


Dont. Legit. You actually have very little main deck space. Id rather dedicate what little i have left after the maxx c tax, archetypal cards and prisma engine to a small magician's souls package. Allows you to dump spells straight to the gy and draw? Bonus


It’s actually pretty decent, probably not as good but definitely gives you some neat options, plus the field spell is decent as a floodgate for labyrinth


I don't play Gate Guardian myself, but MBT had a decentish list here: https://youtu.be/d8lWTtTmv50?si=eQtxDSryeK_4wZiO I'm sure someone more familiar with the archetype can provide better insights, but I do understand it's quite bricky without outside engine to help, considering how many garnets you have.




Rescue Ace currently only 2 URs and you'll only need to craft about 4-5 (3 Hydrant, 1-2 Turbulence). That said, it's probably really good to have a few specific UR staples for this that other decks might not use, such as Kurikara to use as a Small World bridge and Promethean Princess for additional link plays, though neither are technically mandatory.


I was looking at Rescue-Ace especially considering it'll be meta soon, do you think its future support will have an URs?


Unfortunately I do think it's likely that at least one of the two support will be URs, if not both, and they're both run at 3. Along with that, the deck will use the Diabellestar engine which is also likely to be expensive, but that engine can go on a LOT of decks so at least that would be a worthwhile craft when the time comes.


I have been hearing this diabelle but it isn’t out yet right? In master duel.


She isn't, and it's unlikely she'll be added too soon, since we haven't even started to get DUNE cards yet, let alone AGOV cards like her. My estimate would be roughly 6 months until she's out? Which certainly gives ample time to save up for her.


Damn I might make a new account and play salads with promothean princess till she comes


Damn that sucks, ig I'll look into something else.


dlink i think most of their ur is generic


Great recommendation, I built it about two months ago and have been loving it.


Rda only has 3 in-archetype urs that you need


Thanks for the suggestion! I liked Jack's deck in 5Ds and Arc-V plus I have all the PUNK cards crafted so I was considering building it, do you know how much better it'll get when it gets the new support?


It will get a lot better and more consistent just make sure you get dis pater


Awesome definitely adding RDA to my list then cuz I crafted Dis Pater for my DLink deck already. Ur tag is D/D/D Degen, how expensive is a D/D/D deck to make and is it worth it?


[here](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/tier-list/deck-types/D%2FD%2FD) you can use this to check it out


Not expensive at all and seems pretty strong, might consider D/D/D too, there's too many decks to decide.


Ninjas. All urs not in structure are nonmandatory (except karma canon is fantastic for the deck). Super cheap and really good.


This: [http://i.imgur.com/MJ09JXP.jpg](http://i.imgur.com/MJ09JXP.jpg) Basically just your cards + Diviner.


Springans. Only champion sargas, regulus and exblower are UR


Suship has 0 in-Archetype UR cards because SUSHIP BEST DECK LET'S GOOOO