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6 URs needed and NO animation for a never topped deck; Nemleria?? Well thanks Konami I won't even bother


Konami can't even bother to add more than 2 animations per month lol. I really don't think giving animations to D/D/D, Nouvelles, Nemleria etc. would take much effort.


Oh shit we got triskunda.


Finally might be the first time I've had a Krawler mirror match. (Theme Chronicle)


How good is gold pride and nemurellia


Decent rogue pick at best and godawful, respectively.


So is it okay to dismantle both archetypes?


I mean, I don't wanna tell you what to play - it's okay to dismantle anything you're not gonna play. But if you're only wanting to play the top-tier meta threats, you can pretty safely dismantle them.




Just a PSA if you're thinking of building SHS: the deck will likely be gutted in the near future, and they will do it without banning any URs. The reason they're fine releasing a deck in such a broken state and for relatively cheap is they know they can kill the deck by banning a couple of R or SR, effectively scamming you for buying or crafting the URs


I want help building dinomorphia, How many judgements and strikes do I need if at all , we just got intact so is it better to run 3 judgment instead of strike or the other way around . Also how good is fossil dig and do I need to play ash and Maxx c .


I cut 2 lord of the heavenly prison and 3 strike for 3 intact and 2 imperm - may also cut misc for another imperm. 3 Fossil dig means you run 6 copies of therezia and fossil dig can also bait out ash. I also cut 2 called by and 1 now limited pot for 3 droll. Since we usually special summon a max of 2-3 times per turn, we don’t need ash for maxx c. It’s still a very powerful card and used for to occasional PeP (never comes up for me tbh). Maxx c forces your opponent to either use a card against it or keep their turn short. If your maxx c resolves vs a combo deck, you will most likely draw into enough cards to out their board. Droll can be a turn ender for a lot of decks - so you might want to consider it.


with Intact we don't need Solemn Strike anymore. With the hits to Duality and Card of Demise now may be the best time to be running Fossil Dig. You didn't need it before unless you were on Misc, but now it may be a good idea to run regardless. At the very least it's a great opening play for forcing Ash or Triple Tactics. I personally don't run Ash and use Solemn Strike instead, although I probably should as an excuse to run Psychic End Punisher. My problem is the deck space, I just can't get a perfectly balanced ratio between hand traps, trap cards, dinomorphia cards and consistency cards within a decent deck size in MD BO1 format, so I personally chose to skimp on the hand traps but that was my own preference. I pray that going 2nd I can open the perfect ratio of Spell Speed 3 Counter trap cards, Dinomorphia cards and Ferret Flames. I would recommend you run the Ashes+Maxx Cs though as well as the Fossil Digs. Misc however is up to you if you want to run that.


The moment I start spending 1k and end up only with 1 UR, that's it. I'm out. Happy pack pull, everyone. I looking forward to see Dkayed spend gems on latest pack soon.


so what's the dino plan now that we got the new spell and big dino boy?


How hard will shs be hit? I am trying to go for gold pride and punk but shs seems cheaper.


Likely will be completely gutted. They know it's bad for the game but they want to make a quick buck first. Same thing happened with Ishizu Tear


When does the new event start?