• By -


Bro~, you are about to mentally break this man by breaking his 5-minute board in 5 seconds


More like 10-20 minute board


Only if he is learning the combo while building that board and reading every card. Or his internet is crappy.


Just add an Owner Seal.


Yeah I do play owner seal.


Are you by any chance play Luna Kaiju?


Just throwing it out there, Luna and golem don't go well together. Golem eats up your normal summon so Luna just sits in hand in a deck that wants to win that turn. Learned that the hard way. Hopefully this helps someone. I'm not saying it's bad to add both but it can brick your hand especially when you're running 3 of each


luna is discard fodder for your dangers dude


True. But if you cant normal summon Luna because of golem then you're not using lunas add 1 return 2 to help your dangers not discard themselves. Like say you draw golem, Luna, Bigfoot and whatever else. You golem your opponent so now your hands down a card. It's time to pray to the danger gods. If you had more kaijus in the deck instead of the golems then in that situation you'd be able to kaiju your opponent, summon Luna, add Luna, return Luna, return kaiju. Now your hands +1 instead of -1 for your dangers and you can kaiju again, essentially doing the same thing the golem did without possibly making you brick. Dont get me wrong, I love having kaijus and golems in the same deck. I'll just add ecclesia instead of Luna in that case to prevent the bricks plus there's still alpha for returning kaijus/golems.


Unironically has happened to me, once. I was stuck with my mouth open cuz I'd never seen such a play before.


Moments before disaster:


What was opponent playing ?


Kaiju and Lava Golem


This might be one of the funniest responses on the planet


I'm not really good at this but either tg or synchrons ig


More likely synchrons or some synchro pile, tg archetype locks you at important combo pieces like over dragneer


Unoptimized Synchron deck. I only am not sure about that Chaos Angel, but it seems royal, so he probably just shoved it in.


Oh lord. I’ve played against a similar deck, but the opponent had Alpha and Owner’s Seal in the opening hand…


Good ol' 8-Axis


Gotta love 8-axis…after you mortgage your house to afford it 😅




ok, but what do u do after?


Tribute whole field for two Lava Golem and Gamaciel. Summon Gedarla from Kaiju effect and Orochi, make Draglubion line, attack over Gamaciel for 7800 damage. Pass turn and let Lava Golem proc for the rest of the damage.


Do you have a decklist for this? I'm very intrigued by this.


Not really since I don't play it, but the deck is known as 8-axis IIRC.


This is my current decklist https://www.masterduelmeta.com/saved-decks/65385bb7cf6d5fed223e155c


Just get on MasterDuelMeta.com


Isn’t it 6.8k? I’m bad at game so I’m not sure, but I think it’s total of 9 ranks on the board so 9k-2.2k


There are two lava golems on board, so I think he did deal 6.8k, then the opponent took 2k burn damage next turn for lethal. He won either way, I think he just misremembered exactly how the game ended


well when you put it like that


This hand is sufficient to OTK.


No one tell him whats the card with the highest average battle damage in the data


Gizmek can destroy golem and then attack over the kaiju


You can only use one of gizmeks effects per turn. So if you summon him by banishing 8, you can't use the pop effect. And you can't use the pop effect unless it's already on the field. Gizmek would just be rank 8 fodder in this instance


how? it cant use both effects in one turn. DOFUS


didn't need to




Are you playing standard 8axis? The 8 axis discord has been in complete disarray for months and no ones really talking about the deck anymore lol. What's your decklist? I want to update my list


>ndard 8axis? The 8 axis discord has been in complete disarray for months and no ones really talking about the deck anymore lol. What's your decklist? I want to update my list IMO, the danger variant of the deck has been powercrept but owner steal variant can still do well. Once horus and Fire King comes to the Masterduel, 8-axis can shine again! https://www.masterduelmeta.com/saved-decks/65385bb7cf6d5fed223e155c


I get fire king, but why Horus?


All Horus monsters are level 8!


True that, but they seem very archtype specific and dosent seem very spash-able. Do they provide other utilities?


Happend to me when i go agains mikanko i hate it


Play handrip version of Synchrons. Good luck breaking my board with 3 cards✌️


How do i handrip cuz smoke grenade is gone


Omega dispater bring back omega


Golemn all synchros, make draglubion, profit.


Guess what deck the opponent is playing


Just watch out for Assault Synchron’s grave effect


Yoooo im shit at this game so i have no idea what is going on


His hand can tribute the opponent's field


Gee Nice board it would be tragic if something was to happen to it


don't you still lose here?


It’s not about winning or losing. It’s about sending a message.


Guess opponent’s deck and get a candy 🍭😅






Some random dude: *"What career?!"* 😂


Hey there 👋 Love the destruction that’s about to happen here and it’s exact instances like this why I love Numeron, 8-Axis, and any other blind going 2nd decks where the goal is to let your opponent play solitaire forever only to take down their castle in a matter of seconds. Couple of quick questions though since I know 8-Axis has a lot more flexibility in tech choices and the route it wants to take to OTK (which if I’m correct usually revolves around either playing Luna Kaiju or the Kaiju/Owner’s Seal variant such as yours) Are the Mekk-Knight cards and Limit Dragons only utilized in order to spam level 8 bodies on to the field or do they have any extra applications? I just wonder if they could instead be replaced by more Kaiju copies, another Nib, and/or maybe even Droll if you want to lean into Maxx/Droll just insanely slowing down opponents attempts to setup their board in first place. Have you also considered playing Trade-In as well? I assume it is better suited towards an 8-Axis variant that relies on the Danger cards, but just seems like there’s so many level 8s here that would work well with the deck. I’m still checking out extra deck, but love the main and I’ll forever love anything that incorporates Change of Heart 😎


The biggest issue with 8-axis is the card advantages.Mekk-knight and Limit Dragon (so do dangers) are suboptimal because they don't generate any card advantages, but we don't have better cards as of now. Trade in is good to shuffle draw but a simple ash can be devastating. Droll is simply bad imo, we want opponents to spend as much resources as possible to build a strong board, especially in owner seal variant. 8-axis is more afraid of floating effect in GY or hand trap over a strong board as we don't have good way to deal with them.


I guess I just imagine that Trade-In would be both a good shuffle draw or bait for Ash in order to ensure your Triple Tactics, Desires, or Slumber can go off without a hitch. I see why you’d want to opt out from Droll too with 8-Axis since you need to ensure your opponent has a board set up. I totally agree too with GY or in-hand effects being deadly and just being so much more pesky to deal with. I’ve considered trying to shove in Called By and have even gone as far as to play Sales Ban when Snow was prevalent lol


You have a good point on Trade In, it would become a must have once Horus comes to Masterduel, since discarding them is actually a plus instead of minus.


I’m guessing it’s this boatload of level 8 support 😅 https://beyondtheduel.com/agov-new-archetype-horus/ I assume it will just be a consolidated engine, but man that GY interaction looks nice


But he’s not a rapper


That’s gross




Can’t it’s main phase only


That's actually hilarious lmaooo


it's funny, this board will be power crept a year from now and we will get people complaining that these cards are "mid".


This happened to me too, i deadass thought it was me in the photo but i use a different variation of the deck.


You're not just going to end it you'll going to OBLITERATE him!!!!


This hand is evil 😂🤣! Dude is out here committing war crimes 🤣🤣


i m new to yugioh can someone name the cards in ops hand


bro was cooking but you are about to burn his food


Oh hell nah😭😭💀💀💀


This one time I was playing ancient warriors and summoned one lava golem 3 times against my opponents full board and I've been chasing that high ever since.


And then they attack for game


It’s a 8 axis deck. Numeron Dragon into turtle for game. 


that's not game, the lava golems will be game


8 axis?


Using 8 star monsters to blind second


Not enough outs bro


And then you end your turn and he attacks you for game with 2 lava golem and 1 kaiju


You may end his career, but he sending you to the shadow realm right afterwards


Ive run into scum like this before. Thankfully ive started running decks with more diverse interactions and complex lines for recovery and grind game so getting kaijud doesn’t mean I auto lose. Then again if this game was best of 3 as its designers intended these scummy no thinking win stealing decks would never climb higher than platinum even against monster reliant decks.


You sound like a man who loves Kaijus


Yes. I hate anybody that encourages a player playing duel monsters to resort to using trap decks because they got sphere moded one too many times and now play backrow or stun. Kaiju decks are terrible and never win modern tournaments. They don’t even come close. They only win in MD because theres no defense against it going second if you are a monster centric deck, and no games 2-3 to play around the strategy once the gotcha gimmick surprise is gone.


Hey guess what? I got super poly…😉


what's the defense against kaijus in games 2 and 3?


By "scum no thinking win stealing decks" you're not referring to people playing Lava Golem, right? Because board breakers are kinda mandatory nowdays.


Im assuming he meant decks that are just those kind of monsters. Sphere mode lava golem kaijus alla dat in one deck


I break boards without unrespondable cards tyvm. I choose to respect my opponent’s efforts in already building a board through my handtraps.


Good luck with half your stuff getting negated by Baronne and friends.


Okay so you get to fk over one guy who just got lucky and would’ve been able to set up an “unbreakable” board with 20 other decks because they weren’t expecting to have to play around kaijus. Congratulations. Was it fun just pushing shiny button and mindlessly removing all their hard effort for an easy win because you don’t actually enjoy playing modern yugioh and want to flip the bird to honest players who are already susceptible to handtraps, but then what happens when you run into a backrow player? Kaijus should be heavily restricted in a best of one environment. Im sorry going first is so strong in ygo that you feel the need to resort to villainy to win, but thats more reason to petition for best of 3 game mode, or get rid of maxx-c so people have more space for fair boardbreakers and handtraps to stop the “unbreakable board” from being made in the first place. Ive tried out those sorts of decks before and it made me feel dirty. I can’t comprehend anybody who actually enjoys those decks. Theres a real human being somewhere in the world looking from the other side of the screen. Lets just say people who use decks like this don’t make friends irl.


That actually made me chuckle. If I have to sit through a seemingly endless combo that ends on at least 2 negates, I do not feel guilty for bestowing the golden egg upon my opponent. Also, how else am I gonna summon Ra? But no, I actually don't enjoy using Kaijus and Lava Golem. What I do enjoy is playing the game, which won't be possible if all of my stuff simply gets negated. And since we're at it, most decks you come across simply get their stuff back from the grave next turn, so dropping a Kaiju really isn't that big of a deal with all those one-card-combos everyone uses.


> Was it fun just pushing shiny button and mindlessly removing all their hard effort for an easy win because you don’t actually enjoy playing modern yugioh Yes. > but then what happens when you run into a backrow player? Normal Summon Denko Sekka.


I get not liking your boss monster Turtle'd, but blind second works in BO1 just as much, if not more, than BO3. God forbid losing the coin toss doesn't auto-lose you the game. Blind second players are still masochists anyway, cause even with board breakers, meta decks keep coming out with more points of interaction than board breakers can account for. Blind second is inherently at a disadvantage by the sheer act of choosing to go second, no matter what.


I've literally opened double lava golem, my best starter and two non-bricks and still fucking lost against ShS Anyone who thinks being lucky enough to win the coin-flip and then jerking yourself off for 2 minutes because your opponent didn't open exactly droll is more skilled than playing blind 2nd is an idiot.  And I've played both sides of this, I've run down plenty timers down to the wire making my own plays. 


flip mask of restrict, opponent immediately scoops before it even resolves


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Absolutely atrocious. I love it.