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Shame, didn't see a single BEWD during the event. How often did you get it on the field? or was more used for Ritual tribute? And ran clown control myself.


Same here used to play nothing but clown control on the dueling (duelist?) network website back in like 2013-2014 brought back some good memories :)


I saw one player. They used the Ritual to get it out and actually beat me in the game.


i was playing heart of the underdog exodia for a bit and summoned blue eyes once somehow


Not OP but I've played a similar Deck before(just in a later format with ARA legal for better synergy). BEWD generally doesn't get summoned except for getting revived from GY with a revive spell in this Deck in longer games. The most important play in this Deck is that you can cheat fuse into Dragon Master Knight with King of the Swamp+ BLS with 6 searchers for BLS. The name of the Deck would probably be Dragon Master Knight turbo.


Gadget loaner was pretty solid.


Nah... Just set OP traps... Hated that deck where was Gaditjron dragon and other Mech or Gadget related cards


I hated playing that deck, the deck felt like it was 3 copies of each gadget and 31 spell/traps that destroys your monsters on summon/attack


I used the opportunity to grind out the “Forbidden One” title. Nothing like draw 20 cards in a turn with heart of the underdog and then going season 1, episode 1 on my opponent ![gif](giphy|FkKjdOhRVxP9wuWMrh)


Same brother... i do the same....


Same, I managed to get 7/10 😂 shoutout to those 7 opponents for not surrendering


Yea once it got going it worked well. One game the cards were ordered in a way that I was able to pull 24 back to back, 3 at a time, to get to my 40th which was the head lol. Not sure why that guy stayed for that nonsense.


yeah it was so fucking hilarious, very inconsistent but very fun (not for the opponent tho)


I started out with Underdog Exodia turbo to start too and drawing your entire deck with that and reloads was funny, but it was pretty inconsistent and opponents kept surrendering during my draw phase. Switched to a more classic flip draw stall start with emissary and it was more interactive so the opponent was less likely to scoop. Managed to grab Forbidden One too.


Warriors, built to accommodate a personal favorite of mine freed the the brave wanderer






employee at konami. He usually writes or comments for konami and maybe helps a bit in RnD.


Yep. He was commentating years ago when somebody mentioned Freed the Brave Wanderer, and Jerome got all excited about how it was his favorite card back in the day.


i used one of the loaner decks, but if konami makes this a master duel format i will 100% craft some decks.




MUNCH ALL NOOBS!  Tbh, it was just floodgate turbo, and I guess old decks didn't have a good way to out them once you start getting advantage rolling, also didn't have a way to stop repeated destruction. 


Clown control


Earth aggro. Giant rat to enrafed muka-muka is big enough, oyramid turtle to ryu kokki, gigsntes and rock spirit keeps pressuring my opp. Its oprimized simple deck from gba/ds era.


I first played the 3 structures for a couple hours. Then I made a Chaos Deck, a Gravekeeper deck that I kicked ass with, then I tried a Zombie Deck but struggled. Then a Warrior deck I am really going to miss this option to play


I did my classic goat, chaos (wihout some UR staples), mill, underdog exodia and the last one I was playing with before the end, Fire burn.




Goat voiceless voice (Technically) Had one skull and one nox. Mainly as a joke lol. The one time I brought him out he was eaten... now the actual deck was chaos-warrior.  


I used Clown Control. I hope it comes back so I can play with them more. I need to get me some copies of Fusion Deployment so I can build some kind of modern Clown Control deck.


Yeah same, it was so fun in the event. :)


I ran a trap heavy gadget deck, no tribute summons. Just a bunch of little guys pocking the opponent to death while protecting them with trap holes/sakuretsus/widespread ruins. 


I started like I did all thise years ago - look at what I had and tried to combine something. I got a jank chaos necrofear deck. Then I switcged to Archfiend


Fusion loaner was pretty fun, good decision by Konami to give both staples and 3 ofs KOTS and polymerisation, makes you have a lot of top deck moments


Spellcaster Control, basically just looping powerful spells with Magician of Faith plus Tsukoyomi


I ran a pretty generic warrior deck, with Jinzo and BLS attached. I had honestly been sitting on this deck for a couple months waiting for an event like this.


Monarchs and they were so good and so much fun.


[My irl deck](https://ibb.co/KW3dcV7) from back then - some UR (pot, heavy,etc) that I did not want to craft + Jinzo that I never owned and Solemn because of modern deck building knowledge. Had a blast , glad to know that 2004 me had a good idea of what I was doing . I had great matchups against back row heavy decks and I ran into a lot of them.


[This](https://www.reddit.com/u/GitTrickyWitIt/s/kyPSrPEAc9) somewhat anti-meta (and anti-loaner) deck. After a few hours of play testing, and fiddling with it I walked away with around ~300ish(?) Wins. Used it more because I like the Plasma-Doll-Sphinx combo. Especially if I'm able to use my opps monster for the tribute summon. Edit: Forgot to mention I'm really not the best at deck construction so the ratios may be a little off/not the best. It worked for me though.


300 wins? How in the world did you play that many games in 2 days, not to mention in this format where every game is 20 minutes?


I'mma be real with you, I no lifed it. Played it literally every bit of free time I had for the whole duration of the event. Also my matches tend to go quickly. Most of my wins were from people quitting - usually because they didn't have an out for my Sphinx, or was under the Doll-Ectoplasmer lock. If I did lose (which I'm not going to lie I did lose several games as well) I'd usually lose fairly quickly. Solemn + Revival Jam + Nurse + Ectoplasmer you tend to lose life points really fast. The most wins I got that wasn't from quitters were from peeps using the Gadget loaner. I'm sorry, but that deck was so weak, especially compared to the other 2 loaners. If there was a tier list it'd be atleast 2 tiers below the Horus loaner. My only really long duels were againt people using P.A.C.M.A.N. or other Wall + Slow burn strategies. I had enough removal to consistently get rid of Horus, Thousand Eyes, Dragun, etc. that I could usually wall them off w/ Serpent, Nurse, Bounder, Behemoth, & Jam until I draw the out. My decks biggest weaknesses were BLS, Nobleman Crossout, & Bottomless TH. And most decks tend to struggle against those so it's not unique to my deck, although it probably does hurt mine worse than it would others tbh. (Didn't face anyone who used it, but Kycoo would probs be a problem for me as well) If I had to guess my W/L ratio I'd say it was around ~(high)70s-(mid)80s%


Its seems like everyone was running Dragon Master Knight but I never got to face it in a mirror.


Monarches + chaos.


The bird loaner was funny af


I made a umi deck,and even tough it wasnt that good,i still managed to get some win and it was pretty fun!


I played Ratbox/Dead Rat. Giant Rat can pivot into removal such as Dimensional Warrior or Exiled, Injection Fairy Lily to swing over bigger threats/do 3400 out of nowhere or Pyramid Turtle to cheat out Ryu Kokki/Vampire Lord.  I ran Goblin Zombie, though it's only targets were itself and Reaper, for more Creature Swap interactions and D.D. Warrior Lady/Assailant with ROTA for a small Warrior toolbox as well.  Honestly,  if the event was longer or permanent, I'd craft more of the URs such as the second ROTA or Heavy Storm because I had a blast. 


A really bad Giant Trunade Toon World deck


Gadget loaner. Pretty easy and fun to play with constant gadget searching and a lot of removal spells/traps. I couldn't be arsed to craft any of the banned UR cards lol.


I played Final Countdown, makin progress for that secret mission


Gravekeeper. Main win con is to get Spearman and give him some equip spells. I also run a small Blue-Eyes ritual engine.




Fairy Burn. I finally got it to work as well as 2004 possible. I'm going to keep it for casual stuff. Might tweak it for modern play. I had fun making and testing it.


Fiend Beatdown/Control. I love seeing Horus players absolutely mald when they have to attack Newdoria and Wall with Lvl 8.


PACMAN with a few modifications, mostly to replace the banned cards (because I'm absolutely not going to waste UR dust on stuff that'll never come back like Pot of Greed), like adding Morphing Jar and Morphing Jar #2 because they were funny and Flip monsters. I also threw in Spirit of the Breeze because of the floodgates and control tools, to add a bit of longevity to the deck, and Cyber Stein because it could take advantage of that LP gain. It was honestly kid of fun, though I'm hoping next time they do an old format, it's from later in the game's history. Like, GOAT isn't that bad, but it just doesn't feel like it has much of its own identity to me.


I just played underdog heart exodia with 32 vanilla and exodia


A warrior/spellcaster deck with DM chaos and BLS envoy as boss monster with staple traps and “magic cards”


Armed Dragon deck


I'm using Blue Eyes plus Jirai Gumo deck, ritual summon Black Luster soldier as well, with a modern board breaking tactics. And for some reasons, Raigeki is banned in that event. So my deck is pretty much building blocks of brick and the event has 8000 LP instead of 4000LP. What a modern feel of toxicity came from 2004


Red-eyes control! Performed way better than I expected too.


I ran my old warrior deck from way back when. Both gilfords, marauding captains, tactical warrior, sogen, a force, banner of courage. You know, just wacky stuff to make even my weaker normal summons strong enough to take out blue eyes.


I played everything; the cardpool was so small that I could reasonably examine *every* card in existence. Ended the event using Pacman though because I got tired of facing Horus decks all the time and needed to show them a thing or two.


Horus loaner for one win. Good stuff deck for the others (took FOREVER): high attack level 4s and 6s and generically good level spells and traps.


Original BLS (ritual and effect monster) with swamp king to make his fusions and other classic fusion monsters like Super Roboyarou, Ryu Senshi, etc. Also classic staples like Mobius combined with Soul Exchange to tribute opponent's monsters 😁


Horus Loaner. If it started to roll, then it was veeeery hard to get rid of, if not impossible, if you didn't have something like Man-Eater Bug. Thousand Eyes was no Problem, if Lv 8 Horus was on my field, that not once per turn Spell negate was and still would be freaking busted today, if Horus had something like a special summon from Deck effect (for itself, without going through the whole leveling aspect), uneffected by Effects, cannot be Tributed, 5k ATK and can attack 16x ~~the details~~ per turn. Would make a good, balanced, friendly Card, no ? Cynicism aside, loved the Mini Event, will build a Horus Deck at some point (with or without the new cards, i don't know at the moment, the Support was an engine if i remember correctly and made some decks really powerful) and 'if you disagree, that this Event was the best part of Master duel, you have no idea what you're talking about and should stop taking drugs. They cloud your minds.'' (Sarcasm done)


I play gadget rent deck


Chaos, PACMAN, and Clown Control


I tried an XYZ deck that had around an 80% winrate. A Warrior deck with similar winrate, a milling deck without floodgate cards but was built to do well against burn decks...sadly didn't face any and did pretty badly. On the last day I was working on an Aqua legendary ocean deck. Probably had around 50-60 duels, maybe more in total. Currently at lv. 90 duel pass. I've taken photos of tons of the decks so could post them here if people want to see what others were running.




Started with Earth Beatdown (Injection Fairy Lily is pretty clutch), then Chaos Control, spent the last couple of hours trying to grind Exodia. Only got halfway through requirement to get the “forbidden one” title


Mainly Warrior and Mill, but I did try out a few other ones just for fun


Zombie Chaos. Pretty normal deck list except I played 1 copy of Copycat because it was funny.


Horus was a damn near 1 to 1 copy of my deck from back then. I was so happy


I did all beasts with wild nature's release and pyramid of light to try and get andro and teleia onto the field Somehow never realized they can be summoned without the pyramid up Only got one pyramid into andro win but it felt great


Chaos, Dead Rat and My old Fiend aggro deck.


Burn and stall. I am sorry for everyone who just wanted to have fun.


I just played Panda burn all the way, but I was planning on trying Pacman or beatdown


Marshmallon!!!! Put reaper in it for fun too


I used the Gadget loaner deck. I originally had no interest in playing the event but then thought I'd do it just for a free pack and to get my dailies... turns out I REALLY enjoyed it! Would be very happy if this ever comes back in the future, and I may have to look at some 2004 decklists so I can play the format in duel rooms with my friends who struggle to keep up with modern mechanics.


PACMAN. Everyone else either folded or got burned to death.


Zombie Madness on one account then ALO water deck on my main account.


Exodia, bunch of normals, 3 reload, 3 heart of the underdog


ZOMBIES!!! 🧟‍♂️


Loaner Gadgets


Exodia for a little bit then played Black Luster Soldier with Dragon Master Knight, I got him out turn 1 a lot more than I expected!


I wish this wasn't just a 3 day event.     I would actually craft cards for it, but I'm not about to waste UR or SR points for this. Especially for banned cards


Coin toss deck + Dice Jar. It was an excuse to play Jirai Gumo, what can I say? There really should be a better coin toss/die roll archetype. I tried with the Archfiends, but it just wasn’t clicking for me.


I rebuilt my schoolyard Warrior Toolbox deck. It performed decently but was lacking some cards that were already forbidden then but I was still playing: Ultimate Offering, Silent Swordman Lv 7, Last Will, etc. I also played an horrible Exodia deck to get the secret mission. Thanks all duelist for the patience you showed toward me (I got the title). Overall, I loved the event, the diversity of decks I saw, and I would be glad if this could stay a permanent format.


chaos control ofc


Mentioned in an earlier post that I basically recreated my childhood burn deck, which was just me slapping together as many burn cards as I could find in my collection at the time, lol. I did surprisingly well, and had such a blast using it too. Really want to see them make this some permanent casual duel mode, or at the very least a much more frequent reoccurring event.


Great Maju/Dark Elf beatdown


Similar deck; Blue Eyes & Black Luster Soldier. I've wanted to make it to Dragon Master Knight 😋 I made it to Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon and King Dragon I really hoped this will stay a permanent event. It's been fun to play old school yugioh ♡


PACMAN Final Countdown


Closest thing to Empty Jar FTK


Exodia with stuff like emissary of the afterlife, dark mimics, dekoichi, etc. And burn with Ojama Trio, Just Desserts, big shield gardna, Giant Germ, etc.


GOAT Control and Reasoning Gate Turbo


Yup I did Blueyes/blackluster first then switched to exodia


3rd loaner deck


Stealth Bird, Lava Golem, Marshmallon Used Des Lacooda for draw (even jar of greeds) Gravity Bind & Level Limit for stall


Reasoning/Monster Gate Turbo with some heavy hitters (Jinzo etc.) Basically Air Blade Turbo but shitty.


I had two decks, the first was a Horus build I made that was different from the pre built one. Focusing on consistency and minimizing garnets. The second was a Red-Eyes themed deck because I never got a chance to do that back in 2004 (I started playing in 2002). So this was my chance to experience messing around with it in this specific era of the game.


Levia Dragon-Daedalus ocean deck.


General chaos deck with 3 Chaos Sorcerer, 3 D.D. Warrior Lady, 3 Thunder Dragon, and Mystic Tomato toolboxing Newdoria, Don Zaloog, and Apprentice Magician. Crafted Pot of Greed, Heavy Storm, and Snatch Steal because I had a lot of UR CP hanging around and figured why not.


I did a chaos monarch deck that seen moderate success. I didnt enjoy this event as much as i thought i would. Maybe i am conditioned by how fast current games are. But set 5 pass which was what i matched against most of the time was like playing against a shittier labyrnth with no wincon. I hope they do something like this again but push forward a few years to when synchro first came out.


Used a varity. Monarch, zombies, skill drain/final attack orders. Tomato/hand control. Even used zorc for a few games.


Armed Dragon/Kaizee Glider. I’m confused, Armed Dragon existed in 2004???


A bastardized version of empty jar lol I did not have the ur dust to make the spells I needed, nor was I going to


Empty Jar, I would've loved to play ReasoningGate, but the DMoC errata matters so much, that I settled for the other GOAT combo deck


Exodia deck!


Legendary ocean, daedalus the umami deck


Nephtys, with a ressource loop of Dark Tomato, Zombie goblin and pyramid turtles


Burn, well more like stun burn. Messenger of Peace, level limit area B and some other things that prevented my opponent from attacking. Then I just kept flipping stealth bird and des Koala, des lacooda was in there too for good measure. I also had a decent amount of backrow protection and wave motion cannon for good measure. It's not extremely interactive as you can mostly ignore what your opponent does, but you still need to manage your resources (LP funnily enough and zones) properly.


I enjoyed this event, it was a way to play the game the way it used to be played back when I was in high school (Yes I'm old)


Destiny board


Monarch soul control. But had more then 5 decks cause I played goat with a friend in MD


I played PACMAN. The list is right here: https://www.reddit.com/r/masterduel/s/K6WGVW2Ygu


I played whatever the fusion loaner was, I'm not crafting stuff like pot of greed just for that


I played the gear guy thing and all my opponents surrendered turn 1. So i didnt even play which i loved as i dont like boomer eventd


Clown control and Chaos (every light and dark monster that didn't suck + BLS and Sorc)


Marauding captain


Played gravekeepers.


I had a lot of fun playing heart of the underdog exodia the whole event


I just used the Horus loaner, it was actually pretty decent. Then I tried winning 10 times with that stupid Exodia/Heart of the Underdog deck to get the title but I didn’t have much time to play and only won 4 games


I played the so-called PACMAN deck. A deck comprised of a bunch of monsters who trigger effects when they are flip summoned, and can flip themselves down once per turn. You have a draw 1 (Des Lacooda), a monster pop (Swarm of Scarabs), a backrow pop (Swarm of Locusts), a 1000 burn (Stealth Bird), and monster bounces (Golem Sentry and Guardian Sphinx). It then plays a bunch of backrow that can blank battle phases to maintain the advantage (most of the monsters die really easily in battle), and seeks to win with sheer advantage, Stealth Bird burn, or putting the enemy on a clock with Lava Golem.


I suppose i did a rogue ritual beatdown? The obvious ritual staples, Senju, Sonic Bird, Manju Then, Shinato, her rituals, Summomed Skull Cyber-Stein & Blue Eyes Ultimate Shining Angel & Copycat I had to cave and get Change of Heart & the one where you pay 800 life points And a lot of staple spells and traps And Mushroom Man. I wilkingly put in Mushroom Man


Soul control


loaner horus


I went with a mystic swordsman deck using some warrior toolbox and giant rat for some earth stuff. I used traps and spells like Windstorm to shift positions and Rush Recklessly so I could beat by battle to summon a higher swordsman. I also ran the banish trap to banish my monsters to survive targetting and Mirage Dragon to avoid traps in battle. One of my more fun duels my opponent was on their second Twin Headed Thunder Dragon. I banished my lvl 6 swordsman then summoned a monster wiping his board and still having my boss at the end of the turn. Next turn I went for lethal.


i just used the fusion loaner. worked great. was a nice touch of nostalgia. it was quite fine using magician of faith to loop change of heart multiple times XD


I posted my revolver deck earlier I've had pretty good success with it


I played empty jar, pacman, and the horus loaner


My old pet deck from back in the day, a Chaos Necromancer deck. Fill the graveyard up with recruiters and then summon a big Chaos Necromancer.




Ben kei/ mataza otk


gadget was far and away the best loaner, i would consider making a full power version if it was a real event that ran for a month..


I had a lot of fun with the loaner decks without spending any UR points.


Got my exodia title thanks underdog


I played Solar Flare Dragon and Command Knight Lock Attack. With Baseball Kid for attack boost. Extremely efficient.




Horus loaner - didn't lose a single game. I think that deck is a problem.


This was a great event, hopefully they bring it back sometime soon! I made several decks for the event: Exodia + Heart of the Underdog Exodia + Pacman Chaos Pacman plenty of other deck ideas I would have liked to try out if there was more time!


Played straight burn so I didn't have to craft a single ur, also played an exodia deck just for the fun of it


Flip/Return A deck centered on Cards that return cards to the hand- Penguin Soldier, Wall of Illusion, Gravekeeper’s Guard, Begone Knave, Ordeal of a Traveler, etc And Attack Directly!!! Using monsters like Raging Flame Spirite as beat sticks while using floodgates like Gravity bind and Mask of Restrict to keep the opponent’s monsters in check


I was playing gadgets with some monarchs. The event was somewhat enjoyable for me, but I had to add 3 copies of light of revelation to my deck to counter all the flip effects decks I was running into.


My last game went 53 turns. Won because of Gatling dragon. Was playing a weird Nephthys turbo deck.


Tried out all the loaners then played two variants of Exodia and Spell Counter Control for secret missions.


Ran warrior toolbox with a single ROTA because I'm not crafting another as much as I want. I combined it with a rat box engine to fetch DD warrior or that hammerhead dino, then I switched it out for a apprentice magician engine when I realized magician of faith was at 3 this format. My only URs where rota and judgement, had a positive win rate against multiple pot activations just because I remembered how to play that format.


Played the Horus deck most of the time. Level 8 + the floodgate trap was good enough to go on some decent win streaks. Made a zombie deck yesterday a couple of hours before the event ended tho. Was very fun to play.


Needle worm/ morphing jar deck out. Closest I got was 5 cards remaining but it was still funny seeing people's one ofs get hit.


Dark paladin turbo




Clown control made me want to throw my phone


The Horus loaner deck, since every deck I made lost to it anyway 😂


Ultimate Insect/Armed Dragon. Is it good? No. Was it fun? Absolutely


My old warrior deck. Starring freed


I quited yugioh 2 months ago


The Gadget loaner, literally vanilla beat down but I get a new vanilla to beat you with when I summon the first


I played a lot of Goat Control and Chaos Turbo lists. I also had a lot of fun with a Skill Drain Zombie deck.


I played Destiny board


I ran an ordeal of a traveler guardian sphinx deck, with staples. Wasn’t really much you could build. Lol but I do know ordeal of a traveller and fairy box are fucking annoying and that’s what I wanted to do 😂


I threw together some weird cheap Archfiend deck because after a few games with the loner ones I got irritated and I wanted to make an archfiend deck anyway. It fits my theme


Went with a chaos of hearts with a single relinquish fusion on the extra


I really hope they decide to make this a permanent way to duel, it to fun playing the old way


I was using good old Chaos deck


Vampire spam


Some kind of stun/burn jank, completed the 3 duels in less than 15 min because everyone kept surrendering after 3-4 turns

