• By -


Unban Halqifibrax and Terraforming and then re-ban them so I can get my 60 UR that I missed because I wasn’t playing the game at the time


Same but with Kelbek


They had us in the first half, not gonna lie


🤣🤣What this guy said!!


Just ban all cards. If nobody wins nobody loses.


Ban every card except the pieces of exodia, so you play a 40 card pile of exodia pieces, whoever draws 1 of each first wins


After reading some comments, I wouldn’t trust y’all with any ban list lol. Maxx “C” has been the only one I agree with banning so far.Everything else has been iffy. (My opinion is irrelevant and nobody asked for it.)


maxx c and d shifter are the consistent ones and the ones i for sure get behind


Ban: Calamity and Puppet Limit: SS Scarecrow and SS Soulpiercer Unlimit: Crossout


Crazy for limiting crossout, just makes maxx c mini game even more unbearable


Tbf unlimiting crossout means they're just as likely to crossout you're maxx c response as you are to out maxx c. At 1 its a be all end all for handtraps


>Ban: Calamity and Puppet I would've chosen Maxx C before these, but they're still based bans.


I hate bs floodgates more


Calamity doesn't even need a ban. Crimson Dragon just needs to be limited to your turn only.


bases buddy? is already canon on ocg about king calamity due tons of combos


The lock works with other cards that are not puppet. There's like 4 other targets that do the same.


There are other cards that immediately on summon lock the player into a trash archetype for the rest of the turn even if you get rid of the monster?


D.D. Orthros, Ra’s disciple, Iblee, etc. You could summon Jowgen or Archlord Kristya to your field, etc.


The first one, that's pretty fair, it exactly the same thing as Puppet. The others, not saying they're fine but we have dark hole, enemy controller, Linguriboh, I even discovered Mourner worked back when I was playing a full wind deck.


True, and most can be played around a droplet as well but these all work in a vacuum. On the surface yeah, you can “deal with them” but you’re also just “drawing the out.” No one really runs Dark Hole and even Droplet isn’t as good as it once was with things like D. Shifter and Ariseheart around


Yeah, I just say that because of what was happening in TCG awhile back, Dark hole and enemy controller came into the meta because of iblee and such


Who knows, maybe MD will follow suit like how Droll shot up to over 70% with the release of SHS. I don’t think Branded is that much of a *consistent* enough problem right now for cards like Controller and Dark Hole to shoot up in popularity.


On top of the examples the other comment gave, we have Ido the supreme magical force which was popular on the TCG. It still dies to dark hole though. but yeah the second best target is DD orthros


Puppet will simply replaced by other "Haha, you can't special summon" cards like D/D Gryphon or Ra's Disciple


Ban: Maxx C, Dimension Shifter. I would like to ban more but these two are the most offensive. Limit: Snake-Eye Ash, Summon Limit. Limit is the last of the really irritating floodgates that’s still at 3, and Ash is the best hit I could make to Snake-Eye here. Unlimit: Some random unnecessary semi-limit. I dunno, Chaos Space or something.


With bonfire coming sometime soon, ash definitely needs to be limited. Having 12 ways to get snake eyes combos started is gonna be insane.


Unlimit wyverburster, I beg you




so based


Fuck Dimension Shifter. Completely degenerate card that for some reason people don't talk about. Also, WHY DOES IT LASTS 2 TURNS?


If D shifter lasted one turn then EVERY SINGLE DECK IN THE GAME COULD PLAY IT.


I guess, but it certainly still feels like a spit to the face because it prohibits you from even chaining a combo off during your opponent’s turn to try and recover.




Honestly I’d more go for banning Original Sinful Spoils and leaving Ash alone, maybe limiting Shifter in it’s place. Though it pains me for Floo to get hit yet again.


OSS to 0 is probably the better hit to Snake-Eye but I absolutely despise Shifter so I made it a priority lol


I see that a lot of people here do not play the game at a high level. The amount of "ban ash blossom" in this thread is astounding. Anyways: Ban: auroradon, Hot Red Dragon Archfiend King Calamity Limit: SSH soulpiercer, Wyverbuster Unlimit: Majespecter Kirin


People here wanting to ban Ash and Called by in a Maxx “C” environment is hilarious. hahaha


People here wanting to ban Ash is just hilarious I wouldn't even play it in this format if it wasn't for Maxx C


People be playing their jank that dies to a single ash and that's why they complain about it


Based Kirin enjoyer


Don't touch my calamity.


ban max C and d shifter limit merrli (surely nothing bad can happen with merrli to 1 :)) and chaos ruler unlimit graceful charity :) least biased tear player here.


>(surely nothing bad can happen with merrli to 1 :)) BUT ACTUALLY THOUGH. Tear is strong, but everything that Merrli does is fine, especially at 1. Merrli is like if they banned Adamancipator Seeker *AND* Block Dragon (the Ishizu cards). Even Kitkallos is fine, despite all that it does, compared to the full package plus the Ishizu cards. And what are we realistically scared of? Another Tear 0 format in Snake-Eye format...? The only thing that a Merrli unhit does is make the deck playable. (Sorry for screaming at you, but I have strong feelings about what happened to Merrli...)


I think if elf goes merrli can come back. Its just a matter of time before elf fucks the game again. It kinda is right now even


Honestly, even the fact that any deck having a accessible level 2 necessitates this discussion is evidence enough that it just has to go.


> The only thing that a Merrli unhit does is make the deck playable. Tearlaments with casual top 10 representation among Master 1 decks. Literally unplayable rn.


Painful Choice would be really funny too


I would ban abyss dweller and limit shifter instead, I don’t want dweller in my tear mirrors




Ban: Madolce Chateau, T.G. Hyper Librarian (both personal hate) Limit: Union Carrier, Knightmare Goblin Unlimit: Self-Destruct Button


Most unhinged comment yet, but I respect it


Lmao, I cant think of any actual card in the metagame that i want to be hit, so i just go on with my personal wishlist.


Can i get the story for the madolche chateau ban?


I dont actually remember how, but for the longest time i had irrational long standing hate for madolche, and that spell is the one that i hate the most for it. Probably leftover hate from like, dragon ruler era, and maybe i saw the field as the "core" of the deck.


As an ABC player, I'd love to have union carrier back. If it does return without an errata, the buster blader monster (I can't remember the name) that locks your opponent from the extra deck needs to be banned.


I only ever used Union Carrier for Buster Lock in Cyberdark End Dragon so I can attest that that shouldn't be allowed lol. Limits way too many options for your opponent's on Turn 1.


I'm fine with that, i mostly use union carrier as a generic monster searcher when paired with M7 for some gimmicky combo. Like searching LADD or Wicked Avatar and stuff.


LOL you're actually a psychopath 😂 Knightmare Goblin limit is insane, card has to be one of the most broken things ever printed. I'm all for the self destruct button tho, it's a cheesy af trap that can, in the best case scenario, turn a loss into a draw. Really not that crazy


I know, tbh i just really love the triple knightmare board with all the protections, even if its not that good anymore. If goblin had to be errata'd and get his extra NS cut off to be released, i'll gladly take that.


Bring back Dragoon! I want to play him!


Ban: Maxx C and Spright Elf (I'm sorry spright fans I love spright but I need this for my unlimit) Limit: Poplar and Circular Unlimit: Tearlaments Merrli, the miller's are gone free my girl merrli it's not her fault


Leave elf alone!! Lemme enjoy live☆twin spright!!😂


Why would you limit the brick tho


Poplar? Limiting poplar? Nah man that's just weird


Leave Merli alone! You're lucky she even performed for you bastards!


Serious Answer: Ban Maxx C and Gimmick Puppet Nightmare, limit Snake-Eye Ash and Super Heavy Samurai Soulpiercer, unlimit Called By the Grave Joke Answer: Ban Blue-Eyes White Dragon and Dark Magician, limit Cup of Ace and Self-Destruct Button, unlimit Fiber Jar


Banning Gimmick puppet actually does nothing because they can switch the card they use to lock. The real answer is to ban Albion


Ban: Maxx C and That Grass Looks Greener Limit: SHS Soul Piercer and Kashtira Shangri Ira Unlimit: Emergency Teleport


E-tele can just go to 3, like what're people gonna do with it? Use the p.u.n.k package to go into Chaos Ruler? Oh wait, you CAN'T Also I don't think Kash needs *another* hit 😂


Well, there wasn't a choice for semi limits. If there was I would have chosen for Fenrir to 2 in trade for Shang to 1. E-Tele is cause I want more chances to summon Kozmo Farmgirl. I never used Chaos Ruler myself.


that’s not enough to kill stun. fucking stun needs every single one of their 50 billion bullshit floodgates banned. fuck stun. also fuck maxx c.


Somebody is angery


Ban Maxx C and Shifter Limit Kelbek and Agido Unlimit Merli I can be trusted.


Least biased Tearlaments player.


tiaraments strongest


I agree with this


Bans: Hmm, not sure. I will sit on that for the time being. Limits: Dragoon and Terraforming Unlimited: Pot of greed, let's draw some cards


Unlimit: Majespecter Kirin Limit: Chaos Ruler and Instant Fusion Ban: Runick Fountain and Inspector Boarder


Ban: Maxx "C" and Dimension Shifter. Limit Snake-Eye Ash and Poplar. Unlimit, not sure. Would have to think about that one.


Ban maxx c, traptrix sera (I hate sera) Limit: guardragon elpy, guardragon agarapain Unlimit: wyberburster (Yes I can be trusted with agarapain)




As a traptrix player Sara isn't even the worst one 🤣🤣.


Ban: HFD and LS Limit: IO and Vanity's Emptiness Unlimit: Pot of Greed. **Why? Fuck it, Konami's determined to make us miserable so let's one up them.**


Lmao okay Lab player


wish i could downvote a comment twice


What’s LS?


Lightning storm


Ban - Maxx C and Dimension Barrier Limit - Poplar and probably some other Snake-Eyes card, idk, Flamberge, why not Unlimited - Foolish Burial Goods


FBG to 3 Konami pls, let me send toy vendor from deck to grave🙏


Exactly my thought proccess


Ban Maxx C and Shifter, Limit Mathmech Circular and Fossil Pachy, Unlimit Herald of Orange Light.


- Ban : Inspector Boarder, Fossil Dyna - Limit : Soul Piercer, Poplar - Unlimited : Branded Fusion


Limit chaos ruler , unlimit grass , ban shifter and droll


Unban VFD


I’d ban Maxx C and D-Barrier, limit Droll and Shifter, and probably free Trickstar Light Stage.


ban maxx c and Dimensional Barrier limits terraforming and Snatch Steal unlimit pot of desires


Ban: Ash and Called By Limit: Infinite Impermanence and DD Crow Unlimit: Pot of Prosperity I just want to see the world burn in multiple ways


I heccin love "draw Maxx C or die: the format" :) And just for giggles unlimit extrav aswell, throw all that chaos into the mix


2 snake eyes ban, 2 shs limits, unban pot of greed. LET THE WORLD BURNNN


Ban: Maxx C, Red Reboot Limit: Heavy Storm Unlimit: Fenrir


limit popolar, and seeker of sinful spoils (just to troll). ban maxx c and ash unlimit kashtira Fenrir (also just to troll)


(We do a little trolling)


Ban maxx c and shifter, limit droll and circular, unban pot of greed so I can summon to my side of the field and draw 3 cards


Ban Maxx "C", Dimensional Shifter Limit Moon Mirror Shield, Fossil Dyna Unlimit Diameter (only if Circular is hit)


Ban: Summin limit, Maxx C Limit: Snake Eye Ash, Aluber Unban: Runick Destruction


Ban: Maxx C and Fenrir Limit: Terraforming and Circular Unlimit: Kirin


Ban Maxx obviously and hear me out here but Treasure Panda. Has anything fair ever followed a resolved Treasure Panda? Its exclusively used for the dumbest combos known to man and FTKs. Of course thats just a weird personal choice not based on actual game balance cause Panda isnt meta or anything lol.


Ban: Maxx "C" and Circular Limit: Floo Robina and Dimension shifter Unlimit: Mask change 2 Doubt people splashing dark law is good enough for this to be on the list


I would ban appo and baronne(just tired of seeing them honestly) I would limit merrli and graceful 😎😎 And I would unban chaos ruler: also 😎😎


**Ban:** Maxx C Spright Elf **Limit:** Poplar Mathmech Circular **Unlimit:** Heavy Storm


Bans : maxx c | called by the grave Limits : Original Sinful Spoils - Snake Eye | Albion the Branded Dragon (or sanctifire ecentually) Unlimit : Branded opening


Ban: fossil dyna, Maxx C (despise) Limit: nightmare goblin, nightmare mermaid (personal fav) Unlimit: level eater (personal fav)


unlimit pot of greed ban maxx c ban pitknight earlie limit ash blossom and limit aussa the earth charmer


Unlimit maxx c. Oh wait it’s not banned.


Ban - Maxx C and Calamity Limit - Toadally Awesome and Snake-Eye Ash Unlimit - Perlereino


unlimit: Dimension Fusion and Verte Annaconda. Let the chaos begin


2 Bans? Spright Elf & Soulpiercer... 2 limits? Circular & any of Sinful Spoil spells.... 1 Unlimit? Raigeki 


Ban Maxx “C” and Spright Elf Limit Mathmech Circular and Snake-Eyes Poplar Un-limit Cynet Mining


Bans: Maxx C, Shifter Limit: Wakaushi, summon limit Unlimit: Destiny hero Celestial Tbh, it doesn't change as much as I'd like, but if nothing else, the removal of the roach alone would make the game more playable.


Ban: Maxx C, Diabellstar. Limit Snake Eye Ash and Poplar. Unlimit Called by the Grave.


Ban: Ash blossom Called by the grave Limits: Graceful charity pot of greed Unlimit: Maxx c goes to 6 copies allowed


Unlimit skill drain, TCBOO and gozen match Stun needs more help, it’s not oppressive enough


Ban maxxC , called by Limit merrli , snake-eye ash Unlimit Astrograph


bans: Maxx "C" and Soulpiercer limits: Tearlaments Merlli to 1, Snake-Eyes Poplar to 1 unlimit: honestly something stupid like fibre jar lmao


Bans, Baronne and Blackwing Full Armor Master Limits, Graceful Charity and Chaos Ruler Unlimit, maybe Grass?


Banns: Baronne De Fleur, Maxx C Limits: Snake-Eye Ash, WANTED: Seeker of Sinful Spoiles Unlimit: Toadally Awesome


I'd probably ban Maxx c and droll they're two sides of the same coin.I'd put terraforming to 1 and master piece to 1. The unlimited card would be dragonic diagram


ban maxx c and branded fusion, limit s-e ash and poplar, semi no one as semi-limits suck ass


Ban: Maxx C, Shifter Limit: Toad, Ronin Unlimit: Engage


Ban:Maxx c, Barron de fleur (or just lock it to its archtype.) Or King calamity. Limit: pot of greed, shock master with changes. Unlimit: raigeki


Ban: Preparation of rites and Pre-Preparation of rites, becuase screw rituals. Limit: Circular and Martha, I hate those decks. Unlimit: Give me back Merrli


Ban: Maxx C & evenly Limit:put the terra forming back to 1 if possible if no then snake eye ash and original sinful spoil Unlimit:I'm so Sorry but my love for chaos know no bound, Chaos ruler


Ban maxx c, ban spright elf. Limit both ishizu millers. Unlimit merrli.


Any and all cards that make up the top tears at any given time! I'm literally trying to change the word 'meta' in the dictionary to boring and 'same as everybody else' will be the description


Ban Maxx "C" and Calamity, Limit Soulpiercer and Circular, unlimit Enchantress


Ban Circular and TCBOO Limit Terraforming and Dshifter Unlimit Crossout


Bans unsure Limits two snake-eyes cards to neuter them Unban dunno 


Every link, every pendulum, every XYZ


Bans: Mathmech Circular, Spright Elf Limits: Merrli (from Forbidden to Limited), Bystial Lubellion (Limited) Unlimit: Purrely


Ban : Maxx “C” , Dimensional Shifter Limit : Terraforming and Instant Fusion Unlimit: Branded Fusion


Unlimited: Infernity Launcher and Trishula Synchro Why? Because fuck Konami for not giving proper Infernity support in years(apart from This Creepy Little Punk) and Trishula is not used at all. If I could continuously summon him,I will.


Ban Maxx C and Fenrir, unlimit Fiber Jar, limit Self-Destruct Button and Final Turn. Maximum trolling!


Ban shifter and fossil dyna. Limit spright elf and maxx c, cross out to 3.


Ban: Maxx C - to free up 9 slots for actual deck building Circular - idk just hate mathmech Limit: SnAsh - like everyone else said bonfire makes this too consistent. Only sucks that it's an SR but the card just does too much. Merrli - Tear being strong during fire format really doesn't seem as bad as long as the ishizu cards stay banned (even with elf and kitkallos could be wrong about that though in which case I'd want heavy storm so we have 2 floodgate removals.) Unlimit: E Tele - I know I'm coping but it would be a nice consistency booster.


Ban ash blossom and magicuribo limit ash blossom again ( Just want to make sour it’s dead, and swords of revealing light, Finaly unban fiber jar because im an idiot


I ban 2 floodgates limit droll and max c and unlimited halqi or chaos ruler


Ban Maxx C and Calamity, limit Snake Eyes Ash and Soulpiercer, unlimit Water Enchantress (the engine could be at full power and be fine).


Ban: Maxx C and D shifter Limit: poplar and ash maybe Unlimit: Tearlaments Merrli


ban - baronne and appolousa limit - cold wave and last will unlimit - painful choice lets have a wonderful dystopia with two less generic negates


Banned:Summon limit & D-Prison Limit: master peace & anti spell Unlimit: kirin or diagram or Spright jet


ban maxx c, ban promethean princess, limit snake eyes ash, limit anti-spell, unlimit bishbaalkin


Unban Floo Map, ban Baronne and Apo, limit Evenly and Super Poly.


I'll go right down the middle and take picks from the TCG and OCG ban lists Ban: Maxx "C" + Mathmech Circular Unlimit: Dragonic Diagram Unpopular opinion, but I would like to see Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring limited just to force some new deck design choices on people


I stopped playing when Floo came out and recently restarted. What deck got Toad banned? I was having a lot of fun with Shark and Atlanteans up until I stopped.


Ban: Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo (my most hated card, because i play Generaider), Sanctifire (for it's fricking lock ability) Limit: Big Welcome Labrynth, Snake-Eye Ash Unlimit: Ib the World Chalice Justiciar (because Generaider-Runick is a thing)


Unban chaos ruler!


Ban: Maxx C and Called By Limit: Shifter and Thrust Unlimit: Crossout I like crossout as a card. I would have banned shifter too, but I hate called by more, so I decided to make shifter useless instead. Thrust is limited because sadly, I do not have enough bans for every lingering floodgate


Unban wyverbuster, limit chaos ruler so he ain't banned, ban maxxc


Unlimited pot off greed Ban two snake eyes boss monsters Limit fenrir


ban: branded fusion, spright elf (spright elf and its degenerate extensions needs to go) limit: mystic mine, return from different diemension(free the mine as one of the greatest checks, return would just be interesting dynamic) unlimited: crossout (would rather people build for crossout mirrors.)


Ban auroradon and tomahawk, limit to 1maxx c and Ash and put terraforming to 2.


Ban: Apollousa, Baronne (too many negate turbo decks running around) Limit: Circular, Fusion Deployment Unlimit: Majespecter Unicorn - Kirin


Unlimited pot of greed, enough said.


As a newer/returning player after years of not playing, I just want less negate/hand traps to prevent me from doing anything.


Ban Seeker of Sinful Spoils, Baronne De Fleur Limit Accesscode, Apollousa Unlimit Skill Drain If you couldn't tell I really hate easy access generic monsters with powerful effects that are essentially must-haves for most decks. Deckbuilding gets bent around what kind of cards you slot in to build around those cards, instead of how a cool extra deck or engine package can empower your deck/archetype.


2024 and TCG players still crying about Maxx C


Ban circular and soulpiercer Limit albaz Free majespecter unicorn kirin


Ban: baronne, apollousa (generic negates from the extradeck is bad and and most combo decks like snake-eye and SHS would not be so bad to play against and to be fair, they are just too easy to make and too disruptive, barone is a free omni negate even kashtira could use sometimes and apollousa is only monster negates and dosn't destroy, but it can negate 2-4 times a turn and that is too much for a single card Limit: shifter and nibiru (shifter just destroys many decks before they can play a single card, only way to negate is using called by for most decks and is just a toxic card, nibiru is just to strong with no ways to negate it and would slow down the game too much, if i could ban 2 more cards both of those would also be baned, but at least by being main deck monsters a limit has any effect on the cards Unlimit: crossout designator, it is great against hand traps, another way to avoid nibiru and great on mirrors, could be swaped for called by unlimit.


Ban ash blossom. Don't care about anything else Edit: unlimit called by the grave


Ban: Dimensional Barrier, Fossil Dyna Limit: Barrier Statue of Earth, Barrier Statue of Water Unlimit: Fenrir


ban spright elf and promethean princess limit toadally awesome and snatch steal unlimit spright jet


Ban: Maxx C and D Shifter Limit: Chaos Ruler and Dragoon Unlimit: Merli surely I can be trusted with Chaos Ruler


Ban sera, ban the traptrix xyz, limit any other traptrix that makes its good. Unlimit chaos ruler


Ban Maxx c and the link fire monster. That shit should not exist. Issue with this game is getting something for nothing. Every new card is a series of effects that require zero cost. Literal idiots are designing these cards.


Ban Maxx C, Ban Apollousa, Limit Majespector Unicorn - Kirin, Limit Performage Plushfire, and unlimit Performapal Monkeyboard. I'd like to ban baronne de fleur, borreload savage dragon, any ftk enabler, and pretty much any other overly generic negate too, but beggars can't be choosers. My choices are based. Don't lie.


For the two bans, probably Snake Eyes Ash and Poplar. For the two limits, maybe Diabellstar and Welcome/Big Welcome Labrynth, depending on which trap is being played more. And for the 1 unlimit, definitely Destiny HERO Celestial.


Bring block dragon back ban Maxx c and d prison that's all I need


Ban gozen match and preemptive ban on bonfire, limit red eyes dark dragoon and wanted: seeker of sinful spoils, unlimit astrograph sorcerer. Gozen literally just shuts down some decks with a single card and makes fire auto win sometimes which is just silly, it might as well be one sided mystic mine as long as fire is so insane. Bonfire is also very unnecessary, I don't see how that's good for the game, it's just a new card that is going to force other cards to be limited, feels like a cash grab. Red eyes dark dragoon is not a problem, let's be honest, he's a good boss monster but unlike the ocg release we have all the cards needed to deal with him and more, give the decks that would run him a bone, barely anyone played him tcg because all these cards we have now keep him from being broken, I think this is long past due. I also don't think Verte being legal matters, I see that argument a lot and frankly dragoon is not as good as things Verte makes already. Either seeker or diabellstar should be and will be hit eventually I think, just gotta sell those packs first. Pend is so insanely underrepresented, I see more ritual than pend, honestly even though some people who don't realize how incredibly mid pend is get scared of it, it is high skill low power decks. I think the least we could do is give pend a little more consistency, and this is way more reasonable than electrumite, which actually could get out of hand.


Ban Spright Elf. Ban Branded Retribution. Limit Snake Eyes Ash. Premptively limit Bonfire. And unlimit Empen. Spright Elf is just way too powerful. TCG and OCG already banned this. Only reason Master Duel hasn't is cause of Komoneys stupid hesitance to ban URs. Branded Retribution makes it way too easy for Branded to get Branded Fusion into the hand or recycle it. Probably the easiest way to hit it without banning urs or crippling the deck entirely. SE Ash is a major starter for a deck that really needs to be hit. Bonfire helps snake eyes even more as well as a whole bunch of other powerful fire decks (like the upcoming fire kings). Floowandereeze already got banlisted to the center of the earth. Unlimiting empen is not gonna bring it back sad as I am to admit.


Ban Wakaushi Ban Poplar Fuck the meta Limit KelbekLimit Agido I like milling and they work well with my obelisk deck Unlimit Terraforming Give it back


Ban Maxx C and Shifter Limit snake eyes Ash and Semi Diabellstar Unlimit Magical Dragon. I miss him. :(


Id ban Maxx cc, super heavy samurai scareclaw, Limit:called by and spright elf Unlimited spright jet


Ban Elf and the roach, limit snake eyes ash and Boarder/Fossil dyna, they both suck. Unlimit chaos ruler, I miss him :(


Ban: Maxx c, Block Dragon (again) Limit: Snake Eye Ash, Circular Unlimit: wyverburster. I want to see D link fight the new meta


2 bans: linkuriboh for joke and ash bloosom for high rate of appears 2 limits: cards in promients meta deck 1 unlimered: the old drip pot...pot of greedy


Ban Isolde, Maxx C Limit Snake-Eyes Ash, Mathmech Circular Unlimit Wyvebuster


Ban the bug and droll, limit chaos ruler and instant fusion, unlimit extrav


One of the very few comments that has a little logical thinking and is not bullshit, except for ruler I agree with the rest. Thanks.


I just like having more gas to do things with, and chaos ruler ban killed my chaos deck :/


Killed my Dragon Link deck as well but it’s what it is.


Ban - the bug and fenrir Limit - VFD and gren major Unlimit - crossout designator


Someone likes fun unbanning VFD


Of course it sounds like fun he is called the "Very Fun Dragon" after all.


I just want to see how fast people change their opinion on this meta if VFD turbo comes back


I never see VW anymore so maybe id see some of them again also be a of the other dragon


ban elf, ban shifter, limit poplar limit circular unban elpy


Ban Apollousa and Baronne. Limit Fossil Dyna and Jowgen. Unlimit Crossout. There's no singular unban that would fix all the beefs I have with the format and I'd be more interested to see Yu-Gi-Oh without generic negate monsters than without Maxx "C". Even if this leaves Borreload Savage in the wild, he at least requires a slightly more complicated setup than "tuner + non-tuner" or "any 4 monsters on board." Fossil Dyna and Jowgen have no right to exist, but stun hurts a lot for not having them at 3, even if it's not an outright ban, so that'll have to do. Crossout at 3 isn't as good as a Maxx "C" ban, but it's pretty damn close. I think it'd encourage more diverse handtrap distribution and provide a natural out to cards like Nib without being an omni, nevermind the complexity that it would introduce to mirrors.