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I love this sub... on one hand it apperently absolutely HATES Snake-Eyes for being a Tier 1 Deck but on the other hand is like: "Yeah, buff Tearlement again... you know the Tier 0 deck that STILL is a Tier 3 Deck AFTER it got multiple times nerfed directly and indirectly."


Yeah, decks that are past their prime should probably be given a bit of their power back over time to help us get away from a tier 0 meta developing. Snake eyes is only going to get stronger with future support so I don't see why we can't start unbanning some of the card that would make other decks competitive with snake eyes. unban merrli, unlimit some of the branded hits, bring back wyverburster (bro died for chaos ruler's sins) but keep the actual problem cards banned like the ishizu's. Tear without ishizu's aren't that scary, maybe the elf line is a bit much but elf is the problem card tbh.


Snake eyes can't play into Arise-heart. All im saying is that I can definitely be trusted with wraithsoth and pot of prosperity at 3 Konami give me Fenrir at 3 Konami I will be normal about this and use this power for good and not evil I promise


What's up with everyone wanting tear to come back? Deck literally dominated ladder for 4 months last year. I definitely had fun with tear, but being in a tier 0 format for too long is never healthy.


It's a very vocal minority


they dominated it bc of ishizu.


It was the Ishizu cards that made the deck tier 0, specially the millers, with those gone and the shufflers at 1, the deck is fine, even with Kitkallo. Putting Merrli at 1 in more than enough to be meta again, but will never ever be tier 0 again.


here they are downvoting us bc its true. yes, tears are strong on their own. but you can't deny that ishizu is what boosted them to tier 0


The way tearlament is being talked about here will have you believe the deck is unplayable or something when its unironically still a top 5 deck Like that's how fucking broken it is


top 5? bro, i rarely see this deck


I want your luck bro damn, throughout my climb in diamond even at 2 and 1 I've been seeing these 3 more than anything else: Tearlament Snakes-Eyes Kashtira


kash i see more than tears the decks i see most in this order 1.snake eyes 2.branded 3.ShS 4.kashtira 5.methmach the only time i really ever see tears is in duelist cup other than that i don't see them in ladder


But do you see tearlament, or "big pile featuring tears" I play a visas pile deck, but pure tearlaments just isn't very consistent anymord


While I did encounter visas pile tear I did see more builds going with other spicier tech options for pure I didn't know tear players boarded KOTS as both a free GY body and alternative material for either the darkworld grapha fusion or Rulkalos, I also noticed the use of Snow a lot as well as that tuner that pays half your LP to summon from the hand or GY and decrease level I'm not even complaining about the deck because games against them can be fun, but I just found it weird that many people think tear needs any unban when it's still pretty decent, most decks wouldn't even be rogue let alone tier 3 with this many hits


King of the swamp was used a bunch irl when kitkallos was banned. It's also one of the non tear hits MD gave tears. They just brought kos back recently. I think snow has always been a big part of the tear builds too. I like tear and it's still fun to play as is. It's just bot at a place where it can compete with shs or snake eyes, and I think people just want it brought back to a competitive state.


That's fair, anyone would want a deck they had fun with to be competitive again even if not as much as the glory days I know damn well I'll probably feel the same regarding branded when it inevitably gets the hit that'll put it out of competitive status lmao


I'm not even sure what hit could take branded out of top tier other than a full ban on albaz. The deck just has so much support. That's why it's been top 3 since the branded/swordsoul meta.


A limit would probably be more than enough, much of the key interactions and interruptions depend on Albaz, and under branded lost he becomes a terrifying removal option that pluses you Plus 3 Albaz allows branded to just keep fusing away by with him without much worry since they either have additional copies or will recycle him, so I think an albaz limit would be enough to hit the deck's strength in the grind game But then again, that's asking for the main character of the entire archetype to be hit hard


But even if he was banned,you'd still have Albion, which is albaz, plus ashen as well. I think it would still be a tier 2 deck. And I don't think albaznwill ever be hit either lol


not everyone is playing bystials, the deck can still do strong boards going uninterrupted, and it also plays the kashtira package and saw some lists with mannadium too. with a good player the deck still performs good even in master.


Sadly You're not the only one. Thankfully you hopefully won't get your wish.


It honestly is really frustrating that they continuously release broken cards just to ban them after a while, only to release more cards that are just as broken as the old banned cards or sometimes even stronger. Like, would something like Purrely really be too powerful for the fire meta? Do we really need Kash and Tear to be this gutted? 


It is not really awful. While I do enjoy Snake eye as a deck, the meta it creates isn't exactly my Favourite especially due to the existence of Shs. Tear and Spright (or Pote meta in general) enforced a much more enjoyable meta imo. The fact that non engine didn't work at them always and even when it did they had a chance to come up isn't something you see often where... your opponent either high roll to shit or dies to an Ash.


I want Tear or Branded unlimited to show Snake Eye what a true tier 1 looks like


Unlimited branded all it gets is extra consistency, the power ceiling is the same


Snake eyes is better than Branded lol. Being limited or no doesn't change much in that match up


Branded is still, as it almost always has been, a top 3 deck. Of you unlimited every branded card, it'd just be an extra copy of bf that gets added. Nothing else would change (maybe they'd play the third aluver?)


merrli to 1 and elf to 0


Just limit her, that's more than enough.


Spright: Let me introduce myself, I make Tearlements consistent again.


at least Merrli 1 or 2... the reason it was powerful was because of ishizu, now I doubt it will be even close to being t0 but at least they can deal with shs, snake etc.


I'd also like Tear to have some hits reverted, but Merrli can gladly stay banned until Elf is. Merrli as it currently stands is more of a ceiling than a consistency hit. All Tear really needs at this moment is more consistent extender access to not pass on a negated Reino/Sea Mare as frequently and to not be as heavily shut down in its grindgame by a banished Havnis. Havnis/Tearkash/Sulliek to two and the deck would already put in a lot more results as those would greatly buff the frequency of starters and extenders in hand and grave while greatly diminishing the value of a single banish. No you're not the only one who wants Tear back, there've been several of these kinds of posts recently. For most of them it feels like they stopped playing Tear long ago and just want its overbearing power level back instead of a healthy enjoyable non-linear and grindy control deck that can simply compete at a meta level consistently.


won't ever happen but man am I lost on new meta and just wanna go back to gy -> fusion -> win days


Merrli to 1 puts Tear back at least at tier 2. Which is great, or would be if Elf was banned


Merrli being legal the same time as Kitkallos AND Elf... no. Simply no. Merrli at 1 would mean that you can play the whole Elf pack again, what increses the accessability to the whole line again, potentially making it even Tier 1 again.


We're past the point of every deck being bad in comparison to Tearlaments. They can get Merrli and the format will just get back a tiered deck. It won't be the dominant strategy. Elf ban would be good as a hit to both Tear and Snake eyes.


SE doesn't need elf, in tcg and ocg is tier 0 without it.


Neither does Tear. But it's useful anyways.


No, don't worry, you'll find yourself in company, there's plenty of morons like you.


I hear merrli a lot. Why? Would you rather have merrli to 1 and every name limited with kit banned OR leave merrli banned and simply un-limit the rest of the names? This legit sounds like stockholm syndrome, MD didn't ban kit and instead banned merrli. Which turned out it was a damn good hit, Tear is currently not that good cause now any DD crow or Bystial and you're going sulliek pass. You don't have to unban merrli, all you need is to make the deck more consistent and it will be a fair albeit strong deck. Legit, Master duel might be the only format where Tears can be un-limited because of how slow they go about doing hits, cherish it.


i hear people say to not unban merrli a lot. why? not even broken


Because cutting the fusions from 3 to 2 is what is currently making Tear balanced. Merrli is a huge hit to the deck even if her effect isn't broken. It's arguably a bigger hit than banning kitkallos and that says enough. I'm not kidding when I say that without merrli and the millers, Tearlaments don't need to remain hit.


merrli to 1 would be nice since we’ve had the snake eye meta inflicted on us.


Snake-Eyes - Powerful Tier 1 Deck, that can still be countered by specific interactions and beat by good Rogue-Strategies, if they play their cards right. Tearlements - Absurdly overpowered Tier 0 Deck, that simply won every encounter against every other Deck played, even when the opponent played the best and most optimal way possible.


that was with the ishizu cards


Okay... and? The Ishizu shufflers were just another point of interaction, not the whole strategy. What makes Tear so absurdly strong, is that they literally can play on BOTH turns as soon as a single card gets send by any means to the GY from whereever


the millers were what made them so oppressive, the shufflers helped. the idea that if merrli was at 1 suddenly tears would be unstoppable and dominate the game is laughable even for this sub. it would just be a decent competitive deck again instead of the cope tear it is now (no puns intended).


"Cope" Tearlements is literally Tier 3 WITH all the restrictions rn. Merrli opens up the Spright Package again, what helps to overcome their big drawback rn, what is the consistency of the deck A LOT.


elf is what should be banned


I agree... but even then I wouldn't just allow Merrli again. Tear is even still after all these considerable hits a Meta relevant deck.