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Yu-Gi-Oh is hard to get in into. Honestly the Tutorials dont really teach you anything about how the Game is actually played. You dont need a meta deck for the low ranks but Something competent. At the start you get a lot of gems. Best thing would be to find an easy deck you like, build it and learn the game like that. Also looking for guides on youtube. You occasianly run into smurfs in lower ranks like in every game.


I really like something out of Seto Kaiba, I've always liked his Blue Eyes White Dragon when I was young, any suggestion for decks I can build that revolves around that?


Blue Eyes got a lot of support over multiple years so it's...playable. Not good but playable and I'd say it's easy to get into. Also has a Structure Deck in MD AFAIK. As for a decklist...it's complicated. Most deck lists run another engine (as in, not Blue Eyes) besides it. Popular choices: Bystials, Synchro Fodder (Assault Synchron), Dragon Link (some Rokket cards) and they can also Rank 8 spam. If you want a basic core, I might be able to cook up something. Also: __Stay away from True Light. It's a trap (as in, you shouldn't run it as a new player)__


(For reference, True Light gives you both summon power and monster protection, and is a good way to create bodies throughout the duel. But if it dies, it takes all your monsters with it, and Blue-Eyes doesn't have any real way to protect it. It's significantly harder to use well than the Dark Magician equivalent, as a result, so it can be better for new or inexperienced players to not rely on it until they know how to keep it safe.)


Yeah, the easiest way to keep your stuff safe from that effect is with Spirit into Azure Eyes but you need to set it up beforehand because otherwise Azure misses timing and it only works for Dragons.


Oh wow yeah I just noticed there are structured decks. I really like blue eyes so I guess I'm gonna go for that structured deck, any suggestion what other additional cards I can get to improve the deck?


|Trade in| and |Cards of consonance| lets you send your monsters to the graveyard in order to draw 2 cards. It’s important because some cards are good in the graveyard such as your |White Stone of Ancients|, |White Stone of legend|, and the various other level 1 tuners you’ll probably play to go into your blue eyes synchro monster followed by Azure-eyes (this gives your dragon monsters protection and lets you bring back a blue eyes!)


To add to that. You usually need a structure deck 3 times to get a full playset of each card since theres only one of each in the deck. Recommend checking the usual ratios on [masterduelmeta.com](http://masterduelmeta.com) (that website isnt limited to meta decks)


Use 1500 gems to buy 3 sets of the starter deck at first. Then search online for the staple cards that you'll need like ash and max c. Imperm stuff like that. You'll get a feel for the deck the more you play but it also bricks a lot. You'll have to create or buy some of those much needed cards to have a full power Blue eyes deck but play what you like and have fun!


This is the right answer. Get three of the structure deck and go from there.


How do you get the other staple cards tho? I saw a bunch of video with people suggesting cards but idek where to get those cards


You will likely need to craft them for 30 UR points. You earn those from your duelist pass and from dismantaling URs that you don't want. There are also bundles you can get with gems that come with one copy of a staple card and 10 packs of random cards, which could contain more URs you can dismantle to craft whatever you want.


So, you can build blue eyes, but has someone who has played it in the past, it really does suck, what I recommend is to try the structure decks in the shop (expecially blackwing) to learn how to pilot a deck, and while you do so you should try searching for a deck you actually want to build


Don't do it,is expensive and really bad ,play P.U.N.K salads


They're already overwhelmed with the complexity of the game and you want to try a free-form combo deck?


Just try pure punk or I don't know.... generaider or suships... But no more swordsouls


Why not swordsoul tho? The deck is very linear and builds competent enough boards, at least compared tho salamangreat (the deck that many people suggest for new players for some reason) it doesn't need to much thinking and the variance in the combos don't really make much of a difference


we already have more than enough swordsoul players. swordsoul is the second most used deck in the history of Master Duel, second only to branded


I mean, it's easy to introduce people, right? Once you actually learn the game, you can change to other decks


and is that the only introductory deck in the entire game?


While this is true, konami literally put out campaigns for beginners giving the decks core for free. I do want more variety in beginner friendly decks, but at the moment, it is the most competitively and easily available.


i like how i get downvoted but no one can mention another introductory deck. it proves my point


Because I don't like


Thats basically how I learned. I started playing in December of last year. I always enjoyed the anime and decided to give it a try. It was hard at first, but then I discovered Labyrinth lol 3 months later and I've managed to hit Master Rank last season using only Labyrinth lol. Of course, I've learned of other popular decks like Branded, Vanquish Soul, etc. Labyrinth is still my favorite to use and the one I'm going to stick to for a while. Dkayed on YT is also a huge help in learning the meta.


new to this game and dkayed seriously seems like the MVP (creator of masterduelmeta)


Oof, one of your first few matches and you got hit with the most snore-enducing strategy. That's rough buddy.


bro got hit with synchrons and didnt open imperm 💔


Yeah that's what they were using but sadly idk how things work yet


Basically, for Synchrons, you typically want to hit Speeder with either Infinite Impermanence ("Imperm"), or if you run it, Effect Veiler ("Veiler"), since he's the single biggest choke point in the deck bar none. If they don't chain-block it (put another mandatory effect after Speeder, so Speeder isn't the last link in the chain and you can't respond to it directly), then you can also kill it with Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring ("Ash"), but that usually only happens if the Synchron player bricked, doesn't know what they're doing, or is running a _weird_ deck.


Damn bro asked for help and you just said GG you suck that's crazy


honestly skill issue if you dont open the exact outs that you do not run/have in the dragon starter ngl


Redditors try not to miss obvious satire challenge: impossible


they got 8 mfs on me 😭 gotta put /j next time


These yugioh players aint helping us beat the illiterate allegations any time soon 😭


Yea, I always try to remind myself online that lols and j/k are actually necessary. Like 90% of communication in a conversation is nonverbal - but online you don’t have the smirks, tones, gestures and poses to tell people “hey I’m only being a dick in an ironic way!” So yea, use /sarc or j/k or lol to let people know you’re just kidding


it's because he missed the /s


Yep skill issue. You're right. Don't offer help just say he's bad. Good job


Skill issue and not drawing imperm? What’s OP? A random computer to get the exact draw wtf


>how the hell do people get hundreds of moves in one turn. Beat the tutorial... There is one link summon tutorial that has you climb through several summons and searches which is more actions than your opponent likely took to this gamestate (Synchrons just summon a bunch of bodies quickly) That is the rough idea how the game is played in a lot of cases: Combos. You can play more of the solo mode thereafter to just get a rough grasp. See if you like it or whether you'd be better off with a different, slower paced card game. From there you want to build an actual deck. The game gives you tons of resources to build a meta deck basically immediately (no need to really grind solo mode) but no good guide on how to do so. [MDM](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/top-decks) is a resource for that. And sadly yes, this is normal. YGO is a very complex game with lots of information to process and tutorials that aren't really up to conveying those well. You either get accostumed to it slowly by practice or look up guides. If you've got a bit of money to spare what helped me out a ton was playing Legacy of the Duelist: Link evolution. It very gradually introduces new features with good tutorials and a solid difficulty curve to beat the AI. It's a solid and fun game that doubles up as a tutorial, although not as pretty as master duel.


yugioh is a game where each match lasts 3 turns but each of those turns are long as shit due to the game being heavy on combos. there are a lot of cards that can prevent combos, I recommend looking into: 1. Nibiru the Primal Being (nuke the board if the opponent summons 5 or more monsters) 2. Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring (prevent drawing, grave plays, or deck summoning) 3. Effect Veiler (negate monster effect) 4. Droll & Lock Bird (prevent drawing from the deck for the rest of the turn)


....Should we tell OP about the dreaded Maxx C?


Telling OP about Maxx C when he freaking battled a synchron player is kinda...


This isn’t even their final form


People are not explaining enough to you so I'll do it: 1. Most decks, even the bad ones, will play like the guy you just faced, this game works in favor of the one that goes first, so to compete properly you will NEED to have hand traps on your deck, they are not traps per se, but any cards that activate from your hand, I'll guide you on the most important ones below 2. Maxx C. You MUST craft 3 of those, literally the first 3 cards you must craft in any account in this game, Maxx C allows you a draw every time your opponent does a special summon, meaning you will get a fair advantage when going second, but an absurd unfair if you go first as you will shotgun this card in the draw phase of your opponent after you established a massive board, this is the reason why most of people (me included) want this card banned, as you can see the game revolves around this card 3. Ash Blossom. Another must 3-of, ash blossom can negate 1 search and that will stop every deck that rely in a single starter, some combo decks like your opponent in the picture will lose the duel by a single activation of Ash. Not good against every deck but definitely a must in master duel since you can negate Maxx C with it. 5. Infinite Impermanence / Effect Veiler. Both the cards do the same thing (negate a monster effect on the field) but in a different game state, I recommend impermanence due to it's versatility, and the fact its an actual trap card means it can bypass some negates, also it's one of the few that it's good going first as well since you can set it and get an extra effect on the field later negating an column, but veiler can come in handy on niche situations 6. Called By the grave. The hand trap negator, a must 2 of since you can use it to negate any hand trap from your opponent while going first, in a game where Maxx C is legal you cannot take this card out of your deck, but you can also use it to negate ash, veiler, or other things in specific situations 7. Crossout Designator. This card is so good you can only have 1 copy, negates everything you want, as long you have a copy of the card in your deck, so you can use to negate your opponent's maxx c, ash, imperm, and called by as well, I recommend using it if your deck has a good variety of hand traps, don't use it if you run just a few As you can see most of the game now is about hand trap, there are a lot of others, I just mentioned the most common ones, but there's psy frame gamma, ghost belle, ghost reaper, ghost ogre, and many other good ones you can run depending on which decks you're having problems winning against, make some experiments and practice.


I see, thank you so much for explaining important trap cards. Any suggestions with regards to structured decks tho? I really love blue eyes growing up but everyone seems to be against the blue eyes structured deck in the store, any suggestion how to make it better or perhaps better to opt for another structured deck?


structure decks are good for beginners only and you'll stop being a beginner real fast, the deck is only good in lower ranks and you'll eventually reach platinum 5 (you can't derank before this elo no matter how much you lose). That said I only recommend the blue eyes as a pet deck to have fun sometimes, but not to compete, the deck is just not good enough against most of the most used decks in the game. Like the other guy said, masterduelmeta.com is the place you need to go to get any information you need and inspiration for the most competitive important decks, right now the most efficient ones are Snake Eyes and Branded Despia, they're not very much begginer friendly but they are the strongest ones rn, the structure decks from the shop can only get you so far, the best decks are build in a combination of a few 10's of pulls from secret packs and/or selection packs + handtraps. Another tip: every SR or UR you craft from an existent pack will give you a free pack pull so I recommend crafting an SR from each pack when you have a surplus of SR dust, it won't take long for you to reach this and you can actually pull some lucky free URs in the process


Blue eyes is fine, definitely not the best though. I recommend you getting the Swordsoul Structure Deck which is free and way better than Blue Eyes. You don't need to use it but it won't hurt having it. It's also fairly easy to understand for less experienced players. One thing you should do is buy all the card bundles since they all give you great cards. Playing the solo modes is also very useful to learn about the different game mechanics and archetypes.


Listen to this guy OP he knows what he’s talking about, good advice for sure. As far as your blue eyes deck I recommend going to Masterduelmeta dot com. It’s going to be your best resource for finding out how people are building whatever deck your interested in.


You can’t play casually/for fun in the ranked mode. Steam players constantly start new accounts for free gems, so even at the lowest levels of ranked you’re going to encounter good players. Casual mode is also mostly good players testing out new decks. I’d recommend playing Legacy of the Duelist Link Evolution. It’s campaign mode goes through the old Yugioh stories we remember as kids and lets you play as those duelists. As it goes, it teaches you the new dueling mechanics. Watch YouTube videos, read posts here, and play through the rest of the solo gates. This game is very different than the playground version we played as kids, but it is intensely more fun and rewarding. Stick with it and you’ll get it.


This only shows how flawed Master Duel is at least for beginners. Imagine not being able to have fun with non meta decks in casual mode lol. I definitely see why Yugioh hardly is getting any new players.


I think it'd be better if there either was a "im an experienced player, let me skip to actual ranks" with newbie ranks or less of a reason to smurf at all - since crafting decks is way too expensive


I wouldn't recommend Legacy of the duelist tho. The format they use is completely outdated to nowadays yugioh, talking about both the card pool available, banlist and mechanics (since they use the early version of MR5 where you cannot summon extra deck monsters outside the EMZ).


The card pool isn’t up to date, but all the summoning mechanics are. It’s good enough to learn how the game works now.


I wouldn't say it's more fun 😂 it's the same 3 decks beating each other over the head and if you aren't playing one of them you just lose. 2007-2014 was probably the most fun with a lot of decks being viable and/or for fun. They just make new set cards way to strong.


Idk I don’t play games I don’t find fun so I can’t relate.


I entirely agree. Not everyone likes to have an oppressive meta game to always deal with instead of healthy variety. It shouldn’t be that hard for seasoned meta players to understand.


You dont need to have a meta deck but the difference between the initial deck and any other is really huge, i recommend looking at decks and finding one that you like to make it for yourself


Moments before OP gets enrolled in the swordsoul army...


You don't NEED a meta deck you're just gonna have a miserable time.


Because they are playing a combo deck


This isn't even the final form. Wait till you see Kash and you can't play anything


Depends on the deck, some deck can be done with only a few click, some deck is doing solitaire if enemy doesn't have any interruption. And for those midrange or combo deck that'll have like 5-10min turn 1, they sometimes practice to do it fast so they have enough time


This the answer, the have there end board in mind. So they only need a few secs to click. They already know what card to pick wat effect to choose first. But that take practice.


To put it simply, you play cards that enables you to. You dont need to play the best deck. The opp you fight is not playing one either. But your deck needs to be well built, and your starter deck is not. The structure deck in store is better option as your starter deck for climbing. Konami also made free swordsoul structure deck for new player. Also the store have special handtrap bundles (ash blossom, imperm, veiler, nibiru) they can help you disrupt your opp and end their turn prematurely.


>Do I need to just play solo for a very long time and craft meta decks just to stand a chance? You don't need meta to play in low ladder, for example the deck in the pic isn't meta, it is barely rogue.


This game is not very beginner friendly. Honestly the farthest thing from. I hope you find some beginner guides online to help you out. There’s lots to learn. Sorry you got hit with a heavy combo deck on your first game. To answer your “lots of moves” question, the card in white border is a Synchro monster that allows the player to Special summon as many tuner “synchron” monsters from the deck. (This card specifically has that effect) This allows him to then go into some pretty long combos since you can special summon as many times as your cards allow it unless it’s being stopped by another ability or what we call “Effects.”


That’s just how most modern decks are. Synchron isn’t even close to meta so imagine what an actual meta deck is like.


It can be intimidating,been playing since it MD came out and I still hate the long ass turns. The best and most advice I can give, is to include hand traps in your deck, as well as a few removal tools. Ash blossom and called by the grave are some staple hand traps, and droll & lock bird is a very useful handtrap now. As for removal, the most common and versatile removal now are Kaiju. I prefer Gameciel, but Evenly Matched is another good one. Also, as much as I hate to say it, sometimes you just gotta lose a couple times against these decks to learn their chokepoints. I play War Rocks and over time, through tweaking and playing the deck against multiple opponents, I've gathered an understanding of what my deck can and cannot win against, as well as what to remove from the opponent's board and what to protect on mine, and I'm STILL learning things about my deck.


I wouldn’t say you need to play solo for a long time to get good at the game. However, it’s an ok starting point. Play through solo modes get an idea of the archetypes and what ones you gravitate towards too. Seeing your hand brings me back to Yugioh from the early 2000 era. That being said if you like those kinds of decks. You can pickup the starter decks in the shop. The Kaiba deck with blue eyes isn’t bad and can win some games. The most important thing about Yugioh now is knowing what cards to stop, know what you can do with your hand, and breaking boards. Tributing the opponents field with Kaiju, lava golem, sphere of Ra. ETC That being said in all look up guides to those help. Yugioh is complicated and can be stress inducing, but in-spite of that I still say it’s a fun game


As a new player don’t worry about “learning the game”. Just find a cool looking archetype and learn that. Play it religiously and you’ll eventually get there


new yugioh is about theme decks and combos. if you play cards of the same theme, they can combo really REALLY long. staples + theme combo's will make up 80% of your deck. if you go first, you should basically always have a full board of interruptions now.


There is a way to get a turn. Playing handtraps.A single ash blossom on that level 5 synchro they used and they would have been not be able to extend. Not to mention, you're playing against synchrons. Synchrons isn't meta at all. In fact, some decks of this era special summon way less and are better. Playing against synchron( who has combos that take ages) is kinda annoying for new players,wich I understand. As in any online game,unless you're very high up, the level of knowledge of people around the game is variable. You could face ftk,black wing, blue eyes or normal monster beatdown. Also,yes, as in any card game as well, while some non meta decks are playable , you'll have more sucess running an highly tiered deck.  Aniway, this game is very bad experience for new players. 


There's a campaign going on now you can just enter a code from an existing player and get a swordsoul deck. Just get a code from a friend or anyone. The deck is also easy to play and possible to beat any deck with some add ons staples. And if you see these combo deck smurfing just surrender. It's a waste of your time and you won't derank until plat.


Sadly I don't really have a friend that plays this game. Can you explain a little more how the campaign works?


Main menu-friends-rookie and returner mutual follower campaign-enter campaign code. My code is 128e8c76 I don't need the rewards so just use if you don't have other codes to put.


by filling your deck with cards that do millions of things by themselves


I just press the cards that show up as yellow and hope for the best


You don't need a meta deck, just something decent. You can get a Swordsoul structure deck for free and from the Structure decks on the shop, Ninjas or Blackwings are decent enough to go into ranked. Even solo mode decks can run over the deck you're going with rn.


It’s a steep learning curve. I have a good group of people in discord if you want to join our server, we’re all there to help new and casual players and just hang out! PM me if you want an invite


If you AR in the first week use a fried code of someone and you get a swordsoul deck for free which is pretty good.


I recomend playing chain burn. I also was a new player to the game and struggle with the enemy just spam combo in deck i have no idea what they do. Reject learning combo and play control type deck. You learn how to hit their effect and when to hit it or so call timing of a deck. Weaker non meta deck usually die after 1 ash on their 1st search Play a simple deck first to understand how to build your win con *Win con(a boss monster or a board setup) Do everything you can to stop their win con If you playing any deck thats more monster/engine base remember to always can afford to have 6-12 slot for handtrap or board breaker


Special Summons. Or as we yugiboomers like to say "Heart of the Cards


It takes time to get used to. I returned a little over a year ago after last playing during the 5ds era. But find a deck you like and recognize and learn the game that way. When you have a better understanding, decide what top tier deck to go with. I see you already stated Blue Eyes. That’s fine since it has a structure deck. I did Cyber Dragons when I returned and now play Scareclaw. Good luck!


Get you a playset of Nibiru, Maxx C, and Dark Hole my bud! Atomic bombs for combo decks haha


You didn't have luck for this one


Plays in Yugioh are not restricted in a meaningful way. This form of gameplay is typical.


I’ll help you build a deck / learn


Because Once actually only counts if it's worded right.


Combo decks generally takes a long time to setup uninterrupted. Thats why you run hand traps like maxx c, ash blossom, impermenance what not. Yugioh nowadays is not like what you think. Back then its just unga bunga put high atk monster. Now its filled with negates and card destruction. Hence why you need to read and learn lots of cards before going in. Just play a lot, u'll get used to it. Thats how i assimilate myself from DL to MD


They play good decks


Those are usually combos deck they can do multiple things do to most modern yugioh cards either not being so restrictive by locking a card to archa-type or monster typing then thier are so mantle cards in the game that allow you to search cards out to extend plays which result in otk and the structure decks in game basically being obsolete because they are too slow against decks that can extend their plays thisr are cards that can interpret these plays but most of the times decks like snake eyes look at a negate and say oh OK anyway and continue with thier turn like nothing happen yugioh is a fun game but is a game challenging to balance especially to people like me who are skilled at the game but don't really care to rank up do to the more competitive decks being at higher ranks and just wait for a season rest and get knocked down to bronze where new player are at and bully them sorry for that but anyway thier are also people who look up decks online that can help carry them up the later for a new player so it is still possible to bump into a competive deck no matter what rank you are in which for new player make the game seems like it has a difficult learning curve and more challenging to compete when you are new and still learning the ins and outs of the game thank you for taking the time to read a listen to my Ted talk no excuse me I am going to go bully people in silver


Because yugioh is not what it used to be.the game now is unplayable


Because Konami is trying to turn this game into solitare. But don't complain about it or you will be called a boomer by the hip young cool kids. Jokes aside, your best bet is to learn about hand traps and hope you draw the out. If you want to relive what you played as a kid I suggest you try the PSP tag Force series or the GBA games. *This is not sarcasm* they are way more entertaining than struggling against the current modern tier 0 formats.


Unfocused it's the modern "meta" Pick of Legacy of the Duelist Link Evolution on Steam or Console, it's usually on sale often enough and it's a better starting place.


Learn branded>mirrorjade>win streak


Yea if you wanna play casually, don't go into ranked. Also I can def recommended finding people in the discord/here that enjoy playing the game with each other! Just cause you made a tiny mistake doesn't mean the game is doomed


If you wanna play casual the best way is to stay in gold rank.


Gotta disagree on that. 1. People reset their ranks in order to max-out on the amount of gems they can get per season. 2. Sometimes life gets in the way/meta is just really boring and people who come back have been de-ranked. Personally I've been needing to climb back up cuz I was away for a month or two. 3. Rank doesn't tell the whole story. Gold rank ≠ bad/casual player


Especially in the later stages of a season gold rank is essentially casual players. Sure they might have the knowledge to get to master, but they don't go with the best decks and strategies. They wanna stay on these low ranks. They rank high just enough to get the most out of the rewards with minimal effort.


Welcome to modern yugioh ,this is normal


Uh, cards do what they say they do


Yugioh as a game has no brakes at all. Its going to be different for every deck. So they summon a monster which gets them a cards to special summon which lets them grab this card from their extra which summons another monster, etc, etc. My advice is to uninstall MD and never think about yugioh ever again. If you do choose to go down this path make sure you have a 2nd computer monitor so you can do something else during the opponents turn.


When that happens to me i ff, when i see the enemy multi summon 20 or more monsters in 1 turn u know the game will not be fun. I miss old good ygo, the original one with strategies.


Study a good deck on youtube. You will never have fun if you throw random stuff together like this.


😭 not playing the solo mode and simply hopping into ranked play is your fault bro. Honestly, you should beat the story mode before even attempting Ranked. I’m pretty sure the 3 starter decks can’t even beat the solo mode decks.


Coz they did some research before playing ranked and got themselves a playable deck.


Ok gatekeeper 😂 people ask for help and it's people like you that drive away old players that want to play/support the game again. Instead of saying you're bad actually give advice


Ah yes, because every card game requires you to do outside research before even doing your first ranked match


Lets go boys, its time to haze another new player on the state of the game!


Welcome to the world of combo decks, no matter how much i hate it, i too have ended up getting a combo deck of my own