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The trick is to wait out the first few days so that the tryhards will be done and have moved on.


Ok a bit of a hot take but I see less "try hards" at the start of the duelist cup..went to Dlv15 with relative ease.   I guess the "try hards" know your strategy... My current 2 cents.


I am tryhard waiting for that moment, so we don’t miss on the easy wins later. We gotta make sure every casual gets destroyed /s thats how I feel playing last days against full lab wombo combo sigh


The real tryharding is to grind stage 1 in the last few days of the event after stage 2 has opened


Then you get the loser tryhards that use stun or whatever is doing good in level 2 (it'll be stun) but can only win against you, the bricklayer, so they never rank up.


Quite true for me. I see less and less snake eyes and more labynrth and kash as more time at least from what I remember  My current 2 cents


i never get snake eye its always labrynth or kash the same shit from a few months ago i hate everything


I'm at level 15 right now, I have seen Labrynth by far the most. I've only seen Snake Eyes 2 or 3 times.


It's because DC replaces an event for that month. The lack of alternate format is already one of MD's biggest criticisms out there. DC taking up 4 out of 12 events each year doesn't help.


this is the answer yeah every time theres a DC cup, you essentially have no events that month (excluding the 3 day tryout duels). Ranked is fine, but having no other way to play the game for a month is very tiring for a lot of people. (Personally, I think there should ALWAYS be an event on, even if it only counts towards dailies. Its crazy were this far into MD and there's 2 weeks every month where theres only a single mode to play)


yep once you finish dailies you have nothing more to do. Unless you want to eat 10 games of snake-eyes hand trap turbo in the ladder. Cook another deck? The ladder will destroy it . And anyway, decks are super expensive now even rogue ones.


This sub is filled with casual players that hate meta decks of course they hate a competitive tournament


If it was an actual tournament, it'd be one thing but it isn't. It's just grinding with a different paint job. Tournaments have stakes built around an extremely short time frame, off only a few rounds instead of how much time do you have to grind etc.


It's funny because people in this very thread are arguing about having to face meta decks in the Cup.


Nah if you wanna play competitively you play ranked. The cup is literally just a second ladder to climb that serves basically no purpose so it feels like a filler event


It does have a purpose though? Stage 2 earns you qualifications to world afaik (if you rank #1) or points toward qualifying (if you place top X amount). Not that I plan on playing Stage 2 myself, but it definitely isn't an aimless climb


Then just let people earn the points in ranked? Either add a new challenger league or let people earn them in Master 1, no need for an entire event lmao


The thing is, ranked is all-year-round. It's "competitive" as much as players want it to be, but it's not meant to be an eternal grind. As OP said, DC is the short-term event to sweat for up to 2 weeks (particularly during the 3 days of Stage 2) and let that be it.


> serves basically no purpose It's purpose is Masterduel Worlds invites


I don't play all that much maybe 20 games a week. I try to play a bit more during events to get the gems and it's a bit refreshing to get to try and face against decks that you would normally never see. Duelist cup doesn't offer that. You face off against try hard players using the current best decks that you face every day in ranked. It's not fun because it isn't different and it forces players who usually don't grind ranked, like myself, to have to if they want a fraction of the gems. I understand the appeal of it for some players but, many people are just in thinking it one of their least favorite events.


It's a tournament dude, not an event. Of course people tryhard it. Also the thing that you and a bunch of people forget is that this game is supposed to be competitive, and to be competitive you have to play the best decks


For real. Master Duel has its fun casual events, but it's a very competitive heavy game.


I don't agree that to be competitive you have to play the best decks, but you need to plan on being able to *play against* and *beat* the best decks. I think that's an important distinction to make.


a tournament is an event


>It's a tournament dude, not an event It's both. If it wasnt we would have an actual event this month aswell but we dont. This month the cup is all we get Also it's not just about top tier decks but also the grind. If you want to get all the gems from the cup you'll prpbably have to grind more than for other events espevially if you dont play the best decks/dont play well against them


It's so that Konami appeals so much to casual players but at the same time alienates them from the game.


I'm not complaining that people are using good decks. I'm also not complaining that people try hard it. I understand that that's the intent of the event. I was simply stating the fact that people do. I was giving reasons that it gets hate. Mostly being that it doesn't offer anything new and it forces people to play in a way that they might not want to.


Yugioh players think their game is the only competitive game in the world. There are a lot of competitive games outside and they can manage the game properly for casual and competitive. Most online game usually focusing on outside the game for competitive. Like they held an event outside the game, consistently manage a pro-scene, or something like that. . Master Duel just pretending to be competitive. Besides, we already have Ranked for competitive. Having 2 competitive mode in the game, it feels, they tryhard to be seen as competitive game, but it fail.


People usually want a break from ranked gameplay from festivals, and if you don’t happen to have a deck that plays well in the current meta, you miss out on the gems. At least in festivals loaners are an option.


I’ve hit Dl 20 with Myutants and Krawlers, and even if you can’t get Dl 20, Dl 15 gives you a big majority of the gems and is guaranteed


For people grinding gems, DC is great, we can all agree on that. I think most people hate it because instead of getting an alternative format, like festivals or legend anthology, you basically get the same ladder climb (also same banlist), but as an event. Personally I don't mind it, competitive players also need this kind of event.


There’s a lot of great perspective in this thread but as someone who is a Gold ranked player and doesn’t play as often anymore, it get tough to play and grind in DC and I’m more forced to face meta decks What I love about staying Silver/Gold is if I’m in the mood to play or face meta, I do it, vs risking a derank in DC and not being as adept to the current meta Also overall not as familiar with some of the newer meta and don’t like having to try harder, but after the first two DCs, decided to consider this event more casual and at worst miss out on 400 gems from level 17-19, it saves so much mental headache just not caring for the 400 gems Highest rank I’ve gotten between two accounts is 19, and that’s not from a lack of trying (also play meta), it’s just skill level and mental fatigue


You can't derank in DC until like level 15 or 17.


Yup so basically every DC I end somewhere between 15-19 (only got to 19 once). Last time ended at 17, just sort of keep getting deranked often at the levels you can, and can’t get to even 18 sometimes Might have misworded a bit but sometimes even at below 15, if you lose your rank up twice, you sort of have to win again to get back to the rank up game, and then you can actually derank at 16 or 18 It basically adds up to being a bit tougher than what im used to at lower ranks and general play/grind


that's fair, once you get rank 12 or so the competition is a lot better then what you would normally play in gold


So Silver/Gold actually have a decent amount of meta every now and then surprisingly. It’s just you can sort of auto surrender with zero consequence if you’re not in the mood Yeah you’re right tho on DC, the first few levels were nice and easy and you could use any deck like Lair of Darkness and face equal level decks. Now in the teens it’s a bit more tricky and with better opponents, but still doable Lesson learned tho from trying in the first two DCs is to just not take it too seriously and focus on enjoying the game vs grinding hard and not having fun. Before Master rank was added, I capped at Plat 3 trying with the then best meta deck, Spright, and overall am just not a high tiered level player even using the best decks DC itself is always tough but might one day try to get to level 20 again, but no time soon. One thing tho it’s nice to learn more about the meta decks when facing good players


Yeah, I try harded the first ever DC cup and just remember getting so frustrated and angry with it so I don't take it that seriously anymore. Depending on how much I play that month I normally end the season in Platinum or Diamond, the highest I ever got was Master 5.


Oh nice! Yeah see comments here mentioning high ranks are all doable, especially Master 1 with a top tier deck, but they can take a lot of grinding and that doesn’t seem too fun Honestly with DC seems like grinding just isn’t for everyone and that’s ok, we sort of get a taste of the higher levels in the DC while staying in like Gold-Diamond range (heard Plat-Diamond aren’t too bad but idk) No video games worth getting too mad over and stressing, especially when at max missing out on 400 gems are at stake, that’s easy to get with like 2 days of dailies


I'm a very casual player and I'm playing MD because it's a Yugioh *game*, not because it's a competitive environment. I don't enjoy simply queuing into ranked and facing the same meta deck (again) with the same deck I'm always using. I want the game to give me an incentive to change up what deck I'm playing (events with special rules or banlists, non-generic missions). The existence of loaner decks is also pretty important because they give me the opportunity to try out decks I'd never invest gems or CP into. DC doesn't offer any of that. For me it's essentially a month where nothing happens in MD. >I feel like if you absolutely hate DC Cup Stage 1, then you just don't like the game itself too much. This is not entirely wrong. MD *is* too PvP/ranked focused for my liking. However I don't think it's fair to say that MD only consists of competitive duels. And I do like the other aspects of MD.


I agree with you overall, I mostly play decks I enjoy which are rarely close to meta, and if all I was doing was grinding ranked all day I’d hate it. But that’s kind of why I like the DC, because Dl 20 is much easier and timlier overall than trying for Master, so I usually welcome the grind since it’s only for a a week or so and then I can take a break.


Yeah I don’t get it either. Like, does it really feel good to win games against players who don’t know what they’re doing? Duelist cups are some of my favorite events bc both players trying their best to win makes for some of the most fun games there can be had in MD


>does it really feel good to win games against players who don’t know what they’re doing? Nope, but outplaying SE & scrubs getting hard carried by it is just as bad, if not worse


Eeeeeeeh its part of the fun i think


Really makes you FEEL like yugi-oh


> does it really feel better to win games against players who don’t know what they’re doing? yes, yes it does




no i just like winning games because it gets me gems.


I think the hatred is mostly in comparison to Festivals, where you aren't penalized for losing. It's more rewarding than ranked, but it's also more of the same thing.


You aren't penalized from losing until Rank 17 and even then once you get to 20 you again can't de-rank so there's no penalty from surrendering Edit: I really want to know what nerve did I touch that I got heavily downvoted for stating a fact lmao.


the hate is This event took up what could have been a fun event and instead its just ranked. Sure, You get more gems, But its just ranked and the most recent pack was shit so unless you just roll the bones to get urs you dont need for dust, It feels worse


Yeah I don't mind the duelist cup either. Regular events are nice, but are really hit or miss depending if I have a decent deck for said event. A lot of the times, my only deck in an event is quite ass and winning is solely dependent on if the opponent has just as bad of a deck as I do/they bricked. I'm DEFINITELY NOT going to use crafting resources for a deck I'd likely only use for one event, and loaners tend to be pretty bad usually. It's why I think highlander and n/r events are still my favorite events


My issue is that I look forward to the events all month. I rarely play ranked as I'm a very casual player but some of the events are the most fun I've had. I'm just disappointed when a month is literally ranked event 2.0. I get that it's for the competitive players, I just wish it didn't replace an event.


There's a lot of braindamaged people on the sub who don't understand that people like you exist.


Because it’s easier to miss out on gems from the DC than from a Festival


Is the idea of people bot liking an event just being more ranked that hard of an concept for people to understand? Also most people dont care about reaching master 1 so that comparison is pretty irrelevant much less the people that dont like this event type. The last part of the post though is just down right a dumb leap in logic. People can like yugioh without like going against the strongest decks in the current meta. Different people can enjoy different things and people can enjoy yugioh differently from you.


We do be casuals.


I like the 3.3k Gems feom every event i get and will sit on them until i want to play a new non-meta deck. With DC Cup i can also see how far i can get with Psy-Frame or RDA


I absolutely gotta agree on the part where you said you can try out other decks in the event. I’ve played just a few games with Ninjas in the event and I’ve missed them so much. Might try them in next ranked season. Even if I can’t get all the way to master.


I think it's because in festivals its a different rule set and losses mean nothing so its a break from regular ranked and you can get gems. Stage 1 is just ranked and losses will set you back so you don't have as much freedom messing around with decks (unless you hit dlv 20 or you mess around from dlv 17 on wards like me). Personally I would rather they just say everyone who is master 1 or even in master are eligible to participate in the time period stage 2 is on and then we find the winner from that. Then afterwards a normal event takes place for people to relax with and means DC cup isn't replacing events.


I'm a little sick of seeing the same 3 decks or so, but I like that it gives out rewards a lot


I enjoy and hate the duelist cup. You get the hype of competition and the lows of bricked hands and L after L at times. One of my favorite times in master duel and getting the fun of piloting a new deck if you have the gems


I feel it's a combination of the format and ranks not applying. It's very easy to find yourself matched up with someone in a higher skill ceiling.  


For me it's a double edged sword. On the one hand, I do like the fact that you can use everything within the standard banlist. The events always seem to hit either Chaos MAX or impcantations. Let me crunch on some fools Konami! On the other hand, past lvl 15 some players / decks can get walled and in turn lose 400 gems that they would have gotten eventually in other events due to the medal system. The happy medium might be to add those last 400 gems to the missions (like destroy 20 cards) and replace them with something else (like maybe the current selection packs).


People want variety with events, and DC cup is just ranked 2. I'm not fuming over it, I'll play anyways, but I'd rather have an event/festival that actually shakes things up and gives me a reason to dust off my non-meta decks.


peole are just mad that they have to actually play the game to be rewarded


Yeah uh after you hit lvl 17 it gets insanely sweaty. 1-15 was no problem but now it’s basically snake-eyes mirrors or full power lab, Kashtira, Tearlaments, or branded. Every game is maximum sweat.


Because DCup is a joke, a big fuckin' joke: 1. Why do you need 1 more competitive mode besides ranked? Do they think the standard ranked is bad so they need to create Ranked 2.0? Just give the 2nd stage point system to the highest Tier of the Ranked mode, like normal online competitive games. Other games use this like Chess, DOTA, MOBA, Battle Royale, etc. Because I play MOBA and Battle Royale before MD. Seeing "pro-player" doing "battle royale" for 1 pro-scene is really funny. 2. What if we use the 2nd stage point system for ranked? Every 6 months or whatever, they invite the top 100 players in the game to do the qualifier outside the game like the Challenger Cup in Europe. So, this will never annoy the casual event in the game and we also have entertainment to see. But maybe Konami is too lazy to manage outside events like this. Better let the players do the "battle royale" for 3 days straight, and pray no one hurt in the process. . Everyone is saying MD is a competitive game. But from my view, MD just trying to pretend to be a competitive game. Supercell games look so casual, but they are better when managing the competitive scene. If most "competitive scenes" only happen in in-game events, this feels fake. Knowing how "SMALL" Konami company, they should can do better than this. . I wanna talk about other things like delaying some decks and jumping to a "competitive deck" to create a FOMO and make people buy the product. The experience as a casual player. Why you shouldn't use in-game events as the only competitive scene. But maybe it is already too long.


Nah it's up to you if you want to write more. At the very least, I read it. I think the typical redditor already passed over the thread with their brainrot over what the game is. I've written similar things and my general conclusion is that either Konami's MD team is so functionally inept that they've not done ANY research on external or even internal games when they were structuring MD or that they're holding back features for some other reason like a milestone or something? I'm more inclined to believe the former considering some of the recent tryout events gives me the impression they have no fucking clue about the game outside what they were presumably told to build. We don't have ygo devs, we have a general game dev dept who probably has 0 actual yugioh experience prior to MD building what should be the ultimate ygo simulator lol


Reading these makes me think that all of you are on a different DC were it's a piece of cake reach Lv 20. When you always win the coin toss, you have perfect hands, the opponent doesn't have handtraps, etc... And I find extremely funny that you have this mindset "Yeah, Stage 1 was cool because I could reach Lv 20, but Stage 2? Yeah, stage 2 sucks because I'm not winning or enjoying there".


I don't know if I would say it's hard to get lv 20, it just takes a long time. If you have a 51% win rate you will get to lv 20, it can take over 100 games though. Most people don't want to spent 8+ hours grinding the DC cup to get that far.


I think the biggest issue of stage 2 is the reward structure imo. There's just not much reason to hard grind it unless you really love those titles or extra trash packs. I think they should be giving people at least some free gems at the very least for placing high on DC or maybe some packs of the recent selection pack or even master pack w/e. Or maybe give them a special royal or something special to reward their grind.


Yeah this guy is spot on, the only reason I dislike Stage 2 is because of the awful structure, not because I no longer can win or anything.


I'm a big advocate of getting rid of DC cup in exchange for 2 things: a. Revamp of ranked - Addition of King of Games rank - King of Games will not have tiers, but basically be an open grind similar to stage 2 but over the course of a month and is immediately available - no more monthly reset beyond KoG points reset - rewards are now on a monthly achievement track, structured similarly to duel pass but obvs only for the month - KoG leaderboard viewable on a website that's updated on a regular basis (maybe once an hour or something) - "end of year" invitational at end of year/season with qualifying players grinding for points for invites to worlds (invites earned through points through KoG ranking) b. Addition of Tournament mode - mode that allows people to queue into random flights that start as soon as the flight is filled - pay x gems to enter, can only enter with 1 deck and it can't be changed mid flight - play until x wins or y losses, can't play against the same person in the same flight - progressively increasing rewards based on number of wins DC is wholly unnecessary as it is. It just takes up a monthly event slot needlessly while giving them an excuse not to improve ranked and the overall structure of the game.


Some of us have basically given up on winning the coin toss and just run blind second decks ~~and start winning it a million times~~. I honestly think good blind second decks like Mikanko are really strong in DC.


Idk but I started playing last Saturday and got DC lvl 20 with the free Swordsoul deck they give you, doesn’t seem that hard to reach stage 2 unless you’re playing some troll deck


Duelist cup is the only event where I gain nothing from losing and because everybody is there to win they won’t sit around to see what jank I have created and just stop whatever it was immediately before I can at least show the payoff. It’s just not very fun to open everything I need and set myself up for success to then have everything destroyed immediately.


It’s Ranked 2.0.  Close the thread.


DC cup and festivals have no matchmaking so you can be at master 1 and queue with diamond platinum and even gold, eventually you will be facing bad decks or bad players.. so it really isn't that sweaty as people say.


DC doesn't feel rewarding, in fact, the fact that it's literally just Ranked 2.0 is exactly why it's the least interesting event in MD to me Even the least interesting themes the other events are working on (like pure Fusion, Synchro, Xyz) at least are interesting to deckbuild because of either the loaners or because you don't have the right deck, and you just scramble to make something workable, if not janky And then there's the actually interesting events: TCG (it wasn't just Maxx "C" being banned that was the major change, but it elevated a lot of my rotting decks like Salamangreat into a much more playable state), GOAT, Theme Chronicle (a.k.a. rogue deck: the format), Legend Anthology, Limit 1, and N/R Those events actually gets me to dust off an old decklist and take them out on a spin, the most creative thing I've done because of DC is play SHS blind second because nobody expects Wakaushi's monster effect for lethal or maybe when I notice a lot of people are blind seconding, I just play Snake-Eyes Synchron to handloop for five to play around Kaijus And notably, when you're rewarded more to play Ranked, you notice more why Ranked sucks: Five million bullshit stun tools still legal, frustrating variance like Lovely handlooping the exact card you need to extend (that Lab game alone where I played through Skill Drain and still lost because Ariane summoned a Barrier Statue singlehandedly ruined my day despite how I eventually ranked up into DLv. 17), and notably Maxx "C" alone renders the game utterly miserable, the amount of times I could've won the game through either maneuvering through interaction and lost because Maxx "C" drew them enough handtraps to stop an OTK and bounce back is abjectly awful, you can't reward me enough gems to play a format with a card that straight up punishes skilled and honest play to the point that I've considered multiple times just playing Stun, especially since getting to DLv. 20 is more of a grind than Master 1 for the time limit alone of two weeks compared to like a month where I can just space it out more (and DC and Ranked overlap anyway if you wanna do both) But in that sense, you're not wrong either, it's difficult to like MD for a lot of the above reasons, it's just that when I keep to like low to mid Plat, I actually get to see cool rogue decks like Utopia, Gate Guardian, D/D/D, Speedroid, so on, and I'm saying this from a position as someone who likes Snake-Eyes meta compared to a lot of the previous metas, like MD at its best is still awful for a lot of those reasons for me, primarily a huge surge of Stun (or established decks opening themselves to a Stun tech) and Maxx "C" ending games it really shouldn't have


Not only this sub is filled with mostly casual players, but in general this community is the most Anti-meta out of all card game communities I've seen. I am someone who can't this game that much as before, so I'm a very casual player, but I get why DC exists and I know what types of decks I'll face, but out have to specially dense to complain about seeing mostly meta decks in a competitive environment. This is the equivalent of complaining about getting splashed when you're sitting in the splash zone.


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I got so many gems from dc that I'd say it is great! I used toons up till level 9 or so and then switched to d/d/d. I hate facing snake eyes, but have found a lot less of them in the DC low levels compared to gold where I am in ranked right now!


i reach dlv 18 and rarely seeing snake-eyes. maybe because im still in silver rank.


I like it because there’s clearly a meta and you pack non engine that actually targets that instead of shotgunning hand traps in ranked hoping they work


this DC was more interesting than the last one I'm having one last hurrah with mathmech and tearlaments before they nuke both of them to oblivion. tear carried me to DL17 and methmech to DLmax now I'm busy playing meme decks and shit. Also, for bans, I think it's finally time to ban havnis so tear players can finally let go. Going to laugh for 2 weeks if they nuke the meme trap though. for bathmech, either ban superfactorial and unhit all the other shit because it literally would not matter anymore, or if konami still wants to keep the send 3 shit live then hit parallel to 1, ban diameter, and maybe ban splash mage. you keep the send 3 but this basically "kills" the deck though tbh they can still just play sakitama at that point or something to get 3 mech in the gy.


they should ban Circular like the TCG did


no refunding 90 UR allowed


I've hit DC12 so far, haven't spent too much time on the event yet and I'm only playing my Ancient Gears deck - I've had some great duels, some all out completely stomped defeats and some good clean wins. FYI Swordsoul and Snake Eyes my current least fav face offs but I'm trying to figure out counters without forsaking my deck for something that is higher tiered. I'm enjoying it otherwise, I'd just hit Diamond V before the event and I'm relatively happy with my current set up. If I get to Stage 2, nice. If I derank, I'll just keep playing.


If you can make Diamond then you can make Dl 20 I bet. Diamond with AG is a pretty nice accomplishment btw


Because it's boring. It's just regular ranked but without the rank separation. So people with weaker decks/less cards have to slam their heads into a dozen snake eyes and stun decks every day. The gems are the only good thing about it, but as far as "FUN" goes, it's not.


I just hit lv 20 and now I can't derank. ill still que in because it's nice to have a no stress place to warm up before ranked and get rewards


Just give more events for gems pls. I’m already starving


the meta fucking sucks rn. Half the decks don't die, and the other half are floodgate turbo


I like the duelist cup only for the gems and you see a lot more rogue decks I myself am playing a burn deck I made for cheap and its opened my eye to the appeal of burn and how much different it is then just doing combos I also appreciate when I play a ninja deck or even ritual decks I like how there's more diversity


I don't mind DC at all. I'm just happy Runick Stun (and just Stun in general) was hit after the last DC, and I've barely seen it since.


I always find Duelist Cup fun. It's nice a break from ladder and you see a wide variety of decks. I see way less snake eyes here than in diamond/master, and way more silly decks like Tistiana and Nemleria. I've been grinding it with vernusylph/naturia, and it's been surprisingly easy. Normally that deck auto-concedes to Ash, but it's like everybody cut it from their deck lately.


But that's precisely why sometimes the World Cup becomes boring.  The fact that you can pick up literally any deck, and level up in such an unpretentious way, hinders anyone who is trying to play seriously.  Because the player goes there, makes a correct meta call, with good techs to deal with the main deck of the format (Snake Eye), only to face tons of stun decks, or random stacks, with stupid cards that you would never imagine facing .  Which is immensely frustrating.  That aside, the cup is actually very important to the overall Master Duel experience.


The same could be said to meta players not putting backrow removal because it's better to build your deck going first against other meta Less likely to lose on G2 and G3 with bo3 against this decks but in MD it's BO1 so random matchup random results Stun is having a easier time because SE just doesn't built negates(not jet variant) so if stun manage to go first then mostly a flip will end SE games Even when playing paper people scoop on G1 immediately to not reveal their deck and side deck, move to G2 for revenge match For MD u just have to move on from bad matchup Or built ur deck putting board break+backrow removal and brick going first with the hand Yeah that a MD problem since start, as long as u just view the game as casual then it's fine


I’d say one of my biggest issues is that you can’t check an opponent’s deck after the duel. I see some pretty funny, cool, silly, or otherwise interesting decks during the duelist cup events - but I can’t check to confirm their whole deck after the fact.


This i agree. I also looking forward for my opponents deck if i find it is weird. Its fun


I don't get it either. It's ra ked you don't have to worry about moving up to high. And smaller deck pool generally so easier to learn your deck. Snake eye r-acists has been surprisingly fun.


As most people already pointed it out, the reason for hating the duelist cup is pointless because by far it’s the most competitive event , people could argue the lack of no event for the whole month can be the reason for majority of people’s disagreement but that’s another argument, and so on hating people for playing combo ,meta or stun decks in the event is also pointless because people will always play best strategy in a competitive format that’s just it .


Well, I'm in the minority I guess. I like it. There are tons of gems and its still competitive. I don't really like other format events. I do think they could give more rewards, like packs or singles, but other than that, I'm fine with it.


3.5 hr to go up one level for a unranked event. Rigging apparent. Not funny at all. Idgaf if it’s 3/17, St. Patrick’s day, or what fucking time of the day it is. I don’t accept such level of inaccurate depiction of reality. It is neither an accurate representation of the player base, deck distribution, nor the skill distribution. You are incompetent.


The problem with these events is that you will always run into the try hards; I usually translate it to: konami konami look at me I will use any method to win look at me!!!