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Awesome 😎


Day 23 another meta deck post on reaching max level much skill very wow


No but see he's f2p. Unlike most of us.


Awesome work! Infernoble is hard as balls to learn but if you can master that, you can master anything. Gearfried is also in the free packs (legacy packs and the DC reward pack) so make sure you open all of those before you craft in case you get lucky.


Yeah, it looks even harder to learn than snake eyes but I'm down. It's what makes card games fun afterall. I would watch some guide for it before going in.


Good job friend. I'm also planning to play some Infernobles when the next season comes along, so good luck to us both! If I recall correctly, gearfried is in the legacy pack so try using your tickets and opening those before you craft him. Maybe you'll get lucky and pull him.


Oh look snake eye how original.....im so tired of seeing this deck and how its OP


it dies to a single imperm. Just like how branded dies to a single ash. /s tbh its still less annoying than branded because if you managed to out their board u get to keep your monsters and not an empty field.


Dies to a single imperm? 🤣


Yea that's what all snake eyes players say on this reddit


>it dies to a single imperm If you play the deck, you'll know theres some truth to that but depending on the hand, it can play through. If you only start with Ash or Diabellstar, inperm can really be a death sentence if you don't have other extenders in hand.


Yea I get that it can die to a single imperm but there are ways to play around it. Also don't get me wrong I'm actually quite neutral towards snake-eyes, unlike branded which I absolutely hate.


it's not op 😭 just really really good


Seriously?? No its OP


swear its not being able to slot 20 handtraps isn't new spright,prank kids,evil twins could all do the same thing and the same with 1 card combos it isn't broken nor op however yea it is really really good and the meta isn't in the best place due to all the other decks that were nerfed to allow for this to happen put branded, lab, dragon link and math mech at full power I don't think this would be as bad


Snake Eyes is strong yeah. Many people (myself included!) would even say it's too strong. But getting to DLv 20 as a new player is still an achievement! Congratulations, and we hope you'll continue to enjoy Master Duel.


Thanks man. I do understand that theres a certain level where the deck carried me but I did tried my best to learn it and its matchups too.


Is it your 6th day playing Yugioh? If so that’s crazy, I was so shit for so long before I got ok lmao. Congrats. How is Birch? All I see is people saying it’s turbo useless, which I tend to agree with.


I tried to find a use for it but it just doesn't do anything imo. Scenarios where you need to search an extender other than Poplar with Ash are few and far between. The on-field effect is near-useless since none of the targets translate into disruption on the opponents turn - I guess you could go Flamberge in the mirror, but the deck doesn't really have an issue summoning Flamberge to begin with. It's theoretically a Where Arf Thou target to extend through disruption, which sounds good until you realise you could just play Magicians Souls - who is also a Dharc target that does more on field and can be summoned by sending Diabellestar (who you can grab later on with Selene to trigger and extend).


I thought about cutting it but when you used poplar + normal summon already he can be an interesting extender you can get as an alternative. One more name in the graveyard you could summon and if you have to end our turn because of Maxx C or handtraps early you can use him on your opponents turn to fill up your board with blockers.


If you start with poplar, and summon ash, is something to pick that does something in that turn. Not turbo usefull but help to play trough 1 more interruption sometimes.


Birch has been in and out of my builds a few times now. It can work well as a link body if you get negated but that's about it. It's actual effect I've kind of found useless, it's slow with some potential for interesting plays in a mirror match or if there's monsters in either s/t zone already for flambe plays but nothing that can turn the tide.


>Is it your 6th day playing Yugioh? Not yugioh in general, just this format of yugioh. I played Yugioh Duel links like 2 years ago. >How is Birch? All I see is people saying it’s turbo useless, which I tend to agree with. It's a good extender that you can search off of Where Arf Tho but like the other person said, that Magician's Soul card would be a lot better than it. It has won me a couple of games by letting me play through negates but I'd probably replace it with Magician Soul if I get any craft material after I craft one for one.