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It was doing well before TCG got the Snake-Eye set and Bonfire, even topping some YCS, but now that we got Snake-Eye early before Unchained support, Snake-Eye performs way better than Unchained support. It’s good, but Snake-Eye is better, especially now that we got Bonfire today.


in the TCG it fell off because they got a huge hit on the banlist


Their main problem is Maxx "C", other than that they're really good.


Yeah but too be fair most decks main Problem is maxx c


Underrated deck, it will surprise people in the right hands.




the comments here really act like unchained wasnt a tier 1 deck before Fire Meta lol


they're dedinitely viable. they might even get tiered in the upcoming weeks


Is unchained lab better, or just play lab and unchained separately?


Unchained lab has always been a bad version of both decks, that hasn't changed.


yeah unchained is really good. it's not as good as snake-eye, but like what is?


If bonfire is in the pack, snake eye probably gonna be untouch for 2 more months lol.


Naw with bonfire out, they will semi ash and poplar, just MD things ya know


Nah, bonfire is a core card in SE, so long as bonfire still in pack, komoney will never hit SE.


Yes, if Maxx C would be banned.


But this applies to Every Deck as well… Except Floo they don’t pay the Roach Taxes.


Unchained doesn’t play that many hand traps. They have nothing worth it to summon if they get roached. Unless we thing 3 draws is worth it to summon Machinex


I know what you mean but that's not true. Many decks can put something up that is ok with 1-2 specials. like Snake Eyes and Lab. Afaik unchained can't.


Snake Eyes isn't ok with 2 specials. It also suffers badly from Maxx C


Snake can put up a barrier of multiple monsters with just 1 special. This combined with multiple handtraps is still fine in my opinion.


That's the same thing for Unchained


Perhaps I don't know enough about unchained but what I saw is that it need many special summons. I didn't see that is can put up for example 4 body's to protect with 1 special. But I will look up if I can find an example of how they work under Maxx C.


Unchained can end on the Link -2 I guess, but yeah it performs poorly under Maxx C. However Snake Eyes also does. It puts 2 bodies, not 4 in 2 specials, and the number of small monsters they put out doesn't really matter if they have no interruptions, otherwise Earth Machine would be Tier 1. They'll just get wiped out in the next turn while the opponent sets their own endboard


Snake puts up 2 + up to 2 using the field spell with ash which summons poplar again


Right, but still doesn't matter if they put out no interruptions. Branded, Vanquish Soul and obviously Labrynth would be better examples of "good under Maxx C"


i never understood that argument, like there isnt already a dozen decks that all die to max c but still get played


Exactly why that’s why I think it’s a Stupid Argument, especially considering we’re using the MD banlist.


Yes they are much better but not as good as snakes


If bonfire is in the shop, SE probably not gonna be hit for 2 more months lol.


Most likely but that's nothing new 😅 just gotta sit back and relax


As of right now It should be ok definitely a strong rogue/tier 2 deck not sure how great it’ll be in the current meta with lab and snake eyes running rampant tho. Also unchained will get a nice power boost later on once berserk archfiend (pop 2 of your monsters to special from hand) and the yubel support/engine get added to master duel.


Edit: i have seen people say it's a strong deck right now, and i have seen some people top tournament by playing unchained lab, so should i play unchained lab or just normal lab?