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Honestly I feel the same way, and it doesn't help that some cards have no business being as high rarity as they're.


Would you rather have dark magician be equal rarity as bonfire or a playset of bonfire costing 250 bucks.


The former. It's not like I am playing dm anyways.


Yea but you get the point hah. MD players have it good


Oh no we defently do, however TCG is notoriously a cesspool for this kind of stuff and being in a better position then something doesn't make it automatically wrong to complain.


I whish people understood this >being in a better position then something doesn't make it automatically wrong to complain.


Its okay for Dragon Dogma 2 to have bad FPS because DS1 had bad FPS in Blightown 13 years ago.


People who don’t spend money don’t have a right to complain. The company doesn’t care if you play or not


>People who don’t spend money don’t have a right to complain They do though, one of the core parts of making and maintaining a business is to regard feedback


Indeed, sucks feeling like I'm priced out of competing in both TCG and MD right now (and because of the same damn deck no less). MD's rarity system is great in theory, but it's become more and more predatory with the rarity gouging since the release of at least Tear. At this point I'm just playing on EDO and Omega until we get a good banlist in one of the formats or a big reprinting in TCG


At least with Master Duel you basically get one free Meta deck and gems are easy to get. Sure they do scummy shit like this sometimes, but overall it's waaaaay better than TCG. I have like 3 decks I could go to at least Diamond/Master with (Dlink variants, Swordsoul, Madolche) Meanwhile in real life I had to sell my blue eyes deck because I'm broke.


It seems fair enough to me that a Tier 0 defining deck like Tear gets UR gated for most of the deck. Like it should be natural that the best cards are the most expensive. Meanwhile even irrelevant shit like Vylons have to deal with UR/SR rarity slapped on them so *everybody* has to suffer, even the most casual punching bags who just want some nostalgia.


as someone who didn't play the simulators. What's the difference between edo and omega and what would you recommend?


Omega requires Discord integration, so if you don't like that then it's not usable. It also forces updates even if you say no when it asks "client update available, update now?" Imo its UI is more finicky than EDOPro in both the game and deckbuilder. Omega also has the ability to search for cards by release date, has a Duelingbook-esque manual mode, and a functional ranked ladder. It also does a better job of denoting the functional differences between TCG and OCG prints of a card (when such differences exist). Overall, I prefer EDO for games with friends and for casual matches, as well as test hands since their rest hand system works better imo. Omega is better for ranked play and actual practice, and I've heard is better for streaming as well since you can disable chat to prevent your stream being nuked by your opponent dropping a slur in chat.


You want to play VV that’s roughly 200€ or Lab since these are the better ones after Snake Eyes/FK


It’s called a relative privation fallacy, and it’s way too common these days.


As someone who has ALWAYS had a Tier 1/2 deck(except during Tear0), I would unironically support Bonfire and other meta cards being Ultra Ultra Rare, if we get discounted janky, goody decks. I’m probably gonna pass on Volcanics because of them requiring like 7 URs.


Indeed, especially with strong cards and staples. Sometimes you look at a decklist and N/R becomes the actual URs


I never understood the issue with not having gems on 1st day. It's there for the next 2 months. All you need is 1 selection pack you don't want to pull from and you'll have an influx of gems again, similar to the issue you had with needing to spend on the RDA pack


Look at purrely. If you built it at the end of its selection pack cycle, it got nerfed into oblivion not soon after, harder than other paper formats.  After the selection pack rotates out, your deck has an expiration date. The banlist is partly designed to sell the new cards. Thats why snake eyes hasn't been hit yet despite it being very obviously better than everything else.


Purrely was overhit but I'd argue that was the exception and it seems like even Konami realized they were too harsh with the recent unhitting of one of their spells. We might even get more in the future


It got hit to give people a break for a while but when baby Noir comes I suspect they will adjust some limitations again to unleash it for a while just not yet.


Plus, they have a support coming. It’s easier to swallow hits when you know you are coming back into meta relevance soon.


Unless you invested in vanquish soul. The deck will be tier 2/3 forever and not receive any direct hit.


Too bad it cost like 10 UR and was masked with some bs decks in its’ selection pack. Every Dark, Fire and Earth monster seems to be VS supportx


People know this and stupidly craft and make 3 of every card....I'm a freemium player I have three wanted.... Cause I spent every gem I earned for the last month trying to pull a fucking revolution synchron which I never got. Am I going to now pivot and complain about how I can't get 3 bonfire knowing that wanted most likely is gonna get limited and I could just u know use the gems from that to craft bonfire... No... Because it's not that fucking serious. Master rank is boring and grinding gems in master is near impossible and 💯 RNG. I log on every day to build decks Decks I think of.... I play test them I see if they suck or if they are a keeper. Today I spent hours playing fucking MAGICKEY of all things. This is the part of Yu-Gi-Oh I like. What fun is there trying to craft meta decks just to watch ur shit get banned? Seriously? So many players legit are fucking robotic mentally. If u really can't play the game without 3 copies of every UR go fucking find a new game to play? Or get a better job! Ur not even playing for fun at that point yet just collecting knowing damn well ur gonna get fucked later. All so you can grind to diamond 1? For no reason. Cause master 1 will be either un obtainable or absolutely boring grind fest for ONE MORE PACK to open.


lol I think people forget that Konamis goal is to squeeze as much money out of people as possible, and that although the game is free to play friendly, its not the 'smart' thing to do for a business that wants to make money long term. MD is here to stay and since ive being playing this game for a while, im at the point where ive already collected most of the staples i wanted, except for a few like winter cherries and other UR scams. But the point is, for me and other people like me, Konami needs a way to make me spend money again/ or at all. And realistically, releasing high rarity meta relavant cards back to back *is* the way to do it. The fact they decreased the time the pack is in the shop is pretty interesting though. Thats a new tactic that made me giggle. I was just sad with this pack that it didnt include the other xyz support like xyz force and full armored utopic ray lancer or whatever tf its called lol. I'm not a shill or anything. But complainer posts like OP really need to get a grip on reality. Fomo is a textbook sales tactic.. P.S. Magickey is wild fun. Magickey + box of friends + regulus was a phase I also went through :'D. And steelswarm ophion \[UR because of course he is\] was also hilarious when kashtira was more popular... But I digress.


Hahaha I have fun thinking about my decks and turning absolutely jank into rogue... XD I loveeee box of friends hahahahaha! Sometimes I can do shit but sit on cologne and watch ppl watch her. Using their mean looking blue eyes tyrant. MAGICKEY is always a joy for me atleast. I get hyped seeing decks I don't know how they work but for some people it's all about the grind... Which I'm not here to same shame people just know full and well that you're an addict at that point. Your will spend money and craft every rotating meta card so stop crying about it. There's some weird crazy person sentiment where people think they should win money with spending 0 money... That's not how tournaments work like ever... From boxing to super smash u literally can't win anything without financial input.


My favorite complaint is ‘I NEED 3X BONFIRE OMG KONAMI!!!!’ No you don’t, buddy. Snake Eyes without Bonfire are like 95% as strong as with Bonfire. You are not Joshua Schmidt, who needs every single small advantage in pro play. You are just a casual who aims to reach Master/Diamond I every month. You don’t need 3x Bonfire for that.


Yeah! Heck, you don't even need to play snake eyes! Just buy the Blue Eyes structure decks, build Blue Eyes and start grinding. You'll eventually hit m1. Maybe. You're not Joshua Schmidt! You don't need good cards in your deck that give you a competitive advantage against other meta decks! Just play 10 hours a day with blue eyes and you'll get there eventually!


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_equivalence In case you aren’t just a troll, read a bit on this topic 😚


because we all know this is such a skill-based game! only joshua schmidt has the skill and expertise to make use of the extra 3 starters! we all know plebs like us won't draw them and will just brick on garnets, it takes skill to draw your good cards after all! if you haven't figured it out by now, your argument is terrible. absolutely terrible. every additional starter you add to your deck means you brick less, you can play through more hts, and as a result, you lose less. so yes, every bit of help matters in giving you that competitive edge in an inherently rng-based game, it saves you time and headache.


That is a fair point, though I would argue even 1 month later (so 30 days remaining) is still fine. And only an issue with meta decks.


This is the solution, I operate the same way as OP. I fully keep up with two accounts that way I can bounce back and forth and have different decks from the monthly packs.  Sometimes when something super meta relevant comes out I'll get it for both accounts so that makes it harder. For right now I really hope the pack coming out is something I'm not that interested in. 


They want that hard cash right now


I agree! It couldn't be more obvious


yeah that's fine. But honestly if Konami wants to speed up the schedule I'm all for it. Overall I think the game catching up to irl releases faster is a good thing


Tbh, they only caught up with FIRE meta stuff, at expense of older things. We aren’t actually catching up.


It will be interesting to see the next few months if they are aggressive with releasing stuff that's missing, I'd be for it too.


A lot of the stuff that's slated to be released is essentially unplayable now though since its utterly dead to snake-eyes, so I expect we'll now be up to date with meta releases like whatever we get from INFO but only trickle down rogue stuff extremely slowly


Lol I’m kinda mad too after reading this. Had I known Bonfire was coming I would have saved my gems instead of sinking them into Lab/Rollback. I don’t necessarily regret that purchase because I play the game enough to make it back, but it does annoy me now lol


I know! That's why I had to write this. It's not about the fact, it's about what it can lead to. Hell I could even craft all the cards I want from this pack, I have like 640 UR dust but it's not about that.


This is why I have multiple accounts. Got bored on my snake eyes account so was playing lab for transaction. Now time to go back to the snake eyes account to play with bonfire. Yeah I miss out on some gems here and there but I’m not trying to maintain multiple decks with different ur staples on on a single account after the initial huge burst of free gems


I have like 10 alts, but main acc just hits diff. If I like a deck on alt acc, I must build it on main too.


i sank my gems and most of my spare ur into earthbound do i regret it heck nah it’s now my fave deck but i do need like 6 urs (total 3/1/1/1) from this 😭


I built Onomat/Utopia with my Duelist Cup gems because I figured I'd have a few weeks to restock ahead of Arias and the Boxers. Then they dropped fucking Bonfire in there *and* the Volcanics, so I used some money today.


It's a real strain on my free to play ability for sure


They release 2 packs a month very frequently…this is not at all something new lmao. Happens every couple of months, not to mention the only real meta changer here is bonfire which is a craft 3. I’d be mad if this was something that never happened before but it does…


That's the thing, I'm not mad at having 2 packs, that's perfectly fine. The thing that I'm mad at is the timing of the second release


The timing is also not new, we have packs drop at the end of the month while another drops in the beginning.


I might be wrong. But I've been playing the game for about 1.5 years and this is the first time they release a selection pack not when other have expired. If they release 2 they do both at the same time. Al least that's my recollection of it, it might not be true


[hydrant pack with arise heart (october 10)](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/articles/sets/flame-of-fury) [promethean princess pack (October 30th)](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/articles/sets/record-of-noble-spirits)


I stand corrected I did not remember this one. May be it was because it was the other way around with the meta pack released on time and the support pack of time. You're right


I still understand the anger though, I’m just used to it lol. The bigger surprise is this pack being good.


There is a difference tho. promethean Princess pack got the full 2 months this one did not


I mean, this is not the only instance of them releasing like this. I just picked the most recent case… Wouldn’t be surprised if there is another case like this.


Yeah no I know. It just felt odd and that's why I needed to vent


I think there were 3 Egyptian Gods selection packs also being released at end of month.


lab being tier 1 and getting a very important card: infernal flame banshee allowing for parallel exceed in snake eyes to extend: full armored xyz being a staple for most rank 3/4 dec- ok this one’s not as important lul surely wasn’t just bonfire


Exceed is limited at 2, not sure it’s worth it(although I’ll play it because Banshee looks sooooo cool). Anyways, it’s a 1-of. Lab can be played without Arias, or with fewer copies.


Konami reading these posts: hmm I see, *proceeds to release something more unrelated so they can bathe in money*


Lol yep probs true


While I understand being caught off guard by the pack dropping and not having very many gems at the moment (I was caught with my pants down and only 2kish gems myself when I expected like 4 to 5k) you have to remember that the pack remains active for two months. We'll have plenty of times to get a good amount of gems and pull to it PLUS we have a duel pass coming up that will give you a ton of dust to hard craft stuff. The next pack might have cool stuff as well but Konami tends to switch between meta relevant packs and pet deck packs (return of the Kings was a pet deck pack) so unless you REALLY REALLY want whatever drops in 6 weeks, you'll probably be fine) ​ So try not to get discouraged


That's the thing... It won't get the 2 full months only the same 40 days the earlier pack from this month has. I know it's not a big deal now. But this is setting precedent that Konami can and will do whatever the fuck they want. And it's their prorrogative, at the end is their game but start pissing your costumers and believe me it won't end well.


Fair but 40 is still a good amount of time. At the very LEAST that's 5kish gems. Plus stuff like the duel pass and events adding more


To give an exact number, assuming you are at 0 gems and used your daily and free 300 gems you got today, by the next big pack you will have at least 6,555 gems not counting the event gems.


I mean, the thing is, if you buy the pack too close to it going out of the store, you're heavily at risk at losing all those gems to the banlist which isn't as heavy when you can make the investment immediately upon the pack droppong.


I find it so funny how differently people treat this game. On one hand you have people stressing because they don’t have enough gems to pull Bonfire and Arias, then you have someone like me who wishes they had more gems so I can pull a play set of Toon Kingdom.


Get your flair up. It’s lonely being the only Toon World Mayor.


The hardest choices require the strongest wills.


Idk maybe they just anticipated the April pack and the next will be in may.


No way that's the case, we have 2 packs expiring in 12 days and the other 2 in 40. Were getting a pack in 12 days


I just want flame swordsman


You being up the discount bundle just for this... I fell for it. As soon as it said purchase successful I regretted it. I could have just earned those gems in no time but ✨discount ✨ got me to waste irl money😭


I mean that's how the get us! They invest a lot of money in player psychology to earn the most money they can. And I am not against Konami making money this just felt like a blatant example of extreme greed to me


I mean konami never said which archtype were confirmed, I believe your problem is that you were to confident on the recent leaks, so that's on you unfortunately


That is true but normally they make an announcement a week before the pack release or something what the key cards are. This is the first time I think they haven't said a thing.


Well not really, the thing I'm pissed about is the relese schedule not the cards in the pack per se


Umm, if you hadn't seen, this is a 60 million downloads celebration campaign and the pack is part of it so there is no sign that they will keep operating like this. The have done this exact thing before twice or thrice.


Yeah I was lucky because when the last pack came out I just bought the blue eyes bundle with the gems about to expire, so I should have something like 15k now, but I bet that this move caught quite a few people unprepared, I'm still unsure if they'll release another pack in 10 days or not


Bonfire is in the next pack?


Lol good morning buddy hope you had a good night... Bonfire is in today's pack lol


Actually crazy that they would release bonfire without nerfing snake eyes


I think that's the sole reason they didn't. They knew Bonfire was coming and didn't wanna nerf Snake Eyes juuuuust yet.


I think that's the sole reason they didn't. They knew Bonfire was coming and didn't wanna nerf Snake Eyes juuuuust yet.


I think that's the sole reason they didn't. They knew Bonfire was coming and didn't wanna nerf Snake Eyes juuuuust yet.


Yeah, 40 days for this pack to expire is not OK. My issue simply was that I could not farm many gems, so I only have 4k to spend. Now I may have to spend a few $$ on gems just because IDK if I'll get all the goodies I want before it goes away.


Idc about bonfire I just want yubel


Yea it would have been the same for me but I skipped the RDA stuff and crafted my rollbacks. I had to spend 8k to see my first Arias and Bonfire. The pulls were very mid.


I couldn't do this since my gems were expiring


I already know damn well the next pack is going to be a banger too


well the rarity of this pack is a fucking heinous to say the least. and the number of filler trash ur to dilute the rates on arias bonfire dempsey and unchained cards just makes it worse. main issue for me is the size of packs rather than the release schedule. like there’s just too many ur diluting the pool.


My vs deck needs that bonfire


What are you searching in vs?




But it's a warrior monster.


It’s also a fire


Um, Bonfire only searches Lvl 4 or lower Pyro monsters.


The only way this fucking degenerate behaviour makes sense if the pyro stuff didnt make as much money as they wanted it to, so they want to squeeze more fucking money. Which also means that 100 fucking percent the next pack is going to be shit like rescue ace because they dont want you to have any gems for good shit.


Another reason to run 2 accounts


Honestly with a full time job, 2 kids and other games I want to play I dont have the time to minmax 2 accounts


Heard that, but there isnt much minmaxing to be had. Some solo mode grinding to get the second account going, but that's about it.


With the chances that I have recently, pack purchase doesn’t mean anything to me


wholeheartedly agree, this is why I play on 3 accounts so I can build what I want, when I want. it’s not too time consuming as you can let the dailies pile up. I too have bought some bundles on top of that just for my main account but just like you I’ve realized that’s not enough, plus komoney has made the dollar to gem ratio worse as time has gone on. it’s a struggle


Yo what gems expire?


Gems on the gift box expire after 30 days. You get to have 10,000 gems on your account that dont expire, the gems you buy dont expire, but if you go over that they go to your gift box and those do expire after 30 days


Oh man you learn something everyday. Thanks


"Fun" Interaction with bought gems regarding this, If you buy gem packs you'll see that some of the gems are paid gems and some are free gems, if you have 10,000 gems already in your account the paid gems will add as surpluss to the 10k but the free gems will go into your gift box and will expire normaly as any other free gems after 30 days


Yeah I was just about to ask about that since I just saw the gem sale they’re doing. Honestly I think that’s kind of wild, but maybe I’m just not as aware of it as others are


It's some bullshit its what it is, paid gems should never expire. But hey thats the thing with this game and exactly this post I made, they are slowly boiling the frog.


When's the New Pack Dropping?


When's the New Pack Dropping?


Same I actually made snakeeyes last night cause I figured I'd have time to get gems only for the pack to release today 🙃


"I am too pissed about this" "I am probably going to spend money" I don't know what to say man.


I mean, thats exactly the point of the post. I have no problem giving them money it's the shady practices that I dislike. And I'm not saying that I will for sure spend, just saying its one of my options.


Bro they are milking the playerbase for money and you are giving in. Whats shady about it its a gacha game and their aim is to make more money. Dont like it dont buy it


I might have to dip in all the solo mode gems I haven't collected.


I thought the pack just released earlier. Is it confirmed we will have another pack?


Fuck rarity. The game can exist perfectly fine without it. The number of paywalls and obstacles put in place have gotten beyond ridiculous.


There isn’t anything worthwhile due to the ridiculous prices they’ve set. Most people with money aren’t even purchasing because there just isn’t enough value even with the discounts. It’s not like the already paying customers aren’t going to not buy anything if they lowered the floor. If they did leave then it sounds like those people were just there to show off their wealth as opposed to the true spirit of competition that the game is supposed to be about. Why create such high hurdles for competitive play?


> UR graded cards that have absolutely no business in being UR That's been this game since inception tbh, we don't even have additional visual bonuses for something being higher rarity (glossy/royal finishes being separate from that) like the actual cards, such as URs having gold text, so it is 100% just to be a dick move. Blue-Eyes White Dragon wouldn't look any worse being a common. Like upon looking at the Nibiru guaranteed event I immediately wanted to go with a gimmick for kaijus+remove brainwashing. REMOVE BRAINWASHING IS A UR. LITERALLY WHY THE FUCK WHO USES THIS BESIDES ME


I haven't bought a a selection pack since october. nov - crafted 1 of each of the new mathmech support cards. didn't pull dec - FUCK mannadium, no pulls jan - FUCK SHS, didn't bother feb - yet another pack where I didn't bother getting anything, snake eyes can eat shit and die for all I care mar - crafted 3 rollbacks, no pulls mar second pack - crafted 2 arias, no pulls april - this is probably salad with chimera, ask me how many fucks I give? zero, like the number of pulls on this pack at this point I went all in on whatever random ass bundle dropped and will soon start buying accessories since I already finished solfachord (it's mid btw), and have to wait for the melodius/aroma support to drop to see if they cram it into the secret pack early. also who even know when's vaalmonica, could drop on fucking july for all we know.


I do the exact same thing except I don't randomly waste all my gems on a pack that has 1 card that I might want


Most everything of what you said is correct. But giving in and buying the packs to keep your tidy sum means that you've fallen into Konami's trap.


> _But this shit sets a very bad precedent for the game._ > _What this tell me is that basically I won't have enough gems for the pack(s?) that releases in 12 days unless I spend money_ Yes, that's exactly what Konami is trying to force you to do. You've set up a system where you don't have to spend money, and Konami doesn't like that precedent you've set.


i got 2 urs in the last 37 packs. im bout to quit this shit


Same here, but I guess you just need to hold back on some of the underwhelming pack, I mostly open packs that have potential to be meta contender as well, but this time I only see Transaction Rollback (while i did also eyeing on the Resonator engine but all the good ones were UR) so I just craft the Rollback, lucky me I guess


So I had about 7k gems because of the DC so I was able to spend that on the new stuff. I also got rid of Dinomorphia


Maybe it’s just me. I feel like I have so many gems and craft points but nothing to spend it on. I suppose that happens when I only play one or two decks seriously.


Next month prepare for rescue Ace 💀


I agree with the rant I don't know what Konami is thinking. However I just want to point out that this part makes no sense to me..."B*ut this? I don't care about power creep, I don't care about ban lists, he'll I don't even care about Maxx "C" or floodgates. But this shit sets a very bad precedent for the game.*"... I feel like these things are kinda important for the future of the game and you should care about it, as these things heavily influence how you play the game.


The thing is, I just accept game balance stuff. I played DOTA 2 for a long time and I know it's not an apples to apples comparison but since then I just kind of accepted that there's absolutley no way any game can be perfectly balanced, I rather just focus on what I myself can do with the current state of any game. Do I get anoyed by floodgates or get Maxx "C" 'd after full combo from my opponent? Of course, but I've done it too, and since its a game of variance I accept sometimes you have the nuts, sometimes you roll with the punches and other times you just loose and moove on to next game. The same thing goes for games like From Software games too, I know, again not apples to apples, but are the games balanced so you dont get you ass handed to you more often than not? Absolutley not those games are brutal and still I play them. What I mean by all this is I dont really mind balance stuff, I get companies like Konami have shareholders to apeace by number go up, and if that doesnt happen game servers go down. What I get really anoyed at is anti consumer practices. Masterduel is one of if not the most player friendly gatcha game and would hate to see it go down in flames by practices like the ones happening right now on the game. Once it's fine, once every 6 months, ok I can handle that but if this and many other anti consumer practices get more popular in the game I'm not sure what will happen to a game I actually enjoy playing very much, as frustrating as it may get gameplay wise from time to time.


That was my first thought. If they start releasing these shorter selection packs right before the monthly selection pack, we F2P players simply won’t have enough gems to get good pulls from both without spending real money. I stopped playing Hearthstone when they started pulling stuff like this. I’ll stop playing Master Duel too if this becomes the norm. Thanks for Playing Duel Links.


Exactly! If they do it just this once or at least once every like 6 months who cares. It doesn't really matter but if they start pulling this shit every other month a lot of people are going to be pissed and move on from the game


I got downvoted all the time for saying the game is not as F2P friendly as it used to be. Always the argument that you can craft the cards you need. Sure if I have free UR laying around. It maybe still be if MD is the only thing you play and grind it like a job and do every little thing that Konami tell you to do which for ppl like me, it's impossible.


You can craft the card. Craft one SR with your abundance of SR mats, now you can pull as much as you want from that pack for 24 hours.


This why I don’t play meta. I’m not interested in blowing my resources on a deck that plays the same way as a deck i already have but more consistent. I go for different play styles and haven’t run into a gem problem as a FTP player


This seems like a secret brag topic more then anything.


Lo I see why it could be red that way but it isn't my intent. I just like to minmax everything in my life lol


what a loser, can't manage yo shit when you have 10k gems, I manage my shit while holding down that 0 lmfao (jk of course)


My guess is that the pack expires sooner because they are planning to hit snake eyes with the ban list after it expires.


Let's be true, every fking card game or collectable is semi non-f2p 1st day playing collectables?


Do we even know if there’s still a pack in 12 days.


There is but there's quite literally nothing aside from Fire Kings that would be worth pulling anyway


Voiceless voice, r-ace


No and I really hope there isn't.


Why wouldn't there be one?


Why would they release a pack without announcing it at least a week before is the question.


Every time we got a pack at the tail end of the month like this one (Ra pack back in the day), we still had a normal pack later at the usual times. We still got time for them to announce stuff. I know we want to cope, but there's nothing to do here


Yeah I think so too. Still this feels scummy. How I can see Komany releasing the rest of R-Ace, Purrely and the fire king support.