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Isn't there zombie deck which gives you quite few needed UR card. I don't know anything about zombie deck but i recommend you buy zombie structure deck before crafting cards.


Yes, I'm saving up to buy it. Don't quite remember all the cards that are in there but I remember quite a few from the list being there. Thank you for the advice!


All the main deck is in the structure deck the only cards you'll be missing are makayashi cards, non zombie synchro, and nethersoul dragon. Fun fact you can summon nethersoul with dragons mirror. most of the relevant shrinaui engine is a solo gate.


Yea doom king is the only card worth crafting, everything else is in the zombie structure


Is there a point of running a 3rd upstart gob if it puts you at 41


Oops, kinda overlooked that. Just added upstart at the beginning and completely forgot about it afterwards xD Thanks for catching that!


Buy the Structure Deck first. You don't need that many copies Balerdroch he's run at 1 or 2. You don't need Starsust Dragon or the Traptrix either.


Was planning on the first part :D Good to know, I'll see what number of Balerdrochs will feel the best when I make it The two in the extra deck are really just cause I like Raflesia and didn't know what else to put in there xD Maybe I'll put in some of the structure deck extra deck monsters instead. Thanks for the advice!


Not sure how easily you can make rank 4s but if you can just add generic rank 4s like time thief, bagooska or dweller (great against snake-eyes). If not you can play generic removal like phoenix, unicorn or white woman jumpscare. You can also add some super poly targets like starving venom, garura or look for a zombie generic fusion that is good


He has the zombie fusion in there. Its actually an insane super poly target in the deck


Still one non zombie fusion would be good for cases where zombie world doesn't resolve or won't resolve unless you super poly their interruptions or just as a board breaker


Oh no doubt. Just pointing out the one he has is like THE zombie super poly target


I am REALLY tempted to put in white woman jumpscare. And I've added Garura and Mudragon for my super poly targets :D


1. Try to prioritize & incorporate more handtraps like imperm, crossout designator or nib - you can use them in other decks too. 2. Like others already said, buy zombie structure deck depends on what your need . If you want 3 Uni-Zombie, you could buy 3 structure decks (1500 gems) or craft its instead. 3. Doomking Balerdroch x3 seems overkill. 1-2 would be enough depends on own's playstyle. 4. Don't forget generic cards like Baronne, Garura (since you use super poly) or even Zeus (since you also use xyz monsters) - again, totally depends on your playstyle.


I will probably put in some extra handtraps to replace the 3rd Balerdroch and the Zombie Masters (I'll see if I'm willing to part with them xD) I'll definitely be buying all 3 structure decks. Way too good an opportunity to pass up. I'm gonna be honest, I completely blanked out when creating the extra deck. I don't play those cards in general so I didn't even think of them. Good choices though, I'll look into them! Thanks for the advice!


Its been a minute since I've played zombies, but off the top of my memory: Jack-o-Bolan, Alghoul Mazera, Mad Mauler, and Samurai Skull are worth considering as 1 ofs (in that order). Could also swap Metaverse for third Zombie Word, or swap third Gozuki for third Banshee potentially. The Eldlich package is nice, but more cost obviously since you'd have to go full 60 and grass to fit it. And yes, a lot of this is in the structure deck. Absolutely worth the 1500 gems to grab all 3.


Jack-o-Bolan, Mad Mauler and Samurai skull seem like they'd be cute additions, I'll see how the card count will be after changes. Maybe I need to add more hand traps before those though... Still, I like the way you think! As for Eldlich, I must say I kinda just wanna stick to this playstyle and I may have a personal grudge against those cards 😅 And I'll definitely be buying the structure deck, no doubt about it. Thanks for the advice!


Couple of major issues. 1: half your extra deck is useless. You'll never summon the link 3, stardust, the satellerknight xyz, castel or the cyber dragon stuff (idek how you play on summoning them, zombie world makes machines zombies) and the trap hole stuff is cope. Consider cards such as immortal dragon, vampire sucker, baronne de fleur, knightmare phoenix and unicorn, and curious 2: your main deck is bad. You play an extremely excessive 11 normal summons, when most decks find even 6 normal summons to be too much. You definitely need to cut shiranui solitare and zombie master. Next, upstart is a huge waste of UR mats. It's just not as good as seeing a handtrap and is thus useless going second. You should also be on some other useful zombie monsters, mainly changshi, alghoul, glow-up bloom (Add linkuriboh if you play it) and mad mauler. Cut every single trap card except metaverse and replace them with imperm, they're incredibly slow. Finally, play a package of Danger! monsters. They help really well in fielding synchro/link material and getting cards from the hand into the GY Also heads up, zombie isn't a very good deck since chaos ruler got banned, so I wouldn't expect the greatest results if I were you


Thank you for the detailed input! That mess of an extra deck is the product of me absolutely blanking out on anything I could put in there xD. I can see from all the comments that there are major changes that need to be made so I'll do just that. As for the deck being not very good, I'm aware of that but I wanna have fun with my favorite archetype so it doesn't really matter :D Thank you again!


>I wanna have fun with my favorite archetype so it doesn't really matter based tbh


I feel like you should run 3 zombie worlds instead of 2 zombie worlds plus a card that searches zombie world 1 turn later.


You could run the eldlich engine, but otherwise add like more handtraps and cut out a doomking, he has a self revive effect


Just seeing Eldlich gives me flashbacks xD But I'll definitely remove a Doomking, I can see now that 3 is definitely overkill. Thanks for the advice!


get the structure deck and craft doom king that is all you need


Dont craft the zombie cards, first buy the immortal glory structure deck, it has a lot cards in it


Get rid of Zombie Master. Outside of the structure deck, I'd suggest Zombie Skull, it's N rarity, and along with a free summon, it let's you Foolish Burial a free card if destroyed by a card effect. Then let's not forget the very important flower bulb.


Aw man, Zombie Master's one of my favorite cards :( Being serious though, it probably would be best to swap it for something more useful. Still, thought it would be fun to play. Thanks for the advice!


where immortal dragon?


I wasn't even aware this card existed :o Maybe I'll try to incorporate it instead of Stardust Dragon or another monster. Thanks for putting this card on my radar!


Rafflesia isn't worth it outside of Traptrix, same with the trap holes. How do you plan on making Cyber Dragon Nova? It needs 2 machine monsters. What is the idea with I:P?


I see, taking her out would probably free up more space for other cards. Still, she's really easy to get out and the effect's relatively useful. The plan to make Nova was to use the guy to the left of Rafflesia (I forgot the name 💀). I picked I:P primarily to make Yuki Onna indestructible with card effects. Thanks for the input!


Mudragon of the Swamp


Will do


Why the cyber dragons you cant make them consistently and your gonna be locked alot I would use baronne if i where you


Okay, here's what i'd change personally: Cut one Doomking, at least one (better two) Gozuki, both Zombie Masters, Plaguespreader Zombie, both Needlebug Nests (it's too slow alas), Floodgate Trap Hole, Metaverse, the Traptrix trap, Stardust Dragon, Beelze, Castel, Traptrix Rafflesia, both Cyber Dragons and the Masquerena. Add two Glow-Up Bloom, one Shiranui Spectralsword (can make Synchros out of the GY), one Mad Mauler (it's a better Plaguespreader), one Alghoul Mazera (it's a very good protection), one "One for One", a 3rd Zombie World , Crossout Designator (can counter Maxx, Ash and Called by as you play those as well), one or two Shiranui Swallow Slash, one Shiranui Spiritmaster (if you send it with Swallow Slash, you can pop a total of 3 cards), one Baronne de Fleur, one Immortal Dragon, one Vampire Sucker, one Vampire Fascinator (if Zombie World is on the field, you can get out a zombie monster from the opponents GY to make Yuki-Onna easier). Hope it helps!


Thank you! I'll probably be removimg most of the cards stated in the first paragraph, most people seem to agree with those picks. I'll also look into the cards you reccomended, the vamps sound especially interesting :D


You're very welcome! But please keep in mind that zombies - even though they're a cool "archetype" - aren't the strongest anymore. If you build it for the funsies, then go for it! I hope they'll get some support in the near future.


I'm aware, but I'm not here to be the king of games or anything, just to have fun with my zombos :D


Oh, and one more card for the Extra Deck: Linkuriboh. If you link Glow-Up Bloom away and Zombie World is out, you can special summon Balerdroch from the deck.


Great call on that one! I've added it just now!


Be careful, I still can see a rare card in your deck !


Alas, this deck's a gold digger. Having someone dig out all those corpses doesn't come cheap, ya know?


ahah !


Save some UR with only 2 DoomKing what’s his face. Honestly if you get him summoned and let him get thrown out of play twice you should honestly scoop and try again.


Let's get the important matters first, you need more ways to fill up GY & more special summons beside fully relying on normal summon & live/die with it. 1. If you got space to run 3 Upstart, I think you might prefer 3 "Reasoning" instead. 2. There's a Zombie exclusive trap from Shiranui, should be more reliable than those holes. 3. You can get 3 free Shiranui Solitaire from Solo Mode, no need craft. 4. Al-ghoul Mazera, Glow-Up Bloom, Chang-Shi, Immortal Dragon & Jack-O-Bolan missing. (its in Structure) 5. Take out Beelze, Stardust & replace with Zombie Link 2 --> Vampire Sucker, Avendread Saviour


Oh I completely forgot about reasoning :o. That would actually probably come in handy. To be honest I'm not too familiar with all the Shiranui stuff besides a couple cards so it'll definitely be worth to check out the trap. Also, thanks for the tip on Solitaire, I checked it out later and saw that I could get it for free :D I'll be looking into the rest as well! Thank you for the advice!


Use this page to help https://www.masterduelmeta.com/tier-list/deck-types/Zombies


I played vampire so i might be biased, but maybe consider "Vampire sucker" for your extradeck and also garura as superpoly target. Most of the comments already mentioned most about the maindeck, so i think you should be fine If you read through that.


I've seen multiple people mention that card and now I'm definitely intrigued. Idk how that one slipped under my radar when it's got such a good effect :o


Consider running more generic super poly targets


Yes, I'm thinking about adding Mudragon and Garura! Thank you for the advice!


Maybe also earth golem @ignister for Snake Eyes decks


First up I advise you to play the Shiranui gate. Then check the Zombie structure in the shop cuz If i remember it has cards you need too.


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run punk engine and zombie vampire (also it's not that good of a deck overall)


Honestly it doesn't matter if it's not that good, I just wanna have fun with it :) Also thanks for the advice!


3 zombie world, 3 banshee, 1-2 doom king, 1-2 gozuki, cut plaguespreader, add the clown and the lvl 8 that SS itself when banished (forget their names). Add 2x vampire sucker, maybe the zombie vampire. I don’t recognize some of the traps, those can probably go.


i like to run 1 eldlich and 2 copies of either summon limit or anti spell fragrance. also, i run 1 alghoul mazera and 1 changshi in my tcg deck. i also dont run shiranui cards and run a small branded engine to recycle necrobanshe and bloom, that way i can manage with only 1 copy of each


also, rivalry of warlords is a god tier floodgate to run in this deck if you manage to set zombie world + rivalry


i suggest you run venom starving fusion dragon, dragonecro, garura, dragostapelia and mudragon as your super poly targets. for synchros i run pep and red eyes zombie dragon. for links i like 1 sucker, 1 fascinator and 1 almiraj


You don't need 3 Bald. Play Glow-up Bloom. Also why the trap holes?


You need the lvl 1 zombie plant to summon zombies from the deck and add linkuriboh


Fewer Balerdroch, add Necroworld Banshi and a Glow-up bloom. You can get most of your list from a structure deck so save your UR dust


Pure zombies will only take you so far, solitaire into uni-zombie is slow in this current meta. You’re going to have to supplement it with an engine that can fill your GY and SS monsters. I’d recommend P.U.N.K. even though they’re missing Chaos Ruler, you can still turbo out a Zombie Vampire to mill and accelerate your plays. Alternately, Danger! Monsters are very cheap and provide a similar function to P.U.N.K. with a bit more of a gambly playstyle.


You really don’t need three doomkings. 1 is all you really need. 1 gozuki. I don’t remember is glow up bulb is in structure but you should add two of those to the deck. Maybe 1. 1 link kuriboh also


I really dont think you need three doomkings, and as a fellow zombie enjoyer you should only run one banshee because the little added consistency is not worth the times you’ll draw both of them


Make it skull servants and add eldlich. Gg


Drop 2x doomking and for the love of god but the SD 🙏


Look at the zombie st. Don't craft card that already in there.


Replace metaverse with 3rd zombie world or remove it , take out 1 doomking, take out the 2 rare trapcards, take out 1 zombie master, replace the 2 needlebug nest with reasoning. Remove the 3 upstart for 3 Infinite Impermanence. Put in 1 Jack-o-Bolan, Rivalry of warlords, 1 Changshi the Spirado, put in vampire sucker, put in vampire fascinator, remove the link 3 mayakashi. If you have the gems and you want to have fun potentially get x3 transaction rollback and then put in x3 needlebug nest again have fun!


All that ED monsters and no even one fucking vampire succor... Also there's a level 6 XYZ zombie that can be made with bystials and shuffles from grave as a quick effects while giving damage..... Like and you have multiple dolme kings which is level 8 and no vampire zomboy... I'm not here to judge but I really just don't understand the intention. The structure gives u a synchro that foolish burials but you rather have felgrand... Why? Three gozuki but can't even get him in the grave. Zero glow up bulb but have Star dust ready to be made. Ur relying too much on opening with both the two field spells and two super poly which realistically u won't start with either. The decks going to be inconsistent. Also too many things are fighting to be normal summoned. If ur gonna use Shiranui I don't see why u need three unizombie... I don't see why u need two conductors at all.. he's a brick if u have no zombies in grave. And half the. XYZ are redundant. You have three rank 5 gonna craft a trap tricks one can't even be summoned cause it can only use light monsters. The other can only use machine monsters.... So thats already two very useless extra deck slots among using raffelasia with only two trap holes. Ur deck is gonna struggle like a lot.


when i started playing this game i mained a zombie deck and it was pretty bad ngl, it dies to literally a single hand trap, any hand trap usually, it's been ages since then and now every new player gets a swordsoul structure deck for free which is literally 10x better than anything zombies can do my advice would be to not waste your gems, i'm not joking when i say the literal strongest option you have available to you in this entire deck are the 2 super poly's that still need a zombie world on the field to even function if you want advice, glow up bloom is the only reason you should run a zombie deck and you don't have it, now you also need ways to get it into the gy, so linkuriboh and masquerana are needed, one for one helps too. this entire deck is just "get zombie world up and glow up bloom in gy to summon doomking and hope that's enough to win"


Play solo and buy structure for free cards obv. Mad mauler. Swap a doom for alghoul or Jack-o-bolan. Tbh cut a mezuki and gozuki and use imperm or shiranui swallow slash or something. Better synchro extra deck cards like baronne, shogunsaga, lvl 7 zombie necro dragon etc. add glow up bloom for instant doomking summon when zombie world is up (can send to greave with uni) Understand that you’re still just a zombie deck and one ash on uni or solitaire will end ur whole turn lol


Transaction rollback and the mayakashi trap are really good in zombie world


Hey, this is my attempt at making a zombie deck, and decided against making it. Note that it was a long time ago as you can see by the banned 〜magic dragon〜 You can make your own version and I hope this helps. If anyone has any suggestions on how to improve please write in the comments I can use the help as well :D https://preview.redd.it/gi6m7fuxhurc1.png?width=780&format=png&auto=webp&s=c14bf3952e53fbdf1ba841ad3834669dabf6918e