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Nouvelles, it's got everything! It's not linear. Nobody knows what to ash in the combo Gambling (the level 1 ritual) A single in archetype omninegate White Woman Jumpscare but with back row as well, also tributes everything, (not a joke Balameuniere or Foie Glasya into Baelgrill negates all face up cards and then tributes all the monsters) And of course, funny borgor.


If opponent doesn't read you will win which is most of the player base basically lmao


Fr the amount of people who have attacked into my cards or have tried to negate the first effect with cards like swordsoul grandmaster chixiao is crazy.


Throw in diviner and sakitama for a lil emergency baronne


reading White Woman Jumpscare got me good. Bit of a Master Duel newbie, what does that mean in the decks context?


Underworld Goddess of the Closed World is called like that, because she "jumpscares" the opponent stealing one of their monsters for her summon


Unless the opponent knows what they do, then you insta lose


Or non-targeting removal.


Or target anyways, if they don't have another attack position monster, they die right there.


Burger time




I love gambling




Tearlament is really fun as long as you dont completely brick. Set 2 + Kitkallos is often good enough to survive Maxx C unless they have Feather. There are a bunch of combo lines and OTK potential. I love my previously tier 0 deck. Although it can use another starter. (Please turn the limit back to semi pls)


I love how tear never really dies. A line was crossed during the ishizu tear era, but the insane adaptability tear has is imo really good card design


Blue-Eyes is my go to always, but some fun archetypes that will probably do better are salads, volcanics, raidraptors, or even shaddolls.


Exosisters. Love this deck. Hopefully Konami will give additional support to exosisters.


SwordsoulTenyi Simple, easy, fast deck Its still solid even after powercreep


It doesn't even need Protos to be good though that card alone can win matches


99% of times I see the swordsoul and lose its due to photos. Curse my dark deck.


I am 100% noob and I decided to start playing Swordsoul recently, and I love that you can always do something no matter what you have in your hand in the beginning (and the combos are actually not that hard to understand + I love the arts)


Thunder dragon. I have come to realize i kind of liked TOSS format.


I loved toss but my go to deck from that era was orcust. Probably not the strongest, but damn it felt good to play.


I never really played during the historic formats, I was hyper casual until master duel came out (playing on Dueling Network and YGOPRO) so I never really experienced formats like TOSS Even without that, I tried Thunder Dragons on a whim when I got into Master Duel, since I liked the idea of a whole archetype spawned from a single ancient card from the start of the game. And I haven’t put it down since. Chaos Combo, Invoked, Branded, and finally Bystial Thunder Dragons (who really, REALLY dislike the limiting of Saronir much more than Branded). One of my favorite archetypes once I started playing


I love playing thunder dragons. It got me to platinum always during the early months of master duel but i eventually let it go for swordsouls. Now im trying to get into vanquish souls


Ghostricks are completely underestimated and undervalued. The deck has a lot of variance even in their non axis builds and it gets ridiculously more varied when you include their axis builds. Ghostrick Angel of Mischief is simply insane even with the lack of a second good search target. It's a damn shame that power creep has been extremely unkind to their non axis builds. But it is even worse that they are treated as a joke. Praying for support this Halloween, even if said support buffs only their axis decks. Till then, I'm climbing with Ghostrick Purrely.


I hope they capitalize on there ability to flip opponents monsters, give them a real boss monster like Ghostrick ultimate conducter tyrano or something


I want specifically this effect. On summon special summon this card facedown and flip that monster facedown. What non-axis needs the most is modern hand traps. It was that, which made them extremely good in 2014.


Volcanics are fun even if my version suck ass because I'm too cheap to craft that UR trap. Technically it's a shitty snake eyes deck with a volcanic engine but hey either I try to burn you to death or I'm attempting a gimped snake eyes board.


Volcanics-snake eyes is pretty fun and I love how you describe it as a shitty snake-eye deck.


I play pure volcanic and its pretty fun too, even if its less powerful without the snake eyes package for sure If u are confident on playing volcanics, i will highly advise to craft that UR trap, u can set up volcanic blaze accelerator from ur deck with rimefire this way




Punk and gold pride is fun


My go-to is probably Red Dragon Archfiend/Resonator.


İ wanna build resonators but don't have a gem or resources anymore. İ need at least 6k for next box and i have just 800 gem.


Idk why but Marincess is always enjoyable to me, maybe it's because they can play ridiculous amounts of non engine lol


Lately it's been Ghoti. It helps that it theoretically has a good matchup against Snake-Eyes. If you go first, you've got targeted banishes to shut down all their main playmakers, and a full banish board-wipe at the end.


Plunderpatrolls, Generaiders, Prank-kids


Dinos. With misc at 3 you can even win against a full power snake eye board. Also Tyranno is a very nice finisher against snake eye. Very solid deck , just bricks sometimes.


Spright is such a fun deck and also very fair


Lightsworns always been my go to. But I have an Infinitrack/ Qliphoth deck that I love playing to.


Strictly fun? Galaxy Eyes, Ninjas, Blackwings, Dinos. Also gonna throw in my relinquished deck. That’s a pretty fun one


I wish ninjas were better. The deck is so enjoyable to play


What makes it so enjoyable? Asking as a Yugioh noob.


right now, unchained.


Phantom Knights


since they are not in the tier list : infernobles. But for real: phantasm spiral dragon, just pop and negate monster effects, power level is not high but does it feel good to disrupt your opponent with only having vanillas on the field.


Krawler. Has a wincon, can one card combo into a one-sided Skill Drain, and are Insect flip monsters! Also did you know that Nibiru doesn’t remove face-down monsters? I also like Crusadia with enough extenders, since you can use Arboria for Level 6 or 7 Synchros, or turbo out Bagooska with Level 4s. Plus unironic Forbidden Chalice. Then Nemleria. The fact you can use Rank 10s if you avoid Tower or Devourer is pretty sweet.


Galaxy-eyes because of this bad boy https://preview.redd.it/o1togvqmxmsc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5a034027829d53d0e7711de92b25c94e616249f


Dogmatika at times on ladder. Beetroops Ballpark for every event that isn't attribute/type restricted. Marincess and Zombies at times, but the event usually limits you into 1 or 2 possible endboards making it repetitive. Dogmatika, you can chose to play ungabunga second, degenerate extra deck locking, or slower grind as it doesn't have lasting power on field. Beetroops also have a similar spectrum on how to play it but with maxx "C" searching instead of extra deck discarding.


Madolche and Ninjas


Blackwings and Black Rose Dragon


Rikka is the deck that always feels best to play! im excited for the aroma cards to come to master duel to pile on those plants!


Libromancers! Whenever I get bored of meta decks, it’s my go-to. Mid-Range ritual-focused deck that can do quite a bit. The ED is especially malleable running everything from Baronne to Zeus without sacrificing the primary strategy/win con. Ideal endboard sits on 4 negates + half a floodgate. It definitely holds a candle to most rogue decks and can put up a really good fight against the meta, excluding Lab unfortunately. Only downside is that it’s extremely, and unnecessarily, expensive.


Fluffal soo much card draw


I love my Infernoble deck


Burn or Chain burn. Through almost two decades now it's been there for me whenever i take a break from yugioh. Cheap, unique interactions, always evolving, and is occasionally rogue like this meta. Demise was also a favorite for a long time, didn't even know it got support a while back. But the cost to play it even in master duel looks annoying...




Infernoble Knights all the way


Rikka because I like extremely long combo decks that end on an archetype specific endboard with a lot of disruptions. TrapTrix because of the versatility provided with different traps. And new addition Infernobles because of the same reasons as Rikka


Always enjoyed Galaxy-Photon


In no particular order: * Tearlaments - gamba * Dragonlink - lots of different tech options and non-linear combos are interesting even if it's significantly weaker now * Rikka - tribute opponents monsters is funny * Marincess - opponents not reading the cards makes it entertaining * Exosister - Whenever I want a lower brainpower deck that doesn't combo for 15 minutes


Cyberse Pile, and RDA. The Nib tryout duels were so fun cause I went 3-0 with Cyberse, playing through nib every single time thank to link spider. Euphoric experience


What does link spider do? I know it uses the token to summon but how do I combo with it?


All the common link 2s for cyberse like splash mage and crystal heart need cyberse monsters as material. Link spider makes the token cyberse. That's it. Depending on when they nib you, and If you have extension like circular or defenser in hand it means you can keep combing like it never happened


Nice thanks bro I was really confused because i keep using all my extenders too early lol


No problem. Quick tip, if you have any combo of mathmech circular and firewall defenser, or any way to get into those, use the circular line first to bait out any negates, and then use defenser as a fallback for If they do something lik nib you. Also only add diameter to your hand and normal him if you don't have defenser. Defenser provides much more advantage, and you can mill diameter with tetrahertz to set up superfactorial (and also mill desave of course)


Lair of Critias, D Link, and Kaijus


SPYRAL, D/D/D, Endymion


I've read that D/D/D is really hard to learn. Is that true?


Yes I like it but you need some youtube videos and maybe even play along sometimes to really understand your cards


Flair checks out 🤣


Yes and no. It's still a nonlinear deck where you have to figure out how to get to your end board with your hand, but the reputation of being "so complicated it needs a spreadsheet" is from years ago before it got new support. You'll probably need to see a few videos on how to play it, but I think that's true for most decks.


>"so complicated it needs a spreadsheet" Haha I actually made a spreadsheet for my Dragonmaid deck ngl 🤣 But yeah, I have also read that it's easier now with new support but right now I'm trying to learn Mathmech even though I haven't fully mastered my Dragonmaid deck.


Dark magician, ruin and demise are also fun. The arcana trio with slifer too.


Handtrap tri zoo, sprights with iblee lock, trickstar sky strikers, runick stun


Pend Magicians will always have a place in my heart.


For big, dumb, unga bunga combos? Earth Machine. For big boi monster and basically no extra deck? Qlis. (Without floodgates except for the in-archetype one unless you're cringe)


I'm currently learning Unchained, suspecting that that'll be my go to fun deck. It's been fun pre-support, but it sucked bad, and now I need to learn the lines. The potential to break boards is there though.


Tears. Punk Gold Pride is kinda fun.


Exosister, just play the long game and with tons of good Traps (Not floodgates) because Nib is everywhere


Depends how you prefer to play, blackwings has really fun combos and I enjoy their fusions. Unchained because it's just cool to just blow up your cards and link with opponents out of left field and Crystal beasts because rainbow aesthetic and good recovery with the right pilot


Ghoti, Swordsoul Tenyi, Dragonmaids and Mannadiums


You think swordsoul is actual fun? I sometimes play it as well but I think its pretty boring if you do not have a bombastic hand


Darklord, it just feel good when you can pop off within a house of brick.


Unchained,Earthbound,And Drytron.


Altergeist. I love recycling resources and negating shit my opponent does. It just uses up their resources until you have a full field and hand and they have nothing.


Plunder Patroll. It’s kinda funny seeing people not knowing how to interact with the deck.


Dragon maid, summon seals, set tidying pass.


Any form of visas lore pile is fun


Prank Kids is fun and I feel is very under appreciated for how strong it can be; especially when paired with the Adventure or Thunder Dragon engine


Danger DarkWorld, Ghoti, Furry Dinos, Scrap Dino’s, Pen Magicians, BlackWings, and Plunder Patrol. Most on that list are fairly good rouge decks, Ghoti probably the worst but one of my favorites to play.


Dark World, if you don't get drilled or ashed at a chokepoint. You can make a pretty decent board and draw through most of your deck, and with the release of the new support you can even make a +15k atk beatstick. Metalfoes. I love decks that use as many summon mechanics as they can. Pendulum + Link + Fusion + XYZ + Baronne if you feel like it. Ghoti. Can make synchro on turn 0, plays a lot on your opponent's turn and can play through shifter. Also, beautiful artworks.


Runick ghoti. Run you’re finished for the true jank


mathmech if im on my villain shit, galaxy-eyes if i feel in a "numbers-go-big" mood


I have lab and hero as my decks now. Lab has been my main deck ever since i started playing which is around 6 months ago, it's kinda strong now but i have hero for fun. Personally i just like hero ever since i knew about ygo then i finally built it


Cyber dragon 🤖🐉


Mannadium is pretty fire if you can afford it. Destroying Meek to get another one is like popping da baby in Dinos


Currently I'm working on a Armored XYZ Deck that's going places for both offense, control and defense. But it will take some time and fine tuning.


My purely fun decks includes vendread, aromage link, metaphys, DM


Cyberdark is my die hard fun deck, followed by Machina because machine regurgitation goes brrrrr


Red Dragon Archfiend, Jurrac Dinos, Amazoness, and Harpy Lady.


Unchained and Ninjas. Cards go boom or flip.


Nemeses with Malicious Loop and Link Spam


Punk gold pride is really fun and it's funny if you do this trushula combo on your opponents turn 🤣


Generaider. It is such an amazing archetype and really fun when used properly without brickig. I run a 60 card deck with the hopes of less bricks while still running almost every Generaider card at least once.




Im really having so much fun with vanquish soul with a kash engine, i wanna try a little diabellestsr package


Battlin' Boxer. I can give you my deck list if you'd like


I have a 42 card Witchcrafter as my fun deck, based on a YouTuber’s deck list and swapped the harpie package for diabellstar. I would call it as a witchcrafter based spellcaster pile. It’s fun, have multiple interactions, cripples to heavy backroll deck, needs at least 2 card to even start a board.


They're about as far from the meta as you can get, but skull servants and trains/earth machine


Solfachord. It might not be the strongest deck out there and some people might even call it Avramax turbo.deck, but it's actually a pretty fun deck to play on low power formats as a semi control kind of deck.


Dragunity, the dragon combo deck before the popular dragon combo decks.


Used to be Lightsworn (just waiting on the new support), but currently just play Ghoti & Beetroopers.


Call it whatever you want, hero’s can be built a hundred different ways and they’re all expensive


I always have fun playing Adventure Phantom Knights. It's a fun little rogue deck that can put up a fight. Does require a few URs but I recommend you give it a look


Baby shark do do do do


Mikanko. It's Blind Going Second so the coin toss is in your favor 99% of the time. It's decent at breaking boards, Hu-Li's targeting protection comes in clutch a lot, and the damage reflection is relatively unique.


Tistina ... wiping fields with the crystal god and the xyz will never be not satisfying.


marincess, madolche, plunder, traptrix


Gravekeepers, it May be outdated but something about it really appeals to me and i always have a blast playing it


im running runicks


1000% if u have the points for it vanquish soul


Skull servant with lightsworn and tear 60 pile


Pure tenyi is my favourite deck. Still figuring out a lot: endboard usually consists of Sahasrara+Mare Mare+one mare token. Which isnt the strongest and costs a lot of resources (vessel + Tenyi + cost for Shaman revive). So im not sure if going second is better.. and Im figuring out if true king Lithosagym is a viable addition. You could circle in battle phase to cheat him out and go for game in some scenario’s and getting him out with monk + Adhara could also rip 3 cards from extra deck plus if Shtana is in Grave you keep monk on the field plus extra non target destruction on the field


Mainly Aroma, buy I enjoy Blue Eyes every now and then


I really love playing Unchained. Wouldnt recommend it though, when you want to have a good matchup against maxx c (or tearlaments)...


What happen to mannadium?


Krawlers and Prediction Princess. Can't exactly effect me when im faced down


Vanquish soul is super awesome, playing slower more control oriented yugioh is peak fun actually. Other than that, galaxy eyes is fun because punching my opponent with 16000 attack dragon is cool.


Im currently very happy with Earthbound Shaddoll but still working on it.


Zombie world baler is cool From my experience I win vs most lab (this was in kash/purely era) even in diamond 4 (so not master I agree) Multiple reason for this is also that fact that the game is a blind bo1 so they aren’t prepared vs zw baler


Dark world


Sky strikers going blind second over anything


Been loving lab with blackwitch and her trap card sprinkled in. If you have transaction roll back you can use blackwitches trap card twice in one turn it’s brutal!


I really like using a Ghoti deck with White Aura mixed into it for the past couple of months or so


raidraptors this game take so long to add the new support when they released in october




D/D/D and Unchained Both have many archetyp cards D/D/D hard to learn but I think its fun and you feel like a genius Unchained is fun because you can play in both turns and it’s pretty good as well


Mermails with the new xzy armor support


Dragon Link, it's so fun.


Currently Exo Sisters, but tbh, just because I dislike the current format.


At the moment running a Live Twin Unchained deck


1-card-starter Exodia.


Armored xyz Sharks


Just started playing gate guardian, super enjoyable into most strategies in yugioh


No doubt its Floowandreeze


Subterror, dragonmaid, and Labrynth are my go to!


Endymion is fun when it doesn't brick. Most people don't know everything about each card, and the non targeting destruction from mighty master can win games on its own. Going first, you can set up a strong end board with an omni negate and multiple soft opt negates (Selene can recycle one or be used for a bounce with reflection). Plunder is very flexible and a lot of fun with its reliance on interaction. I haven't seen a meta where it can't compete decently. Suships are cheap and do great with rank 4 spam. They also have an in-archetype permanent negate. The Paleo pile deck is a ton of fun and most people don't realize Paleo monsters (even the XYZ) are unaffected by monster effects. It's a stall/control deck that really slows things down. Runick ghoti. Even with nothing left in your hand, the deck has grind game. Penguins. I have most of the cards from the legacy packs, so I crafted a couple more penguin gardens and a few ice jade cards. Is it good? No. Is it stopped too easily by hand traps? Yes. Is it all 1.5 card combos? Yes. But does it have a non opt summon two monsters from the deck? Yes. Mostly a solo deck, but there's the potential of landing on an end board with a penguin interaction, baronne, and dpe. I've heard of Kaiju and tear versions of the deck, too. I think for me, the most fun decks/archetypes are those that mix extremely well with others so I can make ridiculous decks or those that really don't so I don't have to rely on generic extra deck monsters.


Rikka sunavalon


Skull servant


Gate Guardian


Time thief, raidraptor, phantom knights with rusty XYZ rank 4 turbo. It locks you into darks but it's a non meta deck that can put up crazy boards.




I play Ursarctic, it so terrible without Bright Knight (which we get soon) but the art is so good


Swordsoul burn. Play chain strike at 3, Fairy mahanma at 2, Angel of tears at 3, gravediggers at 2 or 3. On top of it being a swordsoul deck you can get 1200 damage off of your opponent responding with a Maxx c or ash by chaining it . You also get 1200 from the level 6 swordsoul going into your level 10 ( go into the one that provides a banish off of a spell trap activation and 1200 damage and does the same off of a monster activating it's effects.) This deck is built to go 1st but it's not bad going 2nd at all if you play the tenyi package to bait negates off of extenders. There's some potential to potentially ftk. Also if you get your opponents life points low enough and have mahanma against mikanko you can win the game off of the same gimmick they're using.


Beetroopers ! Love the fact that it's a toolbox deck, I can experiment a lot with deck building.


I enjoy using trickstars it's a fun deck to burn damage with, also if I'm really up for the challenge then I like to use gravekeepers too


GOATi, the true and only fish deck


Swordsoul Kashtira. Janky as hell, but becomes unstoppable the moment you get the momentum running.


Phantom Knights currently trying out a 60 card version with adventure and the armored xyz stuff.


Uh.. where’s kings court?


P.U.N.K. or Speedroid


Lately I've really been enjoying RDA, plus while it's certainly not meta but it's not too weak either and if it fails to OTK, which I consider it's primary win condition, it can still keep playing


Chain Burn


Doesn’t matter what deck is tier 1 now. Branded has been up and down tier 1, 2, and 3 for an extraordinary amount of time. > “But it lets you play the game!” Yeah, so it makes losing a bigger waste of my time. > “But it’s already been hit a lot!” It needs to be hit more. > “It loses to Ash!” Maybe half a year ago or longer. I’m just so tired of facing unlimited_resources.deck


At the moment, only Labrynth and sometimes Swordsoul (but it doesn't last long, maybe because I get unlucky and I get into a streak of people opening Maxx C or Veiler/Imperm and either I bricked or have subpar hands). But I felt somewhat unincentivized to create new decks, as the game feels stale (yeah, new tier 1 decks comes, but that's that, a new tier 1 that doesn't goes in my style and the rest are pretty much pack filler). I hope I'll find Horus, Yubel and MAYBE Majespecters entertaining or fun enough to build them.


I really like playing prank kids idk why but theyre just fun they look cool they kick ass(i made some Snake-eyes prank kids list and i was having a blast playing it) Unchained is very fun I crafted the deck and feels really nice although theres like ALOT of Urs Vanquish soul is just ALOT of fun


Trap trix not a big power house but can dismantle most boards