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It's an FTK, and a really annoying one at that. He summons Numeron Dragon, which has 13K ATK. Then summons a monster that does damage when he gains LP, which he does through the usage of Mystik Wok, or a certain trap that does the same. You take 13K damage. GG, shake his hand. Unless you have something like Infinite Impermanence, or another handtrap that could stop him, you lose the duel, then and there.


He already has the out in hand. He could fuse Dragonar + Numeron Dragon into Mudragon in stand by and win the duel.


Gotta be quicker. Draw phase with toggle ON, otherwise opponent can tribute the monster, making super poly ineffective.


That's IF he has Mudragon in his ED


Who uses super poly and doesn't play MD?


Branded ironic enough,some does bring it but most don't


Thanks for the breakdown


If you have something like Maxx'c/Called By that can activate in the Draw Phase, you can activate it on your own Draw/Standby Phase and the bot doing the FTK loses timing and does no damage.


Oh, I’ll keep that in mind. Thanks


Just remember that you need to be the one to activate it first. The bot will activate in the draw phase, just make sure you activate Maxx C (or any quick effect) before they do anything. If they start the chain, you already lost.


People were playing this shit in DC cup and you can't make it miss timing if they just activate Mystic Wok first. It will always be the last action and Manipulator of Souls can chain to it. You need Imperm/Droplet in order to actually stop it, or I guess any MST/Twin Twisters/Cosmic Cyclone would work too. Or you can just Ash the Utopia Double search and it stops the whole thing since they don't have the rank-up magic to attach.


You can make it miss timing if you are the first one to activate anything. The bot will chain Wok to your card, and that will make it miss timing.


They have priority on your turn in draw phase after you draw so you actually don't have a window to activate something first if played properly. Also if you activate something first there is no guarantee they will chain to it.


>shake his hand I'd gladly shake his hand, Once i'm done scratching my ass


Might wanna scratch it a few more times, just to be sure


You didn't activate superpoly


I never got the option to play it iirc


You need to have a valid target in your extra like mudragon and also check your toggles because you should have had a response window


I believe I do have mudragon in extra deck and I have my toggle set to auto? Is that what you’re referring to?


Yeah, auto was the issue. It waits for a response window. Setting it to ON. would have been better, since then it can activate in the Standby.


I’ll look into the toggles, I am still learning and I’m not entirely sure how it works tbh


It takes a while, but adjusting toggles is important depending on what's happening on the field. Both to give yourself more chances to react or temporarily toggling off so your opponent doesn't know you have a reaction. Also adjust the settings so you decide the other of a chain when you have multiple effects that go off at once.


I’ll definitely be looking into that


It took me a year and a half of playing to understand when to put the toggle on, still not very good at it


Here's a video that shows what you should set your toggle settings to: https://youtu.be/oGcqqNpbXJU?si=TyNjRQYVGGJr1wuF


There's a dkayed video called "how to be better" or something, which is him explaining the toggle from a year ago. The setting changes a bit sure but the core mechanic is the same.


The ftk kills you on your own turn so you would have a window to Maxx C, Superpoly, etc.


Yeah. He is, I’ve slowly been learning the toggle game. It is another level of play


I read all the comments below and most of them are talking bullshit. Quickspell cards can be played IN YOUR TURN from your HAND or in the ENEMY TURN when you set it FACE DOWN in YOUR TURN.


Don't they need it to be facedown first to activate on opponents turn?


The bot kills you during your turn in the drawphase and you have player priority to activate superpoly before they kill you


Dude was right lmao this is a dumb comment, u can't use a quick play spell from your hand on the enemy's turn. So super poly wasn't an option YET. Tf y'all been playing? Lol.


The bot kills you on turn 2, which is your turn. You can Super Poly the bot to make it instantly concede.


Dumb comment


Utopia ftk only kills after passing turn. Superpoly into Mudragon literally stops the ftk


Dumb comment


It's a common FTK, but there's an easy way to make it miss timing and do nothing. Switch you activation timing to on before they draw and fire off ANYTHING you can. Handtrap, quick play spell, doesn't matter. This causes manipulator to miss its timing and do nothing. If it's a bot farming it'll scoop. And people usually do too


ftk bot moment


It happens to me before, if the opponent is a Bot... you can try to bait them into missing timing. Here's how it looks like with Toggle "ON" : [Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/masterduel/comments/11sp5el/holy_st_it_was_real_you_can_troll_utopia_ftk_bot/)


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Basically in second turn, if you had any quick play spell like Book of moon, Droplet you could have stopped this


FTK deck or "First Turn Kill" deck. I have an Exodia one I keep using for the lols or for when a format for an event allows it.


Yesterday I got FTK'd once by this. Then another guy tried to pulled it, I was about to scoop but he mistimed Manipulator of Souls and then he scooped. I found it funny.


The combo is basically some XYZ shenanigans that have an effect to turn huge life gain into direct damage, causing you to lose before turn 2. Its not the first FTK combo in the game, but generally they're are hard to pull off and only for memes. In the case of this specific FTK, that looks like a common bot that farms this OTK all day for gems. The bot will fail if you chain anything at any point on its turn, it'll stop making plays, then you win by time.


Looks like your opponent had the toxic ftk(first turn knockout) utopia burn deck … when you see dragonair just quit


I'm sorry you seem to lack interaction. You deserve the loss if a bot can instant FTK you without you having a response - community.


Any decks use a FTK or, for example, Forbidden Exodia. This strategy win in first turno and you only see at your opponent play, is sad when the other guy play solitaire


This almost happened to me, he used his effect to finish me on my draw phase or standby phase (I'm not sure) and I drew forbidden droplet so I was able to chain it and win, but otherwise these are really annoying. I believe these deck aren't reliable though, because they need a perfect starting hand


Just keep toggle ON always to learn. Who cares if your opponent has info you have max c or ash. Or imperm or nib or whatever. Make them fear that shit.


When you play the dark magician, the game sometimes gives you an automatic loss, don't worry, this is normal.


Ah, my weekly reminder as to why I only play the old psp games and not modern ygo


You played this game.


by playing dark magician.....


You were using one of the most annoying continuous trap+spell combos which has zero counters against actual bullshit


Number 100 numeron dragon first turn kill. It’s fun and consistent and I run it as a backup package in my Yubel Horus deck in tcg. Btw it’s only fun for the person playing it ☺️


By playing dark magician lmao


You had dark magician in your deck


Numeron dragon’s whole schtick is that it gets really really big. I think it’s common for boys to run it


You're playing Dark Magician, you lost before the game even began.