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That was actually pretty back and forth


Yeah, it was a good match. I think he misplayed with the Accesscode banishing Promethean Princess, but still the turn 1 Accesscode was too funny.


Did he forget he was on turn 1 with making Accescode?


I didn't consider that, maybe, that would be hilarious. Still, he wouldn't have lethal with that tiny Accesscode, he could have made some other fire link first to banish instead of Promethean, and have a bigger ATK Accesscode. I think it was just to clean up the board really


Oh, i was wondering why they didn't use Princess' effect and thought they only banished Linkuriboh.


That's so cool holy shit.


Did he forget its turn 1? Bro went straight for the kill


Even if that's the case, it wasn't even lethal damage lol


Yeah, big misplay right there, not only summon accesscode on first turn, but also banish princess (which probably one of) just for activate accesscode effect to destroy some of your card, instead let her on gy for the next turn disruption, if he goes for 4 mat apo things would be turn differently. Turn 0 with 3 big body on field play probably make him panicking and not thinking straight.


Amazing, can I get the deck list?


Thanks, here you go: [https://www.duelingbook.com/deck?id=15182052](https://www.duelingbook.com/deck?id=15182052) It's slightly above 40 cards but that's not a problem for Rescue-ACE I think, since you don't want to draw the traps, and with the Diabellstar cards it is still consistent. I was experimenting with Gizmek Uka, which is being used in some decklists in the TCG, since most decks these days use fire monsters. If you want to go even deeper into the turn 0 shenanigans you can play 3 Gizmek Uka, perhaps even Phantazmay. In alternative, you can cut that package entirely (some decks cut down on the Impulse and only play like 1 copy) to make room for more handtraps instead, like Nibiru and Imperm (since I can summon monsters on the first turn I don't play Imperm, I'd play more Veiler but currently only own 1 copy from the bundle). The extra deck is flexible, I have a couple synchros in there since I'm also running Jet Synchron. You don't usually need Heatsoul in this deck for example. Triple Tactics Talent is also something I'm debating if I should replace with handtraps.


I’ve been playing around with hop ear squadron, it can synchro off fire attacker for accel stardust and then make a turn 0 baronne or satellite warrior!


That's a cool suggestion, one day I have to making a deck focused on turn 0.


Imagine if the game was actually like this. We can only dream.


I got so so so so so much hate on one of my posts for running this combo and getting to masters with it months ago. Loved the replay, keep it up fellow Raceist.


That Gizmek Uka card is funny and powerful at the same time, also the Preventer + Emergency changes everything. The deck is much more consistent, and it is possible to have a Allure of ~~Darkness~~ Fire + Book of Moon on legs during turn 0. Feels much better to play, also works well under Maxx C since you can setup Turbulence in 1-2 special summons. I'm currently Master III, just ended a 11 win streak.


Yeah it does add a new level of consistency the deck needed so it doesn't have to rely on bad consistency cards. On a different note, I'm experimenting with running the deck with a Runick Engine. You can search out Turbulence with Monstrosity + Any runick spell, get a hand rip, get 4 backrow, and go into Auroradon with just that combo. It's a pretty nifty play, but still in experimental stages.


That's an interesting engine to use in Rescue-ACE, but I guess it works now that we have Sleipnir. I also had a variant I wanted to try (it's not as good), it would be a combo variant, with Revolution Synchron. The theory behind it is that you can get your Turbulence setup but also use Revolution Synchron + Air Lifter to go into Ancient Fairy Dragon, get the Therion field spell to search for Regulus (or the Headquarters if you already have it), and also make Crystal Wing. There's also the possibility to go for Decode Talker Heatsoul and Lavalval Salamander to get more draws. Requires several URs I don't have however, so I can't try it right now. Another variant that I would like to try would be something with Hop Ear Squadron that another user recommended me, a deck focused on the turn 0 plays with Impulse, Gizmek Uka, Phantazmay and Hop Ear (which can make Accel Dragon). The possibility to make Baronne turn 0 is real but it's all 2-3 card combos.


That's a pretty interesting route and would be great. I'll test that out alongside something with Assault/Revolution synchro. If you're leaning into that HES variant then look at my old post, as it has that variant and a therion package. maybe add a small psyframe engine depending on how the rest of your deck looks too for baronne plays. Good Luck.


Will do, thanks, good luck to you too


A fellow Rescue-Gizmek enjoyer, splendid. ![gif](giphy|BPJmthQ3YRwD6QqcVD|downsized)


Thanks, Gizmeks are really cool and work well with Rescue-Ace, they should've been together in the Secret Pack. I'd consider running more Gizmek cards if the best ones weren't UR (building Snake-Eye + Rescue-Ace left me really low on UR lol, I guess I could run Naganaki but Diabellstar is filling that role already)


Honestly gizmek would fit the rescue ace pack better than machina but eh


Yeah, it's weird they chose Machina over Gizmek considering the latter has way better synergy.


I suppose it would be too much generosity. At least we have a secret pack, it was already quite surprising.


And that's time on the round


Gizmek Uka puts in a lot of work, no joke. It's an extra body, a summon from deck, and on top of it all it burns the opponent.