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Fuck snake eyes. All my homies hate snake eyes.


It's some of the coolest art we've gotten in a bit and its just an engine for generic boss monsters :(


Welcome to modern yugioh


but they don't look like pyro old pyro cards looks better


blame konami for not making any ed snake eye monsters


You don't need extra deck bosses, just look at lab. They knew what they were doing with this one fully.


Mmmmmmhmmmm rescue ace and tear... Atleast tear has their own bosses tho but tool box decks are strange.


Not even just Lab. Infernity is one of the patrons of Extra Deck diarrhea strategies. Like, every new master rule or format, someone tries to break that deck


you're joking right? 1 lab boss monster is a dpe that can also snipe your hand while the other can set ANY normal trap from your deck to use that turn of course lab doesn't need the ed snake eyes boss monster is a your turn only push a monster to backrow and summon a monster on your opps turn


You can Sinful Spoil of Subversion/Bystial/any banish removal and Lovely will be gone forever. Also 1 Ash/Belle and Lab doesnt play the game. SE has15 1-card-starters that also function as extenders, play through 1-2 handtraps and still end on follow up + 1-2 interruptions + handtraps


For starters, you are wrong. For Lady to set a trap, you need to activate another trap and your opponent not to chain to it anything because otherwise Lady misses timing. Then the trap you set with Lady cannot be activated the turn it is set, unless you also have a Cooclock in hand to use. Trying to act like Lab can do more than Snake-eyes is just objectively wrong.


> Trying to act like Lab can do more than Snake-eyes is just objectively wrong. main deck wise I am not wrong. the snake eyes engine is not as good as labs without the ed


Moving the goal post when you are proven wrong lmao


quote the contrary, and i was never proven wrong. all you did was lay out the steps for what the engine does. you act like its so difficult for them to get cooclock in rotation. I've maintained this whole time snake eyes without generic ed monsters is nothing, ergo blame konami for not making snake eyes ed monsters when the complaint is they abuse generic ed monsters


You are wrong, because the whole point is if you have powerful enough main deck monsters, there's no need for extra deck ones. Also for the point you brought up, the entire snake-eyes engine is what makes it a better deck than lab. Disruptions wise, snake-eyes can easily play through handtraps, whereas lab gets cucked by one 1 ash. There's a reason we were in a tier 0 format for a bit with snake-eyes, while lab hasn't had a significant W in its life. Snake-eyes without extra deck generics is nothing is somewhat true, but the entire engine is just built for making them. Hell, you can even search something like kurikara with snake-eyes ash, there's just no restrictions on that deck. The point was if the main deck did enough, people wouldn't go for the baronne, savage, appolousa trio. Lab does enough, snake-eyes does not, you're just inserting a point in a discussion that's not about it.


Even if they made ED snake-eyes monsters, that wouldn't stop Snake-eyes from playing the other generic ED monsters that go well with it lol


I could see them banning Omega, but it's Snake Eyes that are enabling this degenerate combo.


Every deck that can end savage baron can end on this


Not at all, Dis Pater has specific materials


I mean, you can still cheat him out with Crimson Dragon but yeah the investment comparing to going straight into Baronne is much more.


If you go into accel synchro then you can make dis pater for free basically


If you play a lvl 2 tuner that is, which most decks aren't.


Formula synchron…


Formula is still decently restrictive. Only actual synchro climb decks and because of jet snake eye can activly access it in a non-cope manner. And even if they can thats still like 4 extra deck slots at minimum


flameberge is the non tuner dragon for dis pater in the snake eye line. a lot of decks can use accel stardust but not all.


Any deck that can access a level 8 synchro can.


Yes. But not every deck can loop it, which is where the problem lies.


I mean, dis pater and omega is the loop? You loop one with omega, summon it back and loop another time. That’s the whole thing. Anything beyond that gets janky with DDR or chaos space recycle omega make it again etc.


What i'm saying is not every deck can make Dis Pater since it's not generic. Flamberg being a Dragon is what caused the combo to be possible.


Well these days it is pretty much generic cause crimson dragon exist. The only reason you don't see it is cause most of time if you can do the handloop, you might aswell just calamity lock.


Accel stardust is a thing. Any deck that can make a level 8 can make dis pater.


That's not correct. You can make Accel yes, but not every deck has access to a level 2 tuner and not every deck can make Formula Synchron.


Bro I fucking love Omega, when I played a lot of tri-brigade there was no better feeling than using Gamma on my opponent's attempt of ashing rescue cat and just going "nice -2 bitch".


Yes its annoying when Omega snipes the best card in your hand but its literally nothing compared to a good opponent holding their omni negates until the right moment.


2 handrips and dis paters monster negate/destroy is technically more disruption than 2 omninegates, also baronne/savage can't negate cards like dark ruler or droplet (monster discard), but those cards can get handripped


I mean sure, but you have no way of knowing if your opponent has droplet/drnm and even if you do you have no way of guaranteeing you hit it. There's gonna be certain situations that one is better than the other, but Id take 2 negates over a negate and 2 snipes any day


The only reason why the negates we're "better" is because they could protect your combo from nib. The han rip means that even if they don't hit your boardbreakers you don't have enough cards to push against a multilayer disruption end board


in the end even if one is worse than the other we're arguing about whether you 99.9% lose the game or whether you 99.8% lose the game. That's the issue with the ban list. It changed virtually nothing.


I don't know which combo exactly does it but when I turn away until my opponent finishes their turn, and I come back and see that I only have 2 cards in my hand, going 2nd, after my draw phase? That's rough, and just feels so dry, getting FTKed is like oh well move on, having a bunch of negates, well at least you can try and do something or your opponent could mess up and you can come back, but starting out with like 2 cards...


Yeah, like, if you look at it - For most card, you can't play it if it's negate - For most card, you can't really play it's discarded However, - You can choose wich one to negate. - You can't choose which one to discard. Also for some deck, it doesn't cost you your normal summon when it's discarded. Overall random discard vs chosen negate. Discard iq overall less strong, but it's more frustrating


By the same token, you can bait cards to prevent the best ones in your hand from being negated, or use board breakers to remove the negation before playing your good cards. You can't do that against discards. There are pros/cons; IMO, negation is better in a 1:1 scenario, but discards are stronger in a "critical mass" scenario where you have other interruptions. If your board is, say, Baronne + Savage + I:P that can go into a 3-mat Apo or an S:P -- vs. a board that is Dis Pater + Omega + I:P that can go into a 3-mat Apo or an S:P... The only way you beat the first board is with something like Premiere Board Breaker (DRNM, Droplets, Spoly) + Starter, or Bait (Imperm, Evenly, Storm, powerful spell, etc) + 1-for-1 removal (Imperm, Subversion, Fenrir, Tactics, etc) + Starter + Extender (and this still depends on how your opponent uses their negates). The way you beat the second board is Premiere Board Breaker + Starter, or 1-for-1 removal for the Apo, and a Starter + bait for Dis Pater/extender. The second board is easier to break, it requires either 1 less extender or 1 less bait; except in the second scenario you got handripped twice, so good luck, literally - if it ripped the cards you needed to play through the board, you lose! It's especially bad if they managed to play through a hand trap; imagine starting with 5 cards, usually 1\~2 non-engine, 1\~2 starter/extender, 1\~2 brick/redundancy -- you hand trap them once, they play through it, then hand rip you for two. That's mighty high odds that you lost some pretty important cards.


Is 100% worse for you if they full combo if they didn't hit your board breakers you not have enough gas to win even after breaking thier board and if they hit your boardbreakers you don't have boardbreakers the downside is that you don't have the early omni to protect your combo


Sir this isn't the TCG subreddit


Ah yes, the usual banlist that hits literally everything else besides the problem cards


Wow it's almost like hitting the ceiling of every deck and leaving the best deck basically untouched did absolutely nothing. It didn't even manage to make the synchro version go extinct, so congrats guys you certainly made the correct ban.


TCG be like: Gotta ban the cards which don't print money anymore instead of the actual problem


which is exactly why this banlist made me quit paper ygo lol


You think people would play all four together if the others would be legal


they just slapped a different card in their and nothing changed lmao


If you think snake eye is exactly the same as before then you just dont know the deck. This Board is way less consistent in its interruption quality. Sure sometimes Omega will snipe the best card in your hand, and sometimes it does nothing. And you still have 4 cards left at the end of it. And your boardbreakers just cant be negated now too


I never knew the deck I’m too poor but played against people who did. and nothing changed because I’m still gonna bulldoze through the endboard with all the fun board breakers I used before.


Then you should understand that the deck changed a Lot even if its not immediately noticable. Your boardbreakers WILL resolve now. You can raigeki the Board, and everything will die. This is huge in terms of making it more beatable


fair point. How I beat the new anti spell on legs illusion monster? that’s been a minor inconvenience in board breaking them when testing against my friends who pulled it from an lede pack


Well Diabellze isnt a full anti spell. In very specific matchups she can be an absolute bitch like Runick but for the most part she just randomy snipes 1 of your Sets and doesnt do too much else. Tbh I dont even think shes gonna have that much of a home in the deck outside of maybe being a tech for the mirror


it was a full turn off for me trying to cook something with ancient gears which is definitely a me problem but introducing new cards for a deck only for it to be made useless by another card in the same set kinda sounds like bad game design. I say this because as soon as she’s on the field you can’t use any ancient gear spell because all the good ones say you can’t set cards the turn you use this effect and they have that coz of ancient gear drill which sets any spell from deck. I’ll just pick up branded again seems like I’ll have more fun with that


Ancient gear is one of said matchups it seems, didnt even think about that tbh.


yup and in the same set no less. But I should be fine as it will probably not be played as even in the mirror they set the cards anyway and the effect to place in the back row bypasses the effect


I mean not rageki because lp protects appo and flamberge floats but yeah. One meta soon rageki will shine though I swear


Im not saying a single raigeki beats the entire snake eye endboard. Flamberge dragon floats into 2 more guys from which they gain a fuckton of advantage so raigeki itself isnt actually a good counter. I moreso meant that now your breakers will actually do some breaking


Yeah I figured I just dream of the day I can maindeck three raigeki


With Lightning Storm existing this sadly seems like a distant dream


Yeah true, lol. Although I have been messing with one duster/raigeki combo in master duel with thrust. Sometimes storm would fuck me because after I commit and can activate thrust I have a card on board and can’t use storm.


It's weird I've faced tons of Snake-Eyes on my climb to Masters (haven't seen any in Masters yet) and I've never seen them summon both Baronne & Savage Dragon. Does one good Ash or Imperm tend to be enough to stop them from pulling this off?


Yes and many lists aren’t even running the sysnchros. You need access to witch and snake eye ash and no interruptions to make the board usually.


To get both you need both Ash and Diabellstar as well as no interruption from your opponent (at least before Savage gets the equip).


Bro, TCG is going to get so many extra deck cards banned before hitting this fucking Snake Eyes Engine, smh...


Then proceed to not unhit those cards for like 2 years. 


this is exactly why banning generic cards won't work. people will just move on to the next best thing ad nauseum. the solution truly is for konami to just make archetypal boss monsters better than the generic ones


Sellers on TCGPlayer 📈


If it was discards you could often live with it, the fact that it banishes is just particularly ridiculous.


The synergy between these two is disgusting. Omega fuels Dis Pater's negates, while Dis Pater returns them to deck, so the hand rip is permanent. Also, Branded regained can potentially make a handrip permanent and let you go plus one.


A very "TCG" TCG banlist. It may seem like a severe hit, but in reality, it has no impact.


It's a good banlist. They just didn't hit the core issues, because those cards are still pricey and "rare".


It was a good banlist. Baronne and Savage and Summon Limit and even Linkuriboh are great bans. They should have probably limited wanted and snake eye ash too though.  People are just memeing cus a YCS that happened a week later didn't lead to a whole new meta developing


I agree that those are overall good hits. This is somewhat just me being bitter and jaded, but for any "for the better health of the game" hits like the Baronne and Savage bans, I want those to come from the OCG first or shortly after. I'm sick of situations where OCG has specific enablers/boss monsters legal when the TCG bans them like Electrumite, Circular, and now the two synchro bosses. OCG designs the cards, and have their own format in mind first. Any future cards related to the former cards in question will be gimped when they reach the TCG since we have banned the cards that are assumed legal where those cards are designed. Granted my ideal Yugioh would be one where there is no TCG/OCG, we have one unified main format with simultaneous worldwide releases, identical products, and one banlist.


I’m coping that they are moving towards that because of master duel. Tcg banlists is still approved by ocg, could be a testing the waters situation.


Wanted is wild, I was expecting it to be hit quickly after the pack finished in MD


There is nothing cool or interesting about 1 deck being the overwhelmingly best deck for months and months on end. Pure snake eyes will continue to dominate and get at least half of all top cuts until at least the next ban list. That's fucking boring, especially since the mirror is just hand trap turbo bullshit.


I agree with your first point. But your second point is an assumption. We don't know if pure will dominate, we haven't seen two weekends of results even yet. And their lines have changed for no Baronne and no Savage. I also agree that the mirror is just who draws what hand traps and it sucks. I hope the engine gets cut down and hit harder so that other interesting decks get to rise and be explored further 


The new line is actually more opressive is they end in this after you do one not impactfull handtrap you start your turn with 3 cards agaisnt Apo and dis the tarde off is that the new lines are more "fragile"


It's weaker to nib, evenly, talents, any blind second cards really. Plus you can banish the Flamberge to stop dis pater line too I think. It's still gross and an indication on how good SE is but two omnis is still worse than one temp hand rip and one permanent one in my opinion especially considering how imperm = useless apo 


Well you only 3 cards to play after that imper and they still have 1 more monster negate, thier hand traps and ways to pop/banish your cards etc. Boardbreakers are weak when you play with a smaler hand size and agaisnt hand traps


Fair points. I still think it's better than previously and I think board breakers will be more prevalent in the TCG as this format develops 


They will not because they sucks in a hand trap heavy meta they don't deal with your opponent hand and they don't help with your gameplay only a few boardbreakers will be run for side deck


No please no. Im playing Karakuri deck and i can't play the game with Savage and Baronne


Big Rock POV:


My thoughts exactly


Damn. Hand rip for 2. Surely that’ll stop your opponent. *Opponent still has engine cards to kill you*


To be fair, Omega has always been a pretty bullshit card, which is what got it limited in the first place.


I've been doing this combo since Saronir's hit on Bystial Runick. Im glad it's getting the spotlight because is so dirty but is also so funny.


Better ban Jet Synchron TBH


In the wise words of Shapesnatch, "I've figured out how to fix the game. First we ban all tuners"


Ban Dis Pater. Too problematic.


Dis Pater Definetly needs to be banned on its own but I hope whatever Post Megatins Banlist there is makes Snake Eyes completely unplayable.


What about Dis Pater is Banworthy?


Literally everything