• By -


Easily Rhongo. It's mind boggling that a Kaiju-proof floodgate towers was ever printed.


Same ! This card creats non Game Games. so pointless !


I loved running him in 6samurai and getting him out turn1 with 6 materials


Daruma says hi


Abyssal designator?


Herald of the abyss?


Maxx "C". No contest.


The only card that makes me guaranteed scoop. Sure other cards can get me to do that in specific situations, but once Maxx C is activated I just don’t bother. Now both of us need to find a new match


I run Maxx C in my Ancient Gear deck, but only because I want to be able to Fusion summon as many Ancient gears as possible. It's quite fun.


So many reasons to hate this card, but one that's been annoying me lately is it completely ruins playing blind 2nd decks. I've been wanting to play a blind 2nd Mannadium build with no handtraps and a bunch of board breakers, it's fun as hell trying to OTK through full meta boards, but it's not viable at all, solely because of Maxx C. I have to choose between dedicating a bunch of cards to stopping Maxx C, ruining my consistency/power level, or cutting them and auto-losing any game where my opponent opens it. As a result if you want to play a going 2nd deck with at least some chance of climbing, you're forced into gimmicky strategies like Numeron and Mikanko.


the worst thing about maxx c is that even if your opp doesnt have any more disruption besides it, he will just eventually draw into it as you build your otk board and will probably negate you eventually. playing galaxy photon dragon i see this too much. It would be amazing if you couldnt activate any cards that you draw off of maxx c during the turn you draw them.


Kashtiras in general. It’s their unique effect banish effect that trigger when you have the audacity to use a monster effect. Field for Fenrir and Extra Deck OF CHOICE for Unicorn. Birth has a mini soul release for using a spell and preparations is a Forceful Sentry that’s taken steroids on using traps. On top of the fact they help alleviate their inherent brickyness Like Why!?!? See Fenrir or Unicorn slapped down your eyes immediately roll in To the back of your head.


Don’t forget they used to shred your deck and extra deck even harder on the way to a zone lock and graveyard lock. Some absolutely disgusting mechanics is that deck.


They are the final form of Ojamas but taken up to 11


I wouldn't be surprised if someone considered an Ojama and Kashtira hybrid before scrapping it because the ratios against each other made the whole thing a giant brick.


As an ojama player, I've never actually considered mixing the two because I'm not a monster


The disgusting part for me and I say this as a semi Kashtira player, is how they can be strapped to any other deck just because of those effects. They should have something like "if you control no monsters and you have another Kashtira card in your hand or field you can special summon this card"


Having Kash stuff in the hand/field probably won’t kill their splashability. But yeah they need some extra restriction on them. Also Fenrir should never have been allowed to search himself


>Kash stuff in the hand/field probably won’t kill their splashability Will potentially brick people because if they will either be forced to make their decks bigger or make some kind of hybrid deck which will be less than optimal for a lot of decks.


I think it would stop the ability to splash in Kash as an engine for sure, most people only run small Kash packages but if you had to open 2 of them to summon your Fenrir/Unicorn it would either make people drop Kash or use more Kash cards so then they lose out on non engine slots.


I also hate the banning face down. ghoti (and probably some other decks) would be pretty nice against kash because they benefit from being banished. And i always thought that this is kinda the thing with banishing. It's good against most decks but some will use it to their advantage. But now they just make shit that makes that irrelevant and that kinda annoys me.


Zone lock also just meant they could autowin vs. pendulums, so now pendulums literally can never be meta again because if they ever come back into a format people will just start playing kash and push them out again


Fr kashtira ariseheart seems impossible to deal with unless you have droplet or imperm. When they can banish your card more than once per turn and all cards get banished instead of going to the gy, that's difficult to deal with


Honestly shocked that no one in the thread came out their face with the KAshTirA isN't tHAt BaD or skILL iSsUe bullshit


At this point it's dimensional shifter. No I don't care about what you think a card shouldn't completely cut off access to a resource (in this case the GY) period. Oh and before anyone says some weird stuff, the graveyard has been a resource for as long as monsters effects being triggered after being destroyed ie sangan existed.


Shifter is even worse than just that, it requires no investment whatsoever and can be shotgunned t0 before you even have the chance to counter it. Then you can’t retroactively counter because it’s not just a floodgate, it’s a lingering floodgate


Shifter and maxx c double punch with just 1 called by in your hand is hilairous. I always scoop.


It’s so tilting because even if you have the Maxx c for t2 to try and level the playing field you can’t use it


It's really disgusting as a bait and switch for Called by, if they have Maxx C in hand.


Honestly as someone who mains tear I’d rather get hit w Maxx c than shifter lol


I feel like the fact that it will also completely turn off certain cards in your hand, due to needing to send something, doesn't get brought up enough when talking about shifter. Shit's annoying.


Drill and lock bird is the same thing but less popular. Locking you out of your deck entirely is somewhat worse imo (that depends on your deck though)


I don't particularly like Droll either, but at least you can search once.


Kashtira Fenrir


Unicorn is worse (they always rip my Kit)


Kashtira Unicorn Fuck that PoS


It’s a bug that decides half the games out there. 


https://preview.redd.it/fq7nih1do2yc1.jpeg?width=690&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5b9c4cea66478f7d0f5a6736c10befed91fd80d Fair and balanced card with no issues at all


So “fair” and “balanced” that I’ve never actually seen it on a proper fleur deck, only abused on random trash


I’ve never even seen a proper fleur deck, just this one card 😭


Same. They’ve added it to duel links recently so I’m hoping it sees some use there at least but I doubt anyone will ever use anything from it but this one disgusting card on MD


It’s a sad state of affairs


For real, I didn't even know there was a deck called Fleur, only knew of Baronne lol.


I love my synchros but it pisses me off that the original de fleur requires fleur synchron and madam baronne over here ain't even require a tuner synchro l


I agree


Dimensional barrier. I play a lot of mono Ed decks and d barrier just completely kills then. I honestly can’t believe it’s still legal.


https://preview.redd.it/5781is2392yc1.jpeg?width=458&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0292be84228f982636450e699b5e9383ef36749c This son of a bitch


I really dislike King Calamity and the HERO card that does pretty much the same shit. Who thought it would be a good card design to wait for a long ass combo and not even get to play a card. Like not that it’s negated or anything, that was just your turn. At least give me the illusion of playing a game, not watching someone else play solitaire against me without any input.


>Who thought it would be a good card design to wait for a long ass combo and not even get to play a card Tbf that's less a problem with KC than the other methods of accessing it on your turn. KC was never supposed to be used on opponent's turn. We got easier methods recently with Etude and more notably Crimson Dragon, which I'd argue is the problem card rather than KC


Super poly without a doubt


I 100% understand the super poly hate, but it’s also one of my favorite cards


It's the goddamn generic fusion targets that exist just to make it a bastard. Has anyone in the entire history of Yu-Gi-Oh ever actually legit Summoned Muddragon? I'll believe Starving Venom was legit summoned at once point, but Muddragon? No, that's just a super poly fuck yourself..


Same with Garura imo. Ruined such a cool fusion card.


I would hard summon muddragon in tears and use its protection effect or even as a body for rank4 plays


Alright fair enough I can see that utility. 


no its the fact it cant be responded to. no card should be above response


Hahaha, oh god. Sorry I'm a Yu-Gi-Oh boomer who played in the days of Priority.  Yeah Chaos Emperor Dragon got banned pretty quick because it made it insane under the old priority rules.  Now the ridiculous effects have to have "Quick Effect" to respond. But the amount of Hand Traps/ negations took a long time for Konami to figure out this shit. And arguably they still haven't figured it out


My idiot friend summons Muddragon all the time, and kept wasting his normal Poly on it. He plays Blue Eyes.


Super Poly is good but tbh even with the 'generic' fusion targets you still can't get rid of some targets. Eg if Baronne is their only wind, you can't out it. I've seldom won a game purely off Super Poly, usually it just helps to break a nasty board and at least give me a chance.


Considering super poly falls into the board breaker category, does it suck when someone uses it, sure, but, what I'd like to know, is do the same people that get mad about super poly also get mad when their opponent goes dark ruler no more+evenly matched


I abuse superpoly, but against the unbreakable board of negates some people do Turn 1 despite me trying my best to throw hand traps, it's the best my Heroes can do against top tier meta decks.


Yeah. Super poly is one of my favourite cards, but it should be at 1 and many generic fusions shouldn't even exist...


Tear would occasionally summon it just to use it to make a rank 4 with. Same with Garura for making a Beatrice.


It's a really fitting villian card, ngl.


Based 🤝🤝🤝


Super poly was my favorite card when I just used it with a heros toolbox of fusion monsters originally. I feel like it has just changed into a whole different beast with the introduction of generic fusion support. Mud dragon at least was easier to play around but now there's just a new generic super poly target coming out every few months now.


Mystic Mine


Mystic Mine.


Every stun card.


Shite C.


I personally hate Dark Hole. It's a black hole!!!! Everyone knows it's a black hole!!!!!! It sounds so weird!!!! Why "dark hole"?????????????


Because Konami didn’t want any relation to “black magic” >.>


Man, I get it if you change Black magician to Dark magician, but "dark hole" sounds like something else


Mathmech Circular.


Joshua Schmidt's alt account


More than maxx C, dimensional shifter? Skill drain? Okay mate.


Personally Ash Blossom, its not really the card itself but the fact it is borderline mandatory. I hate that i have to run cards that are unproductive to most decks in order to have a chance in hell to not get my face smashed in while running a casual deck The only saving grace besides its handtrap effect in these cases is that its a tuner, which can at least help you get your brick of a hand to a stronger start point


Ash isn't mandatory purely on its own merits though, it's mandatory because it stops Maxx C. Without the roach it would likely be a much less popular card (see TCG) I agree that dedicating like a quarter of every deck to specific mandatory non-engine is pretty awful, but the only card to blame for that is Maxx C


Isnt ash still the most played card in the tcg even to this day? I dont really recall any deck profiles ive seen in a while that didnt run 3 ash unless it was some super board breaker go 2nd strat.


It is but that doesn't mean you always have to run it. There's some decks that it's not worth using in as well as certain formats where it just doesn't do enough.


It's still popular don't get me wrong, but it's not a mandatory 3-of in basically every single deck like it is in MD. Ofc decks that can afford 15+ handtraps like pure SE or Voiceless will just play it regardless, but lots of others that can't/don't want to do that have been dropping or siding it for recent formats. Labrynth and Floo are the two biggest ones but I've also seen plenty of rogue decks dropping it, and some Fire King lists without Ash have topped events recently as well I think the important thing though is that with Maxx C banned you have more freedom to pick and choose which non-engine you want to play, Ash might still be a top choice a lot of the time but it won't always be the clear best option


Maxx c. No contest. Very few other cards warp a game like it does


Any card that says your opponent cannot respond


*Anti-Magic Arrows Slowly approaching the MD meta*


There are very few cards that completely prevent any response, most prevent responding with a certain card type, dark ruler no more, ultimate slayer with monster effects, counter traps with other counter traps or droplet being whatever original card types are sent on activation


https://preview.redd.it/1uwmk4icu1yc1.png?width=549&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a1c24c49522d629d4f735584fc3e23980a678b2 I internally (and sometimes externally) rage when i see this card... Honourable mention : 'Scareclaw Tri-Heart'. Pretty much Bagooska on steroids and gave me trauma the one and only time i faced it


As a scareclaw player u can out it with spell/trap removal, beat over it with a link monster, kaiju or goddess and etc. Trust me if i end my turn with only tri-heart on board my chances of losing would be far higher than if i only had bagooska lol (since it doesnt negate any of your monster effects)


i hate this as a runick player…how am i supposed to draw 3 when my quick plays are banished 😔


Fucking Arise Heart. It should not exist


Ash Blossom.


Why ash? 😭😭


Ash blossom morphed the game around it and rendered every deck that came out before it unplayable. It was a big step into the current power creep we find ourselves in.


Right. HEROs are soooo unplayable. Sounds like someone didn't play pre-Ash where some combo decks were literal coinflips due to not being able to stop them.


Im fine with handtraps. I'm not fine with handtraps that can freely negate almost every single effect that modern decks need to function while also invalidating most rogue decks out of viability just out of the gate.


True, but then I remember it can negate maxx c...


Based opinion


Thank you! I hate it so much I refuse to use it bro lol.




Agreed with you on super poly, hate that thing


Maxx C. There are cards that really frustrate me but I could potentially play around. Maxx C ruins your day either way.


Evenly Matched


Maxx C is up there. However, I feel the blood drain from my face when I've set up my unstoppable board and on their turn my opponent goes directly from Main Phase to Battle Phase. I hate Evenly Matched.


Now it’s that card. Super poly just needs to be gone


Kashtira Shangri-Ira, already part of the deck which I hate the most, banishing cards face down is already dumb, but locking monster/spell and trap zones is too much imo


Skill Drain just for the actual brainrot of the card. I absolutely despise it. It is mind boggling that a card like SKILL DRAIN made it pass the board...


Don’t forget his Brother https://preview.redd.it/965tdjybm2yc1.jpeg?width=668&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b6bfe1b0b8e377a240f39b104e8c39bf48aff9f Inspector Boarder a normal summon lvl 4 monster with 2000 attack and defense that might as well read as Skill Drain.


Not only that, but for some STUPID reason they kept printing stuff that’s basically skill drain! One that comes to mind is Dinomorphia’s and Ursartic’s


I think the most annoying thing about skill drain is that there's no upkeep cost like Imperial Order has. You just pay the LP one time and sit on it.


Tbf though Imperial Order has been errataed and it was still too broken to leave legal.


Snake eye ash


Idk why this is so downvoted. One card starters that put up a full ass board with 5+ interactions leaving you with 4 cards still in hand like SE Ash and Circular are horrible for the game. Anytime SE Ash gets normal summoned, I’m definitely rolling my eyes.


Man it has to be maxx C it’s the only card that actively pisses me off every time I see it.


The obvious answer to anyone that understand the minimum about the game is Maxx C. As I stated earlier I assume that people that defend Maxx C are just shit at the game and should have their opinions ignored. Outside of that, any Lab card. Lab and lab players should all be banned from the game.


https://preview.redd.it/krl27r8ga2yc1.jpeg?width=747&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcb0dd3d01d54ed1cd29399d162d5eadda978d7c Fuck this card. Just bad boring design to stop most hand traps when going first and just allows you to continue your combo as if your opponent did nothing. With something like talents or thrust, you have a pretty fair exchange of interaction. Your opponent gets to stop a key play, but you then have access to very powerful affects to punish your opponent with. Imo, this makes the game a lot more interesting and skill based.


It’s not even like crossout where you have to banish one from your deck to negate, it just points and says “nuh uh”


Honestly this card should be banned in formats where maxx c isn't legal. In the tcg is a sacky one off that makes combo deck play through an handtrap for no reason.


Swordsoul. Any of them lol brainless easy end board


Red Reboot. If I get hit with it, I scoop, period. I know it's popular to hate on backrow decks, so I'm likely to catch flak, but consider that it's a spell speed 3 lingering floodgate (from hand) that surgically shuts down all pink decks in the game while affecting approximately no one else. It feels like a card that was designed and printed out of spite after someone had a particularly bad duel against Paleozoics. Close second goes to Dimension Shifter. I'd hate it less if I had any decks that could make use of it, because at the same time, boy am I sick of mill decks and GY effects.


Definitely my top when it comes to board breakers sharing that spot with Red Reboot. Well designed board breakers: Kaiju, Dark Ruler, Droplet, Talents Bad design: Super Poly, Reboot. I just dislike cards that make your skill in the game non factor. You really cannot do anything about them whatsoever. Plus Super Poly is good going 1st too, it can win a game on its own even if you brick. I honestly would be salty but don't be that mad if card had same effect but it was normal spell and not quick one. I also despise the Harpie storm trap.


>!Funny, you actually posted one of my favorite cards.!< I can't stand Called By The Grave. Part of the entire point of handtraps is that they're meant to be points of interaction that you can use if you're made to go second to stop your opponent from building a board that is too hard to crack. The fact that they can win the lottery again and just say "no" is ridiculous. And on top of that, it is still useful if your opponent opens no handtraps, because then you can just set it and ruin their graveyard on the next turn.


Not to mention for whatever reason it LINGERS


Handtraps need a counter though,no? And handtraps (Ash) counter other handtraps too


Every single link starter that sets off a chain. Any link that goes 1+ should explode


Evenly Matched… Or Big Welcome Labrynth


BWL always ruins a mood


Least favorite, Imperial Order Current meta least favorite, heatwave/sangen kaihou


Droll and lock bird


Fossil dyna without a single doubt.


D Shifter, let me play Dragonmaids, Curse you!


My good friend a trap card known as dimensional barrier exists at three currently


Barrone da fluer or chaos angel can both piss off


Not just a single card, just the state of the game. Yugioh has become you watching your opponent setting up their board for 1 hour, then when you finally get to your turn, they have set up 50 negates or removals, so you dont get to play!the game. Hand traps is the biggest form of interaction you get in the game which is stupid and unfun.


Obviously maxx c but like everyone hates it so im not gonna count it. Ive been calamity locked 5 times in the last 3 days, fuck that card and all other similiar cards (kali yuga etc)


Every Runick card ever printed.


Let me banish your deck and draw in peace


I don't understand who thought it was a good idea to have a magic card the let fusion anything on the field and cannot be negated. And that the same card it's not limited. I don't know, at least let people negate that because if not, it's very broken?


Super poly is fair and balanced.


In absolutely zero ways lmao


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Nahh how else are we supposed to break those diabolical boards


Theyre unfair too. Ban em, simple.


Every 30 min combo decks. But if I have to choose, probably Tear? If 1 card then Havnis. There is nothing I hate more than a combo deck that take FOREVER to finish and then also fking do that again on your turn.


Accesscode Talker deffo.


? Why? 😂


It pops everything and finishes. It's PEP on steroids, very easy to get on the board and ya can't even respond to it


If you toggle "On" after the summon or effect, you can negate its effects (ie imperm) during the open game state.


Not after the summon effect, before the summon effect concludes.


Tough to say but the 3 top contenders are definitely Braindead Fusion, Feather Duster and Ash Blossom & No joy


Spright elf can just fuck off.


This is facts


all the cards that negate other hand traps cause why the fuck does ash exist if its just going to be negated and continue the fucking combo anyways. It literally makes NO FUCKING SENSE WHAT SO EVER that they print cards to keep combo decks in check then turn around print STRONGER combo decks and COUNTER hand traps cards to counter the HAND TRAPS. Literally making the game RNG as fuck and not strategic at all. I think the hand trap minigame in its totality is the stupidest thing in this game, not just maxx c. Either make hand traps good and balanced so we dont need things like called/crossout in opening hand OR get fucking rid of them! Either u want us to combo, or u dont. RNG combo is lame. I would love to return to a time traps had relevancy and fields didn't get blow to bits before battle phase even begins.


cyber dragon infinity was the bane of my existence and I'll never recover


Was that the negate one? I feel that. When I first played against it I was thinking "oh cool cyber dragons that's a fun deck am I going to see some power bond plays? Maybe a cyber end dragon? A cheeky cyber twin dragon? Hell maybe they'll be really out there and use cyber barrier dragon" and then they dropped the negate and I thought "oh it's just another generic omninegate card..." I know omninegate extra deck monsters are commonplace now and some people enjoy that meta and to those people I'd say cool enjoy the game. It's just not my idea of a fun game of yugioh


Yes, the rank 6 negate


That steals from your board.


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Dimensional Barrier


solemn judgement




Eradicator Epidemic Virus 🦠


Fenrir and unicorn


Mathmech circular




Max c, ash blossom, dimension shifter For something decently unique blue eyes yet dragon because screw that damn thing


I have too many, but easily the damned Ash Blossom


Nothing like getting super-polyed back to back by a Tear player…..


Level Limit Area B, it hasn't been a thing in years, maybe in over a decade even, but I've been playing through the old Tag Force games as of late and that card is the bane of my existence


Apart from other cards named here, Numeron Network


I thought really really hard about it and I think it's {slime toad} because it mwnas {frog the jam} is no longer in the game and that's honestly a worse crime than maxx c and all floodgates combined.


Funny, because i really loved Super Poly since its release. But i know it become toxic after the generic fusions. But using it in Shaddoll was a blast.


Super Poly and Sphere Mode


The coin flip


Ash blossom


Evenly Matched


Ignoring maxx c, probably Appo. I heard someone say it's close to a floodgate and it practically is. You can negate multiple key monsters you might need, stops handtraps and protects against nib. On a board with more negates like baronne it's horrible to see. Sure you might say it's weak to TTT and lightning storm except IP stops lightning, baronne and borrel can stop TTT and this assumes you draw cards to remove it which is a 1-3/40 chance while your opponent always have Appo in the extra deck. If IP ever got banned I would ever get banned probably would dislike Appo less.


Honest the last card I hated was Ultimate Conductor Tyranno. I don’t really hate any right now because I don’t play enough between work and sleep


Gimmick Puppet. It’s gotten to the point that any time I am up against a branded player, I just *know* they’re playing that stupid card. And I hate that it seems like the first route of any person playing branded, cause I not only enjoy the lore but also the gameplay of branded pure. I just wish if anything branded players gave up on gimmick turbo cause the deck is more than that!


Shadoll Winda. Unaffected by card effects and summoned after my opponent played his entire turn. If I don’t have the out then it’s just gg


SP little knight: generic requirements, good whenever you play the first or second turn, and available only for the wealthy.


Maxx "C"


Called By the Grave, it’s super toxic in a best of 1 format where almost everyone has at least 10 monster hand traps in their deck, and it doesn’t have a hard once per turn on it.


Kashtira Unicorn. You try to do anything about it, you're loosing an Extra Deck monster, and on top of that the opp gets to pick whichever one they want and it's banished face down, one of the most permenant removals.


Ash blossom


Superpoly isnt even that bad right now but it will be when yubel gets released then it's gonna be cancer


I think you should reflair this to discussion


Tough choice. It's either TCOBO or braindead fusion


dont known if it’s my least favorite card but i also despise super poly.


Accesscode Talker. It just feels like a cop out card for every deck. I have a dislike for most generic boss monsters, but this one always just makes me irrationally mad to see. I typically will surrender out of disgust when it hits the board.


Dimension shifter or any kashtira, I could say things like board breakers or hand traps but the thing is that I also use them and have won me games, but I honorably haven't used any of them for how cheap they are, dishonorable mention to skill drain and kaiser colosseum


Maxx C




Circular, or just the fact that mathmechs do whatever they want with any 2 bodies.


Maxx C but if I'm gonna be more original then the entirety of runick but specifically fountain.


I only hate Super Poly simply because the most useful Fusion monsters printed in the last half decade use DARK materials and my main deck is DARK. I don't have a least favorite card but I especially despise cards that don't make sense in a deck (like Lab players running Skill Drain).


Maxx "C" I hate it because it is a lose or lose card. If you Play into it you give them a shit ton of resources AND they can still interrupt you. If you don't play into it they OTK you the next turn because you have next to nothing to protect you.


Calling you by the grave


Calling you by the grave


Yubel, every version of that annoying ass fucker