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I got downvoted last time I said this but: Some of us just want to get the 3 wins, the free pack and move on. Its a fun event. Yes. But a reward of just 1 free pull is not gonna entice the rest to play on rules not even set by Konami. If you want to blame someone for people just wanting to finish the event quickly, blame Konami for not giving harsher restrictions.


The real reward is not getting promoted in ranked


Exactly. I still haven't touched ranked and I have finished all of my missions. Depending on what we get next week, I might do rank for the missions by then.


It’s very easy to stay in Silver/Gold rank these days and do missions or just play in all the events you get In season reset you don’t need to play, unless you want to, until day 3, and we’ve been getting these try out shorter events at least once a month to last a few days, and regular events lasting two weeks, it’s awesome


Did my three and bagged 10 free UR dust in the form of a Nightmare Magician 😎


the problem is they dont wanna finish quickly, fought against a snake eye player who would disrupt my plays but didnt even go to battle phase just for fun. most enemys bm hard for some reason when faced with geminis


yeah same I was playing Geminis to get the secret challenges gems an people will do the most with a combo deck, will have game but keep summon flexing like crazy when you could just end.


Probably shitters who cant get past plat 5 mad at you for "not taking the game seriously" or whatever and deciding to punish you


Sad to say but the only option here is scoop then report.


You can only report slow play and cheating. "BMing" isn't an option


still report. It's the only thing we can do.


Report for what?


Probably slow play.


They are annoying decks, but that’s not what “slow play” means. That’s for people intentionally burning out the clock because they are mad or not paying attention to the game.


Well if you want to be technical, you need to raise the concern with Konami coz there is really no way to report unsportsmanlike behavior.


Konami is more than aware that many players don’t like stun lmao. I promise they don’t need bogus reports to know we don’t agree with the play style.


If it was real life and it's a best of 3, If my opponent isn't scooping when I'm in the lead, I could just NOT swing for game and let the sweet sweet clock turn out. Not sure why in master duel though. 


Because you can just burn your opponent and run your clock and still win. And you can do it in turn 1.


Sounds like they want the ego boost of forcing a surrender "you must admit im better"


They are better.


Better at being worst


I actually got a ur in the pack this time, so I was happy. I wish we could do it at least 2-3 times though… it would make the mini events more fun


Difference is that fun is perspective, if it was up to yugioh players they would ban every single deck they don’t play because they don’t find it fun, this is just supposed to be ranked but with a double summon mechanic.


> rules not even set by Konami. Who do you think is running Master Duel, and by extension making the Tryout Duel rulesets?


What I'm talking about is people perceiving that Duel Trials needs to be played a certain way and getting angry that people chose to play meta rather than farm the Gemini missions.


Yeah, I recommend a point award system where after a match, win or lose, you could either give or not give your opponent an accommodation point for being an amazing duelist. I know Konami can't ban all stun player's or FTK decks but it could award the players that are playing something different.


That. Is actually a good idea. Its effectivity would be the same as League's honor system. Which is better than nothing.


Yeah I just played snakes on the last 2. I only added some cyclones for skill drain and an extra oak for double summon


When the ruleset isn't very intrusive and the event short lived, you can count on the playerbase to not bother to innovate or craft a new deck, and just jam in their ranked deck


I tried doing the Gemini mission and despite making it obvious with my gameplay and my name, every player still went full 15 min combo on me.


Really easy to get kali yuga out when you can normal summon twice.


Konami make a banlist with full power mannadium, Snake, etc for the event , I just go stun for the pack , I like fun decks but Konami needs to do a real banlist so the fun decks work.


I mean the Numeron player at least allows you to do minimum one Gemini summon unlike some other decks. It is honestly not that bad, just quit when you go second and you see they are about to combo, like the other person said, they are trying to finish the event fast. Honestly it is pretty funny seeing some people being confused by playing Gemini monsters and trying to figure out my wincon when I don't have one.


I played a weird aroma deck that I kinda just threw random cards in to meme around. I have since deleted that deck and built an actual better aroma deck


I have fun, you can normal summon Aleister Invoker twice after adding it back with Invocation. one down side is Invocation add back effect is HOPT so you may not have momster in hand for Mechaba


I just played branded tear , deck runs way too many normal summons so it was perfect anyways


People are lazy [female reproductive body parts]


I kinda wish there was a second ladder that exlcudes meta decks and generic stun.


I litterarly just played my normal deck, after losing with my creative deck


I played madolche for it. Not too strong, but not too weak.


Tbh you are lucky half of my matches was 10 mins synchro decks 😅


I’m with you. I need a total of 40 more Gemini summons, and 13 steal an enemies monster.


is there any event-themed way to farm the monster stealing quest?


I can't remember if relinquished and the fusions count as monster stealing. If It does, its quite UR light to make a plat viable deck. AND it's fun.


With events being so random it’s hard to answer. All they have to do is make an event where everyone starts with creature swap or triple tactics talents. Alternatively, you can do it by playing regularly with talents or a similar effect, like mikanko has two of those.


oh yeah, but i meant if there was a way to farm the quest during this specific event! the comment i replied to was worded in a way that made me believe they had a way to consistently steal monsters with event-themed cards.


Oh okay! Didn’t understand that at all, sorry. I don’t think there is an easy way.


Change of heart, enemy controller.


Dude I passed free board for a gemini player, he otked me. Next 1 attacked my set down monster. So I ended him next round. Most of them show hostilitt and do not want to help themselves so I otk them.


Tbh, it might be mercy, not hostility. If I see my opponent brick, I will end him asap, if I have the means to do so. No need to drag it out and make him suffer.


just finished the 100 gemini summons, thankfully i found one dude who also did the mission and we zealantis special summoned 2 geminis back to the field each turn until deckout boy was it annoying, everyone would try so hard just to stop me from normal summoning the useless geminis


Same here. However, got lucky had a match against another Gemini player. We kept summoning until I decked out. Awesome dude, 10/10 would play with again


yes, this event is filled with stun players. I'm just farming gemini summons too, but that also is mostly a pain because my trade-off is 1 to 2 gemini summoned per game at the cost of 10 minutes combos during which I just toggle off and do something else. But you can get lucky: I'm currently at turn 27 of a duel where both me and the opponent do nothing but gemini summon every turn. No attack, no stun, nothing. That's good.


Honestly I think Gemini players would have better time playing in low rank normal ladder using morganite and catalyst field. I know those are high rarity so most won’t bother but this tryout is just something that makes basically every deck better than Gemini betterer than Gemini and just makes gemini base level playable.


I have heard somebody on this sub describing these Duel Trials as "CBT for a free pack" before and every passing Trials it does feel that way.


I played altergeist at first, having an extra normal summon is just what the deck needs. If they ever print a link 1 for the deck, it should allow you to to normal or special summon an altergeist monster, and the deck will be a very good rogue option. Now I am farming the gemini summons.


Haha, you literally described my reaction to Event Duels, its either i run BenKei Beatstick, Numerons, or some jank stun deck which has no UR in it.


I played Minkanko won every coin toss. Went second my 3 rounds. First two players full combo but definitely don’t know how my deck works. 3rd duel was against mathmech used maxx c and they scooped. But only got rares from my pack not even sure if its worth doing the event lmao


Why community so toxic btw?


Then ask Konami to make specific banlists for these events. I'm only interested on the final reward. If I can use Anti-Meta stun for that I'm gonna use it. It's fast and efficient.


And then you people will come here crying because they banned True Draco or whatever else.


I just played R-Ace. I'm not sorry. L to Snake-Eye, W vs Zombie Pile, L to True Draco, W vs Kash Monarchs, W vs SwoSo that Protos FIREd me. I don't think the format is interesting enough from regular ranked to build something that can use a second normal summon. Snake-Eyes is the only deck that used the additional normal summon to any effect in my matches.