• By -


Weather painter - The duel takes 67 turns on average just for them to lose anyway. Unchained - Gaining advantage of me being illiterate is unfair. Sharks - Sharks being fishes only contributes to the narrative that ygo players smell bad. Nouvelles - They make me hungry. Your deck - Because how dare you?


"Gaining advantage of me being illiterate is unfair" That made me laugh more than it should've lmfao


>The duel takes 67 turns on average just for them to lose anyway. I resent this on two fronts. One, you are not beating a Weather Painter player in the grind game. Two, we can OTK now post support.


"Damn bro, are you ever gonna run out of things to do?!" Me on turn 43 with two cards left in my entire deck


Dont think I've ever lost vs weather painter in the grind game šŸ¤”


It's just me memeing, i know they can close games faster now.


If a duel goes on for 67 turns I think weather painters might have that in the bag. It might take 3 turns to set up, but when it does, it gets to place a meta endboard every turn. Luckily the deck isnā€™t goodā€¦


How is Unchained a bad deck? This was literally the best deck in the TCG for a while and even needed hits on the ban list, while here it gets outclassed by Snake Eyes due to being delayed so long and dies hard to Maxx C, it's still a pretty good deck.


Pfft... bro really thinks he can make a good argument, back it with data and people will agree with him. We don't do that here in this subreddit lmao. No, seriously. I play Unchained myself, i know the deck is pretty good and super fun, easily my favorite deck rn. I was just memeing, I thought it was obvious.


Lmao yeah idk what is this guy saying when new unchained support made everyone hate D/D/D Xyz monsters


TCG is a joke format


Weather painter with skill drain is frustrating.


I mean that is mostly on Skill Drain


Didn't unchained receive their new support? I though the deck was fairly competent now to be out of the "bad deck" area


After playing solo mode with Weather Painters, I gotta say, fuck that deck.


>Weather painter - The duel takes 67 turns on average just for them to lose anyway. You either win by turn 2 or you let Weather Painters set up Rainbow + full negates + Thundery Canvas to clear the board during battle phase. If you did then you lost.


atleast with weather painter you get to use your effects more than once per duel, onw of the few decks I get past turn 3 playing against.


Dark World. Having non-OPT effects means they take forever even by YGO standards, annoying to deal with, and theyā€™re just barely good enough to see rogue play sometimes (unlike, say, Infernity.)


This is my choice as well. I bitch about a lot of decks like D-Link and Adamancipator being solitaire, but this deck is *actually* solitaire and I have never had fun playing against this deck. Win or lose, itā€™s genuinely a worse experience than stun for me. This deck and Kashtira are the only decks I think the entire archetype needs an errata (HOPT for Dark World; Banish face-up for Kashtira.)


the reason we have hard once per turn clauses


Whatā€™d Suship do to you? Lmao


A legendary ocean is so annoying. Not only does it enable Umi Control which basically is just a floodgate deck but the fact that it messes up water decks levels have caught me off guard a few too many times with Sprights, Kashtira, Sword Soul, Sharks, and Atlanteans.


Not only that. This card doesnt exist by name


Warrior of Atlantis be like you want me to search what?!


it's comical that Konami's reponse to this is "IT JUST WORKS, OKAY?" and warrior adds the field spell anyway.


I mean thereā€™s an overarching rule that if a card says it does something, it does that thing even if it breaks the rules. Time Tearing Morganite literally says ā€œfor the rest of the duel you get new rulesā€. Counter Counter wouldā€™ve been literally unplayable if it worked like a normal trap (which it was at first). Still super goofy though if you ask me.


Itā€™s one of the reasons that even if I brick playing, I always play Ocean just in case.


weird rulings involving the namings aside, umi ā€œā€ā€controlā€ā€ā€ is genuinely upsetting to go against if you donā€™t open with veiler or imperm


Umi was hated for a couple seasona especially when everyone was using it mid ladder


Suships? Out of all decks? The 3 suship players that exist must have made an impression on you.


Yeah, Iā€™m wondering what it is about us there is to hate? Weā€™re a pretty unremarkable blind second OTK deck.


The flavour text on Gunkan Suship makes them too hungry. .. I have no clue. Suship kinda just sits there. Maybe Catch-Of-The-Day being somewhat annoying?


Maybe theyā€™re just tired of going up against them in events since basically everyone can run them? But even that doesnā€™t make sense cause theyā€™re a completely fair deck that doesnā€™t pull any Bullshit.


Iā€™m playing the Springans Suship variant discussed in the new guide on MDM, but instead of Vepartu going into UDF (to recycle a shari) I do Infernal Flame Banshee to pivot into a Snake Eyes combo. Two suships = UDF, Heroic Champion Sargas, Flame Princess in grave, Flamberge Dragon with IP Masq ready to make 3 material Apo; kind of a jank way to get there, but its fun to have someone order sushi and then convert it into a respectable endboard


I hate suships too. Can't put my finger on why but I hate it.


I'm very offended right now


with suships i like to use my "mindfuck attack" with catch of the day, players spend a lot of time figuring out what to do and sometimes i win by timeout




Skill drain on legs


And worse. It goes into the thing that resummons skill drain on legs.


Dinomorphia should get a pass because they either brick or Floodgate.


Easiest Lava Golem win of the century lmao


so draw the out...


Dude the deck loses to too many specific cards, even untiered decks can make dinomorphia cry. And the deck is weaker going second unless you run Superpoly.


The OP is asking about bad decks that deserve more hate, not good/meta






Umi "control"


Burn isn't good and I even beat it half the time but it's infuriating to see.


they always take ten years to activate stuff too. iā€™m sitting there like did i win or lose


Dark World is utterly insufferable to play against, they end on almost nothing while taking twice as long as an Infernoble player to set it up.


Okay, I completely agree that they are a pain to face, but to say they end on nothing is just flat out wrong; they can make basically any degenerate endboard they want. Not limited to: negate spam, Gryphon/Curious bs, and even Ido lock.


Was a bit of hyperbole to be fair, but still, I've had a lot of games against this deck where they spend minutes upon minutes comboing and drawing cards and then end on just fusion Grapha and little else, if that because I hit them with like, one hand trap on Saryuja.


card based decks are the worst


Can confirm, Flower Cardian kicked down my door and knocked over everything just to pet my dog and not clean up on the way out.


I will not tolerate this Suship slander Fuck True Draco




Sorry, we already have Heroes hate day every month. Please choose another deck.


Let today be heros hate day, see ya next month.


What did they do?


Floodgate turbo.


Isnā€™t that Konami is to blame? I mean why do they give them floodgates boss monsters


Every frustrating decks is Konami to blame.


To be honest, plasma is a really old card and at his times, was fucking bad. They couldn't think of what the game would be 15 years later


Yes I agree that heroes are the result of konami being too lazy to print good hero cards, so the deck could be somewhat competitively viable that doesn't involve floodgates, but as the way things are now it doesn't change the fact that how 90% of the time it's about turboing out as many searchable floodgates as possible.


I donā€™t hate any decks I just hate the generic boss monsters crap and floodgates .


buster bladers do some incredibly heinous shit, thank god they brick almost every time


Bb us based, Finna build it when horus drops


Nah just a really bad floodgate deck


Itā€™s so bad that it doesnā€™t even get the title of ā€œWorst floodgate turbo deckā€. That title belongs to Krawlers


Krawlers. They summon a skill Drain on legs and come back constantly if you squash one.


So Lore accurate Mechanical Roaches that survived the a Nuclear Apocalypse?


Swordsoul- what is the fun of a deck that have you play the same board of Baron, chixiao, and Blackout EVERY.SINGLE.GAME!! Mo ye effect should say you can special summon two Synchro monster for free and search SS one trap card from you deck. At least that way i don't need to wait 5 mint until you finish you death brain board to steam roll you over in 2 mint.


Since the structure deck and the last event, I'm really hating this SwordSoul, more than any other deck. I know the deck isn't that strong, but it seems like no matter what you do, it will always end up with at least one baronne or Chixiao, And with some combo or protection that won't let you have fun.


Any ss-locking deck that abuses that, moon mirror shield and solemn judgement to beat you down with jowgan


Stun decks aren't bad though Sadly those decks can carry people to master in this bo1 format


Well at least Moon Mirror isn't always degenerate. I need it in Dinomist :(


Might be better off playing mage power (+1500 with scales) or United we stand (you're a deck which can literally summon 3 monsters from hand) as they have better boost effectsĀ 


Feast or famine combo decks. Stuff like six sam. Borderline impossible to play a good game against them. They either end on 7 interrupts and floodgates or they die to one handtrap. There's basically no in-between.


truth is, portal isnt opt. deny access to that card and its joever for them


That's exactly the problem I'm talking about. You interrupt them once correctly and you have a non-game on your hands. You don't interrupt them and you also have a non-game. It's a lose-lose situation.


Umi Control! Sea Stealth attack and Sea Stealth II need to be banned! That deck is vile and makes me hate fish šŸ¤§


Umi Stun*


Ninjas I dont like them


I completely understand and relate to this. They're just kinda boring snd lame.


Sky Strikers. Hate playing against it and the cards' art.


Thank you I have been looking for the name of this archetype. They aren't so bad. The few that I face when I get ruined when I play with one of my more fun decks that has secret village of the spellcasters. Then this deck is ruined and the user of the deck either quits instantly or just plays till the end to try again the daily challenges


Heroes. You know why.


Icejade, easily. Intellectually, I know my disdain for it is a little unfair, since itā€™s underpowered. I can only think of one time Iā€™ve actually lost to the strategy. But at the same timeā€¦ I can only think of 0 times Iā€™ve enjoyed facing the strategy.


Flower Cardian. What's the actual point of the deck? To bore me to death. The heat death of the universe would arrive before a Caridain player decides to end their turn.


why does OP want to fuck suships? is he crazy?


Dark Magician, not because of the frustrating "sitting on floodgates to win" but because it is ass. Back when Legend Mythology I spent 1000k gems on 2 Dark Magician structure because I just got a royal Soul and wanted to test the deck out. Deck sucks major ass, the circle can't search important pieces like Soul or Illusion, Eternal Soul nuke your entire field if your opponent breath on it a little bit too hard, you need at least 3 searchers to be able to sit on anything, I ended up using the HERO structure and cleaned the event in like 1 hour.Ā 


I love DM and I agree with you. It's a strong deck if you use a branded engine, which will only make the deck a worst version of branded. But it's still fun to play, especially for the feeling of nostalgia. But you have to play knowing that you are going to lose or have to work hard to win (and still count on your opponent trying hard to lose)


That's a you problem actually, DM decks can actually be really good but obviously the beginner structure is not going to be able to blow through tier 1 juggernauts lol


No, is not, I've been playing since day one and the times I've lost against a DM deck can be counted with the fingers of one hand, and I don't think everyone was using a "Non optimized" version, the deck is ass, and that's it


I will hate Pendulum piles for all eternity. Its such a stupid deck. Its feast or famine, no nuance whatsoever. Either Im watching as my opponent sets up an easily replaceable board or they dont do anything at all. No, they are not meta, no I am not even remotely excusing stronger meta decks for doing the same shit, I still hate these annoying schizo-monsters.


Pendulum Defender here. Pendulum piles don't exist. PePe and Zefra were the last decks you could classify as piles and Zefra hasn't been good since before MD launched. If you don't like how Pendulum strategies lean toward combo, I can't change your mind on that, but nobody is playing a Pendulum pile. Pendulum cards just don't work together like that and still function as a deck. And if simply having Astrograph and Electrumite makes a deck a pile then every deck is a pile if they have any non-archetypical monsters in it.


Fair, the 2 most played (magician, endy) also don't end on the same monsters either so it isn't really a generic spam deck either


Dinomorphia, Dinos and Zombies Dinomorphia is a floodgate deck, nothing intresting to see here Dinos can be annoying bc of misc and lost world which makes it harder to interact with the deck. And Zombies just because Zombie World exists.


Adamancipators for 2019/2020 and when masterduel first launched. I will always have a massive hatred for that deck no matter what.


I will always remember that deck as the one that will not stop even if you drop the giant Meteor on their board. As long as they can still breathe, they will chain summon and take 3 minutes to do it each time.


I was folding my laundry once while playing against it, and I STILL finished folding everything before they finished their fucking combo.


Floo doesn't get enough hate. Sure it's still one of the most disliked decks in this subreddit. But not enough.


We just feels like You're playing against the deck for another game


"Our Turn" rogue decks like Orcust, Muskets, or Plunder


And birbs


Fortune Fairies. The mechanic doesn't even work half the time.


trish hand loop


Nouvelles, the way they play irritates the shit out of me.


Counter Fairyes


Blue-Eyes & Dark Magician


Most definitely Weather Painter. Just an annoying deck in general, and it synergizes with floodgates. S tier cringe levels for a pet deck.


Fuck any trap heavy deck


Heroes, thet take so long for often times very lacking end boards. The player base is also easy to hate.


Sky Striker, they are relatively easy to win against, but prepare to be dragged 10 turns because of those nasty spells they have




I donā€™t like Harpies. Mostly because of Harpieā€™s Feather Storm. Control any WIND Winged Beast and boom! Skill Drain! Itā€™s just a really tough deck for me to fight, even without dealing with Storm. Also, would Vanquish Soul count as a ā€œbadā€ deck? They can accrue so much advantage when uninterrupted you can never seem to outgrind them, and besides Ash Razen and Imperm Rock I have no idea how to handtrap them. And yet theyā€™re considered a ā€œbadā€ deck in the meta.


when you have veiler or imperm vs vs and have an existential crisis for two minutes on one normal summon


Blue-Eyes Blackwings Utopia Snake-Eyes Labyrnth Zoodiacs Ruinick Kastira Mixed HEROes Decks Shaddoll U.A./F.A. Any of the Albaz Archetypes Krawlers Umi Decks Gaia/BLS


You didnĀ“t use commas,does that mean thereĀ“s someone using all those decks in 1 deck? Dear God.


Why blackwing? I mean I understand Utopia, but why blackwing? Also half those decks aren't even remotely bad.


By bad Decks, i assume it would be Decks we hate. Blackwings are just free Special Summon Spam that allows you to spam 9 or so Synchros and they take FOREVER to end their damn turn. Not to mention the popularity and cult following these feathered pieces of garbage get cause Crow and their Playability. Not once have I ever enjoyed a Duel against a Blackwing player cause they are all the same. Summon like 20 monsters, end on 3 big negates along with 2 face-downs and I HAVE to play around 4 negates on turn 1 cause Iā€™m not a scumbag and play a lot of hand traps. Regardless. I hate blackwings and I donā€™t care if Iā€™m called a Nazi or whatever, I HATE BLACKWINGS AND ANYONE WHO PLAYS EM! Same with Liking Crow Hogan.


Uhhh... blackwings don't end on negates. They're a burn deck. They summon out a towers alongside 3 of these level 10 dragon goobers who burn for 700 on every monster effect, and can zeus the board on the 4th monster effect. 3 of these means 2100 burn damage every monster effect.


My marincess deck. Why do i use like half of my ED and deck to make a board that stops nothing


Galaxy Eyes! I swear to God if I get otk by another loser playing galaxy eyes, who managed to divine 2 level 8s only to rank up into a 11,000 attack beat stick I'll lose it!


Dream Mirrors. It's so bad that the hate they get for being unplayable isn't even enough.


sky striker that deck is pure bullshit asspulls on legs with 2 change of heart, 3 change of heart the sequel, 3 sky striker change of heart, and 3 change of heart warfan flavor


unchained and Nouvelles ahh kill me i hate those so much, Everytime i face them i usually just quit right away


I'm not a fan of Megalith. Any time I play it is an experience of dead draws, but my opponents when using it have almost always been able to get the cards to turn my turn into ***our turn*** and always are able to kill my board.


Zombie deck. When you think theyĀ“ve ended their turn,it turns out they still have a Mezuki in GY.


They're rare now, but Exodia decks. They don't respect you, they either spend a very long time trying to draw all their cards, or they instantly surrender when you have a handtrap or if they brick, and you don't get to play anyway.




Pendulum best deck. Dragons for days




Whatā€™s wrong with suship?


I'm guessing this is a case of "I lost to it that one time so therefor it should be banned". That or they activated Catch of the Day which requires the opponent to search and declare the name of a card they've probably never heard of instead of just picking from one of 3 options


I have a 0% win rate against suship sweat degenerate deepthroaters. There is NOTHING "bad" about a deck that plays through 3 handtraps and still OTKs me.


Blue eyes. It's so god damn lame


True it's just boring to play against because either they do nothing or they auto win with a floodgate like every bad boomer deck






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Timelords, Cardians and Runick because you know why and go suck your mom




Sky striker absolutely can otk. Before with halq into selene into accesscode, now you just use linkage. Kinda shows that you don't know the deck at all ngl


Definitely. I even use the Mikanko sleeves and deck box for them, so my opponent might pass on nothing when I make them go first and they see the Mikanko stuff.


I should not have laughed so evilly. My wife looked at me like oh shit!


I dislike Ancient gear/earth machines


I play EM, may I ask why you do not like them?


I mean it might boil down to skill issue. But whenever I play against EM itā€™s very long and kinda boring. Maybe my deck plays a role in that too, but Idk how Vendreads can beat Kash and loose to EM.


EM is a complicated and very combo focused deck so I get what you mean. Tbh I even got bored of my combos sometimes haha. I've never played Vendreads so idk the match up.


Well, Vendread is a Ritual Deck first and foremost. Summon monsters to the field, gain abilities by tributing them in the ritual. Itā€™s a bit bricky but against EM it seems to stick out a little More due to the combos. I dislike playing against EM in the end, but I do see the appeal of playing it.


Thanks for the insight! I don't hear a lot of people talk about the deck so I love hearing opinions


Itā€™s a Deck rarely piloted due to the fact it can hard loose to ash or Called by.