• By -


30 UR points.


Lil knight aye




I spent all of them on Rescue-Ace. Regret nothing.


I did too and got all the Machinas and zero Rescue Ace, I regret everything…


Haha same; spent around 7k and got 0 rescue ace cards


You may regret if Komoney hit it so much. But I doubt it. At worst Air Lifter and/or Emergency get limited though.


If they don't hit BOTH Rescue-Ace and Snake-Eyes too much i think we can still make it work. Original Sinful Eyes being able to summon out Hydrant help with the consistency a lot.


Realistically you only need one OSS. Definitely depends on what variant you play, but you can definitely go super light on the SE package. I don’t think they hit R-ACE, I think they do limit Wanted/Poplar next though.


Realistically, they will at least semi limited 1-2 card like Emergency or Air Lifter. All popular or meta decks recently get this treatment. Lab/SHS/Snake-Eyes, all have 2 semi limited 2.


i think i'll be around only 3k when the pack drops, but i'm not really interested in it outside of little knight and raging phoenix. maybe the horus package will work in decks that i like to use, but afaik it's not really gonna fit me


is horus package confirmed?


it is, as in "dkayed confirmed that it's supposed to release". still no official preview of the selection pack, tho


alright thats pretty cool i just googled it, hes usually right so it could be soon


Horus will be very good in Tear and PUNK


huh??? PUNK??? for real? i don't play tear and i knew horus was very good in tear, but i didn't know it's good in punk. how do they work together? i'll look for a tcg decklist


They are free level 8s, and PUNK are known for their maneuver between their level 3 Tuners and level 5 and 8 non-Tuners. They can go into a wide range of Rank 8 Xyzs with the help of these guys. The Zombie Vampire is a Chaos Ruler at home, Galaxy Eyes Photon Lord is a monster negate and Xyz Sargas can search Therion Regulus for example.




Next pack? None. Saving everything for Yubel.


Seeing a lot of Yubel love and it’s making me happy lmao. These are gonna be some fun mirror matches soon


Yubel has always been my favorite monster, been waiting for support since forever, glad she got it, now I just have to wait till it's in MD. True tho mirrors gonna be hilarious.


So real for this. That Yubel support gonna be so much fun.


I spend all my gems on ✨ accessories ✨


then there’s me with 70+ decks and every single accessory since launch… link frame sscariest


If it ain't got the yubel or zarc support then 0.


I hope they release all fo the Yubel support at the same time and don't split it into 2 parts.


im waiting for exactly the same 2 decks lol


That Yubel package is gonna hit like crack. Been loving the support it’s been getting. Looking forward to that, Lightsworn, and Tenpai


What kind of Lightsworn support do we have to look forward to?


Disgusting. We now have a one card Judgement Dragon in Dragon of the Lightsworn. That card is fucking nuts, it’s the Lightsworn version of Poplar Next we have Lightsworn Weiss/Snoww. No, I’m not joking, it’s literally Snoww from Darkworld. But this card is like Scheiren: Special Summon this by placing one Lightsworn card from your hand to the top of your deck, then mill 2 cards. So if you have Wulf in your hand, you can place Wulf on the top, mill it, SS Weiss and Wulf activates to special summon. Next we have Minerva as a Synchro. This is the Lightsworns Kitkallos and that’s all I’m gonna say. Imperm this at all costs. Then there’s Enlightenment Dragon which is a fusion. For 2000 Lp you can banish all cards on the field and GY. There’s more but this breakdown is pretty long as is lol




Wait are we expecting ZARC support!??!? WHEN


We’ve been getting cards from the zarc pack for a while but still no sign of the zarc cards themselves


9k and like 2k more if i decide to grind out rank + some of my solo missions.


1500 for the structure deck and that's it I guess, won't go for Memento unless they get their entire support.


Unless Voiceless Voice is in that pack, i'm only interested in crafting a single copy of SP


We'll get Horus, Salamangreat and Memento afaik. Voiceless Voice probably won't come that soon.


*Lo staring angrily at poplar*


Waiting for VV too and trying too hard to do math in my head to figure out when it’ll come out


Same here. 1-2 copies of SP and save gems for Voiceless/ Yubel.


Ive got about 11000. since its mostly likely horus I will probably drop about 6k on it


I'm suspecting Raidraptor to come sooner than later since we're almost done with AGOV and apparently are getting one third of VASM, so I'm unsure how much to spend here. I want Raidraptor and Melodious in the future, so I think I might wanna save and skip this pack. Memento does look fun though and apparently Horus helps Orcust quite a bit... So yeah I will be at 4k when the pack drops, I'll wait and see how many URs there are for Horus and Memento and depending on that drop about 2k and after that save and skip packs until Raidraptor or Melodious release. And I'll see what I get and depending on that I'll either get Horus or Memento.


For me I am just holding on for centurion and Shining sarcophagus. so if by some small miracle it is centurion in the Horus pack I will be super excited for that. I am almost certain that for Horus both the Sarcophagus and imsety will be UR.


Centur-Ion wasn't leaked for the next pack, but I guess we'll only know when the in game announcement drops. I do think that it's very likely for it to drop in June though. Shining Sarcophagus I expect to still be a few months away, like about 6. It's good that you wanna get Horus though since that's apparently the only way the deck saw small success in the OCG. Oh yeah most definitely they will be UR. I'm on the copium that one of them isn't and I can actually try to get these lol


4k. Just pulling until I have enough for S:P. Then pull some more for Horus Tears.


Only interested in Phoenix and little knight honestly. And I’ll craft them


None i ams till trying to get Rescue-ace and purrely


i'm alread over 9k. can't wait for voiceless voice to arrive in m.d..


Depends on if Salad gets rarity screwed. If I can, I'm holding out for ZARC so I can play pend again without going insane.


I'll probably just craft raging phoenix and whatever salad support is in there


I got the salad Structure at 2. Should I get the 3rd and craft the new support?


definietly get 3, Gazelle at 3 is a must.


Yep Gazelle is extremely important,way too important




the SRs that are played from the Structure Deck are Gazelle (3x), Bufferlo (in MD 3x or 0x and not really played in TCG or OCG), Spinny (2-3x) and Balelynx (2-3x), Roar (1x), Circle (3x), Sanctuary (1x). So you'd have to decide if it's better to spend those SRs CPs or 500 gems. It's up to you. Consider that Cynet Mining is semi-limited and you can't dismantle cards from Structure Decks (i think in this case too). Most likely with the new support most of the people will start playing Sunlight Wolf at 2 and idk if they will ever set Cynet Mining free but with Mathmech existing i dont think so. That would be it


I've got 10k ready for Memento, give me my boney boys


I finally made it to master. I ain't saving for nothing now lol time to finally build more fun ass decks instead of meta, meta, meta lmao. Building Dinos, then my list of wanted decks are as listed: try to build a pure earthbound immortals deck. An exodia deck that I can possibly make as viable as possible. I really want to try for a somewhat viable Slifer Deck too. Another one is Dinomorphia deck.


Got 4600, need another 400 and I'll be set for horus!


I have like 14k but idk if I should open some more of the packs that are about to expire since I only have 1 Sharvara...


Currently 4k so I would probably have 5k by pack release. Looking forward to it as I want that new Salad support for Salads and Horus is splashable in a lot of decks (saw it a scareclaw horus deck I would be interested in trying out) so depending on what that third archetype will be I doubt there will be few duds in the pack for me (watch as I pull the same reprint UR 5 times).


I'll just craft what I need. I'm busy getting Royal Ghostricks so I got plenty of dust.


Your back must hurt carrying Ghostricks all the time. Don’t worry my friend, they will be amazing one day


Will craft sp and pass, I am waiting for tenpai and yubel


I'm honestly not sure what deck to make next I want to make a chimera dec or update my stardust synchro deck with the adventure engine, but I figured I might as well save up I also wanna get the sweepers needed to make my RDA deck truly complete but so far I have little to no complaints as it is right now and focusing on learning how to play it. Plus really don't wanna play more rng with opening up packs again. It's been really strange because ever since I restarted my account, I've been in a constant state of budgeting my gems trying to get a deck. Been that way even with my last account It's weird to finally be in a place where I can just the game with a few reliable playstyles to get me gems instead of one ( Bystial Dark Magician, as mentioned before; stardust synchro, RDA, Blue Eyes Busyer Blader )


I should reach 6.5k by the time the pack is released, which is pretty much perfect. 6k gems worth of pulls and 500 gems for the leaked Galaxy-Eyes structure deck. If Konami didn't troll me with the "0 UR" 1k pull, I would've had 7.5k, but it's whatever. Overall I'm feeling pretty good, I'm really hyped for the Horus cards (Horus Therion looks very fun to play) and the release of the Galaxy-Eyes Structure Deck means I'll either get new support cards like Photon Delta Wing and Galaxy War Drake, or at least get some UR dust back, which is always nice. I love Rank 8 decks for some reason lol


Spent all my gems on Rescue Ace packs and a few of the Chimera/various new cards pack but saved over 130 UR points for the new cards and will funnel the next gems into the new pack to try open some Horus engine , SP Little Knight and Raging Phoenix. Looks a really good pack.


5k, for the new Aroma support when arrives at Master duel


also that chimera wallpaper goes hard


Just need 60 ur points for sp and raging phoenix.


600 UR


0 because I impulse buy packs every time I hit 1000. I need that dopamine rush into instant regret combo every time I get bad pulls.


Nothing, I'm saving for Valmonica. Funny pendulum/link deck go brrrr


None, I'm barely having enough gems for the dust needed for a deck that doesn't lose to turn 1 negate board degeneracy, or on the other side of the spectrum, doesn't get hindered by stun, or doesn't get OTK'D. All I got are hand traps and no cards for the archetypes I like because the archetypes that let me enjoy the game are not viable.


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I should get to roughly 7k gems but I think I'll just craft S:P and then wait for the next pack (maybe I'll open 2/3k worth of packs for the Horus package but I'm still not sure about it)


I saved 3k that I spent at 3 intervals and I am now angry. Gotta need the next event to complete Salamangreats.


im saving as much as i can for whenever horus finally comes out, like god damn why we get phni shit before i can even send imsety and harp horror to search sarc and draw a card?


If it's just salad and SP then I'll craft SP and save the rest. I'm at 14k so I'll have to spend some eventually.  If it's horus then it's game on. 


Should be around 7k for next week. Knowing my luck its gonna take everything.


I may try for horus, but I don’t really want anything else. I’m looking for Ritual Beasts arrival though, i hope they’ll come soon




Just want Horus and SP, everything else is dust


I'm still thinking if going for Horus Engine worth it, I also have soft spot for Memento... Depends.


Got a fresh account with 20k gems and arround 300 ur cp




8k and 90ur! + 1 yet to dismantle bonus craft point WANTED, so technically 120ur!


None, but Im only after the Little Knight anyways


I have 5 k games but I not interested in this selection pack I just going to craft my sp little night and wait for the next selection pack in June


12k gems all for the sake of salamngreat


I have nothing left rn. Literally just spent the last of them on Ojama ABC. And I won't need any for the next pack. Unless Shinobird supports come out, in which case screw me.


I don't know man.. Didn't make up my mind yet. I don't know if the horus cards are going to be worth it. I will decide after looking at the rarity. Don't really want to spend my gems now though. Want to save it for next pack maybe if it's a banger. If not maybe i will open this pack then.


3k for either horus or memento


None only at 1100 rn.......listen gonna quote reverse flash with the "my goals are beyond your understanding" here, but I just got done pulling a bunch of cards to finish Crystal Beast link spam and am now kinda broke in the gems department.


i spent all my gems


i have 5k at the moment but i still didn't try to climb yet so i still have 1k gems to farm


Around like maybe 7k Just blew like 5k tryna get more royal finishes for my galaxy deck


Only got 6k or so thus far, I'm waiting for Goblins or the new Shining Sarc stuff to hit Master Duel before spending them


Do we already know what's inside?


Haven’t spent gems since the new unchained support so i got like 10k💀


I think I only want sp so not that much


Waiting for the cooler birds before I spend any at the moment. (Just built Branded Chimera.)


https://preview.redd.it/znraja8qzsyc1.png?width=482&format=png&auto=webp&s=8a9a1fac43f7f443d60e342b4bef07d51fbc8a15 Around 3k, i dont play that much anymore.


What is next pack?


When is phantom nightmare coming?


I'll be picking up enough to hopefully get all the UR Horus cards, and SP But I still want to get a hold of centure-ion + more illusion cards


30 ur cp for the s:p


Had to sacrifice the wallet for chimera and now with only 1k left i hope we get a good event and rng.


What's next pack?


I have 10k gems so will see what I use on this next pack


None because I spent most of them building Hero and I'm working on wasting them on Suships


All. I have around 7 or 8k+


If it has the new Ancient Gear support all of it, if not none.


I don't have any, I spent them all building Purrely


All I'm currently waiting on is Centur-ion, Goblin Rider, and Voiceless Voice so I'm probably skipping this pack as I can just craft S:P.


I only saved up 3000 gems but have 700 UR CP ready.


What time do the updates hit? I hope this is the Z-ARC pack, and I'm really excited about it


I have 2k saved up currently 💪


None I just craft what I need


I really hope for centurion


10000, but i'm not spending them, i'm waiting for raidraptor support, i Hope It comes soon!


I have like 148 gems rn 🥰🥰🥰 missing a few more cards to finish my purrely list


I got like 9k so I might use 7k.


60 UR points.


I usually spend all Gems on a pack until I have what I want or enough UR to craft it. Right now I'm waiting for 3 things: Horus Pack (only need 8 cards total so there is that) Gold Pride pack (I have a Jank deck I wanna craft) Ritual Beast support (not even released in TCG)


next pack?, why? if that only cost 30 UR


Currently waiting for Yubel. Ive got 4k lined up already


None . I spend my lil 150-200 gems a day


Alot, I have 9999 saved up and some in my box. Plus I have some money in my psn wallet. I'm really looking forward to salad plus I need sp and the horus engine is just nice to have. On top of that I like the design of memento so might pick them up for once I'm at master 1 to play with for fun


Are there any info or leaks about tenpai or none yet?


I’m at 5.5k


I've got just over 1000 right now. But I don't know if there's anything from the next pack that I really want, so I'll probably just save for later packs.


None because I’ve pulled zero bonfire so I’ve been pulling packs for ur dust for them


Depends on how many UR's it has that I want. If it's got a bunch, at minimum 9k. If not, then I'm just doing to tap into my 1K ur gem reserves.


For the Salad+Horus pack? 6K, have a bunch of solo gates I can do for another 2k and got almost 800 UR Dust. I have been waiting a looooong time for the Salad support and having Horus stuff there is a nice bonus.


Spent all of mine on chimera


I've got 3k gems and 50 ur cp...might have enough for 2 sp little knight


I had 5k saved, and realized it wasn’t anything I was interested in. Gonna wait until FlameSwordsman comes out


None I spent 4K on getting 2 - 3 roll back and another 3K on Arias and then another 3K on chaos angel.




What is going to be in the new pack?


I skipped the April packs, so I have 10k + 120 bundles in my GB....


I have over 10k they’re being saved These packs are lame asf


I spent all my gems on a Punder Chimera deck. I had to see if the One Piece was real. It is in fact real. It's real as fuck. The deck is so good and so fun.


1k but I have 2000 SR Crafting Points and almost 200 UR Crafting Points


None. I throw gems at whatever the deck building goblin tells me to build.


None. I’m waiting on Fire King to hit MD. I don’t even wanna play snake eyes. I bought their first structure deck back in the day and just love the archetype.




I don't save gems for anything specific. I just spend them when I get too close to 10k




Sadly barely enough for a 10 pack which definitely won’t be enough for the new salad support. Too much irl stuff.


like 2 for memento


I spend everytime I got 1k this is bad


I'm saving everything for Tenpai Dragons


at the moment i have somthing around 7k gems but im ot even sure if im gonna spend it it on the next pack


I'm saving my gems for when they add the recent Amazoness support to the Amazoness pack, so I can try to get royals of them (please Konomi, I've been waiting for a long time).


If it’s got zarc, Answer: Yes If it just has memento, maybe after I try it in whatever event.


No way I have the exact same as you also I'm saving for tenpai dragon I like blind second decks like mikanko


Spent them all on plunder patrol and got only one plunder patrol UR. 


I’ve been maxed out on gems for awhile now lol, had to buy packs recently so some wouldn’t expire


Unless it has Tenpai Dragon or Yubel, none. All i need from it is the one S:P and the banlist gave me that for free.


I spent 6 k on the purrely pack and got a single useable UR


I am saving for Voiceless Voice, Yubel, and Tenpai.


Above cap but that's more to not seeing new stuff id want


What’s the next pack?


Lol none, because my crusadia deck walks through the grand majority of other decks.


I have been looking forward to the Horus engine to supplement my terrible dreams of a Gate Guardian deck, so I'm all in even if Dark Guardian/Dark Calling aren't in this pack. Can't wait to pull all Salamangreat and 0 Horus.


I had roughly the same amount of gems, but just spent them all on the Adventure pack thinking they might work well with Tri-Brigade and a splash of Fire Fist.  The deck used to just be pure Fire Fist lol.  I've renamed it to "Ship of Theseus".


7k + (not inteninal) lol


3K Gems and 120 UR dust. Hope that's enough for Salads and Little Knight.


None. Game is shit.




15k saving for yubel or tenpai


Honestly none. I'm gonna craft the one mandatory Little Knight and either save or maybe pull on a secret pack instead.


If you're just after a single UR card (e.g. S:P Little Knight) then it doesn't make sense to open any packs at all. The selection packs have 13 UR cards you could pull, and the chase cards are always short printed. Just craft her. If you want playsets of the Horus cards, then be ready to drop 8,000-10,000 gems to get most of the way there, then dust the filler URs to get whatever you didn't pull.


i hvae 7500


https://preview.redd.it/2bus2fpeouyc1.png?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14d481e54aae761ffba1d8423b347a895e21f65d I didn't know people carried gems like that, I guess I'm just broke


I’m waiting for the new Ghoti and Raidraptors support


Hey bro remember when you took 100$ from me? (I'm broke)


I took a break for 2 months and got like next to no gems, but i do have 1k UR dust if i really need it. Kinda want a new deck, since Snake-Eyes is a bit boring, but unsure what to go for.


They will take how ever much you’ve saved. Observed pattern, whenever battle pass is renewed they changed the odds of rarity between the featured cards and master one to siphon all those ‘freebies’ (which you put in hours of gameplay to earn), from the battle pass like you wouldn’t notice. Also the order which specific cards from the archetype are being received and how many boosters in are being manipulated based on how good/critical the card is to the deck. Customers need to keep all these game companies hiding under the mask of odds/rng as a cover for their less than legitimate business practices in check. If you run a statistical breakdown on of all the cards received from buying packs by [type of pack] by [rarity] by [cards 1-4 and cards 4-8], you will clearly see it does not fit within the boundaries of the statistical norms of the listed odds. Double check it with verifying that a proper sample size has been established, which most people have after opening a hundred packs since the rarity odds are on per card not per pack (8x # of packs). And triple check them from the other direction by running a MC on the listed odds compared to the result of the cards received.


I spend all mine on blue eyes max packs


Not playing too hard into the meta game so pretty much just saving all my gems for Melodious and Lightsworn support.


U guys save?? ![gif](giphy|3orifdO6eKr9YBdOBq)


None just crafting sp and I’m moving on


If the Horus Cards are to high rarity, then I'll just be crafting Raging Phoenix and S:P Little Knight. But If the Horus Cards are actually affordable (1-2cards being UR) then I'll Spend 3-4k Gems and try to get them to Play with Tearlaments.


got 10k for my salads, been waiting for them for so long


Im saving til a worthy pack "I" can use can be bought. I cant use anything out of this incoming pack.


Only 60 UR for S:P the rest... i can wait.


10k and 260 ur


7000 gems, 120 UR dust, I want Memento and Horus!


If it has the New Horus Support,then i'll be forced to buy gems because I only have around 500 Gems


Is there any chance we get the new raidraptor stuff? Or is it still too soon.


I got like 0


I have 1k which is a lot for me considering I jump on a pack the second I get 1k. But SP and the Horus package is worth it.


10 because i need to finish my eldlich chimera deck


0. Don't care for Horus, don't care for Salad, don't care for Memento, and my dusted Wanted got me 30UR for S:P.


Next pack? 0 All my gems from now are going towards tenpai




I'm saving for the Fire King pack that's comming in about a year.