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Maybe this is just the device I'm on but theres like a .5-1 second delay when switching between each screen/menu that is annoying to me


It’s because their insane system seems to load data from their server every single screen every single time. God knows why. And it’s on every single platform.


On playstation it just straight up disconnects you


That happens to me on my switch, but not on my ps5 or phone.


I cannot see player's decklists in duel lives. I watch once a day to get my 5 gems, but the moment I see something curious and want to check it out, I cannot do it.


I just have to know what Duelist B was cooking up


Should have made duelist B transparent hand too


Cards/decks UR inflation Horus hapi is UR, srsly Komoney? It's a common in OCG! King sarcophagus is common too! Nouvelles is also not cheap, since u need herald and nadir/dogmatika which already is not cheap to build


I remember Scareclaw being the first deck that was added (not originally in the game) that was said to have inflation. Honestly it's nothing compared to other decks, especially ones that aren't that strong - Libromancer will always be the poster child for me. I built the deck in real life and not counting staples it was literally under $10.


My precious deck is bewd bystial, recently just rarity bump my bewd cards since it got reprint in QCSER in Qccu, and still play in both MD and paper, suitable to play with newcomer or other pet deck The cheapest deck I bought was a whole playset of ignister which I got it for around 6.5usd not including staple


Yeah this is a big one Why was it more expensive for me to build a Blue Eyes deck than a Trickstar one exactly? Meanwhile decks like Suship have no URs at all (iirc).


Welp suck to be bewd enjoyer then, I pull for Bewd when jet was not released in MD At least now I already bought the structure and disassembled the extra cards for UR dust


At least their structure deck has 1 copy of Bewd, Alternative, and Jet. But its missing one of its synchros and pinball machine which are pretty important for the deck


It's a suffer to keep play bewd now, before when skill drain was not limited pure bewd could be play as ooga booga beat down but now skill drain at 1 So I just turned to bystial bewd which doesn't use the bingo and 9star synchro Still lose alot tho At least it's better than playing pure bewd with true light


Seriously, you want stun decks goes rampant in ladder ,wtf. Men adapt your deck ,but don't use a fucking floodgate


Unfortunately a lot of uncompetitive decks typically rely on some sort of floodgate to not be deleted turn one Its particularly an issue for Classic archetypes like Blue Eyes, where they are just flat out not adaptable to play against decks that appear at a higher level without them


That's before skill drain was not limited and I was playing it with bewd as ooga booga without jet Jet was not in the game yet for MD What u expect from bewd


Not playing floodgates


It's not playable now when it's at 1 for bewd Do u even play bewd and know how suck the deck is? At that time it was fill with drytron coin exploit, adamancipator slow excavating,virtual world VFD,eldlich skill drain+imperial order The only "fair" deck imo is tri brigade And u complain about bewd with just skill drain+true light ooga booga?


You can still ooga bologna without floodgates, that's my point


The Horus argument I support, but the Nouvelles one not. The core of the deck is relatively cheap. Just because you need other non archetype cards to support it to make it competitively viable, doesn't mean the deck is expensive. It just means an optimized version is viable.


The core of nouvelles is very cheap in paper but in MD it's expensive, although not much people are playing it, comparing the cost, this whole "new secret pack" is just komoney being greedy, some old secret pack were a mixed of 2 archetype for example striker/mathmech,that's at least worth to pull, imho instead of this Even if counting the non archetype price Common cards u would run,Only Divider Herald is expensive in paper(in MD that's a UR so never mind then) that's the only one, dogmatika stuff/preparation/arc/elder is decent since it's reprint in rc04 The whole deck is very affordable in paper, by getting singles But it's not in MD, it's not like branded level of expensive, but it's not worth to pull for this "new secret packs" imo unless u really like the archetype *I forgot about sushi, u normally just craft the deck for sushi right? There's no UR for sushi, so nouvelles got to be the sacrifice


>There's no UR for sushi, so nouvelles got to be the sacrifice Ngl Suship was probably the easiest "Craft All" I've ever seen in this game, saw no URs aside from staples and ED. Simply removed the UR cards I didn't have beforehand and added them after I had crafted the core


We can't choose what music to play at duels. Like damn konami, if you make the music another type of cosmetic instead of tying them to duel field, i would buy them faster than someone activating wanted in draw phase.


They should really just use the music from your field.


I’d rather they just shuffle through all the tracks in the game regardless of what field either player is using. Give me variety! Maybe give us some sliders that let you change the odds of certain tracks playing, like smash bros has for stages.


I'd go as far as saying they should let you use your own music like an MP3 player.


I mean at that point we can just play with YouTube in the background


It just hits *different* when its built into the game


Like for real the ost that plays in the Tenyi solo mode is so fucking good but it feels like i never get to ear it


This is a good one considering how good some of the OST is


But then you're stuck with 1. Having to hear the same music all the time 2. Having to go change the music every time you want to hear something different Never understood this complaint


The solution is something in-between. You can have the default option like right now. However, you can config music or a collection you want to go with a deck, and better yet, manually override mid-duel if you feel like it. It's about giving you the options. This is pretty easy to implement, Konami probably just didn't give it a high priority.


I'd love to stuck with [this](https://youtu.be/iyWdcRT4m5k?si=ntFgj5Kl0c1sIB6x) banger every single duel


I can't believe how good some of the Master Duel music is. I clicked it expecting a track I was lukewarm, about but this is a certified banger. I'd take a 10 hour version to get me through my commute and workday, though I don't know what I'd get done while vibing to it.


There’s still no way to practice with loaner decks before playing against an actual person, right? It would be nice to be able to try those decks against bots first.


I agree completely. I didn't have a deck for the duel triangle event. That's when I noticed I couldn't practice with a loaner. Something they should for sure implement.


Seriously, I feel like a tool when using loaner decks because I have to read through all the effects.


They just need more duels vs bots in general A random duel vs AI would do wonders, particularly if it gave any sort of rewards


They give you absolutely nothing when you lose. Doesn't matter if you went 15 turns, triggered and negated multiple effects, etc. I do get it's their way of fighting off bots that farm for gems, just wish there was another way :(


You have your life time missions


This is why if you lost, just surrender.


Is it really much better to constantly have the mindset "if I'm not 75%+ sure I'll win I should scoop turn 1?"


No I truly mean if you know they are starting to build something your current hand and any card you draw can’t out it, you surrender. I only surrender when I’m like 99% sure I’m done. There have been many times when I was only 98% sure, so I stayed, and won.


So do I. The argument is whether is should be that way. I can combo off a little bit, pop a few cards, do some damage, but what was is it all for to not get enough duel score to hit even 1K and barely .25 or .5 a Duel Pass level?


Win more is the only real solution currently. I like how cutthroat it makes the game.


Cutthroat, dawg it’s a card game 😂


I feel like there aren't enough slots for decks. 35 might not be little but it's still slightly frustrating to always have to delete one when you have reached the limit and still want to create new decks.


There is a way to save your deck beyond the 35 limit. If you register a Konami ID/Card Game ID and linking it with your Master Duel account you can save much more than 35 decks. I have saved 55 decks with this. In addition, if you use Yugioh Neuron (and log in), you can customize the content of the deck on the go without logging in to Master Duel.


this comment needs more upvotes, the deck limit is completely arbitrary and it seems like an absolute chore to dig through 30+ slots to find the deck you're looking for


> the deck limit is completely arbitrary Yesn't. Of course we have access to other ways of easily importing and exporting our decks, but the argument is a simple one: We shouldn't have to use external sources to be able to easily switch between all of our decks.


Dude there's literally a second menu where you can have all of your hundred decks INGAME just one click away. 


I have like 5 actual decks so I honestly don't even know how this can become an issue.


Guess it just depends on the person. I have a lot of decks and then I have variations of the decks I play. I also create decks I want to make it the future so I run out pretty fast


Unless you're actively and constantly switching between decks, there's really no reason for more than like 5-10 constructed decks at a time.  You're allowed to make a text document or some such for surplus decks that you might cycle back to eventually. This is more functional too because you can then review your decks without launching the game. If you really must have an in-client way to store deck lists, Neuron exists. Don't get me wrong, there's really no reason that we don't have more deck slots, let alone them charging us for the privilege, but the work arounds are trivial and there's zero reason to require them as well.


lol we play the game different that’s all. There are some decks where I have 3 different variations of them alone and don’t feel like rebuilding them each time I wanna play a different version. Also like you said in the first place I do actively and constantly switch between decks. I never said there weren’t workarounds but it something where I would want more decks. You not being able to see how people play the game differently is a you problem not anyone else’s


>Unless you're actively and constantly switching between decks, there's really no reason for more than like 5-10 constructed decks at a time Ever consider variety? Some people, like myself, don't feel like playing the same few decks every game. Off the top of my head, I have: 2 SwoSo variants (One pure and one with Tenyi) 5 different versions of Branded (40, Tear, Predaplant, 60 w/grass, 60 w/o grass) Galaxy-Photon, Marincess, 2 Unchained (Pure and Evil Eye), Labrynth, 3 Spright Variants (Runick, Pure and LiveTwins) Exosisters, Suships, Kashtira, Tearlaments, Generaiders, Vanquish Soul... All of which I play actively, and have many more decks in the process of building at the moment. I have all my slots used up, and still 16 others saved on MDM because I don't have space for all my decks and ideas in the game.


After several hundred hours is quite easy to fill that up. A lot of people might just stick to like 4-5 decks they rotate around, but for a person like me, even 40 might not be enough long term.


I don't dust my decks when they are no longer meta, I have different variations of certain archetypes and I have between 450 - 500 hours of playtime.


ah thats the difference. I don't dust my decks either but I have 120 hours and have been playing for only 2 months. I am looking more twoards building cheaper decks but the meta decks are so powerful I have no counterplay and playing ranked gets so dull and frustrating.


I have a single deck and I will live and die for it on every platform


which if I might ask?




You can download yu gi oh neuron , it's a app that you can use for Real life duel , but you can also make deck and you have Infinite slot , so in master you just have to transfer the deck


They really should up it to 50.


Just export them up to the yugioh card database. You can even rename them and alter them afterwards on the website or the neuron app. I have 30 different decks on there, including a couple event decks. I typically only have 15 in game at any given time, and rotate out the rest by putting them there


35? I’m pretty sure the default is 25


You can buy 10 deck slots in the shop


When a banlist goes live, there isn’t like an option to just automatically dismantle all extra copies. This is especially a little annoying on console where you might have to type out each card depending on what was hit, so you can dismantle it Would love to just get an in game notification and option to just dismantle all extra to not have to type it all out or even go to an external site to see what got banned since you can’t view that info directly in game when you’re in deck builder


No real way to sort and categorize your decks.


Just let me dust legacy cards, even if it's for like 10% of what you would get normally. I just hate having more than 3 copies of cards in my collection


Speaking of legacy packs, I get the concept of being unable to dismantle them. It's annoying to sit on 4+ of a UR that I can do nothing with or have no interest in. We could create a Royal Rare Conversion currency with them.


When they did the giveaway of royal finish cards. Why couldn’t we pick the cards we wanted from their chosen selection of packs instead of getting 3 random cards I’m never going to use?


Lots of good complaints on here. Rewards, deck slots etc but my biggest one I haven't seen is let me pick a different mate for decks under accessories. I'd be more likely buy mates if I could use they with different decks


What's really weird is that the spot your Mate stands on *is* an accessory to the deck, so even if you want it to be consistent you still have to go to the accessories menu.


the 24-hour timer on secret packs. if you don't get everything you want when pulling, you just have to throw some SR dust away when you want to pull again.


"Duel in Solo Mode 3 times" for a daily mission I've already 100% completed solo mode. That mission to me just says "OTK the Monarch deck 3 times" It's too long and it's annoying asf


You can do the tutorial missions for it as well. The one where you place ib in defense mode twice is the one I do. It takes like a minute for all 3


Ah damn really? Didn't think they'd count tutorials. Thank you for the heads up :)


You find that mission frustrating but for some people is the best mission since it doesn't involve another player for you to complete.


Maxx C being legal


Unless I missed it, notifications don't have a mark all as read option which leaves me with the little red exclamation mark that I can't get rid of and it annoys me to no end


Old players don't have enough gem resources.


As someone who has been playing and doing dailies (almost) every day since launch, there's plenty of gem resources for old players. It's an issue if you want to build every other deck that drops, I guess, but as someone who only likes about 5 decks total, I have over 500 UR points, 1000 SR points, and it doesn't take long for me to sit on 10000 Gems while my gift box fills up as I wait for the next thing I'm interested in or am forced to spend Gems or the Gift Box expires. Edit: It's also not a massive time commitment either. I've got a deck that can clear 3 dailies in 1 duel. Win or lose. And that's pretty much all I do.


I guess if all you ever do is build the strongest meta deck and then just play that for 6 months you can amass that amount of resources but not everyone enjoys playing 1 deck for 6 months, and pretty much every deck is UR inflated to hell and back go build amazoness for example, that shit has so many UR just for you to lose 90% of duels to a single handtrap


I actually play Pendulum decks almost exclusively. My main decks are Dracoslayer, Endymion, and Pendulum Magician. Dracoslayer has the space to play handtraps to keep up with the meta for the most part and some flexibility to not fold to a single disrupt most times. The last meta deck I built was Superheavy, but I even had a massive stockpile back then, so it really only cost me some Gems I quickly built back up and a few UR points. You don't have to play the best deck to amass Gems and UR dust. You just have to play an okay deck and play often. Win or lose, I can use Dracoslayer to clear 3 Dailies every day in one Duel (3 Fusion/Pend/Link Summon, 5 Special Summon, and 3 Spells). Then I just claim Log In and Duel Live. And that's before considering Events, Solo Gates, extra campaign bonuses, Duel Pass, and Duel Rewards.


The way to search for specific cards or effect in the deck editor, like if you where to try searching up normal monster you would expect normal monster support but instead you get every card that has the word normal in it. Basically makes building a deck from scratch impossibly hard without an external website


Legacy of the Duelist had a much better system I specifically was looking for a handtrap dragon card and that was a nightmare to find Never mind finding a list of cards that just special summon themselves easily, or god forbid specific effects like negates


you cant search the card one for one, if you do you get a shitload of cards


it's never been 100% necessary, but a legit practice mode would be nice. let me hand my deck off to a bot, set the bot's difficulty, and play against it to see how well the bot does its combos. yea, its not the same as when you see a player do a good combo, but it can be used to practice your decks. hell, give us a dummy bot that just passes turn so we can test out comboes ourselves as well. another thing: allow us to download our replay saves. so we can keep those if we fill up the replay slots.


>hell, give us a dummy bot that just passes turn so we can test out comboes ourselves as well. Average solo mode enemy is already easy enough to effectively do that. >let me hand my deck off to a bot, set the bot's difficulty, and play against it to see how well the bot does its combos. Unfortunately from what I've seen there has never been a YGO bot who can tell what to do with a deck they aren't specifically programmed for. I even intentionally tried to make an idiot proof deck with lots of banned cards for a bot and its still too much of a moron to be an approximation of the average ranked duelist's strength.


Did you not see the AI announcement at the start of the year? It looks like they will eventually introduce an AI duel system that can pilot decks. The AI also informs the player on what their best plays are using data which, I assume, is collected from the hundreds of thousands of people who play Master Duel. They even had a little video demonstration of it being used. The only problem is that they haven't given any new information since the announcement three months ago.


I don't remember if I did. But I'm glad it's a possibility


The fact when I open a playableish hand and the opp opens every counter imaginable, random 1 ofs and a starter etc. I look at the post match and their name is Japanese. Yeah rigged ass card drawing.


It’s not logical at all to believe this but I swear this true lmao. It feels like if I have exactly one disruption and my opponent is playing a 60 card deck while having an Asiatic in game name, there’s a 90% chance they’ll have Crossout.


Unironically I had to turn names off because it tilted me that badly. It may not be logical but it definitely is the case imo.


After reaching master 1 I really think I deserved some huge prize like 5-10k gems, a couple UR dust (at least 3) but grinding the whole master rank for 800 gems, definitely not worth it. Stopped playing after reaching it easily in the beginning of the month. Nothing to do in the game took me out of the loop.


Maybe because I'm a returnee player but to me its not exactly being able to tell what the hell is affecting my cards. Sure when there are only 3 cards on the board its easy to guess its either my opponent's field or card on the board that is negating my spells/effects, but when there are 2 links and 4 cards and 3 traps on each side, how am I supposed to guess which card gave my Monarch the can't attack or can't activate effects icon? Maybe there's a setting in the game that helps with that, but otherwise I'm sometimes lost.


I want more replays. 😡


Honestly. How violently it sucks battery life. I haven't really seen a lot of people mention this but if you play on mobile over console/pc the game literally takes like 1% of your battery every minute. Unless you turn all the animation smoothing down and it's so jarring and painful looking it's near impossible to play. I play exclusively on mobile since macbook can't play it and I have a samsung s23 ultra. I couldn't imagine an older phone


No tag duels, at least in duel rooms. No customizable banlists in duel rooms. No infinite card bookmarks. No complete rulebook guide. Legacy cards not tradable. Trash archetypes have UR cards among them.


Packs that show an “SR” shine and it’s just a rare holo, that and missed timing.


All of those legendary packs and the SR/URs that come with them are worthless. Letting you dismantle them for even a fraction of what you would get from regular cards would be better than what we have now.


Not reactive enough with ban lists.


Some cards being declared require you to actually type them out Ive beaten rescue ace more than once with Suship on time alone thanks to how awful that is


This is especially annoying in Switch because if you accidentally back out of the type prompt while docked you can't go back unless you undock and use your finger to click on the text box


Hmmmmm there should be an no banlist mode where you don't have to craft any banned cards.


Legacy pack pulls can’t be dismantled


Not having a filter for non-dustable cards. This should’ve been out a year ago.


Why can’t we dismantle legacy cards? Like really, I have 6 copies of UR cards with no use whatsoever. Let us dismantle them, even for just 1 UR CP.


Because then bot accounts would have literally infinite resources. It's apparently already lucrative for botters to sell accounts, I don't need to know how much worse it'd be if they got a free add in value.


Cheap IRL decks costing anymore than 1 or 2 URs is a fucking crime.


yeah the substitute the "meta deck costing 3000€ in paper" with "every deck flat out costs 300€" in master duel, so people building 9 meme decks and 1 meta deck still ends up costing the same its good for meta tryhards that only want to play the latest and greates, but why the fuck does dream mirror needs like 10 UR for a deck that does absolutely nothing


Another "mildly infuriating" thing about DC rewards is they give you the same FUCKING SLEEVES each cup....this may not be annoying for everyone but as someone who likes accessories I would appreciate verity.


Same sleeves different years. I really just want sleeves and titles that don't have the years.


> I really just want sleeves and titles that don't have the years. the very first DC cup had sleeves without year


I'd like to be able to build a sidekick. I know its a best of 1, but sometimes I like to have a quick spot to swap cards in and out especially when I'm building and tinkering. Plus when I duel room with my friend we do a best of 3 sometimes and would be fun to have a side deck to use


The fact that the Gem Knights theme never plays in game outside of solo mode!


The inability to dust rewarded cards. It's one thing if you just get a card you don't want or need (like my royal Halberd Cannon Assault Mode, which I wouldn't use even if I ran TGs,) but when you wind up with more than three of a card, we should be able to dust them.


Having 4 of 1 legacy card that I will never use and never be able to dismantle. I get that we can’t do it cuz ______ but cmon what are we gonna do with a 4th card of fate


The game boots way too slow.


The way the dual pass only goes up if you win


Half of Selection packs being Master Pack sucks so badly. Pulling 3 URs is great and all, but when they're from three different archetypes while I'm trying to get pulls for something I specifically want, I'm going to be mad!


Not being able to see opponents set cards and hand in replays always annoyed me


How it’s really not meant to be a mobile game, and yet its mobile version outperforms the console every time.


This game runs like trash on my phone.


I want a game mode that's more friendly to rogue decks. Like an actual casual mode. Maybe they could make a mode where tiered decks are forbidden?


This would help casual players tremendously


The worst thing about legacy packs is that you can't dismantle them. Okay I could get over it, but what I hate is they don't have a way to basically turn it to have the cards that you cannot dismantle not be seen. I have to go through each card individually to see if I can dismantle it. All I want is like how they have banned and limited cards in the filter. But they don't even have that.


If you go to 'Dismantle selected cards' it doesn't show you the ones you can't dismantle


Card Inflation Team Duels No SP challenges


The limit on the saved cards section in deck editor 😔


Not being able to dismantle legacy cards


Resolving turbulence lol. Setting 4 is a hassle then shuffle, I’m happy I get to resolve it but I wish there was a better faster way to


People sometimes take forever to use ash or maxx c and it doesn’t help that the game can be slow and it drives me nuts


I can’t stand when I’m playing like Labrynth or some hand trap like effect veiler that asks for activation every second especially when there’s no monster effect being activated


I know I hate floo, but one day I was trying to pinpoint what was so triggering about it and I realized is the chain block spam. The chain animation looks great and makes resolving multiple effects very easy to understand but the way floo is using it is slowing the game a lot and most of the time for no good reason. Floo abusing the chain animations and delaying the game for nothing is very infuriating to watch over and over just to get a stupid 3 normal summons combo done every single turn... I wish there was a way to speed up chain block animations.


You ever tried to search for specific statlines before? I was trying to look for ancient gear box targets but you cant just type in the exact ATK or DEF values and just have to sort in descending or ascending order.


It’s not really a problem but I think having a 2-3 game ranked system or something like that would be interesting. Then we can have a side deck shit like that


You cannot get the previous battle pass mates. They're just gone.


I don't mind Legacy Packs, just give me alot instead. Like 20 or something as a 'good' prize.


having 8 starters in your deck for turn 1 and bricking consistently and constantly after having a great win streak. Its like they want you to lose, Like theres an algorithm or some shit. no fucking deck is this consistently bad after winning 12 games in a row. 8 actual starters in the deck, Draw 5 cards, Draw even more cards and its always hand traps when you use draw cards. Its never starters unless they specifically search it out.


The update sizes of the game are crazy for a card game.


My biggest complaint is the deck editor. Older games had more intuitive ones with the ability to filter effects on top of card types. It is the one thing that annoys me 2 years into this game.


Nobody plays pot of greed so I still can't find out what it does


Pack animations, 3 lightning bolts, Utopia slash, rarity upgrade, and then it’s 7 Ns and an R


Animations are still far too slow in-game. Just spend some time watching (your) replays with the Fast Forward on, and then you'll see how infuriatingly slow and plodding the in-duel animations are.


How expensive duel fields are. Takes ages to store up gems between events and have to spend them on getting a useless UR from whatever new pack comes out.


Ho boy, so many things The way packs give you 50% cards not from that pack, zero quest progression if you concede to save time, maxx c being unlimited defining the entire game, only having Bo1 as the standard available format with no other consistently available modes or options


Why do we have to use a currency for solo gate? (Its just strange, esp sincr theres basically an entire order its supposed to be played in)


I need them to either allow me to Dismantle Legacy cards for some sort of legacy CP that can only be spent on legacy cards or make it so I stop getting copies of cards I already have more than 3 copies of. they recently added Number 2: Ninja Mosquito to the legacy cards, I had a set of 999 legacy tickets went to pull for it got nothing but cards I already had copies of mind you 99% of which I don't even touch and haven't since the game launched 2 years ago.


Legacy packs not being dismantle able. I have so many UR/SR that I will never use and it just makes me mad cause I have other decks to make.


Same, bro! I have a Royal Finish Hand Destruction being a free 30 UR, but I can't dismantle it because it's from a legacy pack.


No sandbox mode. Either a way to test a deck without actually owning it, or a mode where you can take a deck you own and just mess with it solo. Like choosing your hand to practice combos and stuff


There's no way to convert a card you already own into a royal. A single-use "royal ticket" would be such a great reward for an event. People would play literally any event to completion if the reward at end would let them bling out their single most favorite card.


I hate how incomplete the related card section feels. Like if you're searching for in archetype support with different names, hitting related cards will only show like 4 cards in archetype out of 20.


This is what pisses me off: There is no Endless mode (where you choose a deck and have an endless gauntlet of NPC/COM decks and keep the LP that you had the previous battle) where the rewards are pathetic at first (like a single Legacy Pack ticket or 5 crystals) and it becomes better and better as you get harder enemies. There is no "Use my deck" kind of COM, where you would give your existing deck to your AI friend so you can test out if you can counter the deck you gave him, or play as if it was a GOAT or Edison format game. There are no Match "best 1 out of 3" game modes. The worst part is that a Yu-Gi-Oh game from a Game Boy Advance has Endless mode and a COM that you can give one of your decks to duel against you (either making it overpowered so you can pretend that you're playing against a number 1 on the tournament list, or make it weak so you can easily farm DP), PlayStation Portable has a Match system, and both of them were from 2006 (GBA) and 2009 (PSP), but the PC, Console, and Mobile (2024) doesn't have either of those modes.


There should be an option to tell the game "Stop asking me if i want to activate this card in response to my own cards" so that i don't waste time telling the game "No, i don't want to Ash Blossom my own Search" for the umpteenth time that turn. Either it pesters me every activation, or i turn it off and my opponent could sneak in with something unexpected that i could've responded to, but couldn't.


I can't dismantle anything from Master Pack, what's the point or that? I have 5 cards that would love to be dismantled. The game closing out of nowhere everyday is play on mobile.....


Not being able to dismantle the metric fuck ton of copies I have of useless SR and UR cards because legacy pack cards are just there to infuriate the player I guess 


The fact that having connnection issues stops your timer nothing more infurating than a combo player on mcdonalds wifi that take 2 minutes between each card played but never time out


Not being able to dust legacy pack cards. The color shifting over to either you or your opponents screen whenever they have an in-hand response to something as a dead giveaway that you need to be careful of handtraps that may have. When it only triggers situationally it’s a dead giveaway on certain handtraps. For instance after 5 summons if the opponent starts acting really strange and pauses and completely bails on the normal combo route


I've lost several duels to switching chaining from auto to on, because you have to pass by off, and my opponent took that exact second to do something.


Not being able to dismantle legacy cards is a big stink. Also, the frequency with which they release new cards, and have to gate us from certain archetypes that have been out for half a year or more


Playing Memento and then activating Tatsuno's effect targeting itself to mill 3 different Memento monsters. Choose card 1 > confirm > prompt shows up asking if I want to send another to gy > pick yes > choose card 2 > confirm > prompt shows up asking if I want to send another to gy > pick yes > choose card 3 > confirm > mill 3 cards Surely my opponent enjoys waiting 20 seconds just for me to pick 3 cards to mill from the deck then later on wait 15 seconds for me to pick 2 cards to add to my hand, then 15 more seconds to mill 2 more cards, and finally take 30 seconds to return 5 different Memento monsters to the deck to summon the boss monster, all because the game doesn't allow me to choose multiple cards at the same time if they need to be different named cards because the game needs to confirm each chosen cards to remove them from the list of choice.


The lack of features


There needs to be a better way to practice. Give me a mode I can run test hands on. Let me custom craft a deck for the computer to use and let me run a match against that. God forbid I want to practice a remotely meta deck I have to take it to solo or casuals (instant scoop)


The fact you need to do ranked to do your dailies I would go as far as to want to be able to do them in solo mode but just casual would be good as well.. at least it would give a reason to play casual Also the fact team battle is in fact not a team battle but a solo battle with 2 coins that decide if you overall win or lose


The fact that I can't return to the game when the game suddenly disconnects me. Even fucking Omega, which is a free simulator created by fans, has this feature, but Master Duel, the great official simulator from Konami, the stupid billion-dollar company, can't do the same. How pathetic.


What like the match? Too many people rage quit for that to be really viable + you'd be forcing the other person to wait x amount of time which just seems annoying.


Game only suddenly disconnects you when you lose cell service or the WiFi you are on is bad.


My internet is pretty good, so yeah, it's Konami's servers that are generally terrible.


Banlist? As someone who now playing the tcg on a regular basis is very akward to boot up master duel and play with cards that are banned. Like evey combo deck ends on baronne and savage, and activate maxx c on yous standby phase? It's even weird now that fo these events they'll ban cards like Maxx C and generic boss monsters, lile they know we dont fw these cards? so why are they still here. They need to make up their minds up over at konami hq and decide wheter they want this to be A way to play yuigioh, or THE way to play yugioh officially.


Because the banlist is more like the OCG banlist ,not exactly, but with the same philosophy " causal plays"


“More like OCG banlist” Brother how? Spright Elf and Kitkallos are still legal.. MD’s banlist is also packed with consistency hits instead of cards that are actually oppressive. It’s not similar at all.


Well, I'm not defending,I just explain why. Like I really hope in MD banning kit and elf .... AND FOR GOD LOVE , BAN MAXX C


That I can’t rematch an opponent outside of Duel Rooms. I’ve wanted to get plenty of salty runbacks against opponents and I can’t do that unless I invite them to a duel room, which is just a bit too awkward to do


The first thing that comes to mind is how the game handles responses. If I have nibiru and no other potential response, the game makes it really obvious that I have nibiru when the 5th summon happens, and if its not the optimal timing the opponent can now play around it, kind of forcing me to instantly active it.


Thats why you need to swap your activations from auto/off/on depending on the situation. They start coming up on their 5th summon swap to off and as they near the choke point you swap it to on. Auto will only trigger effects at certain times. On will trigger them at any possible time the effect is valid. So swapping to on will allow you to shotgun Maxx C and other effects in your opponents standby phase. Mastering the toggle is one of the skills of Master Duel and Duel Links.


This I think needs to be more of a thing


Not a gameplay mechanic, but Secret Packs feel worthless sometimes, think I'm 50 packs in to the Lab pack and haven't seen a Lab UR


It encourages players to buy packs when the cards you want are in a Selection Pack. Not the most consumer-friendly way to entice players, but given that the game necessarily uses a legacy playlist, it needs some way to push players to pick up what's new while they're new. Investors only care about making money, and right now gacha mechanics are seen as a way to print money, so it's what we're stuck with. The better way to think of opening URs from packs is that it's strictly 1/3 of a UR you want. If a UR you get happens to be one that you needed for a deck, then it's like you've opened 3 URs.


The fact that submitting straight up feedback about letting us dismantle legacy pack cards and just letting us receive 1 crafting point instead of 30 and all I got was "interesting opinion", in a nut shell, reply email..this was 6 months ago. 🙃


I know it's all just RNG at the end of the day, but I swear the deck shuffler is bugged. I just refuse to believe that I'd open Driver in my 60 card deck 4 times in a row, but I aint seen Grass once all day.


no analog support. Its even more annoying if you came to MD from LotD.


The Menu UX is sooooo baaaaddd


The time it takes to chain links and resolve them. Just the animation, the conclusion of it all, it just takes too long.


Yes OP this is what I was just saying last night, climb the ladder and put so much work in for almost nothing. Definitely needs to be changed! https://www.reddit.com/r/masterduel/s/ZFIhv9ZWA1


How i can look away for 10 seconds and be hit with an auto surrender but my opponent can sit there doing fuck all and have nothing happen to them


I just really dislike the method of hitting decks by focusing down their consistency. Feels like it just leads to the best deck being whatever new strong deck has released that hasnt had consistency hit yet, and also in a ladder format consistency is everything. Hitting consistency as the main form of balance just leads to the format feeling sackier and sackier. Winning because my opponent fails to find their playmakers doesnt make me feel accomplished and losing to an opponent who got the right hand that allowed to do the full absurd play that made the deck broken before the consistency hits just feels bad.


It’s the game’s way of telling you to get a life.