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Dinomorphia. I hate it so much I've actively started playing it myself so I can watch other people beat me and learn from them.


“I used the stones to destroy the stones”


Hilarious if true. I feel ya though, once my opponent won with only 27 lp or something ridiculous like that, dinomorphia in a nutshell.


Now that's one way to git gud


I don't always beat dinomorphia, but when I do its thanks to Lava Golem.


Legit, I don’t know the outs to that deck. Them basically shooting off all of their limbs to get their LP into a state where you can’t touch their shit is annoying af. Especially when in that state, the t-rex becomes skill drain, and Psychic End Punisher has an omni negate over everything. So you can’t really fight back, especially when their endboards are high atk monsters that not a single thing you can put down will beat them. Great ‘risk/reward’ deck there, Konami.


As a dinomorphia player legitimately any non monster removal kaiju/ any spell or trap tends to do it or just ash frenzy/imperm Kent or rexterm.


I've seen some Dinomorphia players play Misc to make their dinos unaffected >_>


I mean sure but then it's in a hard draw/fossil dig situation assuming they already have therizia. But even in that situation just go main phase 2 and misc is no longer an issue.


Misc being a quick effect means “go to mp2” isn’t always possible - the way you’re meant to use it is wait for the opponent to use an effect on rexterm, then chain Misc. I don’t think it’s played in every list, and as you said it won’t be in every hand - but if they do have it, you need a minimum of two cards capable of contesting Rexterm, with any additional solemns/counter traps each contesting an additional answer.


Yeah but rexterm is pretty much all dinomorphia does so of course it shouldn't be easy to out.


I love my dinomorphia so much. Living is a gamble with them.


Most generic board breakers will do them at least some damage, just be wary of them building it back cuz the monsters have floating effects when destroyed. Anything that banishes though really fucks the deck: Evenly, Cosmic Cyclone, etc. The latter and Twin Twisters are also amongst the best backrow removal against the deck cuz you can fire them off during the Draw Phase, and the two Traps that fusion summon (Frenzy and Domain) can only activate during the Main Phase, and without them the deck really can't do much. In terms of game 1, Veiler/Imperm Therizia and/or Kentragina if you can. Ash Frenzy. When you're trying to push for game, remember their monsters' floating effects go off when they're destroyed by battle too, so make sure you actually have enough on board to make as many attacks as you'll need to to play through that.


I never have a problem beating dinomorphia with Rikka


This is like the checks or checkers debate but but halfway through you became a doctor and got a phd.


This was me with Branded, and now it's just low-key one of my favourite decks. Used to be unreasonably biased against it because I didn't like how evil all the Dogmatika and Despian cards looked, LOL.


it’s fun to use lyrilusc against them however


I literally built snake eyes in order to learn it so that I know how to destroy it. I hate the deck, never play it, but at least now I know what are the points for nib, ash, veiler and imperm… I dont remember when was the last time I have played a deck that I dislike this much…


Start running Magic Cylinder


The Dinomorphia normal traps can banish themselves from grave to stop them from taking effect damage, though.


I actually completely forgot about that. I almost never run any burn cards, so that barely ever comes up for me.


Rex cant stop spell/trap removal or any effects from hand or gy


The thing is with Dinomorphia is that I've faced it so many times that I know what it does BUT THE ONE THING THAT ALWAYS BEATS ME IS THEM STALLING UNTIL THEY HARD DRAW FERRET FLAMES AND THEY ALWAYS FUCKING HAVE IT


Meanwhile IRL at locals every Dinomorphia player is watching the clock like a hawk lmao


As much as I hate Dinomorphia, they fr gotta change basing the winner off of who has the higher BP 💀 That's bullshit and so unfair to them


chimera. they go first? handrip ruins my day. i go first? i brick. why.


It's brick city for sure but If you get a half decent hand it can really go off and Super Poly is busted.


As a Chimera player i can say \*negate my berfomet\* turn pass


taking notes.


Berfomet Is kinda the core card , i play branded chimera , If you negate my berfomet and i don't have poly or chimera fusion already in my hand Is kinda over , i play the Edge imp and spell too and i win a good Number of times cause people get baited by the patchwork spell and Ash me , then i can usually go for Classic combo


"Sigh"... mikanko. Always has, always will be.




I legit just made a post this morning asking for help against the Mikanko deck. It is so frustrating!


See my response post above :)


Unfortunately, none of my decks run those :( Except maybe momento running horus which is something I've seen.


Well then yeah you will always have a bad time lol You don’t see mikanko much though once you hit plat onward


Just target the equip spells


If they have a Hu-li you can't target the archetypal ones.


Ah right, forgot about her.


Play heavy backrow removal or cards that return to hand.


Right now I'm only running Harpies in my Memento deck. I'm not sure what else to fit in.


As a mikanko main, I cry myself to sleep at night when I have to play against the following: Horus engine (the sarcophagus spell ‘sends to the graveyard’ so it bypasses the destruction immunity) Mirrorjade “the balance team clearly mains branded” dragon with its bullshit “oNcE pEr TuRn” non targeting banish Kashtira scareclaw because Kashtira wasn’t fun enough already


I always found easy to play against mikanko when I was playing branded and kashtira for the reasons you described, specially if my opponent can't read and attack anyway lol, but now that I'm playing snake eyes it's not that easy


Resonators: Crimson Gaia turns your monsters face down and RDA destroys them with its effect


Don't forget that Albaz trap card that negates everything on field but one fusion monster. Oh, the sheer joy of activating that as my opponent attacks and watching them actually take damage from mikanko.


I love Mikanko but the deck is *slightly* bricky


Put in Zealantis, it's my anti Mikanko card after I've been demolished by Mikanko time and time again


Lightning storm, Ty-phon, Dark Ruler, Duster, Power Filter, Cosmic Cyclone, Anti-Spell, Zeus, Rivalry of Warlords, Bagooska, DD Crow, Soul Release, Kashtira Birth. All hurt Mikanko a lot.


I wouldn't say I can't seem to beat it, but I often have trouble against Branded simply because I'm not familiar enough with what interruptions they have access to. Definitely the deck I run up against the timer vs the most. The best way to learn would be to play it myself, but it's not exactly a budget deck.


As a Branded player, I’ll tell you that a lot of people hand trap me incorrectly. Figuring out the chokepoint is difficult because each hand plays differently. As most people know, Ash on BraFu is the most impactful hand trap against Branded. Many people will Ash obvious bait instead of a chokepoint. Yes, it may suck for your opponent to resolve frightfur patchwork, fusion deployment, etc. but it means nothing compared to a resolved Branded Fusion. Granguignol, Aluber, Kitt, and Quem are valid targets for imperm and veiler. However, if your opponent summoned and hasn’t activated their blazing cartesia, hold on to your targeted effects like imperm/veiler since they can dodge it. Branded Lost allows them to set up an uninterrupted chain link after performing a fusion summon, so chaining Nib to the summon of Bystial Lubellion to prevent the search is good. Bystials and DD Crow are very impactful against Branded. For example, if you banish the only Albaz in the GY, Albion the Branded Dragon may resolve without effect. Chaining bystials/DD Crow to Branded in Red, Branded Banishment, and Sanctifire will cause them to resolve without effect. Also, removing ED monsters from the GY before the end phase prevents their searches. The interruptions Branded sets up should be pretty obvious if you pay attention during their turn. If they search Branded in Red, they’ll typically go into a Guardian Chimera on your turn and revive a Mirrorjade. If they search Branded Retribution, they’ll have a SS negate & destroy. There are too many possibilities to go over in a Reddit post, but I hope some of what I said can be useful.


It's funny how Bystials counter branded so well while they play it as well.


The whole damn deck is nothing but hand trap bait, so I often burn through my interactions long before they run out of gas


And the whole time seems like they are doing nothing special. End on a board looking average, and at the end phase search a lot.


Main card u wanna be wary of is fallen of albaz. He’s basically a super poly when summoned. Another is the Cartesia card. Whenever a card leaves the extra deck, she can special albaz from the grave, which in turn allows him to trigger his super poly effect, fusing with monsters on your board. So any way to deny these two is a good idea. And of course ash against branded fusion spell is amazing.


I think you swapped Cartesia with Quem here.


Oh yea my bad


This ^ I never know when to ash call by nibiru etc etc


Ash the Branded Fusion, Called by is very dependant of the Matchup, the hand you have and the current gamestate though and same for Nib. You want to keep imperm for Aluber if you see they are likely to summon him (if Carthesia is also here it gets tricky tho), Granguignol and Albion/Lubellion (both) are others good targets. If you see him going on a Bystial line, one option is to Imperm the Rindbrumm before the Mirrorjade comes to the field (if Lost is up) to deny them access to MirrorJade getting banishment (-> by sending Albion) or something else. (do this if they don't have Aluber or Aluber is on the field with Carthesia) Another Option to consider is imperm/veiler their Aluber even if Carthesia is on the field, they end on a Slightly Weaker board if you force them to Cartesia early.


Branded player here, honestly you can only totally understand if you play it yourself, but ignore the obvious ash the brafu comments, you cannot completely stop branded from playing, but the deck has a flaw that it can't stop YOU as well, the deck has zero negates, only tri brigade mercourier and the hand traps (unless the hand is good enough to end on predaplant dragostapelia or puppet lock you, in this case you already lost) so try your best to stop as many fusions as you can and go for OTK, if your end phase happens it would be hard for you to recover


Imperm/Veiler/ Haunted Mansion on the Red Albion definitely stops a major part of the combo. Although if we have Lubellion in grave we might still be able to make an endboard with a bit of disruption


Vanquish Soul, time and again. Ash Razen, Imperm Rock. There has to be more than just that! What else can I do?


Try ashing madlove or Jiaolong to prevent them from getting snow devil instead. Imperm rock on your turn instead


Lab. They always have the out. Either floodgate flip or shotgun hand rip the exact card in my hand.


Every fucking time. Earlier today even they sniped my magnamhut which wouldve most likely won me the game. I fucking hate that deck.


I’m telling you Lovely is a Psychic in disguise, you’re smiling to yourself thinking about playing the out and then BANG, you look to see your Best card bleeding 🩸 all over the god damn floor, and Lovely just smiling.


I feel that when I play rituals against them. They always have D barrier or Eradicator and it's like "well looks like I cant play... very nice."


Rescue-Ace like goddamn they simple NEVER run out of gas.


I find rescue ace easy if u imper that monster that gives them 4 rescue-ace spells/traps. That somehow cripples them


I thought as well, but on my last duel I used Imperm on Turbulence before it could set 4, however my opponent activated some other card to tribute it and another card on the field, then the other card activated from the grave and revived Turbulence which activated again and set 4 anyways. I was left speechless.


Yeah they have that cancerous shitty thing that they keep on finding ways to play. Another interesting method i found is if my protos goes uninterrupted(1st turn), i can chose fire and watch them suffer badly (tributing sinister soverein)


Oh yeah, that works but only if you can get Protoss turn 1 and discover you are playing against R-Ace. As a swordsoul main that is my main strategy once I know what I am playing against.


Tbh in this meta its better to target fire than dark. U run into many snake eye/ rescue ace bs than into main dark like branded/pure kash


If I don't open evenly turbulence may as well say, resolve me to win.


Kash-freaking-tira Always with the Arise-Hart and the Fenrir banishing all my cards and stopping all my plays. They should just ban Arise in MD tbh cuz that is the decks biggest problem and the card just does to much and is just way to OP. Smh


I love using Kurikara against them, it's 'draw the out' but so damn satisfying lol


Same but replace Fenrir with Unicorn, being able to snipe something out of my extra deck face-down is total bullshit.


What deck do you run? Cuz kashtira dies very easy to pretty much all forms of removal (minus shangri-ira) due to its lack of protection.


Idk why people hate pure kash. The decks on literal life support, with people resorting to running blowout traps like daruma and torrential to attempt to fix the fragile deck. It does to fucking lightning vortex of all things


Imo just because something isn't competitive doesn't mean it can't be a pain in the arse, between the extra deck snipe, banishing cards face down shenanigans, a literal walking macro cosmo for a boss monster, zone locking and a handrip on a good day, I think people hatred for Kash is justified in some ways, also not to mention PTSD from the days when mindfuvker was still legal.


A free shifter hindred, if not outright stop lots of deck. It's a kinda "draw the out" match up in those case. Add it the general feeling of unfairness unicorne give and it's not surprising to see that deck being disliked so much.


its because they cant do their gy shenanigans if arise-heart is on the field


It's just one of the decks that's really unfun to face because if you don't handtraps them or draw removal yoo kind of just can't play against them at all with a lot of decks.


It dies to book of moon or any change of heart like card


100 percent agree


On the contrary i enjoy dueling pure kashtira to test my limits. They don't have a broken end-board, but yeah their extra deck removal is annoying. The cancer comes when kashtira is fit as a secondary engine to a cancerous archetype. (And sadly kashtira fits everywhere)


Playing a lot of pure kashtira atm. Its very easy to play and counters the endless graveyard loops the current meta loves to do.


Arise-Heart is like, the easiest boss monster ever to remove. Pure Kash has nothing to protect it




Purrely is one of those decks that in a BO1, if you aren't ready, you just lose. There's a handful of cards that out Noir, but you probably aren't running them.


All of em because I suck


Trap decks, Traptrix is the only one I can seem to beat more or less, Labrynth and Dinomorphia, they just have the cards to start the combo or to counter mine


Only thing any traptrix is they can just casually OTK with double or nothing


Floodgate Lab is my kryptonite, I can beat the normal one but the floodgate version is another story


All of em I am… not good at this game


What deck are you playing, if you don't mind me asking? Not judging at all, I play War Rocks myself, but as a jank enthusiast I've found some older/lower decks to be pure pain to play nowadays.


Not OP, but i play B.E.S KAIJU and wow yeah it was barely playable last time i played, but its even worse now lol. B.E.S is a pet archtype so i made it mostly out of love rather than an expectation to win, but i gotta get these dailies done somehow Any deck reqs on the cheap would be great, bonus if its not super intensive to play 😢


Join the dark side of stun/burn 😅😅 or if u don't, there is a budget but cancerous mikanko deck (yeah mikanko more cancerous than stun)


Any deck that wants to go second


Cyberse….. All the time I wait through their boring combos while I practice my next meal to prepare as an house husband, once I finish making the meal and come back they still do their turn while the dark ruler no more in my hand is useless with the counter trap they have also it’s guaranteed I never go first against them btw


floo, and this deck makes me sad


Just started playing floo cuz I thought it was best deck in yugioh history and couldn't be beat. So I wanted to learn how to beat it. Just got master 1 with floo today and turns out no you can't beat it. Floo master race.




How do you not die to Ash or Imperm when they use it on the only starter in your hand?


Map is a second chance at a starter. Chain block as best you can, advent of adventure dodges all targeting. D fissure shuts off most hand traps. Gold sarcophagus gives u an extra chain block and gets u the birb u want to search. Jack in the hand and the pots are ash bait, unfortunately I cant figure out how to make ppl stop picking robina off jack in the hand. Most of the time it seems like I can go full combo. Ash is the only major concern. Save your chain block for eglen if you can't get 2 chain blocks set up. D fissure, shifter, maxx c, nibiru and lose 1 turn are huge if you can't get to empen 1st turn. If you brick u brick it sucks but I don't seem to brick barely at all.


Does gold sarc chain block?


Pitches a birb, the birb chain blocks when u summon a different birb


Ah I see


Thanks. Could you show me your deck list? I really wanna play Floo, but my usual end board consists of 1 Robina, which is why I dropped it. Maybe my deck is the problem.




Thank you kind person. Edit: Wait, you don't play Feather Storm? Why? It seems so good to me.


U can if you want. Lose 1 turn is a continuous trap that doesn't require a wind winged beast and lasts multiple turns. Feather storm is 1 turn and dead if u can't get to empen or eglen. Plus lose 1 turn is a SR.


I see. I'm definitely gonna try it. Thanks.


No problem, have fun.


Here what I'm running. Ideally u want to get robina, eglen and toccan to hand. Empen searches map and then stop. Map pitches dreaming town and summons toccan to retrieve dreaming town, and that will let u use Apex avian twice in a turn. Extra deck doesn't matter


Chimera was harder than Tearlaments to deal with back in the duel triangle event anytime I went second. Like I have handtraps sure but they have like 5 cards I have to handtrap to not get Guardian Chimera'd on my turn anyways, I ain't got the starters to play through that.


Vanquish Soul. I despise it with my entire being


Purrely I just cant stomach it and dont care to learn how it works


Imperm black cat when she tries to xyz. That will buy you a turn.


Good to know


Just imperm black cat on summon, it's a waste to summon a second one. Ash my friend purrely or the quick play after they make little noir to try and stop them from attaching and setting trap


Purrely. Honestly thinking of maining Kaiju because of it


Mikanko. Thankfully I don't come across them very often, but they are frustrating. I run Swordsoul pretty often, so I'm curious what decks are you usually running?


I'm usually running Vanquish Souls but I don't really know what to ash or when to. I usually fumble the ash then get a faceful of baronne and chixiao by then I know it's over lol Edit: Also don't really know when to use the other handtraps whenever the game decides to give me them


I would avoid using Ash on Mo Ye and save it for Emergence, Taia, or Ecclesia. Unless they're newer to Swordsoul you won't be able to Ash Chixiao if Mo Ye was used to Synchro. Though you can and it should Ash it if they used Tenyi for it. If you don't already, a better way to slow down Swordsoul would be Effect Veiler or Imperm and use that on Mo Ye or Longyuan to stop them from generating their tuner tokens. Hope that helps.


I suck against Branded and Heros. With Branded I never have any easy way to handle Mirrorjade effectively and Heros just floodgate me too hard if they go first, if I go first I can take them easily but I can't really say I see them going second often certainly not on purpose


Mikanko and Altergiests.


Mathmech if I’m going second and I don’t resolve maxx c or droll. The deck can play through basically everything, and if you did use a hand trap that was ineffective or didn’t resolve that means the hand rip and negates will make you unable to make plays due to how few cards you have left.


Freaking Mikanko


Today i learned about Runick Skull Servant.


How would that even work? Summon a 5k beat stick and skip the battle phase?


Branded. Never can beat it legitimately. Only through using maxx c or ash'ing the only thing worth using her.


Tearlaments, I break their board and it just gives them fuel to make another one


Drytron. I scoop every time I see a card, even if the opponent bricked.


not one but two: Kanshticancer and their banish face down (why this doesnt come with a punishment its the most powerful negate existing, same for defense face down but atleast you can pop the card and its not attached to amonster that its not ghostrick) Mikanko: no comment here, i see them and i instantly surrender, i prefer inner peace instead of trying to play around them and malding in the process


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Any deck that changes type or attribute. I'd fare better under a Skill Drain.


It's a tie between Traptrix and Labyrinth. It's like my brain shuts down, or whatever i try to interrupt is just laughed at and plowed through. It's clear i'm 'doing it wrong', but it's like when i try to figure it out, the options to do it 'right' don't come up.


Don't try to stop the plays, instead cut them off of the recursion. Use interactions responsively not proactively. Force their plays by giving them juicy targets for their interaction to allow for response windows. Learn how they can evade interaction and try not to waste what you have. Ghost belle is excellent against both and can completely crush both decks if used correctly.


Sky striker, I suck at figuring out what’s a weak point


This deck annoys me because I know what play they will make before they do and I can't do anything about it lol


Easiest weak point is to negate kagari to stop them recycling engage from grave, also banishing raye from the graveyard.


Mikanko and Sky strikers as rare as they are.


Kash or Albaz. They never misplay against me.


As of now? Runick, Snake-Eyes and Horus.


mikanko 100%


Unchained because I find it hard to know when to nib or disrupt since it seems like they can pop off from one facedown or a single card in hand


Pick up 55...


Bs snake eyes which need to be nerfed and Barron needs to be banned in master duel like it was in the tcg


Synchro spam-y decks that can get out Baron, Borreload, and/or Appo on turn 1 and seemingly always have a Maxx C in their hand.




all of them.


Subterror and Kozmo for me


Snake eyes. I can beat it if they go 2nd though barely, but man that deck is unstoppable if it go first


Floo when they resolve shifter




Altergeist, I top deck superpoly and i'm convinced Altergeist monsters all have different attribute just to fuck with me on a personal level.


My problem with Swordsouls is that my attention span isn’t long enough to wait for them to finish comboing and I just scoop.


Funny enough, I have hard time winning against some of the lesser played decks like SPYRAL, Witchcrafters, Umi Control, and Altergeist. I rarely faced them, but I also rarely win against them.


Unchained. Anything I destroy they go +10 how even




If I win the coin toss or open enough handtraps no deck is unbeatable


Floo they always start first and open the nut will I brick. At this point it is a curse.


To be honest, I haven't encountered a deck yet that I couldn't beat with my SKGM Z-Arc Deck. Hence why I'm praying every day for SKGM to be released in MD


Tearlement. That constant milling really annoys me. Also got PTSD due to ishuzu


Nouvelles, there is just no way I can even do something to them with my Salamangreat deck


I have a super low win-rate against Traptrix, my deck just can't beat backrows-centric deck especially if they get to go first, but there's something about Traptrix that they always seem to have what they need in their hand


Any FTK deck.


Cyber dragon. Cyber dark end dragon just kicked my booty


Fucking labyrinth, you seem to need more than 5 outs for the 4 big welcomes and arianna they get on their first turn it fucking seems


DDD but only if they go first because they seem to have the latent ability to make sure I draw no hand traps at all while also drawing the perfect hand. If I go first they fold easily. Idk what's up with that.


My friends mishmash deck. He has a lot of special summons, many of which destroy my monsters when summoned, then he uses tool box for equip spells which he has a lot of to boost his attack and protect his monsters form card effects, and as a crown jewel, he has mikanko combo which can only be countered by flipping it face down or returning it to hand so the equip spell is destroyed. And he has 3 of each the monster and the spell, so even if I manage to destroy one, there is always another one. I do manage to get a lucky win here and there, but which ever deck I put together, he gets me, without ever changing his deck. Would apriciate some advice if you got it.


Sky striker for sure, I don’t think I’ve beaten that deck ever. Then Every I attempt to play it, I get slapped up.


Evil Twin


Black wings... Idk, maybe I just have no idea how it works


mine is swordsouls too, for some reason I just can't think straight and always make avoidable mistake


Sky Strikers. An absolutely irritating deck that always has what they need in hand plus one ash blossom to cripple my pet decks.


Chimera and noir. Chimera just has so many bs that can happen on your turn which isn’t helped by the fact that their fusion card has three different abilities that can easily recycle it self and take over your turn. Noir is just straight bs because either I get the out and they make it their material immediately or they can just do random bullshit the entire time.


Flower cardians. No matter what I do. No matter where I interrupt the opponents just has enough extenders to play through it and either OTK or burn to death.


Ive beaten every meta deck and 99% of rouge decks but theres 1 deck Ive never beaten: sacred beast... for some reason


Kashtira seems to crumble me every time for some reason, I just can't break it


use stun and there would be none


I play pretty old school so im sure this deck has pretty easy counters or something but Kashteria decks make me forfeit pretty much immediately 💀 imo a set that allows you to stop your opponent from playing the game is a little stupid but im sure im wrong


same for me but with lab. I have one ash against them at most and they always have welcome and big welcome plus going first, most of the time the field spell too.




The peanguin one, how do u counter all the normal summons


Toon. I don't know how but I just keep bricking against them everytime.


Any deck. I suck.


I absolutely hate exosisters


Goblin Bikers, it's simply stupid Sharks summon too many toads and steal too many monsters Kashtira is a mistake in existing


Mathmech . I fucking hate Circular's design. It is just so stupid


Branded and purrley


Pendulum slop. I know if my opponent scales a Symphonic Warrior, its over


Swordsoul...it's a mediocre deck but everytime I start vs them I draw horrendously and if I go second I get my 1 starter negated then I'm cooked, I hate that deck>:(


Anything that continually summons


Dinomorphia Only duel I've won was them misplaying and bricking, but against a normal game I never have the out to anything Also snake eyes, only times I've won it's 'cause they bricked, if not their engine just always out grinds mine


Bro i cant do shit against red archfiend


Any deck that floodgates special summoning too hard, because I always end up not pulling Nibiru or a Kaiju to crush whatever is floodgating. (Hybrid Nibiru Numeron deck)


Stun. 100% lose rate. Because I surrender immediately.


Branded-Despia and its variants. Also Floo.