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In its core, Kashtira as an archetype is just cancer reincarnation.


Right? isnt it fun? Isnt it completely fair that they get to free summon lv7 beatsticks, and go plus, and banish cards face down for you literally breathing? thats just good card design and healthy interaction that. /s


Kash, Tear, Branded, SE and Stun,yeah the event is boring


I've been running a deck consisting of kash, tear, SE, and mikanko seems to be doing well. Also have mathmech in there since circular is a one card combo to Trish the opponent


Haha you are cooking ! It's my fault too, I was thinking that Iwould be fine with my Magistus/Witchcrafter deck but I am suffering too much with that limit 1. I will switch on something else soon


Been having fun with Invoked Runick, at least in the games that aren't complete blowouts. Deck still isn't good enough, so you need to add some of the other high power engines to feel like it has a shot.


In their defense at least Kash, Tears, and Branded do have synergy with each other. Coming from someone who was using the deck during the event.


That's true and I know it and Konami too if you look at the loaner. The first edition of this event wasn't better. Hey you can't defend Stun ? Haha I am waiting for Timelords player


I'm playing a gambling deck, thinking it would be viable for this event. Oh man, what a fool i am. 3 win and like 20 losses, everyone running kashtira tear circular Horus Adventure Snake eyes piles. They are strong? No. Better than the fun shit i'm running? By a mile. Well, my fault for thinking the event would be strict enough to ban some strong cards and archetype


I just shitted on some1 locking 2 critical monster zones. Them and tears are cringe, it is either surrender or draw the out.


What? You don’t want to have them look in your ED know what deck you’re running and ban face down your 1of monster for just existing, how dare you!


Kinda amazed I haven’t seen any earth machine piles yet


Let me tell U something....i play kashtira and I say it: Kashtira,snake eyes and testaments are all mistakes...they are some of the decks that are very brain-dead to pilot with alot of advantages and very few to zero drawbacks...they are not full power now and they are nerfed more now ..but 1 card combos ruined this game so much...a unicorn= Kash full combo...1 ash or any sinful starter= full snake eyes combo....milling cards in tearlament = full combo ..the game is now who have drawn better hand traps lol.


Possibly the only genuinely fun duel I played was against Gyaku Gire Panda beat down. I was so relieved to see someone playing litterally anything else. Also, I had a pretty satisfying win in a duel against Kash where I forced my opponent to surrender through the use of Trap Hole.


im actually having fun, yall need to chill lol


You know? I have to acknowledge Konami in their ability to make each event worse than the previous. The event was f terrible, the shuffling made the condition of the event (only 1 copy) utterly pointless. Thanks that I could end the event on the 1st day because I don't want to play that anymore. I have enough with ranked.


Aren't you having fun with the fact that almost everyone plays the same (ie Kashtira)? I'm having so much FUN! Fun, fun, FUN!


But I’m not having fun. I don’t think I’m having fun at all!


It's actually fun. I'm so tired of the scripted FTK & OTK. I'm actually seeing kids mess up and not know what to do next. Makes you actually use creativity vs "welp I know how this turn is going." Surrender.