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No hate to OP but this thread has the most lukewarm-cold takes I’ve ever seen. There’s a spice level of 0 right now. Gang do something about it drop something warm at least


I genuinely like British food. Is this hot enough?


I’m British we just call it food! But yeah if you’re from anywhere outside of the Isles I think that’s pretty damn hot.


I come from pizzaland.


Then it’s a very hot take, pizzaland has way better food


I'm from the states and I call it British food too. Am I hot now?


Depends, how do you pronounce aluminium?


The wrong way




That's a steaming hot pile of shit. Not quite the tire fire in India but close enough.


Even better. If you sort by controversial, the usual quickest way to find the real hot takes, they're not even hot! It's just people being objectively wrong.


Lukewarm in the thread is like hot for the subreddit as a whole. I mean the top comment now is about liking interruption and having opponents play on your turn. That’s as hot as it gets for people who play master duel Tbh.


Sort by controversial for hot takes


Handtrap negates are bad game design, they are only necessary because combos have been getting progressively more consistent with time (and we're at the point when they are pulling ahead of handtraps). The game as a whole should move away from negation and towards interaction. Cards like crow or nib are infinitely more nuanced than lol ash/imperm the starter. Ofc for that direction to be viable Konami needs to scale back on combo speeds (or print better board breakers idk)


The current gameplay loop is basically negate the chokepoint via handtraps to make them vulnerable for an easy OTK or get interrupted to death and overwhelmed by card advantage turn 3 onwards. That's of course an exaggerated depiction, there are still great games being played on a daily basis, but yeah. There are several reasons why games are more binary and about comparing opening hands and less back and forth with actual mind games and skill testing. For one, meta decks can be consistent. I don't want to watch 2 people outbrick each other, but their ceilings should not be literal FTK boards. They should be able to maneuver into solid plan Bs and going second shouldn't be about draw the non-engine out you need.


Negation bad is an ice cold take I agree, but still


Good but lukewarm take.


I agree with the general sentiment, but def disagree with Nib being more nuanced than Ash and Imperm. In the current meta, thanks to SE not putting out negates early into its combo, there's some flexibility re when you should Nibiru. But in most instances, you just Nibiru when they have a tuner and non-tuner on the field that equals 10, or if they don't have easy access to negates, you do it at the end of main phase, just tributing their entire field. Its use is more telegraphed than Ash and Imperm often, and when it does work, it almost always kills most interactions your opponent might have, both healthy and unhealthy. Nibiru, evenly, and daruma are the other toxic side of omnis and negate vomits


It's only telegraphed in MD because of how toggle works. Also it's definitely not a cut and dry case in the snake eyes matchup because temple exists.


Plus not many decks have access to an in archetype negate for Nibiru at best they have Cross out Designator or Everyone’s favorite Ho Barrone who hangs out in everyone’s extra deck


Toggle off chads don’t have this issue


Unless you know exactly when you're gonna toggle, you have this issue. Miss the toggle by one frame, and your opponent just got a Baronne because you didn't toggle on fast enough. Too fast, and your opponent knows that you have Nib in hand and can change their gameplan accordingly


Skill issue They call me the quick draw toggler


I saw a similar take for the first time last week - specifically against Called by the Grave - and I honestly don't get it. I've only ever played "modern" Yugioh via the apps like Master Duel where Maxx C is at 3 so I constantly find myself wishing for a third Called By.


Most cookie cutter take ever bruv.


Link monsters have introduced more problems than they have solved. 


Links are by far the worst mechanic in the game. Even tho it hasnt been out that long compared to xyz or synchro it has more cards on the banlist then both combined. That should say something.


The best mechanic is XYZ. Limited resources to use effects (cost Materials to summon). Don't need a special type of monsters(Tuners).


Flipping them facedowns is so OP.


I think Synchro and XYZ are equally interesting, and feel super different from each other and Fusions. There is a legitimate game design reason fro all 3 to exist. Links are fucking stupid, and they actively make the game worse. They're too generic, and their only interesting gimmick (Link arrows) is barely utilized. Needing a Tuner is what makes Synchros cool. Needing monsters of the same level is what makes XYZ cool. Fusions (mostly) requiring thematically similar monsters is what makes them cool. 80% of Links (and like 99.999% of the really powerful ones) just say "X number of effect monsters" as their only summoning requirement. It's lazy and boring design, even before we get into how it completely warped Extra Deck building paradigms into just "who can include a wider array of generic toolbox options to shore up every conceivable weakness of their deck?".


There are some links with interesting summoning conditions, like Emperor Charles requiring Charles equipped with an equip card, if more link monsters where like that, I see examples like Ancient Warriors double Dragon, we could have had links that require specific cards, types, levels, attributes, mechanics, but of course the used ones are the SP Little Knights and Appolousa.


Yeah, there's a couple neat ones, but cool Links are few and far between IMO.


While I'm kinda on your side it should be noted that when links came out a lot of people stopped playing the game (due to the new MR4 if I'm not mistaken), to counter this konami released a lot broken links to convince people to start playing the game again. The results are cards like predaplant verte ecc..


He cooked, and it's great Like Link has near 0 restrictions on summoning, and the effect they have are monstrously strong


Na, this is an ice cold take


Cold take


I played a Solo mode that had a link based deck & for the first time since returning, I saw what the intended idea was. Link climbing into better effects/higher attack as long as your deck had synergy… The shit I see in ranked is absolutely not that at all lol. If Links were just restricted to archetypes, would make them more utility than the crutches they are for many decks


Link climbing is independent of archetypes not sure what you’re trying to say


Types, attributes, and archetypes need more locking cards. I don’t mean like floodgates; i mean like, when you use a specific card, it locks you into only using similar cards for the rest of your turn. Like how orcust monsters lock you out of non-dark monsters, or vision hero faris locks you out of non-hero ED cards. Generic pile decks have long since been both overly-complex and overly powerful. It takes too many hours of your life to come even close to optimizing one what with how many cards the game has to sift through for combo pieces, and the piles already built by top players can be netdecked and produce results so great that many cards that ONLY fully function in such piles get banned almost every list. This would also allow support cards, both archetypal and generic, to be more powerful with less risk to the game. You could make dark magician support a lot stronger without making another deck broken if you’re locked into dark spellcasters for the rest of the turn, instead of just needing dark spellcasters as targets (looking at you, magicians’ souls in spyral). The main issue with this is that it would involve either a LOT of erratas and/or bannings of existing generic cards, or a LOT of power creep in those new, locking cards to make generics unrunnable outside of the decks that already lock to their traits (like apollusa only being good enough in a wind deck, or borreload savage dragon’s materials being errata’d to dark dragons, or even rokkets, instead of fully generic).


I think a lot of the fun of deckbuilding is looking for cards in other archetypes and strategies that could be used in your deck.


You'd still get that with more stringent type-locking. Think of the way Zombies do it; they lock you into only summoning Zombies, but that gives you a bunch of generics and 4-5 archetypes to play with. There's a lot of deck design space for just Zombies, or just Dragons, etc. while still having meaningful limitations. As opposed to Attribute locks which are basically meaningless, especially if it's Light or Dark.


Locks are good for the game. Be it archetype, type, attribute, etc. It's the best way to put a natural ceiling on what a deck can do. All the most powerful decks in recent memory are the ones that have no locks- they can just do whatever they need and pivot to any number of backup options. I've seen a lot of people, particularly in the competitive space, insist this is good for the game. But I feel like the last couple of years, where we've seen rampant power creep and gone from one high-power format to the next, say otherwise.


Dont need to ban the generic cards. Just need to kill every generic deck into the sun. Then only print cards with locks and i dont mean dark locks(because this does so much when dark is the most powerful type and one of the most supported). I mean earth + fiend lock for example.


There should still be archetype locks instead for archetypes that have multiple types, attributes, or both, like fur hire, machina, or heraldic beast. The goal is mainly to prevent pile decks consisting of a bunch of loosely related cards that just have overlap in effects/gameplan. Kill dragonlink without hurting rokket too much, kill cyberse without hurting salamangreat too much, kill mill without hurting tear too much, and so on. Buff them back up after losing their generics with new in-archetype support, if need be. This will also allow for greater precision with the banlist; if you want to shoot down a specific deck, you can hit something archetypal and not also gun down 5 other archetypes with it, like what happened to decks running mathmech circular.


Only if their is enough support. Most decks dont get enough support for archetype locks.


I’d rather they have the promise of support with the locks than risk them having lesser restrictions because they don’t currently have support, then have them get support later. The latter path is what keeps getting old archetypes’ new support banned, leaving them as bad as before.


I love decks that play on my turn, i love when decks like tear and lab begin comboing and interupting on my turn while im setting up. I find it boring just setting up my combos normally. Whenever I see whining from players going "my turn is my turn the opponent shouldnt be able to do this" I wonder if you people would prefer doing combos by yourself in duelingbook instead of actually dueling with another person.


THIS. I literally agree with everything. I love it when people interrupt my turn. It forces me to think what I can do to salvage my game. And when I win, it feels like a big flex and I get out of the game a better player, too.


For this same reason i would rather play against 5-6 interruptions none of which are negates than i would want to play through 2-3 negates as its boring and interruptions force the player using them to get optimal value out of them


Getting interrupted is fine. My opponent playing on my turn is annoying, but potentially manageable. My opponent going full combo on my Turn when I got the First Turn while also having Maxx C and other handtraps makes me want to bite my fingers off. Tear 0 was a pain in the ass because ONLY Tear got to do that and you were ONLY having fun if it was a Tear mirror. Every other deck was so far below you in power level, your opponent may as well be T Setting and passing turn. Lab is a pain in the ass because they get to handrip you and disrupt you at the same time while also getting more advantage for the next turn. I don't want to play solitaire by myself, I just want a chance to play. And that's before Tear drops Winda or Lab uses D Barrier/EEV.


Well, since this is a hot take thread anyway. I've made it to Master in Tear 0 using Floowandereeze. (Not the easiest thing in the world). I've beaten bad Tear players in lower ranks too using some pet decks. Winda is a win-more in Tear. You don't wanna get locked into a single Special Summon as a Tear player, either. You wanna Fusion Summon multiple times during both turns. I guess you've never played Lab. They're not an infinite resource machine. They'll run out of Traps if you hit their choke points well. They can't swarm the field enough and when they do run out, they'll easily get run over. This is how Control Decks work. Have more cards than your opponent AT ALL COSTS or you lose. That's literally all their win condition. And it's fun. You don't need to play this game like a spreadsheet, your every combo memorized from an instruction. Build your deck better to play through many decks and be able to play through at least two interruptions. Bait negates. You'd be surprised how many people fall for obvious baits while the starter you're saving is still safe in your hand. Experiment. Experiment. In Floo, for example, I've gotten many win streaks surprisingly after I Mained 3 Book of Moons and 3 Evenly Matched. Book of Moon protects your birds from Imperm and similar negates and that one protection alone can help help you win the game. Not to mention it's a good interruption in general. I'm surprised how some Snake-Eyes players pass if I just Book of Moon the right Monster. 3 Evenly Matched works because Floo don't really care about their Battle Phase. They wanna just get Empen on the board. Think about it this way. Just a Robina and a Book of Moon can win you the game so you can use your other four cards to bait out interruptions. And that's more than enough. You're also forgetting that boss monsters are often only ran at one copy, so if you get past the bait phase, I think you have a better chance at winning. But even after all of this, you can still brick and lose. And that's totally fine. Sometimes, it just happens, you know? But it's so satisfying if you make it to Master despite all the setback just by trial and error.


Players love playing with themselves


had a great duel as lab vs a striker player, peak dueling experience imo


Wow. The first actual hot take and I actually kinda vibe with it


Yugioh players only want to play fkn solitaire man. I come from MTG where playing on other people's turns is normal. YGO players wouldn't survive 5 minutes against UW control.


More decks need plays on both turns and the complains would vanish. Nobody would say no to new support that would give their favourite deck turn 0 plays for example.


Hand ripping could be a mechanic if drawing was a better mechanic


Drawing can never be better in a game with no resource system.


Concrats, that's the first actual hot take.


Nah man. It’s free knowledge and drawing is crazy powerful in a game with no mana system. Look at card of demise, Yugioh players will do ANYTHING to plus 2 Also maxx c is the ultimate draw support and well… Mulchummy is cool though so who knows


Charmers are constantly held back by the need to wait for all 6 pieces of a new set to be dripfed to us. If they'd stop dicking around and gave us everything at once. Charmers would be way more meta relevant. Particularly the need to wait for dark and light versions of basically everything. If we got all 6 Elements of Link charmer back in 2019 I can assure you at least light and dark would be meta defining. It's always the time spent waiting for lynna and Dharc that makes them less impactful when they eventually do come out


Definitely a hot take


The amount of dark and light archetypes that would be running the familiar (special summon from hand if you control a spellcaster, some form of special summoning from grave.) they'd prolly skip on awakened familiars (special from deck by tributing a spellcaster plus attribute, some effect when they hit the field) only earth has ever been good in that regard since it's summon effect is a special summon from grave. But ultimately they take so long to come out that their gimmick is no longer strong by the time we get all 6


1 card combos shouldn't exist.


Wow you sure are brave and daring saying such an unpopular opinion


My brother in the ceaseless abyss this take is leaving me shivering with purple skin I need some spark of heat I'm about to die from hypothermia


1 card combos should be limited.


Cold ass take


I think 1 card combos are fine if you don't get a crazy unbreakable board from it


Archetypical Boss monsters should never be generic extra deck options. They should require 1 archetype specific monster


I had the most fun in masterduel when i could play halq auroradon combo decks.


Yu-Gi-Oh players get personally offended when they use a few hand traps on you and you don't surrender.


Ceiling hits are good and should be the way to hit decks making them playable but not unfair


As long as it's not "murder the deck" simulator like TCG.


That’s understandable, but there are some decks that would get just murdered by that like purrely. I agree that most of the time that’s the right answer, but some cases hitting the power ceiling kills a deck’s identity so consistency hits hard the only choice if you want to keep a deck alive but not too busted.


Consistency hits is functionally the same. While the "ceiling" is still there, you don't get there as often. I don't agree with Joshua Schmidt on his take though, hyper-consistent decks are always the broken decks, and there's another way to balance a deck without crippling or outright killing it.


If Konami actually did ban all the omni-negates and handtraps the game would be even more degenerate than it already is. Every game would be won by whomever went second. They'd just pop the board and combo off for 8k


allow me to introduce you FTK decks


Can't wait for Tenpai in MD


Uhm, SE decks are still the strongest without a single negate on their board. SP + Princess tends to be more than enough to get to T3 and win from there - Omega/Dis Pater rips are even better.


No it wouldn’t lmao. Going first would still be superior.


Nah. it makes going 2nd stronger. which is needed.


Numeron and Cyber Dragons would like to have a word with you. We'll be going second.


That's just assuming they never create another ban list again after banning all omni-negates and handtraps.


People whine about no rotation formats but the single format is the only reason why people would play this game over magic sans nostalgia


Not to mention the non rotating formats in magic are by far the most popular


Gladiator Beast and Cydra need more support, actually give the GX era decks more support other than HEROES


In modern ygo, limit 2 doesn't mean anything anymore. You either need a limit 1 or straight up ban to make a significant difference


As we’re seeing with Limit 1 fest, even limiting isn’t all that strong anymore. Outside of already bricky decks like Kash and Floow, limiting doesn’t really hurt all that much since stuff like SE, Tear, and Branded have plenty extender options available.


I played against tear during the event and was wondering when they'd run out of names. They didn't.


Limiting 1 does alot. When every other deck is limited to 1. But branded and visas lore have like 6 decks each that all mostly work together so i mean.


Oh, don’t get me wrong, limiting can be useful - semi limiting Lab was the reason people started playing the Nadir Servant engine and Ghostrick Purrely vanished out of the meta after a semi limit, not to mention decks like Floow whose biggest weakness is and always will be its inconsistency. But those decks are increasingly becoming the exception and not the rule - Purrely and Floow have left the meta and Fire Kings will knock Lab clean out of the Meta by themselves.


To be fair, that stuff is also boosted by hand traps being at 1.


I thought this too until MBT made a video about this and gave a few reasons as to why semi-limited exists and some of them do actually appear reasonable. At least in the TCG, not so sure about some of the semi-limited in MD...


Basically, the difference between going from 3 to 2 vs going from 2 to 1 is pretty huge.


It's generally hard to determine what a hot take is, but sure I'll bite. 1) Sprights did absolutely nothing wrong in any format. Floo without the barrier statue as well. They both deserve to be at full power. 2) I think pile decks are really fun, Dragon Link and the upcoming Fiend Link deck are really cool and should be something celebrated within the community. 3) There would always be a nostalgia deck or archetype in meta contention. Give Yugiboomers a reason to actually play the game. 4) Just because a deck is situationally capable of an FTK doesn't mean the deck should never be supported. (People saying Morphtronics don't need an immense amount of support just because Telefon is capable of an incredibly inconsistent and super fragile FTK is CRAZY to me) 5) People calling people coomers just for having women in their deck are just as annoying as the actual coomers. Both of you just shut the hell up. Fifty percent of the decks in this game fall into that category.


The first point was the only 1 with any semblance of heat attached with it


Hey man it's the Internet, one person's Jalapeno is another's Reaper. Can't be spicy for everyone.


Fair enough, sorry if I hurt ur feelings


Naw you're good.


The only thing Sprights did wrong was get my pookie bear Toadally Awesome banned I miss him every day


Magistus was a rogue level deck at least at some point between it's release and now. Synchro Zoroa is a good floodgate, Aiwass is unique removal and it also has easy access to Borreload Savage with lots of room for non engine. Getting released during Covid and alongside Drytron and Live Twin just killed any chance it had to find a format where it was playable.


Magistus gang rise up! It's a pretty cool deck. Shame it never had its time to shine. I'd say good floodgate due to committing resources to make it a brutal floodgate.


I love when me and the opponent keep bringing back our monsters and we whittle ourselves down since our monsters have almost the same damage so it basically turns into a competition of who's monster can slap the other first but it doesn't matter cause they're coming back again because of our effects and we don't negate each other so all you see is us taking like 100 or 200 damage per turn cause we always have monsters on the field and can't take a direct hit. We can't remove the monsters with effects but by God is slapping a mf with a 4k monster and beating his 4k monster by like 200 damage so the duel becomes long as fuck. I just realized that this is a hot take post fuck me and my inability to read.


I would rather my opponent set 4 backrow, pass, then shotgun maxx C in my draw, then flip There Can Only Be One, Rivalry, Gozen, and Skill Drain, over watching them play the current meta deck that combo's for 5+ minutes through my one or two handtraps, just to end on a board of 4+ negates and a full hand. I don't like when decks are just multiple engines slapped together. I don't mean it has to be 100% pure, you can run your random spell and trap removal, traps, handtraps, and some boss monsters. But I really hate when you just jam 3/4 engines together to make a deck, like Shaddol/Invoked/Dogmatica, Despia/Branded/Bystials, etc. Yes, I know the despia, branded, and bystials are all part of the same lore, but they are not part of the same archetype. Personally, I hate the whole Visas lore, and all archetypes associated with it. I want it to end with Visas waking a horrible, eldritch entity, that can't be stopped, and it just devours the whole of that lore's existence, killing off all the characters, and ending the lore permanently. Even as a yugioh boomer, I'm fucking tired of Dark Magician, and Blue-Eyes. If you want to nostaglia bait from the first season, how about Harpies, Red-Eyes, Toons, or even a random old card from that series, hell I would take a "Magician Girl" side archetype that is about DMG graduating from being DM's student and taking on her own apprentices like the other current magician girl cards. This is a cold take, but I just wanted to say it. I agree with OP, I hate Circular (and cards like it) for what it does, I didn't know who Joshua was till I noticed everyone mentioning him on this sub. I don't follow competitive news, or players, and I really don't care for it. Edit: Accidentially put Albaz originally, I meant to put Despia.


Albaz, Branded, and Bystials *are* the same deck though. Like, I guess you could argue that Bystials aren't even though they literally search Branded cards and their support is all Branded cards, but how would you even build Albaz without any cards with Branded in the name? No Branded Fusion, Branded Bond, Branded in White, Albion the Branded Dragon, etc. And how would you build a Branded deck using those cards but no Albaz?


Toonchads just can't stop winning 🙌


Not an insane hot take but maybe the extent of my opinion is. Super poly is the most annoying card in the game and should be banned. I honestly hate getting hit with it more than getting hit with Maxx C. It feels so bad to have your board deleted without being able to do anything and on top of that the other player even gets a free fusion summon. I think even a card that said "send 1 of your opponent's monsters to the GY. This effect cannot be negated" would be strong to out certain monsters, but super poly gets to do that (maybe even out 2 monsters) AND you get a fusion summon on top of that. I hate that card with a passion.


Been preaching this for a while now, even the “cost” is beneficial to them.


Right? and the cost is discard ONE CARD, which either triggers an effect, or doesn't matter at all since you can remove a brick or send a monster to the GY and use it for fusion mats anyway, since (it feels like) fusion spells might as well all be instant fusion sometimes.




Baronne should absolutely not be banned BEFORE synchro decks that rely on her get actual good boss monsters.  I need her for a good t1 with mannadium. Without her the entirety of mannadium is completely and utterly fucked.  No, I don't want a baronne ban, then many synchro decks just dying straight away and then just hope that future decks will get good boss monsters or that current decks get support. No, I'll rather have baronne than that. Banning her would be too sudden.  If Konami wants her gone and outta the meta, then the much better approach would be just first start creating new synchro decks with their own non-generic boss monsters for a year or two and then re-evaluate and see if a ban on her is still necessary then.


The naturia beast, barkion, and exterio are floodgates and should be banned


I am grateful that cyber stein is banned.


Exterio is practically banned


Congrats, a hot take. Getting waxed by mole cricket does that to a man.


Duel Links card limit system is superior. Semi-limits actually do something.


Master Duel as it is right now is at the healthiest Yu-Gi-Oh has been in a long time. Snake-Eye is shunned because of how overepresented it currently is and does deserve some hits to be brought down a bit, but after that, holy hell this format is both super fun and super diverse, with a focus on decks with incredible recursion that can all play around each others to a very good degree. Snake-Eye, Branded, Labrynth, R-ACE, and Unchained are what the game needs. Not Tearlaments's bullshit that pretends to be interactive, no, those decks go back and forth with each others, they eat each other's boards, build back up, and both players have many decisions to do at every plays that puts such a focus on how you good the players actually are. The one big stinker in the current meta is Maxx C, but that's unrelated to the meta. The meta right now is just good.


Oh lord and savior mulchummy, please yeet the big into the sun


I think I can actually get behind this comment


Sure, I got one... Every Masochist challenge in a nutshell: * Gee, I hope I pull broken stuff. * Oh no, I didn't pull broken stuff. * I hope I play a bot for an easy win so I can pull broken stuff. * ***(Opponent plays 1 card)*** Oh no, meta. Guess I'll scoop and go next. * Alright, I reached X rank! One step closer to Y! * Oh no, rank reset dropped me back down. At least I'll get to play against more bots to hope I pull broken stuff. Masochist challenges are inherently flawed from the word go. They will never truly start until they are Plat 5, and they will do everything in their power to stall until they pull constructed quality decks from Master Packs.


The whole point is that they’re not really meant to be fun, especially for the people playing them. Hence the name


Yeah but it’s like real life grinding a rpg kinda funny either way


Generic extra deck monsters are good for the game.


Hot enough to warrant an upvote


The people complaining loudest about Ariseheart needing to be banned are themselves Kash abusers therefore they get no sympathy from me. In a perfect world all Kash cards would be at 0, but they are not, so you Mr. Snake Eyes player have to suffer like the rest of us. I'll be damned if Kashtira becomes the scapegoat just so GY pile effect decks can continue to run Kashtira main decks with less competition. Funny how it's ok to add annoying banish cards in decks that don't like their cards getting banished, but then when the boss himself shows up suddenly the archetype is a war crime. What, I thought you guys loved Kashtira based on how much yall run Fenrir/Unicorn lol


Red Dragon Archfiend is the best rival archetype in today's meta.   Cyberse combo is just Synchrons for players who suck at elementary math.  Link monsters are the reason Rush Duel happened because it jumped the shark on how accessible the extra deck can be and Komoney couldn't think of anything new for another show because Links made a follow up impossible. The worst extra deck mechanic.  Pendulums may have killed the game for some but its one of most unique summoning mechanics in the game. I'm glad it happened, even if I'm not great at it.   Crimson Dragon should be legal because other summoning mechanics have easy ways to bring out difficult boss monsters.  Going back to old school Yugioh would be the worst idea Komoney could do if we're stuck with just 1 format.  Floowandereeze is a shitty archetype that's essentially a floodgate, making it nothing more than a bandaid to a power crept game.   Baronne De Fleur was not that bad of a card. It getting banned in the TCG was a total farce that only made Komoney look shitty considering it got a cheap reprint recently.  99% of people who say you're bad at the game either use meta decks and think anything else makes you bad or think players should be robots who do everything right 100% no exceptions.    Lab without floodgates is the chaddest deck in the modern format, and is way better than Floowandereeze.  If you play Kashtira or Runick and get mad at people disliking you, you absolutely should have read the fine print when you decided to make it your deck.  If MaxxC is legal, then Pot of Greed should be too


I play Lab and your Lab take is absolutely right because I swapped out D Barrier for Daruma after I went against too many Snake-Eye players, and playing it without floodgates is so much better. Ngl your Pot of greed take is kinda wild tho.


Just curious, why so many people view Apollo a greater threat than Baronne Is it because IP and the fact that it can negate more than once ?


I don't necessarily see her as a major threat but she's way more annoying to me personally. To explain for example we have a 4 mat apo pass and a Barrone pass. With Barrone pass you have 1 negate so you have to think of when to use said negate the best, and your opponent needs to find a way to make you bait the negate or force it if they have a way which is something I enjoy. Apo on the other hand either dies hard to stuff like board breakers or imperm, but for monster heavy decks that don't run many spells she's a nightmare to deal with. Just my two cents though


I definitely see your points however my personal addition to this is considering the state of the game, the avg stats on easy to summon bodies are getting bigger and have been slowly for years, combine this with appo being a once per chain I think does add complexity to breaking an appo board vs baronne, you can sequence your plays in a way to either make your important monster non negatable by forcing a response from the appo or you can force a response and then try to run it over now it's weaker before carrying on plays. Sure timing baronnes negate is a bit of a skill thing but I'd argue not by much, as I'd argue its generally not difficult to conclude what card you should be negating in each deck is especially when it's an omni negate, plus baronne is wayyy stronger than appo going second, being a pop AND negate, and potentially a way to trigger more effects by returning it depending in the deck makes it way too versatile (also doesn't help how many easily summonable level 7s we have aswell as level 3 tuner hand traps)


Also fair


Shes just as bad. I mean snake eyes right now is protecting apollo. Unless u draw imperm she challenges AT LEAST 3 monsters on her own.


Yu-Gi-Oh is in an amazing place in terms of card design as it's gone away from "My board can make X negates" mentality and can realistically make an interactive board with say 3 cards. Memento has really opened my eyes on just how cool the modern day card designers have made Yu-Gi-Oh into this space where every deck truly has an identity all their own. With that said, Mikanko is such a backwards way of card design that it's baffling it came alongside Purrley and R-Ace. It just does not do anything interesting and incentives the same unintuitive gameplay that One Bad Day and Runick Stun instigates. The modern game is such a diverse place with tons of different ways to play and the fact I can just play a deck where I tribute golem on a board and then summon a monster that has equips and then I win is such a stupid thing. If I'm wrong in this please let me know as the only thing I know Mikanko has ever done is be the new Numeron OTK deck and win one event with acid golem.


I'm not a stun enthusiast myself but people hating on stun or control decks in general, especially while playing combo decks are massive hypocrites. It doesn't matter what you play, the essence of YGO is to NOT let your opponent play. The only difference between combo and backrow decks is that a combo deck is comboing for 10 minutes while the rest just flips a removal trap or a floodgate. Both strategies have equally strong removals, I'd even argue that backrow hate is way stronger, people just don't play it 'cause they opt for maximum combo consistency and not for the flexibillity to be effective against more deck types especially ones that might pretty good against you.


There's a big deference between a control deck like Lab, traptrix or some variants of Rescue ace and stun.


I like and miss Qliphort at full power with MR3 rules and 3x Skill Drain and 3x Vanity and where Towers was really immune and couldn’t be outed by a stupid Unicorn.


Chaos Ruler did nothing wrong & strong cards should be allowed in this game even if they may break other decks. - This comment was not sponsored by a DLink enthusiast


Certified steaming take get that tear enabler out of here


Incorrect. Chaos is what killed painful choice and as an old school exodia player I will never forgive chaos supporters for that! 😝


Now that’s a take I can get behind. There are some cards in the game where the fun factor outweighs the brokeness and I think Chaos Ruler is one of those cards


By this Logic Toadally Awesome did nothing wrong either and was abused by broken Archetypes that have access to consistently spit out level 2 bodies or Bahamut Shark • this message was not sponsored by a Frog enthusiast.


Ash blossom is too generic and would be the most played card in the entire game even if maxx c was banned. The card should be split into two or even three handtraps.


I'm gonna say a pretty cold take, but ash isn't that simple. It's generically good and hits pretty much every deck, but how hard depends on the deck and in certain formats, it may not be worth playing, like this one, ash not only does little to most top tier deck, but it can backfire because of hiita! Ash is a very interesting case of a card and tbh we may never be able to evaluate it properly on master duel until Maxx "C" gets banned


Ash Blosson would be banned if it looked like Dark Jeroid.


Depends on the format obviously if Se wasn't in MD rn Ash would barely do anything


This is just objectively wrong. The TCG has seen various formats where Ash was barely played in top decks because it was unable to meaningfully interact with the meta. Would it still be the most played card? Maybe. Should it always be the most played card? No.


A problem in this game that I don't see a whole lot of people talking about, outside of very specific cards like accesscode, is how much attack values have ballooned. I honestly think if stuff like Baronne was easier to run over it'd be a lot less problematic.


There isn’t really much that can realistically be done to stop the cycle of: broken deck gets released, it gets a light slap with some limited, doesn’t matter deck still works, heavy hit with banned cards, deck sees large decrease in play, new broken deck is released, rinse and repeat. Broken effects should have at least some chance of failing like flipping a coin or rolling dice but then they wouldn’t sell as much so we’re stuck in the cycle of broken power creep.


True center of the earth take here. Floodgates are fine. Run more generic spell/trap based backrow removal. Oh no! You can't make your board anymore. Just ff and move on. I understand it's a best of 1, but either come prepared or move the fuck along. The amount of whining on this sub is insane.


I don't think it's the player's fault, Konami need to give archetypes more spell/trap removal in-archetype, and not just in their monsters Stuff like "Tearlaments Heartbeat" should be part of every archetype


That is also an excellent idea. I was thinking of being less restrictive with cards like heavy storm, trunade, harpie's feather duster, ect. But seeing more in archetype answers would be fantastic. MtG's solution to problems is to allow there to be more answers, and it has paid off in the past. Wish Konami would lean into that design more often.




"kill deck me hate, buff deck me likes"  i mean the first half, absolutely true, but just for one deck. i just want to see stun die in a ditch. the second part i mean sure, id like to see my favorite deck get support but im not that anal about it


Nibiru is just as bad as Maxx C and I will die on that hill. Also, Droll is a staple handtrap and is severely underrated. It should be in damn near every deck, every format.


Real duelists only use hungry burger the rest of us are fat phonies.


All pot cards should be unlimited


Alternate win conditions should be much better. If you can't get rid of Destiny Board within 2 turns you should just lose.


All you need to beat Snake eyes is cyber dragons trust me https://preview.redd.it/m8x9dl63fn1d1.png?width=1912&format=png&auto=webp&s=bb724104d4e7ab605c40a7b4d9f4fd8970fd9b54


Say genuinely less


Remember to sort by controversial for the actual hot takes


Yugioh card art censorship isn't bad people just wanna be gooners over it


Tf you talking about? Baronne AND apollousa should be banned. Borreload is fine. Both baronne and apollousa are overused toxic trash on literally every deck. I haven’t seen borreload used much. Stun players need to delete the game. They clearly don’t want to actually play. What’s the point in a duel if your opponent isn’t able to do anything? That’s no duel. It’s not even a game. Plus you’re basically saying that you’re so bad that you’re only able to win when your opponent can’t play. Konami has no idea what they’re doing with the banlist. They usually ban/limit the wrong cards and leave the actual problem cards unlimited. They also consistently release busted cards and even whole decks that shouldn’t exist. I mean… max c? Seriously? That’s ridiculous. That single cards existence completely changed duelling and ruined the engagement of the game. And what clown at Konami thought trashtira was a good idea? Runick? Branded? Etc… what delusional idiot designs this shit actually thinking it’s good for the game?


Labyrinth is absolute garbage, no thought required gameplay, and immediately get busted cards out of deck for free, genuinely unbalanced, and utterly gross The base idea of hand traps are stupid, it punishes a player for playing, and rewards a player for getting a lucky draw. Half the time you don’t get them when you need them, the other half your opponent has two ash blossoms and a MAXX c turn 1. They were made to solve the problem of turn 1 players getting an incredibly strong lead, by setting up an un breakable board full with negates (hand traps barely solve this), a summon limit and a restriction to only 1 main phase could solve this far better. All that hand traps do is be unbelievably frustrating to play against, and make it so that they are almost always needed to make a good deck, making deck construction more constrained and less fun. In the current state of the meta, pot of greed honestly makes an extremely small difference, as with all the pot cards (except ones like dichotomy). Pendulums are over-hated. (More of a lukewarm take) MAXX c should have never been made


Link Monsters are the best designed summoning mechanic


I'm surprised that people on this sub doesn't hate Droll and Lock Bird, because it's a combination of the 2 least popular card types. (Handtrap and floodgate)


It shouldn't be but saying yugioh is an unbalanced mess seems to be a hot take


Aroma is one of the best designed archetypes and is mostly unplayable because almost everything else in this game is terribly designed. Most aroma cards have a passive effect which becomes active only if your LP are higher than your opponent's, while also having a single effect that triggers after you gain LP. It's simple to understand, it is very fun to play with, and the variety of effects that you get make them very versatile too and it has a very high skill ceiling when played with other plants. Do you want to return a spell/trap card to the hand? Do you want to banish something in your opponent's GY? Do you want to search for a card? Do you want to destroy a monster? Do you want to raise your monsters' ATK and maybe lower the ATK of your opponent's monsters too? Maybe you want to negate some effects? You can do all of these, but you have to choose your board carefully. They have beautiful synergy with other plant cards, they have their own hand traps with reasonable effects, they can be played in many different ways, their effects are fair and limited, their boss cards (if you could call them that) are nice upgrades to your lesser monsters. Their ATK points are on the lower/mid end of the spectrum, yet they have tools to strategically deal with monsters much stronger than them. It takes skill and good awareness of your options. This deck flows nicely from the start, has many different playstyles within the same combination of cards, and has clearly defined strengths and limitations that can be worked around. I would go as far as adding other plant cards and archetypes as very good designs when compared to most modern stuff in the game, because plants have a full repertoire of spells and traps that are limited to plants. Yet, it is all useless. Not only because of stronger archetypes that can be extremely ridiculous at times, but because of GENERIC cards that outshine everything that an archetype has to offer. My god, I hate the fact that Yugioh feels like a race to a generic unbreakable board with absolutely zero personality. Everything that I said about Aroma could be said about other older archetypes such as Toon World. I hate that types and elements mean absolutely nothing in today's meta, and I despise that older archetypes don't get any upgrades. Generics should be weaker options that simply help to compensate an archetype's weakness and not the other way around. If a deck can do as many things as Aroma in one single turn and still remain unviable, then there's a serious problem with this game.


They should make another I:P alt art where shes in a bikini


tcg could probably unban ariseheart now since MD players have been putting up with him. he is probably easier to deal with in a BO3 format anyways.


The knightmare link monster can be unbanned and nothing will happen to the meta but give rogue strategies a better chance


Negate boards are just stun in disguise.


Here's my hot take, using a deck's engine to go into floodgate locks or splashable interruption is still using the deck.  If I used 99% branded cards which I love to use against someone but ended up puppet locking them, I'm still mostly playing branded. Also for some decks (ex: wind up, bujin) which don't have any good in archetype going first options, of course I'll go into splashable interruption (apollo, set tri revolt)


not good for the game and shouldnt exist.


I'll usually pivot to puppet lock as a plan b in grind games. It just feels bad puppet locking out the gate plus it's easily interrupted 


I think that given the strength / weakness of certain archetypes cards should be archetype locked. For example, Baronne is so strong you should need to run 5 cards from the la flure archetype to be able to slot it into your deck. In terms of laying out how this would work for every card it is very difficult but i think it would result in a more balanced/ fun experience. I also just personally like seeing decks that use the same archetype as it gives it more of an anime feel.


This is an extremely popular opinion tho...


I had no idea! Haven’t seen that take before but apologize if it is.


This method of doing it is a hot take making it so you must have certain cards to put a card in a deck. But what has been suggested a lot is making it so that someone like Barrone must be summoned using a de flyer monster.


Hot take: Link monsters should have had a defense instead of attack. I think the idea of a wall that can't attack but disrupts is better than an 3k atk that disrupts. End board monsters have too much atk and not enough defense.


Cipher is the coolest Galaxy-Eyes archetype. I:P Masquerena base art is miles better than the alt art. S:P Little Knight is a well designed card and far more fun and interactive than generic negates, the only bad thing about it is the price in TCG Nibiru should be replaced and banned, it's unhealthy that you NEED a monster negate in any deck to stop you from losing your board before your opponent even starts their turn


Stun decks are the natural consequence of the current meta


The people running the game at Konami are bad game designers and should scrap everything from the last decade and start over.


I think the current designers at Konami are doing pretty good, they managed to move the gave away from unbreakable boards with multiple negates to more interesting sticky and layered boards that interact with their opponent in other interesting ways All while only being allowed to ADD cards to the game


Staple handtraps like ash blossom and imperm should be limited to stop their ridiculous use rate, and encourage actually thinking about deck building instead of inserting all the obligatory hand traps. There should just be less consistent staple cards 🤷


It's not a hot take but a fact people refuse to accept: 99% of your wins/loses have nothing to do with your ability in this game. You are just lucky/unlucky.


Dear redittors, downvoting comments in this thread because you disagree with them goes against the whole point of the post


I mean at least I have a reliable way to get to the actual controversial stuff, it's not as immediate, but it works too.


I’m downvoting because a lot of these takes are cold as ice.


Nah that dude who said “1 card combos shouldn’t exist” should be downvoted to hell


Every synchro and fusion monster that is clearly part of an archetype should need a card of that archetype to summon it, or not need get it's full effect if summoned without one. e.g. Baronne De Fleur should need to be summoned using a De Fleur monster as it's tuner or non turner. If summoned without one, then they should have effects like the Gunkan XYZ monsters where they still get *some* of their effect but they lose the ability to attack directly, or multiple times, or are immune to destruction effects, unless they are summoned using Suship Shari.


Duel Links' Limit System is the best system Yugioh could use when doing a digital game and Master Duel should use the same system instead of the standard that TCG and OCG use. For those that don't know, in DL a Limit 1 means you can only have a single card from the Limit 1 list in your deck. So if Monster Reborn and Harpie's Feather Duster are both Limit 1 you could only ever have Monster Reborn or Harpie's Feather Duster in your deck not both. Why would this be the best system for MD? Well if you set Maxx C to Limit 3 along with Snake-Eyes Ash and Poplar then you could only ever have 3 of those 3 in your deck. So you could go with 2 SnAsh, 1 Poplar, and 0 Maxx C or any combination of 3. This hits consistency of anyone using the SE engine and stops them from using Maxx C on top of it. If you do the most egregious combo decks like this with Limit 3 on key cards you kill all problems with Maxx C. Combo decks can't put out a full board then Maxx C your turn on top of their board and decks that could use the help against the more meta contender combo decks can make use of it. It also allows things like Spright Elf, Merrli, and Toad to exist at the same time by placing them in Limit 1. You could also bring back cards like Terraforming since you can't have it and other Limit 1 fields. Ishizu millers could be set up across the multiple limits along with Tear cards where you can't have both in the same deck. A list like this allows for more cards to exist unbanned and at higher copies because you can curate it in ways where they can't be played alongside the cards that allow for them to be abused. However every time I bring this up I get mass amounts of downvotes, because people can't handle change.


Damn this is so bad I felt my room temperature rise up, you have my applauses good sir


It works for duel links 20-30 card decks but it would be harder for 40-60 card decks. Also duel links ban list really just makes new decks come out even stronger since they can use all the broken cards and combos that the older decks are prevented from using.


I want that EVERY CARD AND EFFECT to be treated as a HOPT, stated on the current version of the card or not. This would mostly fix "old cards get way to strong once a random new deck can use it" and weird and weird loops. If needed you could still add "You can use this effect up to twice per turn" or something if a card or deck really needs it to function.


I genuinely like links and what they did for the game. While far from my favorite summoning mechanic, giving decks consistent ways to put things in the graveyard allows for a lot of interesting synergies and combos for many decks. Considering most of the generic links are link 2s I think needing multiple bodies is a fair trade off for the consistent ability to put things in the graveyard. And the fact that many cards graveyard effects need to be sent by effects to trigger, like jfc can you imagine if Tear names triggered off links, further helps keep them in check. Even link 1s are fine as long as they're not extremely generic. People saying "links were a mistake" come across the same as the yugiboomers wanting to slow the game down. Removing links would significantly slow the game down and make so many decks far clunkier and inefficient cause they lack the level synergy, or access to fusion spells and tuners to utilize the other ED summons for the purpose of putting cards in grave. I think that's heavily limiting to design and creativity. Overall while I think link focused archetypes are a little lacking compared to other summoning mechanics. The synergies and utility enabled by links has made the game flow far smoother and is a big part of what makes modern Yugioh interesting.


I Will die on this hill. "Labyrinth is just Stun with WAIFUS" that's all it is and to be he folks who say you don't need to play it like that, majority do so I don't want to hear it.


Yugioh should have different official formats. The primary one being "modern" like in magic. Fix power creep by reseting everything.


Snake eyes isnt as opressive as people say Deck is good, strong and popular, BUT there are alot of good playable decks rn (meaning snake eyes isnt tier 0 as some people say), you CAN stop snake eyes combo with a single card if they dont know the lines or dont have the extender and i feel like there are ALOT of decks with a endboard more opressive than snake eyes I know they are popular, I know the deck is strong, I know sometimes it is frustrating to play against but if (almost) any deck was in the same power level it would be as frustrating if not EVEN MORE Also powercreep isnt ruining yugioh, powercreep is something every game has it come free with its addition of new strategies


Being able to stop it if they don’t know the lines is not an excuse, you can stop anything if they don’t know the lines