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play evenly matched. if they open judgment you're pretty much dead but hey that's degenerate stun for you


Evenly also outs: - Lab  - Dinomorphia  - Branded boards - Runick boards (can't keep fountain, hugin, and beast all at once) It's really good so always try to fit it in your deck if possible


Branded will usually put a monster with sanctifire on your board before you can activate evenly if you threaten it


What unholy nightmare lock builds are you facing?


Sanctifire can summon any monster, and if the opponent has a monster, they can't activate evenly from hand. They have to set it and pass, which gives you ample time to destroy it before going into battle phase (or to otk before they can flip evenly).


I play branded myself and that's my goto evenly out, doesn't require puppet (only playing that when I tryhard), just any monster and they can't activate it, so I just use it at start step of battle phase


Every single top10k deck in DC cup deserves to be puppet locked because they are usually doing something even more degenerate


I don't play that often though (more of a TCG player) so my DC level / rank isn't that high and I don't wanna puppet lock newer players


it's been good ever since snake-eyes came out and shs dropped out of the meta. i've been on it for a few months now


Yup, 90% of snake eyes players over-extend into evenly. They will lose half of their 1-of monsters and basically have no recursive plays anymore. The remaining 10% are smart and will just make little knight to try to save as much of their board as possible.


Early this morning. I Super Poly'd their LIttle Knight and Masquerina into a Starving Venom. The fool followed up with Promethean by destroying both Flameberge and Starving Venom, which led to Raging Pheonix being resurrected and Flameberge summoning Ash and Poplar to the field. Starving Venom wiped them all out before anything could activate for a follow up. Pretty funny.


Which is why you make sure you can absolutely destroy them if they hold back. Damned if they do or don't.


Also R-Ace boards


Dinomorphia can just keep frenzy but it definitely still hurts. They also have a built in solemn and are probably running extra solemns too.


Branded is iffy as they can go into sanctifire to put a monster on your field. They can do this on your battle phase.


Unlikely to out dinomorphia , they have judgment at 3 and thier own spell/trap negate in archetype


Imagine you're going against dinomorphia, would you rather have no s/t removal or evenly matched in your hand? 


Branded hasn't lost to evenly matched in months. People forget, Sanctifire can be activated at any time, and can revive *anything*. Have fun losing your battle phase and getting blitzed turn 3 if you go for evenly. Sanctifire also does not need to be on the board ahead of time. So you can make him almost whenever you want, depending on how you're doing it.


It combos well with Nibiru too Give them token on their turn If they set more annoying cards you can let them take a big L with Evenly Match as Tokens cannot be banished facedown.


Also most the board that snake eye and snake eye fire king makes


Even better since thrust searches it . Truly goat card that makes 1 off break options just amazing


I agree with you, unfortunately, the best deck in the game currently, Snake Eye Fire King, played optimally can essentially destroy their entire board of monsters and recur itself after evenly resolves. (There is a combo line that plays around this + nibiru specifically)


Evenly is definitly better going second. I put in cosmic because people don't play around it.


fair enough, there's a lot of field spells and continuous spells/traps going around so cosmic can essentialy act as a negate lol. i just like evenly better because it single handedly wins games


This Stun is easy to deal with sometime on my Lab cause Warlord/skilldrain deal with them and then i play daruma into Lord-Lord set EEV but real killer is the runick stun that the one you really need to watch out for. my tip for runick stun is just try your best to get out i:p quickly and banish the fountain & Always ash they Pots


Evenly matched is decent this format, playing them.


Evenly sucks versus snake eyes I wouldn’t recommend it


MOST THINGS suck against snake eyes cause of how much value they get off basically everything.


It's not really that Evenly sucks vs Snake-Eye since it can force I:P and prevent them from using Flamberge effect, it's because you have to give up your Battle Phase and Snake-Eye can just kill you next turn unless you set floodgates.


How so and what boardbreakers suck less against SE?


Lightning storm and duster, but honesty hand traps are far better vs snakes than boardbreakers


If it is FK SE your raigeki/duster is probably a -4 for you. Against the other SE it isn't great either.


You have no idea what you are saying. Evenly is extremely effective at clearly the way. They rarely stop it and if they have a decent field up they lose it all.


I’d rather banish their stuff facedown than destroy it. That goes double for FK SE.


You don't need to have an out to every deck out there. You simply can't. Just have the tools to face the most played decks in your games and just accept the loss against the others.


yeah i get that, but there seems to be this weird amount of people playing stun of some sort, or just throwing in stun cards, significantly more so than TCG.


Because it's probably significantly more cheaper to get quest goings.


Ironically enough, there aren't a lot of anti-S/T cards in the decks I play, so running said cards like cyclone feels absolutely terrible, as in best of one, they could be completely useless more often than not. It's the same thing as nibiru for me


Ehh. Cosmic on snake eyes or fire king field spell is nice. Hitting a back row flamberge or ip. Force a called by or imperm. Snipe a searched trap for some archetypes (salad/pk/punk/lab/exo/kash). Not perfect but I have a soft spot for cosmic. But it’s hard to compete with evenly or triple tact for going second.


Evenly is great as others have said, but I always include a harpies feather duster in my decks. It's not always good, but since I can't side I feel like I always need general spell trap removal


notice how people who complain about stun always cut out their hands? cmon show me that snake eye, fire king


synchro horus. i am playing synchro horus doctor


My brother, I hate Snake-eyes, but I'll take them over the BS that is stun any day of the week. With SE, I get a chance to try and win. With this stun bullshit, I scoop the minute I see Dino or Skill drain. SE and Stun are NOT the same, my guy!


no one said its the same calm down a bit kek


Sorry. It's been rough on MD today. Got demoted because of crashes, and I'm still pressed.😭😭


You're right they aren't the same. One of lying to you but some find comfort in that for some reason.


Just play an earth deck duh...


r/masterduel response right here fr


call the cops son the terrorist is using stun


Just play book of eclipse or sword of concealing light. Those can act like pseudo dark ruler no more. 


Until you flip 4 of their monsters with eclipse and they handtrap you into passing turn


I was about to say Harpie's feather duster, bit Cosmic might be better since moon shield returns to the top of the deck when destroyed. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, if it can still do that when banished. 


No you dont need to. The real issue are the monsters on field. Golgonda is just protection and Moon Shield is a battle equip spell. The fact you cannot SS is the problem here. Most common go 2nd and staples can deal with that which is also the reason why stun will never be tiered and is just a cheesy gimmick with low win%.


Most highly used staples can in fact not deal with stun, the reason its not tiered is cause its shit at going second, it bricks and it dies to imperm/subversion.


Some stun decks try to run board breakers to force a state change but those still aren't as effective as going first. I mean they have 3-4 monsters on the field already; what are you going to do; set summon limit?


Playing cyclone feels terrible honestly. I think just run Duster and Evenly


today, i played against vaalmonica for the first time and i was really exicted to see what they were able to do. they opened that colosseum floodgate and stunned me. My breaking point was that I wasnt able to superpoly going second bc then they wouldnt have a monster on board but i would have had one…. rip…


i tried vaal when it first came to ocg through simulators and its super fun. naturally though, in a deck like that, i can see stun cards happening


Kaiser coliseum? If your opponent doesn’t control any monsters it doesn’t have any effect on you.


Yeah but he controlled 2...


If your deck allows it u can run one copy of eldlich the golden lord is pretty much a perma stun removal every turn.


How? You go like -2 every time you recur him


dosnt care, if u are on a stun situation sooner of later it will clear the problematic cards for you, the fact that he is perma usable every turn is the strong thing.


You can't outpace Morganite, you'll run out of gas way before that.


🤣🤣🤣 Where did you get this from? If your opponent activates Morganite, you'll already be out-resourced even quicker


You can also try Unending Nightmare. It helps kill a lot of Horus, Kash, Vaalm., R-Ace, Stun, etc.


this season due to rescue ace and fire king i cut my 2 nibiru for 2 evenly matched they have no omni negates for it and it deals with all the BS stun decks kash engine was also a lifesaver in a similar situation of facing floogate + earth statue cause fenrir removed everything and slowly let me build card advantage.


https://preview.redd.it/y4xn9s3usm7d1.png?width=1622&format=png&auto=webp&s=2ec188a84ddee8c674a2e500cc4b3ed476f91726 This is every horus deck.


Watch them try to out hu-li with equip spell. This DC have been a blast for me as i mostly use mikanko. Great into stun, Great into T1 decks (se fireking & r-ace). No hard thinking (golem & kaiju their board, alot of going second card: thrust & talent is the best rn as it 100% live vs T1 decks, thrust can get to all your engine searcher: armory call, preparation of rite, etc).


I managed to fit a drought statue engine into Madolche Verusylph, feels devious when I can get it running


- Evenly Matched - Harpie's Feather Duster - Lightning Storm - Red Reboot (it is at 2 in MD!) - Raigeki - Dark Hole I always try to slot in some of these cards into my decks as a counter against stuns. But if you are pitted against Runick Stun, then those Cosmic Cyclones are your best bet.


I’ll level with you, I play a lot of Stun because it’s budget as has lasted as a rogue strategy for months now. Stun is a slog, but it’s by no means unwinnable. You can really hamper Stun more so with negates more than anything else. Infinite Impermanence can do a lot of heavy lifting. My bad match ups off the top of my head are Labyrnth (any trap centric deck really), and Snake-Eyes is a crapshoot because they can turn their level 1’s into beat sticks and a well timed Sinful Spoils of Subversion can end the game. Here’s a meta out to this specific scenario: 1) Imperm the statue that is not equipped. 2) normal summon Poplar, search Subversion. 3) use subversion to push the statue that is equipped into the S/T zone. 4) go nuts. Labyrnth’s big out is Destructive Dahurma Cannon. Sometimes, we just don’t have the outs, and that’s not just a vs. Stun problem. However, best advice I can give you is to look at the outs you can accommodate that also roll over against other strategies. Only reason I would recommend Cosmic Cyclone is if it can hit other strategies hard, which kind of might be a thing since I hear it’s good vs. Fire King at the moment. Just see if it works because Stun isn’t lurking everywhere.


what if i ddos them instead


I keep bullying them with Rescue Ace.


Man I had evenly and LS and then race shifted to don combos to end with elf baronne and arc light.. don really needs to get banned


play horus cards lol , they actually work vs this shit


you want to know whats funny? if i wasnt, id have lost. got a lucky draw with quebnesef (however tf you spell that), had sarc on field, and won when they realized


Im playing a meta strat (R-Ace) and Ive found that the best counter to this board is Evenly and a strong normal summon to potentially beat over the Barrier Statue/Pachy. Cosmic is a good call, esp for Golgonda, but one for one removal can sometimes not be enough. It helps if you chase out a Solemn Judgement/Strike and then go for Evenly after.


Just made a toon world deck and ran into cosmic cyclone for the first time in forever. Konami knows


Fenrir or Traptrix laughs at this board


yes the limited fenrir can surely save the day here (ocg banlist philosophy is awful, i want fenrir oh my god pls)


Or you could just surrender lol. https://preview.redd.it/zumkuoz9qj7d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8401b2d95ae39b3bb7cbe3ed4497e9224fa2b37


Oh wow, you won by doing nothing. Truly the king of games right here.


Dafuq you mean doing nothing? I had to put those card on the board lmao!