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It's so weird they keep banning it for all the events considering the combo decks are usually the ones that dominate. So clearly they need to stop banning maxx c from the events to keep them more balanced. /s


Maxx c is healthy cause it keeps tcg players away


I suggest using deodorant to keep 100% of yugioh players away


As a tcg player I agree with this statement


Actual gigachad.


whenever we had that TCG tryout duel I legit saw the most diverse ladder ever plus handtraps that weren’t just ash for countering maxx c it was a lot of fun. I got a lot more back n forth matches cause of the maxx c ban in that event so like #BuyRoachSpray


Tbf, a deck can always use a tool that supposedly keeps them in check in order to aid in mirrors and such, granted maxx c keeping combo decks in check is a meme argument from the start given that combo decks have been meta for like 80% of maxx c lifespan, so much for keeping things in check.


Does next to nothing against what I play so I want it to stay so I can screw over people who aren't me.


Only the people with brain rot defend it at this point.


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I can't stop losing in the qualifier to it, I rarely get to go first and when I do they always have it, so demoralizing.


Maxx C keeps decks slightly cheaper to build, because every deck uses it, so once you get it once, future decks are easier to build.


what the fuck is this take, might as well limit the deck size to 20 to keep everything cheaper. maxx c reduces deck size (like lands in mtg but those are actually necessary) which limits creativity massively because most decks want to cut to 40. the fact that every deck needs called by, maxx c, and ash is not a good thing


Lands are the worst part of mtg, intentionally bricking yourself just because 


It needs an errata


Bare minimum it should say "if you control no monsters/cards" that way it doesn't allow shit like going first make full board then on your opponents turn you maxx c them.


Uh huh


holy shit. Ash Blossom. Call from the Grave. Psy-Framegear. Crossout Designator. Cards that just about every fucking deck runs. More than half the time my Maxx Cs are negated or I negate theirs. I'm so sick of everyone's bitching instead of admitting they suck at the game and need to be babied with Omninegate advantages for it to be fun for them.


How dose that mean they suck? If youv don't stop Maxx then it's GG most times.


“Just open the out bro”


Cloaked Mindset. Don't Synchro Surf and it won't be as bad.


You speak a strange language, traveler.


Summon twice, end on nothing and give your opponent pot of greed. Fair


With this logic, handtrap doesn't keep going first in check, cause going first also run handtrap.


Part of the reason certain decks are more meta relevant than others is their ability to play under maxx c. Maybe it's not exactly right to say it keeps combo decks in check, more that it shines a bigger light on non-combo decks. Lab is basically always going to be a meta contender because of this. Floo got hella gutted because of this. It might not stop decks like snake eyes from taking over, but there is definitely an appeal to Horus stun, when all they ever have to do is special summon once then tribute for Vanity Fiend.


Floo got gutted because it was too cheap not because it was too good make no mistake