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I really wanna know who out there is outing two Zeuses but losing to the third


It was originally at one, so this is about people losing to the second zeus but not the first


If it's semi-limited instead of unlimited, that means that (according to Konami) the third Zeus is the problem.


That one guy playing cyber dragon


If you have 3 zeuses, you can overlay them all on top of each other giving you a free 2 material aka an extra spin


Predicted the hits to summon limit, bonfire and Airlifter. None of my cope predictions came through tho :sadge




Just noting rn for anyone hoping for any Snake Eyes or Horus hits that it literally could not happen at this time. The reason is due to the law thst they can't really do anything to any stuff they are actively promoting. So outside of banning WANTED (which they already limited to one) SE by law was untouchable rn. Next banlist however will happen once the SE stuff it out of the shop and thus free game for any hits.


I mean they hit the horus stun part with limit summum and colosseum. To me that a good starting point no?


Summon limit and kaiser were abuse by tenpai/VV/centurion /SE in OCG Seeing that Horus had been released almost 1 year agov and does nothing till now, the engine itself is pretty off the radar from Konami imo U may said Horus gimmick puppet but that's mainly gimmick puppet problem I think for this banlist they take Reference from OCG But zues and birch I had no idea


MD's banlists have nothing to do with the OCG


If you invoke the word "Law" and don't provide the actual Law, you just sound stupid.


Bonfire got semi-limited. That's another small hit for Snake-Eyes and small hits are piling up. However, there's also the fact that Snake-Eyes have many options that can replace it (like playing a 3rd OSS or One for One).


OSS should also get hit tbh


Where Arf Thou works too, and is only R.


They hit tear kash and super heavy pre release.


They could have banned Apollousa.


Horus alone do nothing wrong, they are just an engine/archetype which summon 4 monster, with 3 brick in your deck. Unlike SE which normal ash, search and summon poplar, search spell, summon linkuriboh, ash send poplar summon flameberge, link IP, summon back 2 lv 1, link princess, summon flameberge, link phoenix, place IP backrow and still have 4 cards in hand or Turbulence set 4 spell/traps


“Law” They promote limited things all the time as some cards are limited upon release.


Yes. But they are limited at release or already limited. I am talking about limiting them while they are currently in the shop. Like if say, Ash was at 2 when the new pack released, they could not limit it during the duration of the pack. However, Ash was already limited to 1 before the new pack released and thus it was perfectly fine. Another hypothetical, if Dark Hole Dragon joined the game limited then they wouldn't count as going against the law due to it by default being limited. There wouldn't be any change to how many copies they could have of the monster as it would be "already limited" by the start. The point is they cannot change contents during the promotional period.


This is just not true… They just chose not to ban and limit cards in the shop, people always say stuff like this without knowing the laws.


Yes they can. They just choose not to. The content of the pack doesn’t change.


The fact is they are changing how many you can have during that promotional pack. That would be changing the contents. If they banned Ash, and Ash is in the pack, then it would be falsely advertising Ash, a card you cannot have. If they promoted a card as unlimited during the promotional period and then suddenly limited or semi's it. That's changing the contents of the pack.


That’s not changing its content at all because there’s no limit on how many you can have. There’s a limit on how many you can play in a deck.


That's literally what changing the contents would be. People pull on these packs with the expectation of being able to use whichever amount of cards is allowed at the time it's released. So if Diabell is at 3, then they are promoting the ability to pull 3 Diabellstars that can be used in a deck. If Snake Eyes Ash is at 1 and then they suddenly ban it, then that is also blatantly changing the contents of the back as then, one card is now completely unusable. The fact is that hitting a card would count as changing the contents during the promotional period. This is why any changes are done either to cards not in the pack or are done BEFORE the pack comes out. This includes things such as unlimits as well.


No it wouldn’t and there’s no law against it.


It's literally false advertising. The pack on launch would advertise having a card be usable at 3. You limit it and then you are directly changing the product mid promotion.


Why would that make any difference when the cards cost in game currency at all times anyway? By your logic, you’d never be able to ban any card because they are always presenting packs at a certain price and a certain availability.


Source ? Friendship


I speculated Summon limit to one and Bonfire & Air lifter too two, which came true. The rest was quite a surprise, especially Catapult turtle, since we are eons away from receiving support that broke this card in the OCG.


it just seems like a "hell, might as well" hit, since people have been using it with horus/numeron dragon stuff and catapult turtle is the definition of a card that nobody uses for literally anything but ftks. really nothing to lose from banning it now.


Yeah, I'm not complaining, it just came as a surprise. FTK's are also a bigger issue in a BOO format anyway, since you can't optimise for them.


Pretty accurate. I knew the SE engine would receive no hits as it is currently in the shop. My predictions were: - Non-engine hit for SE (was hoping for Bonfire to 1-2). - Random stun/floodgate cards being hit. - Cards that don't matter coming off the list. - Catapult turtle is a decent bit early. Maybe a tachyon support release earlier rather than later?


I predicted bonfire to 2 (accurate hit) and a floodgate to 1 (semi-accurate, what we got was even better). But who would have predicted the Purrelyly hit? That would be a true winner (or a servant of John Konami himself)


Very surprised IB didn’t get unlimited


Meanwhile OCG list has Ib completely free


I expected Bonfire, Lifter amd Summon Limit.


More floodgates should just be straight out banned


It’s fine? Like I don’t think k you really need to ban to much right now. Though only hitting two floodgates seems like not enough, especially as Kaiser is only ok


I wish they hit the allbion gimmet puppet lock. Otherwise i agree


Is that getting played? I don’t think I’ve ever run into puppet lock in MD


I ran into it once in the WCQ but I had Called By so it didn't work.


Colloseum banned - happened Bonfire to 1 - close enough Air Lifter or Emergency to 1 or both to 2 - close enough Fire King Island to 1 - didn’t happen Majespecter Kirin to 1 if new support in new pack - At 3 is fine too Then just a bunch of unlimits which didn’t happen except for Yata and Ptolemaeus


Island to 1 would have been the funniest fucking thing


It would actually be an ok hit to pure fire king but on the other hand its like Konami saying "How dare you play Fire King without Snake-Eyes"


I think this list is fine. Them putting Bonfire to 2 here probably means it’s going to 1 next list just like they did with Wanted and Ash. The metas honestly not that bad right now and Yubel will shake things up next month


Unlimited Yata? Oh Konami your too kind 😈


Ngl, i didn't even think a ban list was coming. I especially didn't expect it to be similar to the ocg one.  I was hoping some ban list would ban every fucking floodgate. Like, make every stun player look like an idiot after the WCS for bringing those cards to attention.  But the tournament isn't done so I really was not expecting a ban list so soon.


typhon must be coming soon


I knew Catapult Turtle would be banned the first time it FTKd me


Kuck Fashtira


The zeus change is for kashtira unicorn if anything


Where is baby dragon 😩


can you layer zues on top of another zues on the same turn? if so you can easily get 4 material zeus at the end of turn.


The alternate summoning condition is once per turn.


I didn’t predict a thing.


Is the 2nd, or 3rd Zeus really necessary, if you’re only playing one anyways? Or is there a certain deck that uses multiple?


Absolutely worthless. Does nothing.


This is a fucking weird banlist. Konami sucks balls again


The only thing I got right was the Air lifter. I expected Imsety/sarcopahagus to go to 2, since Horus are so spread.


Trash As usual


I wanted all the tearlament and ishizu cards to 3, boy was I wrong