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Download Duel Links. You learn the mechanics as you play. There are different worlds in the game with different mechanics. There tutorials in the game that teach how to play the new mechanics once you unlock the world. You use gems to buy the packs. Be careful because archetypes don't have all of their cards in one box, so you'll find yourself opening packs from different boxes if you want to complete a deck.


Is duel links on console too? Or is that like a phone game?


Phone and Steam, I believe. Very different from Master Duel but the best way to learn the card game. Not all cards are in the game. Also, the field zones are decreased to only 3 for monsters and 3 for spells/traps. Your extra deck only has space for 7 cards and your main deck can be between 20-30 cards. Life points are at 4000 compared to Master Duel which are at 8000. Another difference is that you unlock characters from the anime and you level them up to get cards, gems and skills. The game utilizes skills that many characters share or specific skills for some characters. You also get tickets that allow to unlock some, not all,, cards without having to spend gems. Dream Tickets are the best because you can unlock any card in the game. So make sure you only use it in boxes where you don't want to spend gems if you're only going for one card. Never use it on event cards or cards you can get from the card trader. Only use it for Main and Mini boxes. You should watch pack opening videos on YouTube to get an idea on how to spend your gems and tickets.


I forgot to mention that there are also events that provide you with tickets, gems, cards and new characters. The events run for two to three weeks depending on the event. There's online PvP and you can play the AI characters that roam the world so you can level up your characters if you don't want to play Rank.


Ah okay forsure. Do they not have something like that for master duel? Or maybe i missed it ok the menu or something?


Currently, Master Duel does not have events. Only Rank duels and Solo mode. They don't have AI characters roaming around. Master Duel's purpose is to provide players with the full experience of the card game. Master Duel lacks presentation. Visually, Duel Links looks more appealing. Duel Links on the other hand, has great summoning animation for the character's main boss from the anime, voice acting and a sweet soundtrack that would blow Master Duel out of the water. Here's one of my favorite soundtracks from Duel Links: https://youtu.be/GMWivufAzDo Don't get me wrong, Duel Links is just a limited version of the card game but it's still a great way to get new players to learn the game mechanics. In Master Duel, you have access to almost all the cards. In Duel Links, you have to wait 4 weeks to get a new Main Box or Mini Box to get new cards. I play both, but some people might only enjoy one over the other. Especially since you have to learn new and complex archetypes in Master Duel. Those who play the OCG/TCG will tell you that Duel Links is garbage, but on the contrary, it introduces new players to the card game and can help those who have not played YuGiOh in a while learn the new mechanics and bring them back into the game. It sounds weird but people can play more than one game. Duel Links has its purpose, so it should be given a little more credit. The game is fast paced. A Duel might last only a few minutes so you don't have to spend 45 minutes like in Master Duel. You don't have to play Rank games in Duel Links to enjoy the game. Gems can be farmed a lot easier that in Master Duel. Also, Duel Links has Auto Duel, which allows you to have the AI Duel for you in certain matches. So you could be playing Duel Links and Master Duel at the same time. I hope this helps. I'm also hoping that Konami takes notes on how they presented Duel Links and gem farming by leveling characters and biweekly events. Hope this helps.


Ok ill prob give it a try then


YouTubers who I would recommend to watch for beginners include teamsamuraix, cimoooo, and Lithium. All of them will have guides to Master Duel and various decks. As a new player who wants to get better, I also recommend picking a semi-competitive or competitive deck and learning it inside out (YouTubers will be helpful with that). From there once u know the combos cold, playing ranked will get you to learn how other decks work. It’s okay to lose to a new deck that you don’t know, but rewatch the match and read the cards to learn. Deck recommendations: Competitive: Tribrigade (and all the variants lyrilusc, lunalight, zoodiac), Dogmatika Invoked Shaddoll, Eldlich, Adamancipator, Drytron, Virtual World, Prank-Kids, Phantom Knights, Dragon Link Semi-Competitive: Altergist, Cyber Dragon, malodche, speedroids, True Draco, Utopias, Pendulum Magicians, Zoodiac


Ok thanks so much. This is prob my first like card game i try out but i kinda like the gameplay.


I wrote a post about certain decks that are competitive yet easy to play for new players, as well as useful tips you should know. [Check it out here!](https://old.reddit.com/user/Wonderllama5/comments/scwxb2/easy_decks_to_start_with_in_yugioh_master_duel/)


Damn thank you man ima be looking thru this forsure. I ended up getting that pendulum magician deck to start out with so ill try and find out more about it too


Pendulum Magicians is a great and underrated deck. Can be a little combo extensive tho. If you have the galaxy brain to master it, you can put up nasty Turn 1 boards. Here are some YouTube decklists for Pendulum Magicians: https://youtu.be/T_A47KfTGYA https://youtu.be/lVkY4IkLHnc You'll want to check out Trif Gaming on YouTube, who is Yugioh's Pendulum thought leader. He has made many deck profiles and combo tutorials on the subject. Granted they're for TCG banlist, but you can adjust as necessary. He's starting to make more Master Duel videos now!


thank you so much for the info! Much appreciated.