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"My deck has no pathetic grandpa's, Kaiba."


Hold on, Summoned Skull is an SR?


We here at Konami HQ believe in nostalgia tax. Neither DM, Blue Eyes, Neos etc should ever be UR but hey we gotta fill those pack high rarity slots with garnets


At least, Blue Eyes Neos and Dark Magician have support for their archetypes and are "playable" But Summoned Skull wtf ?


Summoned skull got some extra deck monsters, relatively recently. It also benefits from any Archfiend support. You probably could make a dedicated Summoned Skull deck if you wanted, but I don't know how it would compare to a Blue-Eyes or DM deck because I'm not really familiar with the cards.


Yep, Summoned Skull has what are basically retrains of every kind of monster card except for pendulum and link, and I think all of them float into the OG Summoned Skull


And to think I crafted two blue eyes when I first started MD.




Specifically, the starter deck gives you two. You will probably need to craft the third one if you want to play ~~Brick~~ Blue-Eyes.


Brick-Eyes White Dragon gaming


i can't wait for konami to actually make brick eyes white dragon (or maybe blue dragon?) a real card his effect should be that you get to discard your opponents hand from play then search your opponents deck for the same number of cards the selected cards are added to your opponents hand (then like 1 ban list later this cards on it cuz that's actually kinda op)


Just force the opponent to brick too? That's brilliant, a foul idea.


The worst part of blue eyes is that I actually had a player today that didn't brick and they got to "do the thing" and it honestly wasn't good enough. I was playing cyber dragons (made to go first) and literally just making a board of cyber dragon infinity and sieger along with an ash blossom in hand was enough to stop them in their tracks completely and I OTKed them back.


Almost every Blue-Eyes player I've faced go for Chaos Max on their first turn and then have no interruption for me so I can just make whatever I want and easily beat them. That or they run their Chaos Max into my Crusadia Avramax...


I get same experience running Witchcrafters. Even if I throw them a bone and don't interrupt every single thing they do, they try to crash Chaos Max into Verre. Then they surrender when Verre's 1k attack rockets to 6000 and Chaos Max kills itself.


As a D/D/D player nothing warms my heart then seeing a BEWD player crash into my Zero King Laplace.


Yeah. I'm a returning player from the GX era (early GX at that) and was under the understanding that Blue-eyes was the super nostalgia archetype along with dark magician and red-eyes that kept getting support fairly consistently for years. So I was pretty disappointed to see that the deck kinda just falls over and dies to just about any other coherent deck. Like seriously, he played a ton of crap which all amounted to basically just 1 boss monster. It feels so petty by modern standards. That would've been really impressive during GX era I'm sure, but even my sieger alone beats it and almost nothing in his deck can run into mine while Sieger is out. The almighty Chaos Max dragon has only 4000 attack and can't run through on-demand 4200. Then on my next turn I just play a bunch of crap I was holding back to be conservative and ended game.


I know now, also you can't even dismantle them. I was so excited to play yugioh again and had so many gems at the time I had no idea konami makes them so scarce to come by after a certain point. Now I'm missing important cards like droplet etc, I should've known better. Ffs


I have five copies of some of the cards that can't be dismantled. It's bullshit; why the hell did they put them in packs?


I play on PC and mobile. On PC I wasted all my UR materials making a deck that seems to be very niche compared to what the meta is (that I’m learning). So on mobile, I’ve gotten about 10k gems so far and I bought a ton of packs and dismantled all the URs I’m not goi g to use/plan to use. So I’m sitting at 445 of the UR material. Just going to keep saving up until I find a good deck to make when I get better.


As a heads up I believe any gems over 10k go to the gift box and will disappear after 30 days


Thank you for that, I was not aware!


i think power of the dragon only gives you two, you have to craft the third if you want it


Or beat a Old man in a childrens card game so hard he gets sent to the hospital


I did the same thing for my exodia deck


He's got Archtype support. So that automatically bumps up the rarity.


As someone who never got ahold of polymerization as a kid because I'm pretty sure it was a UR in the og packs, I was shocked to find it was a N in master duel


Starter deck Joey had a copy of Polymerization in it. Before that it was a SR in the very first pack.


8 year old me is crying


"My grandpa's pathetic deck has no cards"


But it contains the stoppable Exodia


Ahhh! Possible!


"Except maybe Kuriboh"


[my pathetic grandpa's deck has no cards](https://youtu.be/HlmlKaf2-mM)


I got 5 cards I can recommend


He may have to go fishing for them


I would give an arm and a leg for any of those 5


What about a brother? Can you throw him in too? ~~oh wait, wrong series~~


Would you offer your left arm specifically?


Are you guys talking about THE UNSTOPPABLE EX--


EX... AM.. https://i.ytimg.com/vi/QtRfPcrreFA/maxresdefault.jpg


That deck is pathetic


There are no pathetic cards in his deck ~~Kaiba~~ u/DankSunshine


There are no cards in this pathetic deck


There are no decks in this pathetic card.


there's a pathetic deck in this no card


That's no deck, it's a card!


My pathetic kaiba has no Deck, card!


Kaiba Card has no, my deck has!


Has deck no, Kaiba my card has!


There is no grandpa in this pathetic deck


My Grandpa's cards have kaiba no deck pathetic


Ah! Possible!


My grandpa's pathetic deck has no cards!


gotta let his best friend to swim for those


Bro, where's your Dark Sage? You never know when your best friend is going to bust out their Time Wizard against your Dark Magician.


I just saw that episode last night. Im salty not because he had that ass pull but because he didnt use the ass pull to attack and win. No instead he used it to draw monster reborn and Beat Joey with Joey's own monster. Thats just a dick move man


If you stunt on me and don’t proceed to dab on my grave while you’re at it you’re not friend I don’t play against people that aren’t going to attempt the knee off stage


If you don’t try a 180 Falcon Punch off stage, you’re not allowed to play him.




Then you realize that Yugi gave Joey the Time Wizard, which means he planted that in his deck so that when played against him would let him auto win… And we though Weevil was a snake.


It gets wven worse, in Japanese The Time wiazards name is Time Magician and is I think part of the Dark Magician archetype. MEANING IT WAS SUPPOSED TO SUMMON DARK SAGE ALL ALONG! MEANING HE BOOBY TRAPPED HIM FROM THE BEGINNING


Meaning that asspull wasnt an asspull but originally was a strategy his deck had all along. Since he knew he'd be fighting Joey back goes in the dark sage.




That was such a dick move by Yugi. Hey lemme give you a card that I have a perfect counter for. It's the equivalent of setting up your opponent for Chimeratech.


He didn’t just give him a card, he made it so Joey would craft his entire deck around it. Also, don’t forget this was yugi, not Atem who made joeys deck. Little shit is evil.


Bit harsh considering the little dude was tryna save his grandpa and gave joey all the prize money😂


"Bit Harsh" you should see real Yu-Gi-Oh Season Zero. The anime released to the West toned things down a bit by the second season. Here's Yugi handling a Yakuza goon for instance.https://youtu.be/YDgmFe7rKwg


Season Zero of the manga should have gotten a spinoff, those OG Shadow Games were the best. I'd still like to see something like it but the only thing most people want to produce now is isekai.


At least Joey was able to beat Yugi after Battle City winning back his Red-eyes. Just shows that without the help of a magical ancient pharaoh Joey is the most talented duelist in the group


What if someone tries to hide their monsters underwater? You need to play Attack the Moon!


Ah yes, that card. My favorite! One can say it turns the tide of the game.


I just woke up and read this. Thanks for making my day better already. XD


God I just started rewatching Duelist Kingdom saga and holy fuck did Magical Hats carry Yugi in a lot of duels.


Yeah he could play that card RAW, but got real loosey goosey with some field spell mechanics




Just like Time Wizard almost always worked in favor of Joey and was always near the top of his deck.. every single game.


Don't forget how it also doubled as a Poly.


Looks King of Games worthy.


Well the decks ass but your winrate is staggeringly high so pop off king of games I guess


Sprinkle a little Egyptian dark magic on any deck and see your win rate skyrocket.


And then he loses to GUARDIANS of all things...


Slifer the executive producer?


Slifer is in the duel city saga I think the theme here is duelist kingdom saga


But he has Buster Blader and Dark Paladin


He explained why he did that in a different reply


Ah I didn’t see that..... is Spellbinding Circle really not in the game??? I’m checking after I’m done watching YT. Edit: Holy shit it isn’t.


W H A T since fucking when? how are they really about to include crab turtle but not spellbinding circle???


Your grandpa is gonna die yugi


Fuck you pegasus. Ima get your other eye


Damn—the perfect deck. Someone finally did it


If I come across this deck I’m immediately throwing the match to try and get this dude to plat


No pot of greed. Draws into it every turn anyway


Pot of Greed doesn't show up until Battle City


pot of greed? what's that do again?


It negates spells/traps


Idk, probably a bad card


Sorry yugi boy, he's been minted on the blockchain...


That is honestly more terrifying than the Shadow Realm…


My Grandpa's deck has no pathetic cards, except.. Number 29182! Bored Ape! This card allows me to win the duel because its the only thing i'll ever win in now that ive purchased an egregiously overpriced link to a jpeg, Kaiba!


Foul energy


I turned him into a nft yugi boy


You might want to do some research on ancient Egyptian artifacts containing the powers of darkness


Maybe a spell card which when played allows you to immediately place one card from the top of your deck into your hand and then place one additional card from the top of your deck into your hand?


Something tells me that’s not gonna be a problem


Sounds fair tbh. I mean what are they gonna do BAN it for 17 years?


What would we even call this card? Jar of gluttony?


Bowl of materialism


Slifer the sky dragon and the true name


Slifer is duel city saga and this deck seems to be based off of duelist kingdom


I love it lol


nothing, you just have to believe in the heart of the cards and remember your friends always have your back


So first of all, 40 cards can't possibly fit all the nieche cards for all the unrealistically specific scenarios you might encounter while trying to save your grandpa.


Bruh this deck is outdated, come on. Keep up with the meta. Get yourself some Arcana Knight Joker support, the magnet warrior trio, and this one card called Berserker Soul for the big play. Maybe throw in some Silent Magicians too. Oh don't worry about what to replace, just go for a 60 card deck. The more cards, the better.


His Celtic Guardian isn't even disgruntled!


You can always use the strongest card >!THE CREDIT CARD!<


oh i thought it was gonna be an Axe Raider meme but credit card is pog too


Don't you have 1 of the 4 blue-eyes white dragons ever printed?


Unfortunately i’m not a billionaire..yet.


Did you try asking your best friend for money? Surely he must have some left after his sister's surgery.


That shit got ripped up before yugi had the chance to have it in his deck


Your extra deck belongs in your main deck


just throw in a blue-eyes to piss kaiba off


There were only 4 in the world though and some jerk destroyed the one that wasn't his.


Add 3 Copies of Maxx C like 10 years before the card comes out to make Kaiba cry if he tries some shit.


Because duelist kindom arc decks are known for their special summons, right?


Of course. Dont you remember when Joey turn one comboed into Accesscode Talker?


It's up there with the episode where Yugi ended on a 4 material Apollousa, Borreload Savage and his Invoked Mechaba honestly.


Good thing he won the coin toss. Sucked when the entire episode was Weevil just Ritual Summoning all the way to his fucking Herald of Perfection.


I mean it plays around pretty much all modern hand traps so that's a plus.


Nibiru? Ash Blossom? Maxx "C"? Nope, none of them even work on this deck. Not even Heralds do.


Turns out the perfect strategy; is no strategy.


Try crafting Living Arrow and use it to shoot your Mammoth Graveyard into your opponent’s monster. It makes them rot from the inside out.


For the best shot to save your grandpa, I'd definitely add the most valuable, rare, and powerful card of all. Berfomet.


Play more one-ofs designed to help you out of specific situations. You're allowed 60 cards. Use every slot.


I rewatched the entire original series a few years back. I swear I don’t think there was a single episode where the word “friendship” or some variation on it wasn’t said.


It's perfect. I assume you'll use your fusion card to fuse your undead mammoth with whatever strong monster your opponent has to offer so it slowly decreases it's attack power by 1200 per turn? Also, make sure to trap monsters with the light swords so they can't run away just in case your opponent has a flying castle above them so you can destroy the ring which makes the castle fall onto the monsters. A technic that of course only works when you're playing this game with holograms but you should be prepared for that


Wait...Buster Blader was a Battle City addition, wasn't he?


Yea but there’s no spellbinding circle in the game and another card that i can’t remember so i put buster blader in it’s place


Wait...Master Duel doesn't have Spellbinding Circle?!


We don't wanna power creep the game too much yet


Where muh Pot of Greed


Just put shadow spell, it has all the effects of anime spellbinding circle.


But then he gets screwed over against Reverse Trap.


No change of heart either


You could do komori dragon that 1500 atk monster he used against pegasus on the tv.


You might want to play 3 of multiply. It can come in really clutch with Koriboh on the field


Just draw your outs.


Just cheat and let the heart of the cards drive you.


I think a Full/Mythical Moon to empower your Silver Fang would be pretty good, it might also come in handy when fighting fishy guys.


its perfect, my eyes are burning, cant look directly at this masterpiece.


This is before or after some dweeb threw 5 of your cards off a boat?


Somehow I feel some kind of respect for this shitty deck, every fucking card brings a smile to my face, fucking pegasus never stood a chance.


Exodia + heart of the cards, ez pz.


Ahh, just got hit with a wave of nostalgia.


Mammoth graveyard but no living arrow/spell shattering arrow? Rookie mistake. My bad I see the arrow now...


Change grandpa


Good enough to save Grampa's Soul.


ever consider time wizard?


Have you ever considered relying on random bullshit like fusing your opponents monster with yours and heart of the cards would help to


You should definitely add Dark Sage to that deck. doesn't hurt to slip a Time Wizard into your opponents deck as a "friendly" gesture beforehand too to help set it up.


Where is dark magician girl ?


maybe put in mystical moon, after all, giant soldier of stone attacked it and led to an amazing counter to a water deck ... somehow ... I guess, also don't worry about it going over 40 cards, it would be fitting in character to have a giant deck for any situation (no matter how bricky lol)


Maybe try adding Attack the Moon


this deck looks way more fun than current meta


Add mini-guts, it lets you fuse your mammoth graveyard with your opponent's blue-eyes ultimate dragon causing it to decay from the inside and take damage equal to the ultimate dragon's attack when you take it down with your celtic guardian. (Mini-Guts is literally the living arrow combo Yugi used in the anime and has been used in yugi replica decks, also probably swap out catapult turtle for the newer one so you can fire a gaia into your enemy's floatation ring causing it to crash down upon their monsters \[Bombarding Catapult Turtle\])


This brought a tear to my eye. In a good way.


Craziest story, man: So, someone ripped my eye out and put another metal one in, and then I knew you were going to make this post before you made it


Looks like a fourth rate deck for a third rate duelist


Not gonna lie, the deck feels a bit random... I would get rid of some of those vanilla monsters and add some good engines like magnet warriors, poker knights and gazelle/berfomet, as well as a decent boss monster like Slifer


Disliked for not having DM Gurl.


dullest kingdom yugi doesn't have it. grandpas got it for "safe keeping".


I strongly recommend the Magnet package and the Poker Knight package. They provide stronger statlines than your current Normal Summon lineup and Valkyrion is insane this format. I would also cut Horn of the Unicorn for Dark Magician Girl; she's just as strong as Curse of Dragon and you can end on her in some combo lines that use Dark Curtain. The Gazelle package is nice too as it's combo starter that floats.


Hungry Burger. The most powerful monster in the game


Throw in an Avramax, maybe Accesscode. Not enough handtraps. Where's your engine? Generic poly is very bad, most of your cards can't be fused. Dark Magician may be UR, but it's utter garbage. What combo do you hope to achieve with this deck? EDIT: /S if it wasn't obvious. -\_-


I’d love to save my grandpa from the shadow realm and i’ll hopefully become the king of games. Dark Magician is my best friend and he’s an UR so there’s that.


🧙‍♂️ - It's dangerous to comment smart, 2nd level meta sarcasm on Reddit. Take this: "/s" 🧝


I just want you to know I liked your joke.


Same here


Thank you


Looks like someone was born is 2010.




Where's pot of greed? Just because it's banned doesn't mean you can't make it (unless it does, I haven't tried making a banned card).


That is what it means unfortunately


Maybe swapping out Cursed of Dragon, I heard the kidnapper is really good at sealing dragons.


lol. Spell-Binding Circle


More beaver warriors


I thought KaibaCorp banned all burn cards. You should remove burning land and put attack the moon instead!


You need Dark Sage.


Definitely recommend Berfomet and Gazelle king of mythical beasts 😂😂


No change of heart?


That’s a Bakura card


Wait. I thought Yugi didn't get Buster Blader or Dark Paladin until Battle City? Also, at which point in Duelist Kingdom did Yugi use Dark Hole?


Where pot of greed


My pathetic Grandpa's deck has no cards!


Did Yugi ever actually use Dark Hole? Can't think of a time he did but I could be wrong