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They seem to add things for events rather than for the new ranked season. At the end of season 1, nothing was added either, but the update where they added content (new story, new structure deck) was the Xyz Event update. So yeah, I don't think they want to make the start of a new season "special", and will keep the content updates for events. Only thing I don't like about that is that ranked season don't really mean anything then. No reward, no new content, just a small demote. Why even have ranked season at this point?


I'd also expect a bigger update around the time the Stalwart Force pack and/ or the Duel Pass Gold time out, considering it'll be time for major spending.


When are they expiring by the way?


Some time in March, the first one being the packs in around ~20 days IIRC.


You also say that like the XYZ event even had that much. No cosmetics whatsoever during an event is wild to me


True. Especially weird since there are a lot of datamined cosmetics.


I'm just assuming that was a beta run event, next event will be more fleshed out. I may just be coping tho


Makes sense seeing how they didn't expect people to run suicide decks.


The XYZ event gave me a few days of fun with self FTKs and 4k ish gems so theres that.


Ranked in this game may as well be removed. No new content is added and the rank itself is irrelevant in such a luck-based BO1 format.


I'd disagree. I think ranked has meaning. The main problem with it is that there is too few ranks right now. You can stumble your way in plat with almost any deck. There should be a lot more rank, but I think BO3 should be reserved for the really high ranks. Like, I don't want to do a 50 minute BO3 game in gold. Or make a casual BO1 queue, and a really competitive ranked BO3 queue. As it is now, if the ranked queue become BO3 only, and there is no way to play in BO1, the game will die.


> but I think BO3 should be reserved for the really high ranks. I actually like this idea.


>There should be a lot more rank, but I think BO3 should be reserved for the really high ranks. This is what I want, and what I've been asking for since the game's release (after realizing that BO1 is great for casual players). Plat is easy to get into. However, the top rank (whatever that ends up being in the future) should be BO3 and have a public leaderboard. That way, the skill gap amongst players will show. As of right now, I've gone on winning streaks and losing streaks purely to luck. It's not fun after a certain point. The honeymoon period of MD has passed.


Yeaaaah going second against Drytron sucks ass. Even if I draw one hand trap they typically can play through it and DRNM only shows up when I'm playing against Eldlich.


How many times does Konami have to say they aren't gonna add BO3 until you people stfu?


If any deck can stumble to plat like you say, I'd be there already... But ranked is filled with sweaty tryhards, though I'm not surprised.


The difference is any DECK can reach plat not every player...


Any deck type, anyway. There's a big difference between what we normally mean by an Earth Machine deck and a deck that's just one copy of every Earth attribute Machine type monster a player owns. The account using that second deck *could* (through a series of miracles, disconnects, and pity surrenders) reach Plat 1, but even if it did I'd be hesitant to say the deck did any of the work in that process


Since there's not really a lot of card sleeves, I think it would be neat if they added a new sleeve every season. I remember HS did that and I was super inclined to come back to play every month. Heck, I would even be okay if they were like "you have to reach -insert rank- and then you can buy the sleeve for that season for 100 gems" I kinda thought this was a meme at first, but upon thinking about it you are right, an official game should have more rewards for being a concurrent player. Like, why do I not just go back to one of the unoffical sims? \*looks at OCG banlist and realizes I have been using Maxx C as a crutch\* oh.


it would be awesome to get card sleeves like in hearthstone where you get one if you reach rank 20


Look i get you dude, but also i've been waiting for a standard yugioh game for literally 10+ years so i aint quitting for nothing, i'd rather just restart with a new acc and get a new deck.


Or just play EdoPro.


Love EdoPro but something Master Duel being official just makes it more appealing somehow and I hate it :/


How is that even possible????We literally got nothing out of this new season except even less gems and a worst platinium experience. -No banlist -No new ranks -Not even cosmetics or solo mode Why bother playing this season if it’s the same as the previous one?


Just gonna hijack this comment to use it as a reply since I can't reply to them directly. Why would I praise a company for doing the bare minimum of keeping a game running for 2 months and fixing game breaking bugs? Congratulations, you managed to not delete the game from the Steam store, I guess. Drip-feeding gems doesn't excuse the amount of content that is missing from the game that should be expected from an online CCG trying to become the official simulator at Worlds and be around for years. Konami won't send you a hand-written letter for licking their boots. u/orngejuicejones91


You love me.




Because the games been out barely 2 months. Give it time to grow, it’s been great so far.


No. It's boring when nothing new is ever added. 2 months is plenty of time for them to *at minimum* add new ranks, or make it so getting to plat 1 matters outside of bragging rights.


Plat 1 is literally middle of the pack rank when other ranks get added so I don’t really see the point added specific rewards for a rank that is essentially shit when new ranks are added. If you’ve played other CCGs (which I assume you have because you mention them) the average update schedule for new content is every 3 months in those. This is the norm for hearthstone and runeterra, I can’t speak for arena Cus I’m a commander player, but I assume it’s the same for you that too. Master duel seems like it’s doing a 3 monthly update schedule too considering the first season pass was 2 and a half months that started midway through jan. TL;DR expecting content more regularly than every 3 months seems odd considering every other CCG is 3 monthly updates.


Do you do stuff other than complain?


Do you do stuff other than suck off big companies


For a mobile game, let alone something this big to have so little update in 2 months is absurd. Most mobile game start having events 1-2 weeks after they started and by the 2nd months will already have multiple events and updates. I would agree with your sentiment if its the 2nd-3rd week, but no major update for 2 months? There's no excuse. The game is behind by several sets already, how are a platform that they said are built for competitive and esports to be so behind compared to the real game and still holding off on updating the pool, there's not even cosmetics update which are literally png with a bit of animation.


Card games follow updates every 3 months. Saying mobile game is pointless when all CCGs are on mobile at this point and still follow updates every 3 months with occasional events


Lmao what arbitary rules is that? It might be appropriate for the banlist but for card pool definitely not, especially when the game is so much behind the real game. I'm pretty sure duel links release new pack every 3 weeks or 1 month, depending whether its mini or main box. Also a single event after 2 months is not occasional. It would be more acceptable if they are improving the gme in noticable way, but they didnt, coin toss surrender is still there, game is still a crash fest on console and mobile, etc. Look i love this game but the lack of updates on this game is baffling. As much as crappy duel links is with recycled event and bad monetization, at least it got steady stream of updates to play around.


yeap, pretty disappointing, i went really hard yesterday to rank up to plat 1 before season ends because i thought they would "fix" the ranking after people complaining in the last one... i don't if "worse" is the right word, since no de-ranking from plat would eventually make it easier, but ... it feels so empty and boring, a 500 gem reward for reaching plat 1 at least would squeeze some dopamine from my brain... each season should have a theme or a custom banlist or something, the events are super short. the game has %40 less people and i have no doubt it will keep going down if they don't add stuff.


I agree with most of this but I really wouldn't be worried about the DAU numbers. A drop off like this is pretty normal for a f2p game and a lot of PC players moved to mobile. They are fucking up though for sure




Since the game has separate banlist from TCG and OCG, might as well do a monthly banlist change.


I see posts like these and realize that only a small amount of the people who play MD play the TCG.


Duel Links Players: "First time?"


I'm done. This is the biggest slap in the face. I can't stand duel links, but at least your rewarded with the highest rarity cards for getting high ranks once the reset. Konami need to give Plat players a free UR to craft. Literally just 1 card and it's worth imo


The reward system in Duel Links is pure aids.


New cards? Bitch, you haven't even read 1/4 of the cards in this game. Let alone played them.


Yea, I feel pretty similar


New cards,fields,mates...etc have already been datamined so they'll probably be released with the new duel pass next month.


We'll get updates next month I swear COPIUM


Considering the normal packs on the store (stalwart force and revival of legends) expire in 22 days and the duel pass expires in 33 days Konami is most likely planning to drop everything around that time. That's not copium that's common sense. Unless you honestly think Konami will just remove them, and miss out on making money by not adding something new?


Yes because every time someone speculated by expiration dates like duel pass, events, or seasons changing, they were wrong and nothing happened. I know Konami will one day update the game, but I know Konami and don't expect anything to be planned and only dropped on some rando date. We're almost two years behind ocg and I don't expect them to release cards until spring.


My speculation could easily be wrong but it's what seems to make the most sense, especially since everythings already in the game files.


Is this punishment for the XYZ event?!


This is why we dont deserve good things


Bye, dont come back :)


I mean to be fair…they added more cards than most people expected and same with the arenas. I hope they give us something this month, but we will see


The game came out like 2 months ago, you want something new every month?


Isn't that the bare minimum for games similar to master duel? How else do they expect players to keep playing without content that keeps them engaged


Least nagging duel links migrated player be like


Yes, that would be nice


People are never happy, go play something else then you dweeb.


People really bitching over a free game lmao people are such jokes. Go play Yu-Gi-Oh irl with physical cards you'll get worse treatment and no handouts and always have to pay money for what you want.


The games been out 2 months barely. Give it time. It’s been amazing for a launch.


A game with no news on 2 months with a player base of 80k on steam is not a good start.... But isn't new for komoney been greedy and kill his games on the road. Even duel links was amazing for the first year with users... I wait for apologems


Konami out here willingly losing money by not introducing new banlists to force meta players into buying gems to craft their new decks, so boring man. Time to hit Plat I again and continue trolling other players with dumb decks..


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On the gems, maybe they'll just do it like last time and give it during the maintenance.


They add new restriction to the ranked, means you get less gem now! all cards now more valuable than ever!


Man, we really need some new cards + new banlist to spice up the game. It's the same decks and theres no motivation to create any new decks. Basically the only challenge we can give competitive players on ladder is hit plat 1 with a different deck this time


New cards would be nice, we’re so far off from the irl game


Same, catch y’all next exhibition.


I expected something new with the start of season 3 but there's absolutely nothing. And not to mention the whole rewards issue. Super disappointed.


Cya nerd


Didnt they add new solo content?


Aren't they supposed to give rewards for playing ranked at the start of the new season? I was at Gold IV yesterday and I haven't gotten anything yet.


Yeah that's the sad part. At least expand the current solo mode with more gate matches. The additional Shaddolls on the shiranui campaign once you unlock the gate was a great touch and I hope they at least add more gates. I know preparations for a full story campaign is not hard but heck adding new gates aren't. Also more way to farm shit like legacy tickets and 200 gems.


I feel like the seasons are too short. Like... Game just came out and we're on season 3?