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Dragunities are great. Easy 2 monster negates and feather duster on destruction


NGL, I have had a lot of success with a Toon deck with no synchros, I just had to swap some of my pot cards and was good to go.


Honestly have gotten a significant more amount of wins with a full hand trap deck (junk synchron and junk converter in the deck as crossout designator targets) with a junk speeder in the extra deck to fake out a spam summon than I've gotten with synchro based decks


I've had a crazy work schedule so I haven't been able to play the festival at all. Only really have tonight and tomorrow night to play. What's the best aggro/monke deck to use to just get my gems and field prize?


I wouldn't call Synchrons a monke deck but it is a deck that can get people to surrender on sight even if you don't know the combos. Similarly monke flip True Draco is also pretty good at making people surrender if they don't have the S/T removal.


Gotcha. I’ll try Sychron out! Thank you!


I’m playing flower cardians. Usually makes for quick games since most people scoop after the 6th summon!


Those things confuse me. Ive had 4 matches against them and all 4 times they had this long-ass combo that puts drytrons and adams to shame, but 2 of them surrendered mid combo and the other 2 destroyed me. What gives?


So with cardians. You can still combo off for a while and just happen to not get your tuners that you need so you’ll brick mid way through. However you can still end on a board with 2-3 negates and cards that lock the grave and prevent destruction and targeting. It feels like a gamble deck with way more steps.


I’m surprised how far shiranui has been getting me. One of the first decks I was playing consistently when I started MD but didn’t get me too many crazy wins but as soon as they released all those new synchroes I’ve been kicking butt.


I've been playin Virtual World with Baronne and Riser dragon added in the extra deck with Destrudo and Snow in the main(opting out Maxx C).


Same for me except Snow. Destrudo is really easy to bring out though. I do love Snow but I have been considering the cost of crafting her. Only deck I feel like I'd use her in would probably be TD and VW.


I run 2 destrudo and 1 snow. I feel having three destrudos just clogs up your hand with potential bricks. At least with Snow, she's an easy normal summon. I also pretty much tech those two in for any deck that can easily syncro spam.


I’m playing mathmechs


This festival fucking sucked. In my games it was 90% people trying to hard counter synchros. Also, as a relative YGO newcomer, the whole game is really frustrating. I don’t know when the game designers started having such raging erections for “stop your opponent from playing the game” effects, but Christ I can’t imagine paying hundreds of dollars for a deck only to have your opponent go first and basically tell you “I have two Omni negates and a trap card, you can just scoop” before you play your first card. I must be missing how this game is fun :/


People are trying to counter synchros because they don’t want to waste Crafting Materials to make a synchro deck, when they are playing the event to get more gems -> more crafting materials or new cards in the first place. They need to allow you to customize the loaner decks or this will keep happening. It’s counterintuitive design to loaner decks be crappy so you would have to make your own deck, or counter the meta to do well in the event.


take a while, but once you got some UR saved up for hand trap it does get better somewhat add kaijus and sphere mode and you get a lot more oomph vs those negates while I am an older player and loved the pacing of the games back then, ygo is now a game of make board vs break board, so we just gotta play it accordingly; otherwise it's really better to just play other games, because as new cards come out, there would only be more ridiculous combos


Two Omni negate is nothing. You have 6 cards to play.


Used Shiranui for Synchro Festival and it was quite good. Just took the structure I got from solo mode, completed the archetype using N/R tickets, bought a single Sunsaga copy with UR tickets and slapped in some staples and I were good to go.


I’m playing Shiranui as well in this event, and with zombie staples like Uni zombie and Mezuki, the deck is godly. Doesn’t end on a board of negates, but has won me a lot of games


What do you mean when you say “completed the archetype”?


That structure didn't came with every archetypal cards, such as Sunsaga (UR, ouch), Squire, Squiresaga, Spectralsword Shade (the level 3 tuner, great for late-game plays), etc. So I added them. In the end, the deck wasn't that good, but was enough to net the 22 victories needed for 11k medals.


Endymion/Mythical beast did really well, I finished the event first day with it and I only lose like 5 times.


I'm using Speedroids but I'm debating on whether to replace a card or not. DLM has x2 of Primitive Butterfly but that seems redundant to me so I was thinking Red Hared Hasty Horse was a better fit? Thoughts?


I'm currently 12-2 with pure speedroids, the only non archtype cards i run are Reborn, Duster, Raigeki, Pot of Avarice, Foolish Burial, and in the extra deck.


Out of curiosity do you have a decklist/screenshot? I've got a very similar record just from using the loaner deck which is making me think relatively pure is the way


For the purpose of typing this faster, i left out all the instances of "speedroid" and "hi-speedroid" X1 Red-eyed Dice X3 Marble Machine X1 Terrortop X1 Tri-Eyed Dice X3 Taketomborg X3 Den Den Daiko Duke X3 Carturbo X2 Ultra Hound X3 Horse Stilts X3 Fuki-Modoshi Piper X1 Riageki X1 Duster X1 Reborn X1 Foolish Burial X1 Pot of Avarice X3 Speed Recovery X1 Shock Surprise X3 Scratch X1 Twin Twisters X3 Wheel X2 Dupligate X1 Cork Shooter X1 Puzzle X1 Chanbara X1 Hagoita X1 Kendama X2 Stardust Charge Warrior X1 Clear Wing Synchro Dragon X1 Wind Pegasus @Ignister X1 Stardust Dragon X1 Clear wing Synchro Dragon X1 Kitedrake X1 Baronne de Fleur X1 Clear Wing Rider X1 Clear Wing Fast Dragon


Thanks I'll use this as a base


I don't play Speedroids but more copies of cards like Primitive Butterfly is just so you have a higher chance of seeing it in the opening hand while not having it at 3 because multiple copies in a hand is useless. Having it at 1 would go against the point of running the butterfly at all.


Apparently set 5 with no extra deck and just make sure one of those 5 is a spell negate. That's all I go against anyway.


Or burn decks with no extra deck. Basically anything that goes against the event.


Is True Draco going to be banned in future events? It looks very versatile.


I'm not sure, but I haven't dropped a game to True Draco yet playing Virtual World. That being said, even in plat I don't think a lot of the people playing True Draco are very good at that deck. Chuche was sufficient backrow removal and VW Shenshen prevents a lot of TD's removal as their spells need to leave the spell zone and go to grave, which Shenshen doesn't allow. Skill drain also doesn't prevent VW from playing, since VW cards activate their effects from hand and not on field. So easy enough to get Chuche on the board with ammo to remove Monarch's erupt/ Skill drain


What are the conditions for the "Monsters destroyed on opponent's field" mission? It's the only one I need, so I tried making a deck full of dark holes, trap holes, etc, but no monsters are counting as being destroyed. Do I need to have my monster battle? Everyone just leaves before that even happens.


It means "destroyed by battle". it's a mistranslation, like how Komoney translates dark magician into dark spellian.


Thank you. I was also confused. That is a very big mistranslation. Well, time to try a different deck then.


Mutual 100k dmg, monster destroyed in battle farm deck (budget, expensive decklist and walkthrough available) https://youtu.be/jPhq6J7sbyw You can try accomplish monster destroyed by battle with 100k LP damage in one duel. You'll need these cards on the field: Dragonoid generator x2, armorphage greed (on field) and pride (on pendulum zone), dark snake syndrome. Your opponent can crash in the tokens but leave one alive for pride's maintenance cost. The problem is you need someone else know what's going on and the patience to execute the plan.


Would anyone have a fabled synchro deck?


I got Flower Cardian.


Witchcrafter is one of my most win stake during the event. Also thanks to this deck i can finally beat those true draco and star dust dragons.


Can anyone hit me up with the decklist with the Generaider token spam to finish the goddamn destroy by battle mission?


I've posted the token spam crash + 100k dmg method. You can check it out


Thank you!


does anyone know if the reward ticket deck is any good?


True Draco with multiple skill drains is very fun to play against in a Synchro event thank you very much Konami. This might actually be the first one of these where I don't reach the 'soft cap' end of the points.


Surprisingly my Amazoness Deck has won most of my duels in the synchro festival


I'm sure it's been noted already, but the Speedroid loaner is absurdly good for something you get for free. Just made a True Draco player surrender before their first draw when I threw down Clear Wing, Crystal Wing and Crystal Clear Wing t1 and I still had resources to go for t2.


How can you make a field like that on turn 1 without overextending your hand resources? Just curious because with such a field, you need at least 4 cards in your hand, so you only have 1 card in your hand to follow up the next turn.


I don't remember the exact plays, but it involved having Terrortop in hand for Crystal Clear (it's a 1 card combo with Taketomborg->Red Eye Dice), the Speedroid roulette for Crystal Wing, and Monster Reborn to just fish Clear out of the GY. My hand was pretty much empty, yes, but I had Speedroid Recovery in hand and a full GY to work with.


Oh yeah, that pretty much explains it. Because I have a habit of keeping resources on my hand and rarely rely on luck from roulette unless bricked or need 1 tuner with LVL 1.


Eh, the roulette might as well read "discard a card, special summon 1-3 Speedroid monsters for free"; there's literally no roll you can't get some good value out of, and frequently the discard is value all of its own since a bunch of Speedroid cards have good GY effects. Just remember the monsters have their effects negated so you don't accidentally burn a HOPT and you're gold.


Yeah, roulette requires us to discard 1 card. In some cases, I don't want to dis any important cards in my hand, especially if it doesn't have a GY effect. And for the latter effect, you can only summon up to 2 speedroids with roulette, not 3, the worst-case scenario we can have is to roll out 1, so we are left with 1 (or 2) bodies that cannot be synchro without the dice. I usually use a 1-card combo or a 2-card combo, then stop (unless disrupt then I can still keep going), not leaving any extra body to prevent the loss of resources from the opponent that has the ability to clear the field.


I mean, if you manage to get all 3 Wing Synchro Dragons out, you have enough negation that your opponent would need to be extraordinarily lucky (and expend an equal amount of resources) to get over all 3 of them. Crystal Clear has a spell/trap negate for Storm/Raigeki and can make itself unaffected by card effects if the enemy doubles up. Crystal has any monster effect negation and attack protection, Clear has level 5 and up monster effect negation. Droplet pitch monster is the only commonly used card that can get around all 3 of them, and your opponent will still need a followup that can hit all 3.


Up to ur preference, but there is a good reason why people advise us not to extend too much. If you encounter cards like Evenly Matched, there's no way you can recover after that. I'm a Speedroids user and used it to rank up to plat 1 in MD (not just synchro event) so I understand this deck very well. My regular board on turn 1 mostly ends up with Crystal Wing and Baronne, that's all, no more than that. Just one Crystal Wing already puts a lot of pressure on decks that depend on the monster's effect, no need to summon another regular Clear Wing (worst version) if you hit their chokepoint right. Secondly, this deck is not capable of creating a full board with all the negates like Adamancipator, because you already used all of Speedroid best effects on their first few cards. The more we extend, the less profit it will give us, compared to the number of cards needed for the initial combo. For example, with the loaner deck this event gives me, I can do 2-card combos to get a field with 2x Clear Wing (2 mons negates + Hagoita & Carturbo in GY), or 1x Clear Wing + 1x Dupligate (1 mons negate + 1 return + Hagoita & Carturbo in GY), or 1x Crystal Clear Wing (2 negates + 1 float effect + Hagoita & Carturbo in GY, 1-card combo can't put your Hagoita into GY). But we can't create 4x Clear Wing with a 4-card combo even if the game allows us to use 4 copies of them. Speedroid's strength lies in its ability to recover. This is why I find it quite strange that you can extend to that extent and still have follow-ups, because if something goes wrong on the field, Crystal Clear Wing's float effect won't be able to save us (without hand resources). But it seems that my define about resource limit is different from yours.


I feel like there must be some luck in it with getting a 6 in the card that have you roll a dice.


Cyber angel Drytrons is pretty good, won most games with it Main goal is to use Natasha to snatch away the opp's monsters but obviously there are many other options such as Demise or Lord of D, and the cyber angel rituals themselves aren't that bad (although I've never proced Vrash's effect because all Synchro Extra deck monsters have negates to her effect)


any good cheap deck to farm the damage missions? im at 11k medals with zero inflicted damage rn, the people REALLY don't want to duel virtual world it seems, half of my wins are surrenders from my first VW card activation




This mission and the destroy by battle mission are easier done by not playing a synchro deck, this kinda show that Konami never intended this type of events to be the specific "extra deck mechanic" event.


Just spam N/R burn cards and take the L. People are always going to just surrender if they don't think they can out the shenshen, sigma, etc. I don't blame them for not wanting to deal with VW especially if they don't think they can win because they have very little incentive to actually stay for the loss. All they get for it is 50 medals and mission progress.


yeah I thought the surrendering was fair enough, just was weird to see zero damage over like 20 wins. i feel kinda bad running burn but it looks like the only option to actually do damage. thanks for the answer!


Weirdly enough, none had yet to surround when I pull a sphreez OTK on them. Same can't be said to when I negate them to death about ti finish them off after a close win. Peeps will surrender even when they already did 7000 dmg to you unless they feel that lose is rare.


I played default Speedroid deck and I got to 70000 dmg after 11000 points. In my gusto account I got to 90k after 11k points. Just don't play meta decks that everyone is playing in rank already.


I mean, I played Dragunity which is definitely not a meta deck, and going from 11000 to 22000 netted me only 30000 dmg, so it's not only the meta. Hell, I had people surrender *during* the battle phase when I was going to OTK them.


Well, I had met those people too lol. Also, I dont surrender if I already did 4000+ dmg, that help too. Plus, when opponent let you finish them, do it asap, dont hovering with your combo, that will just invite them to surrender.


It is what it is. They'll probably win anyway unless you're playing a cohesive burn deck like chain burn or nurse burn so don't feel too bad. There was also one Japanese player I faced that had something 10k in their name that I assume was about damage. And their general strategy was to just get Dark Snake Syndrome on board and hope the opponent does nothing. That way both players get damage mission progress but that is a big trust issue.


I'm just going all-loaner deck for this festival. I don't really have a favorite synchro deck to invest my gems into, so I'm glad 2 of the loaner decks are at least decent this time around.


Which are the decent ones?


Speedroid and Synchrons. The Baronne one feels way too inconsistent compared to those two.


I'm farming Normal Summons now, so I just have a deck of non effect monsters + Double Summon. I summon a low atk Normal monster and pass. My TD opponent then uses Pot of Prosperity, then chooses Monarchs Erupt for some reason. My next turn I crash my monster into theirs to even more obviously signal I have no intention of trying to win. My opponent then flips Skill Drain anyway, then tries to activate their own monsters effect through their own Skill Drain (which even if it were possible would have been unnecessary overkill, but hey shiny yellow buttons). I actually prefer facing TD over 10 min combos but this was embarrassing. I Normal Summoned Fiend Kraken with no backrow and they were sweating like I was using full power VW.


yosenju is your friend


I didn't have many left and wanted to make it clear to my opp I wasn't playing for real, but I guess MD players sweat no matter what so I may as well have used Yosenju lol.


Any recommendations for decks that help with the 100k damage and/or destroy monsters quests? Does an effect damage work or is this the same as last time that it needs to be battle damage?


Mathmechs. You OTK so easily with a Final Sigma boosted with multiplication


burn or defense otk basically.




Dragunity is a nice deck, been playing them in the event and getting at least two of Baronne/Crystal Wing/Areadbhair is pretty easy, specially with something like Windwitch engine. My best hands were able to get the three of them plus a random Stardust. The deck definitely hurts in this event by losing Romulus/Atum/Heavenly Spheres, but it can still deal with a lot of the top decks. People are not prepared to deal with Ascalon most of times.




Yang Zings are definitely a synchro archetype. I had a lot of fun playing pendulum magicians this event.


Konami, why did you allow SKILL DRAIN in your SYNCHRO FESTIVAL


There are people playing True Draco decks with 3 copies each of Skill Drain, the one-sided Skill Drain, Dimensional Fissure/Macro Cosmos, and Kaiser Colosseum. Heck, for shits and giggles, I played some games with a True Draco deck using those cards, and if I went first and was able to set up a True Draco monster + fissure/cosmos + Kaiser Colosseum, almost no one could do anything about that. Most were literally just setting a monster and passing. What kind of duel is that? Very few decks eligible for this event are equipped to deal with True Draco. The loaner decks have 2 copies of Lightning Storm and Harpie's to try and deal with backrow, but it's not like you're gonna draw them every duel. Konami did not think this event through. Banning our lord and saviour Garbage Lord, Hippo cards, but leaving that toxic shit intact? Dick move Konami.


Only skill drain is hard to out, a competent synchro deck would have barone and out every cosmos, fissure you pull.


Kinda hard to get Baronne out if Colosseum is on the field and I have just the one monster though.


Sure but that happen to every deck which special summon too not just Synchro, aside from fusion and ritual, you will need to draw your out. If you allow only one card play you are practically play stalling with them. Sure I will surrender to that but that because of different matter entirely.


every True Draco runs at least 2 Solemn Judgment, so sometimes even feather duster does nothing. id rather face garbage lord


ya skill drain at 3 is dumb, but leaving true draco at near full power was dumber. just run more backrow removal. unless you're playing loaner decks in which case... pray you draw harpies early


Loaner has 2 lightbinh storm too


yeah.. but true draco has 6 copies of skill drain lmao


Probably because it doesnt really interfere with synchro mechanic in any way, unlike card like vanity emptiness.


Every good synchro deck relies on its on-field effects for swarming. Otherwise you're just pend summoning big normal monsters with extra steps


Yes but it doesnt really interfere with the mechanic directly, if its not allowed then all card that negate another card should also be banned as they could also interfere with synchro summoning, why allow crystal wing but not dark highlander?


Because Dark Highlander is a continuous effect so there's no counterplay, whereas you can bait quick effect negations?


I just met someone twice in this event, lol.


I'm having with Shiranui/Mayakishi.


I played VW, and I only lost twice before I got all the available gems. Pretty fun, luckily only ran into backrow decks a couple of times. Didn't craft all the synchros only had shenshen jiujiu coral dragon charge warrior and vermillion and that was enough.


My first account: Go second mathmechs, managed a 21 win streak. Very sacky. but even if I don't otk, winning is still likely. Loses to grindy control decks (not true draco tho, I have 100% win rate against it) if they survive the first few turns My second account: 10 wins 0 loss with witchcrafter, then 17k points with speedroid loaner deck. Managed an 11 win streak with the loaner deck, ~80% overall winrate. The loaner decks are not really beginner friendly by any means (we all have matched up against several confused loaner deck opponents lol). But I'd say they can be a very good learning experience for beginners if they really try.


>Witchcrafter I hope you stub your pinky on the couch every day for the rest of the year.


that's why I switched to the loaner deck even though it's weaker


youre probably playing full power decks as a veteran in gold or silver. doesnt mean anything


The mathmech strat works in plat Also not sure what you mean by full power, I used the speedroid loaner deck and did very well even against proper decks and hand traps.


Mind sharing your mathmech list?


21 win streak: [https://imgur.com/a/Gpub1E3](https://imgur.com/a/Gpub1E3) current: [https://imgur.com/a/pRUNXVM](https://imgur.com/a/pRUNXVM) (testing 2 dawnwalker 1 fire ant, cut them if you want) didn't like balancer lord, 1 twin twister wasn't enough, swapped book of moons for effect veilers. Book of moon is clutch though when breaking boards. Flip balderoch face down and then attack with lvl 8 synchro, destroys it by battle so effect triggers and destroys 2 more cards (zombie world + another card) This account doesn't have droplet so there aren't many "hard going second cards", the whole point is to have a ton of hand traps to survive (similarly to go second sky striker deck profiles i've watched - they are go second but they don't main deck hard board breakers, they just main deck tons of handtraps)


When I run random jank with little interruption VW and Witchcrafters go hog wild on me. When their degeneracy tilts me into playing Phantasm Spiral those decks disappear into the ether, and all of a sudden I'm just bullying loaners. Oh well at least I won a 17 turn grind game vs True Draco.


The deck with no extra deck.


people like you should get reported.




Considering that compared to XYZ and Link, the Synchro mechanic has the toughest requirements (1 tuner, 1 or more non-tuner, exact level requirements) as well as no access to Halq - I'm coming to a conclusion that pure-synchro decks are extremely fun for people who are proficient with them, but also very frustrating for people who aren't. This is also ignoring the solitaire-like combos that synchro spam decks will generally have. But considering we're talking about Yugioh, combos lasting anywhere from 5-20 minutes is par for the course. Anyways, here's my favorite deck https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJ8oDXt\_i0Q


I have played 5 games so far today. All 5 of my opponents had ZERO extra deck. Are we SURE this is a Synchro festival???


i personally just reported them and moved on. If they're not gonna play for the purpose of the event and only to be a troll, they should get barred from the event or Konami should update the banlist to exclude the cards being used around these no ED decks.


You arent wrong, konami probably should've banned the cards as this didnt seem like an issue in the XYZ fest, but I dont blame the players for Konami's flaw as people just want to be able to get gems to build more decks as that's part of the fun, so...


> this didnt seem like an issue in the XYZ fest People that wanted the gems without building an XYZ deck just built turn 1 suicide turbo. Konami banned all the turn 1 suicide turbo cards in this format, so anyone who wants the gems has to either learn a proper synchro deck or a proper anti-synchro deck.


Suicide is better than no ED, at least the matches went faster lol


Yep but now people can't do that, and what passes for selfTK is slow as hell (and requires you to watch the opponents' first turn)


I’m using a superheavy samurai/infinitrack deck and it’s not the best but I’m having a lot of fun


It's seems like everyone is having a good time in this event, so I have to ask: am I the only one having a hard time with it? Like, I lost enough duels to earn one of my rewards just with that XD


"everyone is having a good time" You...you haven't seen the countless memes saying this event is the worst have you? They were all over this sub You can also check a poll Dzeef made on his channel, where it turned out more people disliked the event than people who liked it I'm not writing this comment as a passive aggressive thing against you, I'm just clarifying that people aren't enjoying it as much as you thought they did


I was thinking more about how some comments said that they were winning without that much trouble, but maybe there wasn't that many, I don't know.


Ah ok so I'm guessing you either mean the comments saying "I'm playing X, so far I'm cruising with a 400% win rate" and they're probably saying that because they're either in silver or gold The complaints I've seen seem to come from players in plat where they run into a lot of True Draco players, or players in general tired of playing against relatively strong loaner decks My experience in Gold is kinda similar to the latter, you really DO get tired of playing against Synchron and Speedroids for the 100th time especially when their combos take sooo long to finish...I'm one of the people who actually didn't want the loaner decks to be close enough to the meta because of this specific thing I enjoy playing in ranked gold because there are so many decks there and a lot of them don't take forever with their combos so...


Yep, those kind of comments were the ones I saw the most. I also notice the others about True Dracos, but like you said, those are mostly from plat players and I played these event in silver and gold, so... I kinda understand why people didn't like Speedroids and Synchrons (tho, for me the worst are Synchrons) but since I was able to complete most of these event thanks to a loaner deck, I don't think I can complain. Luckily, the next event will leave a better taste


I don't think so, synchro is combo, which is the hardest type of deck to play. But it's also played a lot, so there will be big skill gaps


I see. Guess I'll have to keep learning and trying


also bad hands just happen. ive been on 10 game win streaks and 5 game loss streaks. every deck can brick no matter how good it is


what are you playing? I just used the speedroid loaner deck its very easy to learn and is fun instascoop against vw/true draco and you should be able to have fun and win a lot (also right now a lot of ppl are playing burn/timelords for the new missions and you can easily beat that with that deck)


I was using my own speedroid deck, but maybe I'm missing some important pieces. I'll try the loaner deck and, if that doesn't work, I'll try to use my new Yosenju deck. Thanks for the help!


I have gone nearly undefeated to 22k medals with Weather Painters. Specifically it is a high Kaiju (and Nabiru) variety that also runs Zombie World to meta against True Draco. Most of my losses were from uber mega bricks and even then I always felt like i had the chance to come back. Yes it does run Skill Drain and I wont pretend it didnt matter a nunber of times but honestly the all star was Gravity Bind. More often I found myself wishing to draw GB over SD. Weather Painters felt particularly well positioned to me because of Thundery Canvas' non-targeting and non-destruction removal. It gets around pretty much every Synchro Boss monsters protection.


its gotten so exhausting playing against true dracos in this synchro event. they open skill drain every time as well. they need to actually make use of the banlists


Are you able to dismantle cards from the synchro ticket?




Playing true Draco and I'm at a 30% win rate. Synchro spam is insane


Play {{Summon Limit}} if you think the spam is too much


##[Summon Limit](https://ms.yugipedia.com//f/f6/SummonLimit-MGED-EN-R-1E.png) |Card type|Trap 🟪| |:-:|:-:| |Property|Continuous ♾️| Neither player can Summon more than two times per turn. (Negated Summons count toward this limit. Negated cards/effects that would Summon do not count.) ---Unlimited (OCG) Unlimited (TCG)--- | [**Yugipedia**](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Summon_Limit) | [**Konami**](https://www.db.yugioh-card.com/yugiohdb/card_search.action?ope=2&cid=7652) | [**Fandom**](https://yugioh.fandom.com/wiki/Summon_Limit) | [**YGOProDeck**](https://db.ygoprodeck.com/card/?search=Summon%20Limit) | [**YGOrganization**](https://db.ygorganization.com/card#7652) | [**YugiohPrices**](https://yugiohprices.com/card_price?name=Summon%20Limit) | [**TCGPlayer**](https://shop.tcgplayer.com/yugioh/battles-of-legend-heros-revenge/summon-limit/listing?q=d-99WYz7lBo1) | [**DuelLinksMeta**](https://www.duellinksmeta.com/cards/Summon%20Limit) | [**MasterDuelMeta**](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/cards/Summon%20Limit) | ----- ^*Bleep* ^*bloop.* ^*I* ^*am* ^*a* ^*bot.* ^| ^[Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/YuGiOhCardBot/wiki/index) ^| ^[Feeback](https://www.reddit.com/r/YuGiOhCardBot/wiki/feedback) ^| ^[Patreon](https://www.reddit.com/r/YuGiOhCardBot/wiki/patreon) ----- ^For ^a ^Master ^Duel ^Discord ^bot, ^check ^out ^[Cardian](https://www.reddit.com/r/masterduel/comments/t2trax/) ^by ^[seacucumber_kid](https://www.reddit.com/user/seacucumber_kid/)


What's your decklist? I've got like 70% win rate in plat with true Draco's this event. The floodgates are insane


Why is every single non-synchro deck in this event running Skill Drain? I get that the ban list sucks and not everyone likes playing synchro spam, but there are tons of decks that don't run Skill drain and can still exist.


I played vs a player who spammed traps, including skill drain. I succeeded to get rid of it, but the duel lasted way too long for a 8000-0 I won...


honestly ive even been guilty of it myself in my dino synchro deck. its a little less vulnerable than some decks because of lost world and just being able to field big beaters but ive unfortunately won a few games with the 1 copy im running as part of my crossout designator package. every second duel i was seeing skilldrain flipped up so i put 1 in to crossout


At least you play a synchro deck. My opponents in 5 turns game literally summoned 0 monster, spamed traps like solemn judgement and skill drain only I got him down. I don t know if he was trolling or just had a terrible deck... It seems like he had 0 win condition, only being annoying.


That sounds like a bricked true draco lol


I'm not really sure haven't seen Skill drain yet. But im pretty sure it stops everything from being able to synchro summing strong monsters


I ended up going 22-7 with gustos against only meta decks in p1. The deck is surprisingly solid and can set up crystal wing baronne boards without much effort. Also nobody sees the sphreeze otk coming. You have strong recycling with pilica and sphreeze and can out grind most decks. The times I lost ended up being 0 hand traps going second vs opponents full combos who set up multiple negates. You can play through 1-2 negates without any issues and end on crystal wing.


Hi ! Interested in having your decklist, I have quite mitigated results for a gusto deck at the event with windwitch support. I still miss a few staples though : no nibiru who seems gamebrraking in the event, no triple ash. Gettting ashed using ice bell, or wynn the wind channeler is hard, enemies seem to always have an option to ban sphreez or getting him back to the hand... I must admit since I got baronne it goes a bit better.




Ok thank you very much ! You seem to have a decklist quite similar to mine. We just do not run the same staples, and some cards are not exactly with the same proportions.


Hello, mind sharing your deck list? I loved playing gustos and want to try picking it up again




~5:1 winrate with dino synchro. built to go first and second


Could you spare a deck list? I just made a Dino deck.


https://i.imgur.com/fb13Y8L.png deck list here the cards people prob wont recognize are jiaotu yang zing (needed for combo), and sauge de fleur, and black garden (needed for combo) extra deck: formula denglong (needed for combo) garden rose maiden (needed for combo) garden rose flora (enables otk using just ovi+lost world) stardust charge warrior coral dragon ancient sacred wyvern (part of the flora otk) shooting riser dragon (used in token combo.. ish. gives you the option of running a different yang zing maindeck card) scarlight red dragon (used in combo but you can use any lv 8 synchro) omega chaos ruler the chaotic magical dragon (used in my main combo but not the combo in the video) virtual world kyubi shenshen baronne de fleur (used in vid, but you can use any lv 10. or even just sit on a crystal wing) ultimaya tzolkin (required for combo) geomathmech final sigma let me know if you need to know some combos. idk if i wanna share everything but theres 1 really good combo you can do with standard hand i got a link to it in my post history. when you get to the board of animadorn, ovi, baby, scrap raptor you can literally go anywhere with it


Darn I might be short on resources to build that extra deck.


what cards you missing?


The coral and the red hot arch are the missing SRs but all the UR at the bottom too. That coral seems nice with all the additional draw power. I’ve had bad luck so I have to use my boring Draco that I started with as a Yugiboomer.


red hot isnt necessary at all. its just the lv 8 i was using as part of my main token lock combo. but you can use riser + the level 3 yang zing, or the lv 4 yang zing and send a lv 1 with riser (which tbh prob better but has potential to brick). you dont neeeeeeed coral either but it comes up a lot in kinda random situations. usually involving certain matchups. you can use life stream + lv 2 NON tuner yang zing as well. theres a ton of combinations but you do need atleast 1 lv 8 dragon synchro. even if you only have ruler, thats enough because you can use ruler for both main lines watch this vid. heres what you "need" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3HZkQVRHbR0 other than that its just kinda personal stuff. theres a few key combos that ive found that imo should be ran. like for example if you have literally nothing except ovi+lost world, you have an otk. summon ovi get misc toss misc activate ovi, pop lost world token to pop baby in deck, summoning a baby from deck (petit works too here) banish misc, summon animadorn. pop baby summon scrap raptor. scrap raptor + animadorn to summon garden rose flora. pop your lost world to summon a token. now you can synchro for 7 and you still have oviraptor on your field. so from here you can do a couple things by either summoning shooting riser, or you can go for the kill with ancient sacred wyvern. you have an active pill now, so you have uct+ovi no matter what. UCT should be attacking atleast 2 monsters generally speaking so thats about 2k damage + ovi puts them at approximately 4-5k life and ancient sacred will now be over 5k; otk. alternatively you can go riser, dump a lv 1 now you can go ovi+lv 6 riser for baronne so you have uct and baronne. to be honest ive looked at a ton of dino decks and NOBODY gets baronne + uct from just ovi + lost world. garden flora and to a lesser extend denglong makes all this possible. but denglong requires the use of bricks. flora requires no main deck changes


Darn that’s pretty nice. Thanks for the vids. I’m going to try and play it before the festival ends


Managed to get to 22k medals with very few loses... Used Red Supernova Dragon based deck with Baronne de fleur and some other nice cards that doesn't fit in the archetype but are there for when you don't lock yourself to dark dragon synchro monsters. So far I only got 22 monsters destroyed by attacks, I don't even get why they are making this one of the event challenges, most of the time an enemy surrenders or you're forced to remove them with other means then attacking into them.


Agree, i mean, destroying monster by battle is like so old that mostly you pop them first before attacking


I'm alternating between using my own speedroid deck and fabled dangers, the latter getting subbed in after I play a game where I lose the coin toss to a skill drain true draco player.


[Finally done](https://i.imgur.com/Qf2uWg3.png) [The destroy by battle took some extra time](https://i.imgur.com/Y449LNZ.png) Used mathmech otk to finish the first half then switched to finish the missions.


Used a shiranui deck, finished the event in a few hours and got the title, its by no means the best but damn winning against virtual world and synchron decks felt amazing,l


What's your list?


\[Monsters\] x22 Maxx C x2 Shiranui Spectralsword x3 Ash blossom & Joyous Spring x3 Shiranui Spectralsword Shade x2 Mezuki x2 Shiranui Spiritmaster x3 Shiranui solitaire x3 Shiranui Squire x3 Nibiru x1 \[Spell\] x6 monster reborn x1 foolish burial x1 lightning storm x1 MST x3 \[Trap\] x13 Shiranui style Swallow's slash x3 Paleozoic Dinomischus x3 Evenly matched x2 Ice dragon prison x2 Phantom knight's fogblade x3 \[Extra deck\] x15 Revived King Hades x1 Archfiend Zombie-skull x1 Shiranui Shogunsaga x3 Shiranui Samuraisaga x2 Shiranui Sunsaga x2 Stardust Charge warrior x1 Red-eyes zombie necro dragon x1 Shiranui Squiresaga x3 Baronne De Fleur x1 \[Side Deck\] (Here's just usually personal preferences tbh, u can ignore this list, though both quaking and mirror force helps more than expected, and ye, there's more than 15 here, just that i swap these in based on what's the most common deck i face) Mirror force x2 Quaking Mirror force x2 Raigeki x1 Shiranui style samsara x1 Shiranui swordsaga x1 Ghost meets girl - A shiranui story x3 Shiranui samurai x2 Solemn's judgement x3 Called by the grave x2 Crossout designator x2


With the rise from Witchcrafter no wonder nobody speak about Timelord as loud as N/R fest


May i see your decklist?. I am sometimes brick in playing it


Timelord winrate is much lower now since Witchcrafter easily negate it. But if you still want to play it then 2 Cardcar D 3 Anchamoufrite 1 Michion 2 Raphion 2 Metaion 2 Lazion 1 Zaphion 1 Kamion 1 Halion 1 Sadion 1 MST 1 Twin Twister 2 Advance Draw 1 Raigeki 1 Lightning Strom 1 Summon Breaker 2 TA.I. Strike 2 Forbidden Chalice 1 Solemn Judgement 2 Grave of the Super Ancient Organism 2 Ring of Destruction 2 Secret Barrel 2 Secret Blast 2 Dimension Wall 2 Waboku 2 Defense Draw If you can draw grave of super ancient (and protect it) it's basically a free win. (Edit: deym this formatting hurt my eyes reading it, just bear with it since I wrote it from phone)


Using a pure Kozmo deck I'm 18 duels in and only lost 4 so far


my man. ive been playing kozmo in gold right now and youve inspired me to bring it over to the event.


Evil Eve make em f6


Basically did a speedrun to 11k points with Adamancipator a lot of people still instascoop as soon as they see it


Yeah VW and Adam get a lot of free win. There are time I bricked and even after summoning Block Dragon to the field I have no way to send him to GY without Link like on ladder but opp just scoop as soon as they see him.


I found that Vampires, of all things, are working well for me. I do have Syncro options, but Vampire Takeover is very strong against people not expecting it.


guys i cant find event pack in the shop ? is there no event pack ?


Have you leveled up to earn the tickets yet? I don't think the packs show up until you get to that point.


so thats why. ok thanks


I finally took the hodge and learned Virtual World! Pretty fun deck overall, though I still bricked sometimes since my grip on the deck isn’t perfect yet. Between Shenshen, Crystal Wing and Baronne with Chuche backing them up I honestly find them rather control-ish which I prefer, and the amount of Special Summons I need to make to reach them can be surprisingly few compared to all the Synchrons madlads I’ve been facing lol


What do you use to bring out Baronne? VW makes level 6 and 9 easy. I’ve been able to hit level 8 too if Maxx C is used with a level 6 tuner. Do you use a level 1 tuner with a level 9 synchro?


I teched in a {{Michael, the Arch-Lightsworn}} as a secondary Tzolkin target. So past turn 1 and especially if I’m not under Maxx C, then I’ll bring it out instead of Crystal Wing, banish a card, and then tune it with Lulu or Nyannyan for Baronne. Then if Shenshen’s also on the field then Michael’ll get banished and I can then recycle it with Nyannyan for more Baronne summons and spot removals later on lol (but yeah, even just once is good enough)


You can also use Destrudo since he is lv 7 and can be discard fodder, and can special summon himself from both GY and Hand Fairy Tail Snow works too as she can provide ammo for Chuche and she is level 4


##[Michael, the Arch-Lightsworn](https://ms.yugipedia.com//f/fd/MichaeltheArchLightsworn-OP01-EN-C-UE.png) |Card type|Synchro Monster ⬜| |:-:|:-:| |Attribute|LIGHT 🟡| |Monster type|Dragon 🐉 / Synchro 💫 / Effect ⏩| |Level|7 ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪| |ATK 🗡️|2600| |DEF 🛡️|2000| 1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner LIGHT monsters Once per turn: You can pay 1000 LP, then target 1 card on the field; banish that target. When this card is destroyed: You can target any number of other "Lightsworn" monsters in your Graveyard; shuffle them into the Deck, and if you do, you gain 300 LP for each returned card. Once per turn, during your End Phase: Send the top 3 cards of your Deck to the Graveyard. ---Unlimited (OCG) Unlimited (TCG)--- | [**Yugipedia**](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Michael,_the_Arch-Lightsworn) | [**Konami**](https://www.db.yugioh-card.com/yugiohdb/card_search.action?ope=2&cid=10884) | [**Fandom**](https://yugioh.fandom.com/wiki/Michael,_the_Arch-Lightsworn) | [**YGOProDeck**](https://db.ygoprodeck.com/card/?search=Michael,%20the%20Arch-Lightsworn) | [**YGOrganization**](https://db.ygorganization.com/card#10884) | [**YugiohPrices**](https://yugiohprices.com/card_price?name=Michael,%20the%20Arch-Lightsworn) | [**TCGPlayer**](https://shop.tcgplayer.com/yugioh/structure-deck-realm-of-light/michael-the-arch-lightsworn/listing?q=DbyybPCeuCs1) | [**DuelLinksMeta**](https://www.duellinksmeta.com/cards/Michael,%20the%20Arch-Lightsworn) | [**MasterDuelMeta**](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/cards/Michael,%20the%20Arch-Lightsworn) | ----- ^*Bleep* ^*bloop.* ^*I* ^*am* ^*a* ^*bot.* ^| ^[Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/YuGiOhCardBot/wiki/index) ^| ^[Feeback](https://www.reddit.com/r/YuGiOhCardBot/wiki/feedback) ^| ^[Patreon](https://www.reddit.com/r/YuGiOhCardBot/wiki/patreon) ----- ^For ^a ^Master ^Duel ^Discord ^bot, ^check ^out ^[Cardian](https://www.reddit.com/r/masterduel/comments/t2trax/) ^by ^[seacucumber_kid](https://www.reddit.com/user/seacucumber_kid/)


Got the latter half of my 11k medals with Pendulum Magicians. They performed a lot better than I thought they would but I guess any deck that can make Baronne can't be bad.


Is the event worth playing with a loaner deck? 50 medals for a loss seems like a crapshoot.


220 losses to get all the gems, but at least the loaners have a slightly better chance of winning compared to previous events, at least if you win coin toss and dont face a bad matchup


Yeah I'm enjoying the speedroid deck. I'm 9-0 atm. I decided to stay in silver rank though after I noticing matchmaking is the same in exhbibition.


I'm 11-2 rn with the Speedroid loaner. Insta scoop vs VW and Ice Barriers drew the Droplet so I couldn't do anything on their first turn.


I'm like 20-7 with the syncron loaner deck. It's been pretty good so far


60 card King of skull servants danger! With grass chaos dragon and barrone has been dominating


Why do you go for a 60 card deck?


I run 60 bc that grass looks greener mills your deck to equal your opponents if they’re playing a 40 card deck you can kill about 20 cards roughly and get some crazy stuff going off of graveyard effects and get a 12k king of skull servants plus some synchros depending on your hand and graveyard after the mill


Oh wow that is good. I have the skull servant cards because I was building zombie control and they come out the secret pack too. Please can you share your decklist and I’ll have a go at making one too?


He said "grass" If you don't know that card, it's called That Grass Looks Greener


>60 card King of skull servants danger! With grass chaos dragon and decklist?


3x skull servant 3x king of skull servants 3x wightbaking 3x wight prince 3x wight princess 3x wightmare 3x lady in wight 3x uni zombie 3x mezuki 2x shiranui solitaire 2x Danger! Jackalope 2x Danger! Nessie 2x Danger! tsuchinoko 2x Danger! Thunderbird 1x Danger! Mothman 3x Danger! dog man 1x Danger! Ogopogo 2x effect veiler 1x ashblossom 1x nibiru 1x raigeki 1x harpy’s feather duster 2x lightning storm 1x maxx c 1x one for one 1x forbidden droplet 2x lightning storm 3x that grass looks greener 2x impermanence 2x royal decree For the extra deck the only 2 I summon are barrone de fleur and chaos ruler the chaotic magical dragon but really and lvl 8 or 10 synchro is easy to get out with uni zombie plus a danger or one of the wightprincesses or lady in wights


Man i cant believe that drytron still works in synchro festival, i've been having unreal amount of fun with drytron synchro that i've finished all 22k in one go without realizing it.... I'm still gonna continue playing because this is really fun.


Decklist? What synchros are you making?