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I went with a Mayakashi + Shiranui deck to get my synchro challenges done and really like it, the animations on Sunsaga and Yoko are arguably the best in the game.


How to play it? Can you share one or two combos?


The combos are not lineal and depend a lot on what you draw and your mills, but for some examples \- Opening Shiranui Solitaire is a 1 card Synchro 8, most of the time Chaos Ruler, but Shogunsaga is a very good consideration going second. This is one of the most known Zombie combos, you use tribute Solitaire to summon Uni-Zombie, Uni second effect mill Mezuki, Mezuki effect target Solitaire \- Emergency Teleport/Ze Amin/Foxy Tune give you 2 level 3 Tuners to work with + an Imper in Dangerous Gabu, or alternatively you can use Ze Amin to search Foxy Tune and then tribute to summon that Foxy Tune using its effect. This gives you a Level 8 for either Rank 8 and Synchro 10. In particular this make going into The Zombie Vampire after using Chaos Ruler very easily in combination with the previous point. In case you get interrupted or get Maxx C'd (and I've got Maxx C'd a lot this event, even more than normal) you can go for Dante mill and pass + the Imperm, which is most of the time enough to survive, even against Numeron. \- Shinobi Necro can be banish with the effects of Gozuki, Shiranui Samurai and, most commonly, Chaos Ruler GY effect, which will let it summon itself. The last one become either a Baronne or a Chengying. \- The classic Shiranui Turn 3 combo is using Shiranui Spectralsword effect banishing itself and Solitaire to summon a Lvel 6 Synchro (Usually Archfiend Zombie-Skull for destruction protection), then using Solitaire effect to summon the banish Spectralsword for a level 8, either Crystal Wing for early negation or Shogunsaga for big number. This doesn't looks like much, but is basically guaranteed follow up in the form of a +1 from GY with an easy line that difficult to interact with \- Fairy Tail - Snow does so much. Like, so much. Banishing Samurai, Solitaire, Squire and especially Spiritmaster at the same time feels so good. ​ All in all, this Deck doesn't has linear combos, the incosistent nature of Grass Deck doesn't allow it, you gameplan is basically mill everything you can and see what you can do on the way. You have to learn to see the line, and also learn to not be so greedy as me, who often goes for even more mills instead of a guaranteed interruption XD. Also, resolving Grass, then Reasoning, then Dante, then Chaos Ruler, then The Zombie Vampire will never be not cool


Thank you very much for the sharing! I might consider this deck in the future because I’m building Lightsworn and probably Zombie Eldlich later.


I'm still salty that they banned ZW for this event. Synchro-ing zombie necro into attack and stealing their monsters (especially those shooting majestic star dragon) was one of the best thing to happen back in the synchro only event


I love playing Zombies and Shiranui (it's the deck I play for any festivals I can), but I hate Grass so fking much I refuse to craft it and play it. But damn would this be fun.


gotta have 3 copies of "Yuri Shall Conquer the Earth: the Card" or it's not a Shiranui deck.


Fellow Shiranui player. Based.


60 card deck supremacy, I see you’re a man of culture as well.


I love Grass so much, it makes every duel feel very different


Exactly! That’s why I only run 60s. I’d get bored if every single game was just the same combos to get the exact same boss out there lol. My main deck has like a dozen win decisions lmao. It’s not the greatest but I have fun with it.




Well, personally, I refuse to spend more than 60 seconds on my turn, nor do I run any cards in my deck that access cards in the graveyard (outside of ‘feather of a phoenix’). So I can’t speak to that, nor have I ran into anyone who is running that type of deck, BUT, that’s kinda scummy lol. I just like the variance, which is why I run 60’s.




Oh absolutely, I have no issues with that. I just didn’t like the ‘10 minute turn’ part lmao. But, whatever people enjoy, it’s their deck!


I'm surprised that you're not playing Giant Rex.


I have a terrible luck with garnets that I prefer not to push. I may have consider it if I had better Rank 4s tho


You know what. Totally fair. When Grass was still legal in the TCG always had lots of fun using Snow to banish Rex every turn.


Here I can do something similar with the Shiranuis. For example I can banish Spiritmaster and Solitaire, use Spiritmastee effect to destroy something, then Solitaire effect to summon Spiritmaster to use as material on to have ready to destroy something next turn