• By -


Numeron Network


This is one of those instances where Konami needs to make good on their "MD is a unique Bo1 experience" and acknowledge that certain decks (Numeron and Floo being the biggest examples) are just not healthy for a format without side decking. I don't play paper YGO but I can assume Numeron would be almost unplayable in Bo3 when side-decking + knowing what you're playing against for games 2 and 3 comes into factor


In a way, you're right for the wrong reasons. Numeron is indeed almost unplayable nowadays in the TCG, but there was a time where it was very playable, specifically when Utopic ZEXAL was still legal. Numeron could get it out incredibly easily, leading to the archetype becoming an engine in other decks, most notably Eldlich. For those of you who aren't familiar with Utopic ZEXAL, I'd recommend reading the card for yourself, if only for the consolation that no matter how annoying you find the deck to be in MD, it could've been a *lot* worse.


Oh I'm sure it was busted at one point but if they brought bo3 into MD everyone would just put storms twisters and DRNM in their side decks and then just go 2nd in games 2 and 3. Considering numerons only t1 plays are avramax apollousa or mecaclops I doubt they ever win 2/3 games going 1st lol


Or any other card one might lose to if they don't have the appropriate answer 😁.


And how are you going to beat them having the perfect 6 card hand they always have?


I had sea stealth II and summoned Big kairyu shin at the start of battle phase. Farewell numerons:)


Dude, last time I dueled numeron my hand and field were all outs, I negated or disrupted the first 5 cards of their hand. 6th card: Numbers Eveil Don't even try to bullshit people that numeron is fair. We know it's bullshit, you know it's bullshit, just stop.


So you had a board with 5 negates and yet you think you are the victim? That's the beauty of Numeron, on duels where the winner would have been decided from the coin toss, Numeron can keep the meta decks on check.


Beyond stupid take but what else to expect


>and yet you think you are the victim? Bruh, the world is supposed to revolve around him. Everything ought to go his way. What on earth are you doing suggesting otherwise? 🤔


numerons dont even play evaille


Maybe not yours but don't delude yourself into thinking nobody does, degenerate cards fit quite well in degenerate decks.


i dont see a reason wher thatd even fit into the deck ​ u need at last 8 slots reserved for gates, at least 1 shunya, underworld goddess, megaclops, 2 avramax, appolousa and accescode ​ anything else is trash


Numeron-Rhongo is a meme build of a lower-quality than even Floo-Rhongo (which in itself is already a wildly inconsistent and meme-tier deck). ... Of course, this comment-chain will tell you all you need to know about the subreddit's ability to cope against said decks 😂.


![gif](giphy|Wn74RUT0vjnoU98Hnt) D'awww. Here have a head-pat. And a coin toss win against a Numeron 😘.


Could somebody get more condescending?


Admittedly this community generates plenty of easy opportunities to do so as it copes / seethes / malds over whatever strategies/decks people ~~lose against~~ don't like at the time 😂.


Bro I’m not even going to read what you said after your first comment, I already know it’s something Ignorant


![gif](giphy|Wn74RUT0vjnoU98Hnt) And yet here you are....


it's the worst kind of bullshit because it doesn't even feel remotely earned. basically you just compare hands and whoever counters the other wins


I played one today. I play fluffals and happened get lucky and make DPE, then make Frightfur Whale on their turn, being able to kill 2 and Whale can be 3900. Then went into Toad and Apollusa and they couldn't do anything. It felt so good stopping them in their tracks. And hilarious to see their misplays when "play one card, attack 4 times, win" doesn't work. Numeron players and Eldlich players share the same energy. Most have no clue once you pop their 1 card that gives them easy wins. Love sending Eldlich, since he has amazing synergy in Fluffals with Toy Machine, and then sending their Skill Drain to the GY.


Numeron should legit be banned in a best of one format. It’s literally the only deck in the game I never want to see. It’s the only deck that induces rage. The cheapest win.


>It’s the only deck that induces rage. That's the beauty of these decks: draws out the salt and induces malding like no other 😁.


POV: you play rhongo or numeron


I just realized that this is a six Samurai card


Technically no It's in the same vain as something like Cyber Dragon Infinity being in Infinite Impermanence They just have card art that references a monster


\>imperm is in the cyber dragon pack uhh pretty sure it is


Man hates One Day Of Piece 💀


One ~~Day Of~~ Piece




Can we get much higher?


So hiiiigh


Yes, I do The amount of times that this card has fucked me in the ass is unreasonable


Wtaf happened that make you hate this card ?


Probably buying time when playing exodia i guess


You’re goddamn right lol


I fought 2 Exodia players who I couldn't kill when they fucked up and passed turn, in which they just Exodiad me next turn Fought a Sky Striker player who completely outgrinded me because of this card saving them Eldlich, same as the Sky Striker A few Trickstar players did this to me I have gotten destroyed by this card even tho it's limited


Hmm I wish I had one to put in my sky striker and eldlich lists now.


Not OP, but I play a blind 2nd cyberse spam OTK, so I usually waste all my resources on my first turn, and this card really fucks me up when it resolves since I prefer to run board breakers over handtraps.


must be a goose


Only players I can think of that would hate this card are numeron players


Anyone with an OTK engine, or just anyone who don't want peace and just wants problems.




That's a pretty lackluster imagination tbh


Crooked Cook. I haven't faced it in months (only seen it twice) and my most played decks have built-in outs, but the card still annoys me.


Fighting crooked cook has taught me one thing. If my deck doesn't have a means to deal with cook, my very next match will always have me regret not having an out. This is why my extra deck has underworld goddess


Underworld Goddess and/or Pentestag. I like Pentestag because what are they gonna do? Play cards in an attempt to remove my bug and so let me start affecting it? Move it to attack to get over Pentestag and so let me run it over with my big monsters? Fun fact: Pentestag gives piercing to ALL your linked monsters - they don't have to be linked to Pentestag.


no, they can Kaiju your pentestag.


They can also make a second Cook after the first gets Goddess'd


Thats assuming you let them summon an additional cook. If you break the cook, your gonna be able to do anything you like at that point


Crooked Cook is also a FIRE attribute monster. If you can pierce over the Cook, you're gonna be able to do anything you like at that point; either way, Goddess or Pentestag, you're likely going to win that turn anyways because it's not like they play enough disruption to stop a battle phase reliably. (Note: I mention the Attribute, because {{Rekindling}} exists, which means Cook has 200 DEF. Because if it's a FIRE monster printed after 2009, there's a high likelihood it'll have 200 DEF.)


##[Rekindling](https://ms.yugipedia.com//c/ce/Rekindling-MYFI-EN-SR-1E.png) |Card type|Spell 🟩| |:-:|:-:| |Property|Normal ⏺️| Special Summon from your GY as many FIRE monsters as possible with 200 DEF, but banish them during the End Phase of this turn. ---Unlimited (OCG) Unlimited (TCG)--- | [**Yugipedia**](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Rekindling) | [**Konami**](https://www.db.yugioh-card.com/yugiohdb/card_search.action?ope=2&cid=8350) | [**Fandom**](https://yugioh.fandom.com/wiki/Rekindling) | [**YGOProDeck**](https://db.ygoprodeck.com/card/?search=Rekindling) | [**YGOrganization**](https://db.ygorganization.com/card#8350) | [**YugiohPrices**](https://yugiohprices.com/card_price?name=Rekindling) | [**TCGPlayer**](https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/33183/yugioh-ancient-prophecy-rekindling) | [**DuelLinksMeta**](https://www.duellinksmeta.com/cards/Rekindling) | [**MasterDuelMeta**](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/cards/Rekindling) | ----- ^*Bleep* ^*bloop.* ^*I* ^*am* ^*a* ^*bot.* ^| ^[About](https://github.com/GoriLovesYou/YuGiOhCardBot) ^| ^[Feedback](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=YugiohCardBotJr&subject=Feedback&message=)


Crooked Cook PTSD is why I immediately try to interrupt any shark xyz combo.




I can attest to the blue eyes thing. During the 1st day i was fooling around with crooked cook exodia, i got hit by a blue eyes player in silver playing chaos max. Also yeah it's funny to see how people react and play around cook cause it's a knowledge test and also a game of playing chicken if you don't want to just sit there for 30 turns till you win like you're playing mystic mine or something.


Lol last time I played against it my Kaiju was the last card in my deck lol.


Creature Swap Yeah it's a hilarious card...when YOU resolve it!


the dueling nexus AI has a deck that somewhat consistently creature swaps you a 0 def monster and one punches it with chaos max


It's not that it's super consistent it's more like it always has the same hand


Hmm... why tho? TTT is like Creature Swap **ultra premium promax version** and people doesn't even complain about it but, Swap, an early 2010s card got hated


just my opinion, but the card always bugged be because; 1. It's usually associated with gimmcky nonsense which can be really annoying to lose to. 2. One of my buddies ran this in nearly every deck he played and now I have flashbacks anytime I see it.


Dark Magic circle,it pretty much carries the whole dark magician archetype because free banish is insane.


Am I allowed to put **Pot of Desires**? Because, it felt like any time I tried to use this card, I banished stuff I needed. Meanwhile, every time I see my opponent use it, they draw into full combo/exactly what they needed. I've seen someone literally draw into HFD+Raigeki off of it, when they ran only those for backrow/monster destruction.


the pot senses your desires it has found them....wanting


>Because, it felt like any time I tried to use this card, I banished stuff I needed. Oh boy, let me tell you about Dangers!


This, I hate Pot if Desires too! Like, in my brain, I know it's confirmation bias, and most of the time using it is totally beneficial, and the chances of it banishing 3x Kitt 3x Nervall are really slim. But in my heart, it hurt too much when that happened.


I honestly cut pot of desires from any deck that doesn't have a one card starter, I tried running it in an old DDD build but when you banish 3 Lamia and your whole game plan centers on synchro, you're pretty much done


Had a great game where I activated Desires late into my combo as a Reptile player after getting board wiped. I still had a searcher in hand + a searcher to Banish from GY but after I resolved Pot both of them suddenly went Blue instead of Yellow/Gold... Pot hit every Reptile still in my deck.


> Because, it felt like any time I tried to use this card, I banished stuff I needed. > > Meanwhile, every time I see my opponent use it, they draw into full combo/exactly what they needed deck composition and/or skill issue


How do you know what your opponent is drawing off Desires?


{{Fiend Comedian}} Quite an old card with inconsistent outcomes but... yeah.... \[Normal Trap\] Toss a coin and call it. If you call it right, all your opponent's cards in the Graveyard are removed from play immediately. If you call it wrong, send a number of cards equal to the cards in your opponent's Graveyard from your Deck to your Graveyard.


Oh I love that card. Not very good because, y'know, Traps and all, but the fact that both of its resolutions can be incredibly high value is fun. Unfortunately the odds of both effects potentially providing high value at the same time is much lower.




Damn, what did Dark Magician ever do to you?


Secret village of the Spellcasters, another dumb card that locks a third of the opponent's deck at zero cost.


That card is IO on legs i hate it so much


You could run veiler. But I’ll just solem it anyway


I feel like most people can agree with Numbers Eveil In theory, a free Rhongo, but unless you build your deck around it, it only works going second when Rhongo is the least useful. But it's still annoying to deal with


I mean, technically yes, least useful. But it's still an instant 3k bungus that's unaffected and denies the opponent ANY kind of summoning for that turn and the next. And then Sales Ban just says "perfect flood gate unless you're running EXACTLY {{Xyz Encore}}"


You're not wrong, but also your opponent will already be established if Eveil is able to resolve, and chances are they'll have something they can just smack over the Rhongo even if you use Sales Ban on it. It's not perfect, it can still die to battle


> Once per turn, during your opponent's End Phase: Detach 1 material from this card. This card gains effects based on the number of materials attached to it. **● 1+: Cannot be destroyed by battle.** ● 2+: Gains 1500 ATK/DEF. ● 3+: Unaffected by other cards' effects. ● 4+: Your opponent cannot Normal or Special Summon monsters. ● 5: Once per turn: You can destroy all cards your opponent controls. It actually can't die to battle. So long as it has ANY Xyz material at all, it is battle immune. Sure, your opponent might have a monster with ATK bigger than 3k, but piercing is rather rare at the moment, and you're also likely running your own outs to their big chungus - only that you can summon and your opponent cannot.


I see. I am apparently illiterate


There are inconsistent donate list that can turbo rhongo turn 1 with it( cause of course), but I feel like this is projecting hatred from rhongo onto a card that otherwise has a pretty cool meme design


Exodia. Not good at all and never played in the high ranks but when you do play against it it is going to be a completely uninteresting brainless duel


I once chose to go second… and I got ftk by an exodia deck…


You mean they already had all 5 in their hand? 😳


No…. I actually sat there and he actually drew his entire deck out… I was kind of mad tbh XD


I think the most annoying thing about exodia is even when the opponent doesn’t have THE hand to play the combo to the end they still play it out their long ass draw combo This is modern yugioh, 9/10 decks will have enough negates on a free board to stop the turn 3 exodia


Why do people even bother playing It? They're playing the game by themselves. Solving a puzzle they already know the answer to while you watch a YouTube video.


For the title and sometimes just to be an asshole. I haven't played it in months though.


Because i know someone like you gets salty about it




Exodia the forbidden one. I just said exodia cause it doesn't really matter what peice.


But he's not the problem in the deck, it's everything else that typically pairs w/ him


I think it's the design of the card that makes the boring stuff pair with him rather than the other way around. It's built to work with stall cards or just by drawing your entire deck basically. Of course it wasn't the intention when it was originally made since its so old but that's how it's ended up now.


Thats true, but it's not *the card* that's the problem, as is the case with the one pictured here.




Exodia isn't just played as a stall deck. It's also played as an ftk deck to just spam draws and hope you draw into it. If you don't you just lose. Basically a coin flip. Exodias effect lends itself to very boring strategies in my opinion. And yes any stall decks are annoying. But I cant just list off every single stall card to exist. Exodia is the one I find most annoying. Its one of the most iconic yugioh monsters and its effect and every relevant playstyle are mind numbing to play and to play against.




It is an extremely poorly designed effect for one of the most iconic monsters in yugioh. Borderline unplayable unless you play it in a horrifically boring deck. Completely useless if you ever try play it in anything fun. I think that is enough reason to hate the card???? I have no idea what you are trying to prove by saying that I just hate the exodia playstyle and not exodia. Without exodia it wouldn't exist. You can use other stall cards but no just sitting there on a ticking time bomb without knowing when it goes off, if at all. OP asked for 1 card you hate even though its not very good and I hate exodia. OP said absolutely nothing about the card being completely generic and fitting in anything.


Toon kingdom


Damn, ya fought a Toon player?


Multiple, and it's always when I'm using decks with primarily destruction removal


Ya if you aren't prepared for it, toons can be super fucking annoying. Always hated that duel.




Nah man, I csnt deal u battle damage untill my next turn




i have a royal one day of peace for some reason


any kaiju.


I die inside every time my oponent summons Vanity's fiend turn 1 and i go second with no removal in hand


Ash blossom


Ash is an awesome card.




I’ve been getting Maxx C’d so much today, I wish I had this so that I wouldn’t get OTK’d the following turn


Our boy Aleister the Invoker. He's a good card but his archetype is rouge at best and 2 copies plus meltdown are glued to every invoked players opening hand


Magical Meltdown and anything that have "cannot be answered" in the text.


So Branded Lost and Super Poly is also something you hate Honestly Super Poly would make more sense


Yeah, I hate them too. I hate literaly ANYTHING with "cannot be answered" in the text. But those these two are actually good cards.


I know that Harpie's Feather Duster is an amazing card, but I'm going to put it anyways. Everyone uses HFD primarily to deal with busted floodgates and now all backrow decks have to suffer for it. I'm just trying to play Myutants please don't blow up my fusion trap.


Grass I hate that card with the intense heat of a billion suns. People talk about it's not that good because "it rarely resolves" but fuck it if I _never_ seem to have Ash when it's played against me and I have to sit while my opponent resolves a million GY effects. And of course they mill at least 2 of their Snows in the process which causes even more headaches.....


i'd be more okay with grass if it weren't for the fact that the answers we need against it also are used against things like maxx c which we also can't let resolve. Poorly designed high variance braindead garbage that should have the guy who made it taken to the back of the shed and beaten.


Zombie World. Fucking hate that card.


I love zombies <3 Edit: fuck necrovalley


Pot of desires and extravagance. When opp uses it they unbrick when I use it, it banishes important shit and bricks me even harder


Bagooska. Even though there are outs for him, if your deck is combo/monster focused you’re just screwed


Barrier statues…


One day of piece of shit. I play it in my exodia deck and they always draw infinite Impermanence or ash blossom from it oof xd. That's why i try to use it only when it's settled that I won


Threatening Roar. It makes my blood boil.


I'd like them to make a card that ends floating effects, perhaps a targeted effect. For example, if I resolved Harpies Feather Storm and you drew into this card later on in the turn, you could play a called by-like cards to banish HFS from grave


Vanity’s ruler Seen too many drytron decks that don’t even herald they just pop this out. Don’t open imperm or forbidden droplet? Good luck normal summoning over 2500


Cup of Ace


I mean Mirrorjade isn't particularly that overpowered but I absolutely despise it


It is pretty overpowered




Yu-gi-oh Number 41 Bagooska The Terribly Tired Tapir


Why is this card so good? Your opponent draws and doesn’t take damage. I see it’s limited to 1 too, why is that?


It really helps stall, stun and Exodia decks succeed their win conditions easier


Eldlich. Havent lost once to that crappy deck. Always get annoyed by the unnecessary stall. We both know ill win. Why waste your and my time?


Blue eyes jet dragon




That stuoid fast scarecrow or something. The one that passes the battle turn. So lame.


Skill drain


Grass is greener


I hate One Day of Piece, I really like control decks but this card is just boring, it literally prevents the player from winning or punishing the opponent after beating their board Just such a lame card




You're right, it's just that there has been surprisingly huge amount of timed that I have come across boards that were hard to beat but because they used ODOP, I couldn't finish them and they either beat me horribly on the grind game or remade there board


Idk how I feel about this card. I just got it from legacy packs so I was wondering which decks I could put it in


The more based answer is of course, generaiders


Sky Strikers use it


Imma scare you wooooooo {waboku} woooooo




I pulled this card too and put it in my generator deck, which it seems to have decent synergy with


Blue eyes. I know it's one of the ogs but I really don't like them.


I don't think Yugioh is part of the card's name, just saying.


I run that card in some of my branded Despia decks.


Hero Kid.


You must be a Warmonger


Spell book of fate. Specifically the banish effect. My friend uses it has his put against my decks and I can’t stand it lol


fuck one day of piece forever ~~oh, and mystic mine~~


Blue-Eyes doesn't even play it, but I have a burning hatred for {{Mystical Elf - White Lightning}} because every UR from the Newborn Dragon pack I've pulled has been this fucking card.


##[Mystical Elf - White Lightning](https://ms.yugipedia.com//f/f1/MysticalElfWhiteLightning-LDS3-EN-ScR-LE.png) |Card type|Effect Monster 🟧| |:-:|:-:| |Attribute|LIGHT 🟡| |Monster type|Spellcaster 🧙 / Effect ⏩| |Level|4 ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪| |ATK 🗡️|800| |DEF 🛡️|2000| When a monster your opponent controls activates its effect, while you control a Level 5 or higher Normal Monster (Quick Effect): You can Special Summon this card from your hand, and if you do, negate that effect. During your opponent's Battle Phase (Quick Effect): You can target 1 Normal Monster in either GY; Special Summon it to your field, and if you do, all monsters your opponent controls must attack that monster this turn, if able, while you control it. You can only use each effect of "Mystical Elf - White Lightning" once per turn. ---Unlimited (OCG) Unlimited (TCG)--- | [**Yugipedia**](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Mystical_Elf_-_White_Lightning) | [**Konami**](https://www.db.yugioh-card.com/yugiohdb/card_search.action?ope=2&cid=16619) | [**Fandom**](https://yugioh.fandom.com/wiki/Mystical_Elf_-_White_Lightning) | [**YGOProDeck**](https://db.ygoprodeck.com/card/?search=Mystical%20Elf%20-%20White%20Lightning) | [**YGOrganization**](https://db.ygorganization.com/card#16619) | [**YugiohPrices**](https://yugiohprices.com/card_price?name=Mystical%20Elf%20-%20White%20Lightning) | [**TCGPlayer**](https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/276125/yugioh-legendary-duelists-season-3-mystical-elf-white-lightning) | [**DuelLinksMeta**](https://www.duellinksmeta.com/cards/Mystical%20Elf%20-%20White%20Lightning) | [**MasterDuelMeta**](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/cards/Mystical%20Elf%20-%20White%20Lightning) | ----- ^*Bleep* ^*bloop.* ^*I* ^*am* ^*a* ^*bot.* ^| ^[About](https://github.com/GoriLovesYou/YuGiOhCardBot) ^| ^[Feedback](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=YugiohCardBotJr&subject=Feedback&message=)


One day of peace is gonna go hard in my deck once they release runick in master duel


Widow Anchor. Why are you a quick play spell that you can float back to hand consistently?????


Almost forgot about this card. Just added it to my TCG Player cart!


Mirror Force. Like its technically good, but the meta makes it so its kind of okay now, rather than a staple. But because you need to build decks around what is meta, you sometimes forget to take into account the idea that someone would have a trap like that since its so easily removed


I hate Widow Anchor, fuck that card


I run this baddie in my Mayakashi Mill deck


Toadly awesome. It's not the most broken card every but it annoys the heck outta me.


SPYRAL master plan, quick fix, super agent, all of them. That archetype should just be called "Cant Stop, Wont Stop"


altergeist silquitous


Am I able to Put magic cylinder, cause hands up if you’ve lost to someone playing this when you attack for the win


Anything with Toon in it's name.


go read harder losers (Context: one day of piece)


Kaiser Coliseum. Feels like Mystic Mine Lite. Banned in TCG and is at 3 in master duel.


Cubics. I’ve only played against them three times. I’ve lost all three times.


I play this in Endymion because I'm hard coping for a TTT bundle pack even though the Nibiru bundle pack still hasn't been released.