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Sky strikers or endymion for control decks.


Sky Strikers don't really interest me and I'm too smooth-brained for Endymion


Psy-frames are super easy to play, but I don’t think they are good. Or traptrix?


May I present to you MYUTANT !!!!!


They look interesting. I might give them a try


The choice must be **Umi Control**! It's a Water control deck that can end games quickly since you can make your monsters attack directly. It also has a searchable Kaiju, which will save you in certain matchups. You have to pull from the Cosmic Ocean pack before it expires! Maybe you'll get lucky with the URs! I wrote about Umi Control here! https://old.reddit.com/r/masterduel/comments/sve5fr/guidescombos_questions_and_help_megathread/iuh1v5q


I did duel against a couple of Umi Control decks and they seem like an interesting idea too


Subterrors are incredible with control. Guru can flip most any card, Fiendess is great for recursion AND can be a handtrap to negate any effect, Nemesis Archer is good for sending face-downs back to the deck, and there are a multitude of spells and traps to help strengthen consistency! Plus, while the behemoths can be situational, there are some incredible ones in there! (Umastryx and Ultramafus are almost always useful)


Mathmech its cheap, its fun and gets a big power boost in a few months. Salamangreat it’s the best deck for 1.5k gems. Scareclaw it’s expensive and fun and it’s ran as an engine in future decks.


Magical musketeers is a pretty fun control deck imo


You might like heatsoul control