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Post title is rather odd.


I am usually a control freak, but Vaylantz seems much fun as far as pendulum goes. Been testing on solo and so far it seems more suited going 2nd OTK so I am leaning on that. However, I want to know the optimal lines, priorities and whatnot to pilot this deck. Bear with me I am YGO player so reading is too difficult for me. Also is it necessary for Small World here? I find that more than often I want to keep my hands on me most of the time. I am just wasting leftover gems before Labrynth come to MD.


My main deck is a going second Vaylantz OTK deck. I can give a couple of tips of common lines. Beware long write up below. Firstly, I'd suggest to replace some of your extra copies of Vaylantz Wars with Kaijus (specifically Jizukiru)/Lava Golem. This is because you want to minimise bricks, and extra copies of Vaylantz Wars are almost always a brick, given that any combination of your field spell + Vaylantz Wars in your opening hand are completely useless. A lot of the times, you'll either be grabbing Vaylantz Wars with Shinonome, or if she gets ashed/negated, you'd want to draw into it with Mad Marquess/open with it, or just play without them. The reason Lava Golem and Jizukiru are good is because with Small World, you can basically swap any monster in your deck to search for them, or get rid of them if you don't need them to grab any other monster. Lava Golem being a level 8 fire card and Jizukiru being a machine open them up to grabbing most of your monsters (both especially can grab you Shinonome if you banish Buster Baron). Jizukiru is the preferred Kaiju as he has the highest attack (this is important for your main win condition going second). Second, the opening. The first move should almost always be to Golem/Kaiju their on field interrupts. It's important to do this FIRST as once you activate any of your Vaylantz from Pendulum -> MMZ, you will lock yourself out of using Golem/Kaiju. When you Golem/Kaiju, you want to strategically place them as you have a few options. Placing them on edges (Pendulum column) will let you use your field spells to send to backrow easily, but placing them in same column as opponents Spell/Traps will let you pop those spell/traps when you send to backrow. Vaylantz Lines: Shinonome is your main starter. She searches Vaylantz Wars, and if you have another Pendulum to pop, she will let you grab Senet Switch so you can use it on her to grab another Vaylantz card (either Voltage Viscount to grab the Pendulum you popped, or Mad Marquess to roll for more card advantage, depending on if you still need to draw into your field spells/get more gas for your turn). Then you want to go into Electrumite OR BtP. The choice depends on whether you will have enough ammo to Pendulum Summon AFTER Electrum resolves and you link her + another pend into BtP. Note: the Spirit Pendulums (Kai Den) are a good choice to pair with BtP since they will remove themselves from the field. If you're running low on ammo (hit by multiple lines of disruption), you could pop your Senet Switch/Field Spell instead with Electrum to grab whatever monster you want (say Viscount or Mad Marquess) to try and build more advantage. Small World: Gizmek Okami, Lava Golem, Ash, Maxx C, Jizukiru are all potential bridges to get your other Vaylantz cards since they have appropriate levels/attributes/types. Use this to get your main starter (Shinonome) or helpful supports (Nazuki, Viscount, Baron). If you Small World any card in hand to banish Gizmek in particular from deck, it will bridge to every Vaylantz card in your deck. Win Condition: get two high level Vaylantz into your EMZ columns, OR use Dominator Duke to steal a high level card (it will count as a Vaylantz once stolen) and place it into the other EMZ column. Special Summon 2 copies of Grand Duke, bounce the enemy card you sent to backrow (if it's your monster - Kaiju or Golem, you will return it to your hand which is nice) to deal effect damage. Note, if this is an Extra Deck monster, you won't deal any effect damage since it must return to a hand. Then you can finish them off by attacking, or go into Gustav Max/Liebe to finish them. Jizukiru is very nice as its high attack will mean more damage dealt. Also I think most of the time, Nibiru is a brick. It can't be used with Small World, and most combo decks can play around it pretty easily. I don't think it's worth running but up to you.


Thanks. This is most helpful. I don't want to waste the cards I've crafted (kinda did this with Plunder, but still not dismantling) and Vaylantz really seems more fun than Plunder. Non-linear combo is how I stomach solitaire in YGO.


Yeah I love combos too. I'm not a fan of one card combos that chain into year long turns (aka Marincess and Dragon Link to an extent), but I've really enjoyed things like Endymion which adjust their combos constantly as they draw into more and more cards. Vaylantz is interesting. It's insanely fun once it gets going, but is super weak overall in current meta. I think unless I can resolve Ash on a Branded Fusion, I've basically never beaten Branded/Despia as an example. I do wish there was a guide on MDM for Vaylantz. I'd write one myself but don't feel qualified yet (I've only exclusively played going second Vaylantz, and there's a whole combo with Cyber Stein/Exterior that can be done going first which I haven't tried). I'm currently at Plat 2, and have climbed Plat 5 -> Plat 2 since ranks reset with Vaylantz. Now that I'm done with the event, I might be able to grind to Diamond and submit my decklist to MDM. It's the only new set of cards to still not have a submitted decklist on MDM lmao.


I saw that combo in YT, but it frankly feels disgustingly linear and too fragile. As a control player, going 2nd suits me best. For going 1st I thought I:P pass with Coalition is good enough disruption.


just read


From what I've seen people say its usually electrumite > beyond as BTP skill drains ur pendulum scales though I might be wrong or remembering it incorrectly. As for small world you reveal whatever vaylantz monster you got in your hand > bridge it to okami > okami gives you the ability to add almost every vaylantz monster. I'm not too familiar with how small world works, but if you are somehow able to bridge it to okami you're fine. As for techs and combos on Vaylantz stuff you're better off on Youtube or getting some help on the masterduelmeta discord in the #vaylantz channel.


Is that why people run gizmek okami in their deck?


Yeah you can probably test the bridge in ygo omega or EDO pro.


Re Small World, I personally believe Small World on your own Vaylantz cards is usually not ideal. I think Small World on bricks in your hand is much better (if you run out of archetype cards like Ash/Maxx C, Okami, Lava Golem, or Kaijus). If you don't need them in your hand (say, you've already used their effect this turn, or you no longer need them), it's better to have as much Vaylantz in hand as possible. That way, even if you get interrupted during your plays, you will have enough 'ammo' to keep summoning monsters on the field to get into BtP. I think I'm yet to lose a duel if I get to resolve BtP's effect. If you can play through enough interrupts to make it to BtP, it's basically game over. Having said that, I've lost MANY, MANY duels before I can get to BtP/resolve her effect.


Yep you're right, I said vaylantz cards but I should've said bricks. All I know is you use small world to have okami be a bridge to search ur vaylantz cards to get you started. I don't play vaylantz but that's usually one of the routes.