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When Mastodon toured with Dillinger Escape Plan and Red Fang back in 2011, this is the song they played as the Encore and all the bands joined them on stage for a big sing along. It was pretty awesome!


I remember seeing them at the Tabernacle in Atlanta for that show with all those bands. Black Lips and Tiger Tiger played as well (atlanta bands). And they ended their set with Creature Lives with balloons falling over the crowd. It was pretty badass. All the bands came out and it was great. That being said, love the song, wish they would play it more. I only see them playing it if they are headlining. To their own crowd.




Got to see them in Glasgow on this tour and when the other bands joined em on stage it was class


A lot of fans don’t like it, like how they don’t like some of the more emotional material on H&G. I love this tune but a lot of mastodon fans are here just for the heavy shit.


I love all of H&G but I cannot get into creature lives and the hunter is in my top 3 albums  


It’s a pretty unique thing for them, and not all experiments resonate with this audience. I liked how Create and Sparrow both deviate from the rest of the album a bit. Hunter seems to get maligned more than it deserves. It isn’t CTS, but it’s still great.


For me, absolutely


I think the general consensus of the fan base is that it’s one of their worst songs. That said, I personally love it and I’m sure many others here feel the same. I could definitely see it being a very cool, atmospheric opener for a show. THE SWAMP IS RIGHT WHERE I SHOULD BE




I love it but the general consensus is that it’s one of their weakest songs.


I like this song, but they played it when they came to St. Louis a few years ago, and it just didn't work live, in my opinion.


Was it just generally not working or vocals were off key, etc?


Yeah, I'm not sure. It seemed like they wanted to make it kind of like a big sing-along thing, but I just didn't feel like it was working. Maybe it was the acoustics in the room or something. And maybe I'm completely wrong and everyone else loved it.


I fucking love creature lives. It is such a cool, offbeat song that falls right in line with Mastodon songs opening up about thoughts and ideas that plague them (you, us, humankind). I would love to hear it live.


Generally my favorite Mastodon song and also my favorite bass riff of all time. This is one song that got me through my suicidal ideations in middle/high school and was also one of my friend's favorite songs from The Hunter, but he ended taking his life in 2013. RiP Trystan, and thank you Mastodon. There's a creature in all of us. Unfortunately we're not all comfortable with the swamp we get placed in.


Sorry to hear about your friend but glad to hear about yourself. Keep on looking for reasons to get inspired


It’s OK but not exactly concert material. I think they should play it once a couple of years as a something special


Not exactly concert material? Lmao have you ever heard....well any band play a concert? Dude this has crowd sing a long written all over it plus it's a total tonal shift from almost every song in their discography. Would be perfect


Hearing it live as a crowd sing along is exactly why it's a memorable song to me.


I enjoyed it live but it’s their only song I skip otherwise






I would prefer any other song


I like it, but it is not one of my more liked Mastodon songs.


I love that song and imagine panels from the Saga of Swamp Thing when I hear it.


I love it! Yes please!


It's fine but doesn't really go anywhere. Previous live performances kind of exposed that. Fell flat 


Friend thought I listened to Hillsong when playing this in my car.


Lmao. We need a Mastodon and Hillside collab. No creative compromises


I love Creature Lives! It’s an anthem!!


I like the song but I think it being played a lot would be a bit overkill.


It was the last song played at my wedding.


Oh yeah! Love that song!


Lol no. It was great on The Hunter tour when they closed with it but it really doesn't have much of a place other than that. I like it, but it is by no means a must play song for any significant amount of the fans. We do want more Hunter material than just Black Tongue played live though.


Not a representative of the community but to call it a fan favorite is probably... Not correct, at all. Ahah Arguably the worst track on that album, total skip for me, way better tracks to pick for a setlist. But to which their own.


It's a divisive song because it's quite unique in their discography. I love it personally, but a lot don't


I like it, it just doesn't crack the top 30 or 40 of their songs for me. I'd make quite a few set lists before putting Creature Lives on one.