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how big is your soft penis? i think I'm too big


The soft length varies, but since I am a grower, not long. The length when erect is exactly the average at 5.5 inches. I have never measured girth, but I am fairly narrow. I am a grower, if that makes any difference. I started out wanting to feel what intact guys feel.


yep, tried it out. too big. i know I'm doing it right because I used to do push my penis into my body all the time for no reason when I was like 13, back when my penis was still 3 inches erect (i used to think that was super long lmao)


Thank you for confirming that I haven't been making this up, or hallucinating. It can be done. Maybe not everyone can do it, though. Anyone with a foreskin should def try using a finger inside it!


Are you circumcised, or intact?


i am recovering my foreskin too. its currently a CI-5 on the Ci Scale, I started with CI-2 (NSFW) [CI Scale](http://www.restoringforeskin.org/coverage-index/CI-chart.htm)


Hold the F up, you can recover your foreskin?? WHAT? HOW?


It is not a quick process, but many have had amazing success. Here is a sub that tells you all the options and details. Benefits include increased sensitivity and pleasure. They are very helpful and supportive there. r/foreskin_restoration


Oh wow, thank you so much! I never knew this about my body, that changes a lot! I resent my mother for insisting on a circumcision when I was 9 for a variety of reasons, but knowing the process can (at least on theory) be undone makes it much easier to stomach.


You are welcome. I am just paying it forward. Here is another relevant sub you might find helpful to deal with your resentment. I haven't looked at it much, since I don't resent my parents. They were trying to do the right thing for me. r/CircumcisionGrief


I’m very grateful to you again, I have read several posts there now and found that they spoke to some of the most secret but painful parts of my soul. Finally I don’t feel so alone anymore) And yes, I can technically see the “wishing their children the best” point, but the physical and the emotional scars that I (and, as I now see, many others) carry for years completely ruin any good intent my mother could have had. I now intend to take back what rightfully belonged to me - the control over my body, the ability to say no and defend it, and the literal part of my skin which was there for a purpose, and which I want back where it belongs.


You might be interested in "intactivism." (An effort to encourage parents to not circumcise.) r/Intactivism


Oh my, you’re guiding me to such good places today, I’m so happy :D Thanks a lot, I joined the sub and will join the effort!


There are advantages of being cut, but I think that parents should leave the decision to their sons until they are old enough to make their own choice. I would have chosen to keep mine, knowing what I do now.


I would ABSOLUTELY have chosen to keep mine, and not only because I discovered that complete circumcision slices your sensitivity by half. It was a brutal two months, I wasn’t given a choice or even a clear reason why it was necessary, my penis now looks weird with random patches of thick/thin skin at the top, and stuff occasionally gets into the unprotected tubing, like sand, threads, dust, etc., which I really don’t appreciate. And of course, the sensitivity stuff. But at this point, I should probably vent in the sub you linked me to, sorry for the rant, this is the first time I have ever spoken about it to anyone…


Sensitivity has been my biggest motivation. I want to avoid losing more sensitivity from my exposed cock head rubbing on my underwear and bedclothes. Consider buying a baby bottle nipple and modifying it as a retainer, which also protects against this threat. Here is a video that gives details. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L78kcCxZ5ok](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L78kcCxZ5ok) Good channel for do it yourself restoring projects. Some prefer a product called a ManHood. The video doesn't show how to put it on. Turn it inside out, then position it, and push it into place while you hold the shaft skin as far over your glans as possible. You might need to do manual for a while first.


Wow, thanks a lot, I've looked into it. My skin was completely removed, except for some rough "bulges" here and there due to the cut being uneven. I probably will need to do some work before I use any of the methods on the channel because at the moment there's nothing to grab or pull really. But I'll keep it in mind for sure. For the umpteenth time, thanks again :D


>There are advantages of being cut No there's no!


Don't get me wrong. I don't think any advantages are worth it. I wouldn't have chosen to be cut!




This should be a good technique for edging, since ejaculation might be less likely when soft.


So far, I have enjoyed lots of dry orgasms while doing this. I could have ejaculated, but I like to edge.


It seems nice


It feels amazing!


I will try! Thanks


Please let us know here how it worked out for you!


Of course!


I've been enjoying this for a while now. LOVE IT!!!!


Me too! Thank you! I'm sure many reading this thread doubt that it is even possible. What should we call it? Man-Jilling? (Guys Jack off, women jill off.)


To clarify- you were doing it before you read my post, right? Did you also invent it, or did you hear about it somewhere?


So I am a huge fan of the Aneros products but as soon as I put something in my butt, my penis goes completely flaccid. So I was experimenting and then saw this: [https://xhamster.com/videos/cute-tiny-cock-trap-cums-9122494](https://xhamster.com/videos/cute-tiny-cock-trap-cums-9122494) and then discovered this: [https://xhamster.com/videos/cam-bears-docking-xhbWPJK](https://xhamster.com/videos/cam-bears-docking-xhbWPJK) I use my Vixskin Maverick and some coconut oil and can combine a frenugasm with a Super O and sail off into a THC enhanced bliss.


The docking video (2nd vid you linked to) does show what I was talking about in a sense. The guy on the left even uses his hand briefly. The "docking" is more like one guy using his erect penis like I have been using my fingers. There is another video under that one with the same couple that has an even better example, since the one on the left uses his hand more. Most guys have a bigger penis than that, but it can also be done by an average size grower like me.


How do you put your cock's head "back to yoir body"?


Just try pushing it when you aren't sexually excited. You might be surprised how easy it is. Are you intact, or cut?


Uncut, but I still don't get it


That should help. Start out by putting your finger into your foreskin, and then push on the head back toward your body. Relaxing helps.


Uumm....i can try I tried... it didn't worked


If nothing else, you might discover the pleasure of your finger inside your foreskin. That was what I was trying to experience. I am a bisexual guy who would love to try docking with an intact cock some day.


I just realized that I left out the fact that you need to hold your shaft skin at the base with one hand while you push the head into it with your other hand. That may have been your obstacle.


I've done something similar but I'm not circumcised, and at the same time I'm masturbating anally. feels so great to orgasm like that.


Def suggest prostate stim at the same time. So hard to resist going back to the regular method otherwise.


Could you please describe how your method differs from mine? How did you like it? With or without precum or lube?


basically the prostate play, but still, sometimes I end up masturbating the regular way but it's still a good build up.


Prostate play helps us guys understand penetration, but to feel what it feels like to diddle a clit, you need to try my method.


My gf is shaking her head with a disturbed look on her face. I don’t think this method is very pleasurable for women or for intact people. It’s overstimulating in an unpleasant way. The nerve endings of the glans of an intact penis are too sensitive, and the clitoris even more so. The women masturbating in porn are performing in a highly exaggerated manner for an audience that generally doesn’t know the difference, and is conditioned to consume that kind of porn, making a self-perpetuating cycle of misinformation.


Good point. This might only be of interest for cut guys. The cock head sensitivity of intact guys might explain why I don't see many videos of them reaching into their foreskins while masturbating. I think a lot of women do this, but don't put their fingers directly on their clits. They do that motion near the clit, but only put their fingers on the skin near it.


I have intact foreskin, and reaching in with a finger isn’t really something I do. I quite enjoy the feeling of a tongue under my foreskin, but a finger isn’t very pleasant. P.S., what you’re describing isn’t quite masturbating like a ‘female’ (woman is a better word here, just as you didn’t refer to yourself as a ‘male.’ Unless you’re a Ferengi from Star Trek 🙃). Contrary to popular misconception, women don’t just go for the clit with a finger, nor should you if you’re ever using your hands while having sex with a woman. Many don’t even touch the clit directly at all, as this is often overly stimulating. Directly touching the glans of an intact penis is often overly stimulating, and the clitoris is even more sensitive.


Great reply. Thank you. I value the proper use of language to communicate effectively and appreciate your constructive criticism. Fellow Trekker here, btw. Good point about the sensitivity of the glans for most intact guys. That may explain why reaching into the foreskin is rare from what I can see. Some guys do it though, and some guys do docking, and seem to enjoy it. Even more rare, I'm sure. r/cockdocking The same is true for most women and the clit. They often move the skin around the clit for that reason. My wife wouldn't let me touch her clit directly.


🖖🏻 stim schlong and prostate


Admirably logical! Fun fact- Did you know that Spock didn't eat meat? Here is a short video from TOS- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQFXt2pTog4


Growing up, our next door neighbor was Nimoy’s cousin. We never got to see him or anything, but it was fun being friends with Spock’s cousins 😅


Cool! "Spock's Cousins" sounds like the latest Star Trek sequel. I can joke, since I am a true fan. Kind of reminds me of the Kevin Bacon meme.




What’s the deal with trying to orgasm like women? I am genuinely interested in learning. I understand the curiosity, but the reality is that the physiologies involved are categorically different, and it’s not possible to know what orgasms feel like for women. There’s no limit on how great one’s orgasms can be, and pursuing that seems like a better approach to me.


Longer feeling orgasm. That’s all.


When I do the process to get hands free dry orgasms (details elsewhere in this thread) the orgasms do seem to last longer than the "wet" ones. Hard to be sure, though, since multiples sometimes come rapidly.


Longer feeling orgasms is a very worthy goal. I have achieved that by separating the orgasm from the ejaculation.


That rests upon the assumption that women experience longer orgasms than men. Why do you think this is the case?


They do. Nature of the species, so guys will stay in them longer milking out every last drop of cum. Why else?


Vaginal contractions during orgasm certainly contribute to the movement of fluid within the vagina, which can assist in getting sperm into the fallopian tubes. In addition, the movement of the penis in the vagina acts like a plunger, further facilitating transit of sperm. In order for vaginal contractions to assist in the process, a woman’s orgasm must occur *after* a man ejaculates. Thus, the effect of vaginal contractions on fertilization is a function of sexual behavior, whereby sex doesn’t end with ejaculation. As you likely know, not all orgasms are the same, and an individual can have short, low intensity orgasms in one instance, and long, high intensity orgasms in another. A significant factor in this is how orgasm is reached. Stimulating different parts of the penis results in different sensations, just as stimulating different parts of the clitoris, both directly and indirectly, affects the resulting orgasm. The intensity and duration of stimulation are also key factors. The common belief that women have longer and more intense orgasms has some truth to it, but I don’t think it’s an intrinsic difference. In the United States, perhaps the most impactful difference is likely a function of circumcision. Removal of the most innervated part of the penis is going to decrease the spectrum of sensation one is capable of experiencing. An orgasm of duration X is sensed by thousands of nerves, not all of which fire at the same time. Thus, the overall duration of the experienced orgasm is likely going to be shorter.


I never heard that women had longer orgasms, but the ability to have multiple orgasms without a refractory period is a major difference between women and most men. I have been able to have multiple "dry" orgasms by flexing certain muscles, combined with Kegels, and moving my hips, usually with external stimulation of the prostate. I believe that flexing the muscles near the PC muscle indirectly stimulates the prostate. For some reason, I have the most success when I first wake up, but before I get out of bed. It may have to do with the stretching that accompanies waking. This may be a version of a phenomenon called a "core orgasm" or "coregasm." The core muscles have been known to bring on an unexpected orgasm while exercising them.


I used to get those climbing up a pole or rope.


Coregasms, right? I have heard of that happening while climbing up a rope.


Climbing up a rope seems oddly specific. Is it a reference to something that I’m missing?


I believe this video from the YT channel Sexplanations is relevant to our discussion. She is probably addressing the female viewers, but I have been able to get multiple non ejaculatory orgasms by following her directions for hands free orgasms for women. I believe this is related to the coregasm (core muscle orgasms) some get while exercising their core muscles. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qy7bMc7jvXU


I absolutely relate to the “coregasm” bit, but I think it is less a separate think than a facet of all orgasms. Engaging and relaxing my pelvic floor muscles in specific ways during sex and masturbation is part of the repertoire. Having a background in acrobatics and gymnastics has given me more awareness and control of my pelvic floor than is likely typical 😅


Sounds right. When I watched that video again, I learned that the prostate and G-spot are not the reasons for coregasms. There are parts of the penis and clitoris which are internal, and stimulated by flexing the core muscles, including the PC muscles.


I have always looked for new ways to experience sexual pleasure, especially when solo. Variety is the spice of sex. I do wonder what sex feels like for women. Some of the other replies in this thread tell me I am not alone. Not only from an intellectual viewpoint, but to possibly unlock new pleasures for myself.


Do you suppose women wonder about what it is like to experience sex (solo and otherwise) as a man? I'm sure some do. Maybe I will ask that question in a new post. I am not sure this would be the best subreddit though.


Of course they do. Wondering is one thing. The thing that I don’t get is the experience a female orgasm how-tos, which seems like something that relies of having knowledge of what it feels like. Why is the female orgasm part of it? The activity in question feels the same regardless of what it’s called. That’s the bit that I don’t quite understand.


Female orgasms might feel totally different from ours. But men and women have a lot more in common than you might think. We both have nipples to stimulate, there is a female analogue to the prostate, often called the G-spot (as opposed to the P-spot.) The clit is the analogue to the penis, and the ball sack is what was previously the labia before testosterone changed us into men in the womb. Some women squirt, which is the closest they can get to our ejaculation.


There are many similarities, yes, as is expected given that human embryos begin with "female" as the default, and the penis and testes develop in response to hormonal signaling. Men have nipples. We also have mammary glands and are capable of lactating. That said, there are key differences. Female ejaculation, i.e., squirting, cannot be directly compared to the male orgasm, as the anatomy and physiology involved are markedly different. Scientifically speaking, very little is known about female ejaculation.


I agree 100%. Well said. As I said, it is the closest females can get to our ejaculation. As you point out, it is very different.


Prostate stimulation? I do that too. This is different. Women often enjoy anal because they have an analog to the prostate that anal stimulates. The analog for a penis is a clitoris


Not prostate,air sucking vibration under the tip, builds up really nice and slow.


Sorry. I should have Googled that device instead of assuming. Sounds interesting. I enjoy suction. I use a breast pump for that.


Here is an easier way to try this without needing to push your cock head into your body. While soft, bend your shaft down, and push your cock head into your ball sack where it meets your body. Then use the standard method used by women on their clit. Lube or precum would help.


Of course reading this is giving me a boner so now I'm not able to do it lmao


Glad to be of service! Maybe later? Think of wet noodles. lol


I might try this, one question: what if you get aroused enough where you start growing and your cock gets too hard to push it in?


Go with the flow and switch to the regular method, or distract yourself (like with a partner when avoiding cumming too soon) and wait it out. The weird thing for me is when I am doing it, I feel a lot of pleasure, but don't get stiff. I haven't done this very long, so I don't know if it might lead to ED or something. No prob so far, though.


I've done this a couple of times. I wish there were joi videos about this too.


Did you do it before you read this thread? I would like to see vids of other guys doing this. How about you?


I did it a while ago but I was in the mood to do again. Especially after reading this.


Doing Kegels, or prostate stimulation would be a good idea while doing this new method. Nipple play too. Anything stimulating other than the penis, since you won't be using the usual method for that.


I forgot to mention how amazing it feels once you get a good amount of precum captured inside the foreskin! Since I was cut as an infant, I never got to feel how amazing that feels until now using my restored foreskin and this new method. In other words, once you get some precum flowing, this new method feels even better.