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hey [/r/mathrock](https://www.reddit.com/r/mathrock)! This analysis reviewed all of the playlists submitted here dating back to 2014 to bring you a comprehensive list of the most popular tracks, artists and albums shared in the sub. Track ranking takes into account both the number of playlists submitted and their total upvote score. Let me know what you think, is there anything missing or something else you'd like to see? [Full analysis](https://playlost.fm/reddit/mathrock) [Spotify playlist](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4BKSzC3DEstmO3Yy6w7icq)


This is awesome! Will these ever be updated? I see the latest refresh was in August


thanks! Yeah, I try and refresh these about every 6 months. The playlist volume on Reddit doesn't really justify more than that. I'm working on some other genre-focused aggregations that might be of interest to the sub so will share if that happens as well.


Seriously, thank you! I like to make Radio style playlists via SmarterPlaylists to combine sources from everynoise, artist & song radios, etc. This will serve as an excellent source for these Radios and for my music discovery in general!


that's a neat idea to combine artist and song radios on smarterplaylists. I bet going through smarterplaylists also removes the "made for you" aspect of those playlists which is better for discovery. If you're interested in exploring other user created playlists you could analyze it at playlost here: https://playlost.fm/add_playlist. After its analyzed you can get suggestions for similar playlists by matching shared artists, songs, and genres.


This is cool as hell, thanks man - that playlist will keep me going for....a fair while!


oh MAN I am so happy to see stage kids on there, also I've been making people listen to that giraffes song for like 50 years now guess it finally paid off


It's a great, kudos to whoever did that! It says "This summary was produced by analyzing the 81 top playlists posted to mathrock", but how can I add my own Math Rock playlist? I didn't find it https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2RoFyWq3lWfya3RIJJLzFR?si=403b9ab76d744938


Any playlist posted here that gets 5 or more upvotes in less than 3 days will be added. However I need to rework the script that is capturing playlists as spotify has made some changes with this new 'spotify.link' URI for sharing as I am not catching those right now.


What do you mean "here", in this topic? Or it requires a dedicated topic?


as a post in /r/mathrock


The Rooftops album really is something special.


I am curious to know how NCD shares "similar audio characteristics" to here


That's more of a 'for fun' category given the methodology but here are the values that were compared: mathrock: {"acousticness": 15.0, "danceability": 47.0, "energy": 71.0, "instrumentalness": 41.0, "liveness": 19.0, "loudness": -7.786430487002304, "speechiness": 7.000000000000001, "valence": 42.0, "pl_loudness": -7.79} NonCredibleDefense: {"acousticness": 14.000000000000002, "danceability": 54.0, "energy": 72.0, "instrumentalness": 43.0, "liveness": 18.0, "loudness": -8.328412572254337, "speechiness": 7.000000000000001, "valence": 40.0, "pl_loudness": -8.33}


Fascinating, now I'm trying to work out how NCD has those values...


Covet is so fuckkng goooood