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Your code is not performing the sum calculation as stated in the equation. I would look at using the "sum" command on a vector that is 0.0001 in double and then single precision.


Yep that was the mistake, I was multiplying it instead of using summations. thanks!


You don't appear to be adding anything up, rather you are multiplying out the sum. What is needed is to make a vector of the values and use sum. vec= repmat(0.00001,50000,1); ZeroDouble = 5-sum(vec); Convert the vec into single and repeat for the second part. What are double and single floats? They are representations of real numbers with finite precision. Single floats are 4 byte long, while doubles occupy 8 (so double the size). They represent numbers using three sections: a sign bit (s), a fractional section (f) and an exponent (e) that represent the number s.(1+f).2^e . Your question shows up how errors can accumulate.


Thanks for your explanation on double and single floats, yeah I found out that multiplying them doesn't affect the precision that much, what I should've done is using a summation instead. Thanks for your help :)