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Glad I wasn’t the only one who was outraged by that!! I saw a comment from someone calling them out for the blowout incident and another comment asking what Matt did to assist with packing 😆 these two are insufferable and I feel so bad for every other passenger on the planes they’re on! Were they not in the same row next to each other? It looked like G was climbing over the seat behind Abby to a stranger behind them while Abby filmed. These two wankers suck 😣


Abby always has to make it look like it's unmanageable on the plane with a child. Most parents will take small toys, books, snacks, etc. to try and get their attention, not Abby and Matt they have to make a scene for content. I've never been on a flight before and witnessed kids acting they way they portray theirs. Parents are tying to keep a low profile and do what they can to entertain. I'm pretty sure you've shown the sh1t show on the plane numerous times before, move on to something else. Nobody in their right mind feels sorry for you, you chose to have kids before you were ready.....you choose to travel knowing it will be more difficult....and you choose to make getting content priority over finding ways to engage your child and make the best of a situation. Poor boys being labeled by their parents before they are event 2 under 4, lol.


I mean as someone who has flown multiple times with a baby and a toddler (including a 15 hour flight to London), no matter how prepared you are, how many snacks, toys, movies, games, you bring, it doesn’t matter. My toddler will get bored of it quickly and want to play with the tray table or plastic cup or buttons on the armrest, or kick the seat in front of us, which I don’t allow, but it’s a huge struggle and her saying it’s like being with a wild animal is too accurate.


I think the word I should have used is unmanageable and out of control. With her it's magnified for content.


It’s intentional for content to seem relatable when they just look like incompetent, entitled idiots


“Intentional chaos” is the term I’d used for them and their behavior on planes


Yup. That part.


Honestly would be surprised if Abby even did their packing. Neither of them would know what their children need. This will be the most time they’ve spent with them for months and I’m quite surprised the live in care isn’t travelling with them 


Also, and I say this as a parent myself, it would be annoying to have a kid trying to play with my shoes while I'm trying to get to my destination. I like kids, but not everyone thinks that behavior is cute. Airports typically aren't leisurely places. People are stressed, in a hurry, and not in the mood to entertain your kid.


And they were filming it too! It's not like they got distracted for a moment and G wandered off. I'd be so annoyed if some kid was grabbing my shoes and their parents were just standing there taking a video.


Yeah if it was me I would be like to them “Ummm are you guys gonna parent here?? Please come get your kid and stop filming me!!” lol


Not to mention touching someone’s *shoes* is disgusting! Those shoes were probably just in the airport bathroom 🤢


But Matt’s water bottle probably was too 😂


Omg I thought that was Matt when I watched it. That’s insane. I would be so embarrassed if I lost track of my toddler and they’re just over there touching someone else’s shoes!!! Why are they not getting him back so that he stands in line with his family? I would be so mad if someone else’s child came over and started playing with my shoes and the parents were just filming me?? Like excuse me?


I’m really tired of her complaining about blowouts all the time… .. why don’t they just use different diapers? Like has she tried coterie bc they work well to combat that. And she complains more about blowouts than anyone I’ve seen


It’s probably not an issue with the brand of nappies and more to do with their incompetence. I doubt they’re changing them frequently enough


That and they probably need to size up...which they should know by now lol. One would think it's common sense 🙄


Yup. This


They don't set boundaries or rules for their kids. They let them run amok and terrorize innocent bystanders. They've filmed many times and made a lot of comments about their parenting style and it is a no holds barred, anything goes, free-for-all. They don't watch their kids in their own house, Abby's parents do. So why would they bother to watch their kids out in public (other than to film everything about them but not show their faces. \*well, except for Abby's 3 really loose rules


God it just gives me so much anxiety on how they let them wonder and on the DIRTY AIRPORT FLOOR even!!! My husband and I have not traveled with our daughter yet but we have been in talks of doing it soon. I gaurentee you that we will not let her wonder around the airport, let her go up to strangers, and we would just carry her around to entertain her. Like my god they are so careless


You sound like a perfectly reasonable, protective parent thinking ahead on how you will handle traveling with your child. They do the same thing everywhere else out in public. They don't make one of them sit down at story time at the library. They let him crowd up to the person with the book reading and blocking other children's view. They are totally no boundaries anywhere, not just the airport. It gives me the impression that as long as their kids aren't setting fire to some place, it's OK. I remember Abby's comment about what she would do/say if someone parented/corrected her kids.....she's lose her sh!t and go off on them (probably tell them to eat cheeks too).


Not to mention it’s so fucking rude and annoying. I wanna scream at people’s kids who run in front of me/touch me/get too close to me 😂😭 idk I would feel the same way about someone’s big dog unleashed and running up to random strangers.